stages: - build - test compile: stage: build image: golang:alpine script: - source ./env - go build -tags "$TAGS" -ldflags "$LDFLAGS" ./cmd/hepto.go artifacts: paths: - hepto expire_in: 1 week variables: GOPATH: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.go before_script: - apk add --no-cache git gcc g++ libseccomp-dev libseccomp-static - git fetch --tags - mkdir -p .go cache: paths: - .go/pkg/mod/ .before_script_template: &ansible-job image: before_script: - echo "$VAULT_PASSWORD" > /tmp/vault - eval $(ssh-agent -s) - ssh-add <(echo "$SSH_KEY"|base64 -d) variables: # The ansible vault only contains secret variables, cluster config itself # is set from the documentation inventory ANSIBLE_ARGS: -i .ci-vault -i docs/inventory_cloud.yaml --vault-password-file /tmp/vault -e node_prefix=ci-$CI_JOB_ID upload: stage: test <<: *ansible-job script: - ansible $ANSIBLE_ARGS -m include_tasks -a file=ansible/ciupload.yaml localhost test-cluster: stage: test needs: upload <<: *ansible-job parallel: matrix: - PROVIDER: scaleway IMAGE: - debian12 - PROVIDER: hetzner IMAGE: - debian12 script: - ansible-playbook $ANSIBLE_ARGS ansible/cloud.yaml -e cloud_provider=$PROVIDER -e image=$IMAGE - ansible-playbook $ANSIBLE_ARGS ansible/test_podinfo.yaml after_script: - ansible-playbook $ANSIBLE_ARGS ansible/cleanup.yaml