diff --git a/hiboo/application/templates/application_writefreely.html b/hiboo/application/templates/application_writefreely.html
index 5b46b5970ed7662f3203cf61ff1a43d50bb7caee..29adf013576822da955e551497145d39487f6b85 100644
--- a/hiboo/application/templates/application_writefreely.html
+++ b/hiboo/application/templates/application_writefreely.html
@@ -14,4 +14,55 @@ inspect_endpoint   = {{ url_for("sso.oidc_userinfo", service_uuid=service.uuid,
 auth_endpoint      = {{ url_for("sso.oidc_authorize", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=False) }}
+<h3>Migrating accounts</h3>
+<p>If you are running an existing WriteFreely server, you may import your existing accounts as claimable
+    profiles under Hiboo.
+<p>Accounts are stored in the <i>users</i> table of the database. The following SQL query exports
+    userid, username, password hash, and user email as alternate claim to a CSV file. It dynamically converts the password
+    to use a proper crypt context hash identifier, so that Hiboo will recognize the hash.
+    use writefreely;
+    select
+      username, password from users
+    into
+        outfile 'usersWF.csv'
+        fields terminated by ',';
+<p>Run the following command to import these profiles as unclaimed:</p>
+    flask profile csv-unclaimed {{ service.uuid }} /var/lib/mysql/writefreely/usersWF.csv
+   Click on "View profiles" on top of this page and click on "Export unclaimed profiles", save the csv file in /var/lib/mysql/writefreely/unclaimedWF.csv.
+   Use this script onWritefreely database:
+    use writefreely;
+    CREATE TABLE tmp_hiboo (
+        service_client_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+        profile_name VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+        profile_uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
+        PRIMARY KEY (profile_uuid)
+    );
+    LOAD DATA INFILE 'unclaimedWF.csv' 
+    INTO TABLE tmp_hiboo 
+    ENCLOSED BY '"'
+    INSERT INTO oauth_users (user_id, remote_user_id, provider, client_id)  
+    SELECT wf.id, h.profile_uuid, 'generic', h.service_client_id
+    FROM tmp_hiboo h
+    left join
+        users wf
+    ON h.profile_name = wf.username
 {% include "application_oidc.html" %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hiboo/profile/admin.py b/hiboo/profile/admin.py
index 1a99cb0dd1a8e750cdec4df3238b3674b89206ad..3afc2080936112f707109ef9c687cf1d5169535a 100644
--- a/hiboo/profile/admin.py
+++ b/hiboo/profile/admin.py
@@ -23,6 +23,14 @@ def list_for_service(service_uuid):
+def unclaimed_export_for_service(service_uuid):
+    service = models.Service.query.get(service_uuid) or flask.abort(404)
+    return flask.render_template("profile_unclaimed_export.html", profiles=service.profiles,
+        service=service)
 def details(profile_uuid):
diff --git a/hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html b/hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html
index 08b1e6f95eb9f315be662bc011bbeaa9b82cf688..11626efdd79a93c5b82e9ed242989ceec91aa5e0 100644
--- a/hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html
+++ b/hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
             {% endif %}
             <th>{% trans %}Profile username{% endtrans %}</th>
             <th>{% trans %}Owned by{% endtrans %}</th>
+            <th>{% trans %}UUID{% endtrans %}</th>
             <th>{% trans %}Status{% endtrans %}</th>
             <th>{% trans %}Created on{% endtrans %}</th>
             <th>{% trans %}Actions{% endtrans %}</th>
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@
             <td>{{ profile.username }}</td>
             {% endif %}
+            <td>{{ profile.uuid }}</td>
             <td><span class="badge bg-{{ status[0] }}">{{ status[1] }}</span></td>
             <td>{{ profile.created_at.date() }}</td>
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@
 {% block actions %}
 {% if service %}
+<a href="{{ url_for(".unclaimed_export_for_service", service_uuid=service.uuid) }}" class="btn btn-success" download>{% trans %}Export unclaimed profiles{% endtrans %}</a>
 <a href="{{ url_for(".create_for", service_uuid=service.uuid) }}" class="btn btn-success">{% trans %}Create profile{% endtrans %}</a>
 {% endif %}
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/hiboo/profile/templates/profile_unclaimed_export.html b/hiboo/profile/templates/profile_unclaimed_export.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b61bf6acbc2ee22dd6c535b145c1df7e5cbfe699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hiboo/profile/templates/profile_unclaimed_export.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{% for profile in profiles %}{% if profile.user_uuid %}{% else %}{{service.config["client_id"]}},{{ profile.username }},{{ profile.uuid }}
+{% endif %}{% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file