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  • acides/hiboo
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13 results
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""" The SAML SSO provider implements a subset of SAML2 SSO features
It relies heavily on pysaml2. The only supported binding is HTTP-Redirect.
Instead of simply using pysaml2 however, it overrides the original MetaData
store and removes all unnecessary bits for Hiboo, keeping only the basics of
request parsing and response crafting.
from hiboo.sso import blueprint, common
from hiboo import profile, security
from saml2 import mdstore, server, sigver, metadata
import saml2
import base64
import flask
IDP_CERT_NAME = "{}-idp"
SP_CERT_NAME = "{}-sp"
def setup(service):
if "idp_cert" not in service.config:
key, _, cert = common.generate_rsa_certificate(IDP_CERT_NAME.format(service.uuid))
service.config.update({"idp_key": key, "idp_cert": cert})
if "sp_cert" not in service.config:
key, _, cert = common.generate_rsa_certificate(SP_CERT_NAME.format(service.uuid))
service.config.update({"sp_key": key, "sp_cert": cert})
class MetaData(mdstore.InMemoryMetaData):
""" Implements metadata for a single service. In Hiboo, every service has
its own IDP with its own set of metadata.
def __init__(self, attrc, service, **kwargs):
super(MetaData, self).__init__(attrc, **kwargs)
self._service = service
def load(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Load the SP metadata
# We simply load a dummy metadata for an SPSSO descriptor, with a
# standard ACS and no required attribute (since attributes are fixed
# when using Hiboo)
self.entity[self._service.config["entityid"]] = {
"spsso_descriptor": [{
"attribute_consuming_service": [{"requested_attribute": []}],
"key_descriptor": [{"key_info": {"x509_data": [{
"x509_certificate": {"text": self._service.config["sp_cert"]}
"assertion_consumer_service": [{
"location": self._service.config["acs"],
"binding": saml2.BINDING_HTTP_POST
def get_config(cls, service):
""" Load the IDP metadata and config
entity_id = flask.url_for("sso.saml_metadata", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=True)
redirect_endpoint = flask.url_for("sso.saml_redirect", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=True)
# Todo: stop writing so many files, use the service uuid instead
# or switch to xmlsec lib altogether
key_file = sigver.make_temp(service.config["idp_key"], '.pem', decode=False, delete_tmpfiles=False)
cert_file = sigver.make_temp(service.config["idp_cert"], '.pem', decode=False, delete_tmpfiles=False)
config = {
"entityid": entity_id,
"service": {"idp": {
# Simple IDP metadata, that only support HTTP redirect
"endpoints": {"single_sign_on_service": [
(redirect_endpoint, saml2.BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT)
"policy": {"default": {
"lifetime": {"minutes": 15},
"attribute_restrictions": None,
"name_form": saml2.saml.NAME_FORMAT_URI,
"entity_categories": []
# TODO: later, we want to support signed requests (and why not
# encrypted responses, etc.)
# "want_authn_requests_signed": True,
# Name ids are only profile uuid and usernames, so they comply with
# the persistent standard
"name_id_format": [saml2.saml.NAMEID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT]
# The IDP only has one metadata, because we spawn one IDP per SP
"class": "hiboo.sso.saml.MetaData",
"metadata": [(service, )]
return saml2.config.config_factory("idp", config)
@blueprint.route("/saml/redirect/<service_uuid>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def saml_redirect(service_uuid):
service = common.get_service(service_uuid, __name__)
# Get the profile from user input (implies redirects)
picked = profile.get_profile(service, intent=True) or flask.abort(403)
# Parse the authentication request (which checks the signature)
idp = server.Server(config=(MetaData.get_config(service)))
xml = flask.request.args["SAMLRequest"]
request = idp.parse_authn_request(xml, saml2.BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT)
# Provide a SAML response
response = idp.create_authn_response(
# We currently only authenticate by password, this will change
authn={"class_ref": saml2.saml.AUTHN_PASSWORD},
sign_response=service.config["sign_mode"] == "response",
sign_assertion=service.config["sign_mode"] == "assertion",
encoded = base64.b64encode(str(response).encode("utf8")).decode("ascii")
return flask.render_template("sso_redirect.html",
target=service.config["acs"], data={
"SAMLResponse": encoded,
"RelayState": flask.request.args.get("RelayState", "")
def saml_metadata(service_uuid):
service = common.get_service(service_uuid, __name__)
config = MetaData.get_config(service)
xml, _ = metadata.entities_descriptor(
120, service.uuid, service.uuid, False, None
response = flask.make_response(str(xml))
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml"
return response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EntitiesDescriptor Name="{{ service.uuid }}" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" xmlns:dsig="">
<EntityDescriptor entityID="{{ entityid }}">
<IDPSSODescriptor WantAuthnRequestsSigned="true" protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol">
<KeyDescriptor use="signing">
<dsig:X509Certificate>{{ "".join(service.config["idp_cert"].strip().split("\n")[1:-1]) }}</dsig:X509Certificate>
<SingleSignOnService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" Location="{{ url_for("sso.saml_redirect", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=True) }}" />
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<body onload="document.forms[0].submit()">
{% trans %}Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button once to proceed.{% endtrans %}
<form action="{{ target }}" method="post">
{% for key, value in data.items() %}
<input type="hidden" name="{{ key }}" value="{{ value }}">
{% endfor %}
<input type="submit" value="Ok"/>
{% import "macros.html" as macros %}
{% from 'bootstrap5/form.html' import render_form %}
{% from 'bootstrap5/utils.html' import render_icon %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html data-bs-theme="dark">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
{{ bootstrap.load_css() }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='app.css') }}">
<title>{{ config['WEBSITE_NAME'] }}</title>
{% block head %}
{% endblock %}
<div class="app-wrapper">
<aside class="app-sidebar sidebar border-end bg-body-tertiary">
<div id="sidebarMenu"
class="offcanvas-md offcanvas-end"
<div class="offcanvas-header">
<h5 class="offcanvas-title" id="sidebarMenuLabel">Hiboo</h5>
<button type="button"
<div class="offcanvas-body p-2 overflow-y-auto">
<ul class="nav nav-pills flex-column flex-nowrap justify-content-center w-100"
<a class="navbar-brand col-md-3 col-lg-2 mt-2 px-3 fs-6" href="/">Hiboo</a>
<hr class="my-3">
{% include "sidebar.html" %}
<div class="app-main-wrapper">
<header class="app-header navbar navbar-expand navbar-dark sticky-top bg-danger flex-md-nowrap shadow">
<div class="container-fluid">
<ul class="navbar-nav flex-row ms-auto">
<li class="nav-item text-nowrap d-md-none">
<button class="nav-link px-3 text"
aria-label="Toggle navigation">
<span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>
<span class="visually-hidden">{% trans %}Toggle navigation{% endtrans %}</span>
{% include "themes.html" %}
<li class="nav-item">
{% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
<div class="nav-link text-white px-3">{{ render_icon("person-fill") }} {{ }}</div>
{% endif %}
<main class="app-main px-md-4">
<div class="container-fluid">
<section class="d-flex justify-content-between flex-wrap flex-md-nowrap align-items-center pt-3 pb-2 mb-3 border-bottom">
{% if self.title() %}
<h2>{% block title %}{{ title }}{% endblock %}</h2>
{% endif %}
{% if self.subtitle() %}
<div class="h4">{% block subtitle %}{{ subtitle }}{% endblock %}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if self.submenu() %}
<div>{% block submenu %}{{ submenu }}{% endblock %}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if self.actions() %}
<div class="me-2">{% block actions %}{% endblock %}</div>
{% endif %}
<section class="content">
{% for category, message in get_flashed_messages(with_categories=True) or [] %}
<div class="alert alert-{{ category or "info" }} text-break">{{ message|safe }}</div>
{% endfor %}
{% if current_user.time_to_deletion and current_user.time_to_deletion() %}
{% set timedelta = utils.babel.dates.format_timedelta(current_user.time_to_deletion()) %}
<div class="alert alert-warning">
{% trans %}Your account has no active profile, it will be deleted in {{ timedelta }}{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
<footer class="app-footer">
<div class="container-fluid text-secondary">
{% trans %}<a href="">Hiboo</a> is free software distributed under the <a href="">GPLv3</a> license{% endtrans %}
{% block scripts %}
{{ bootstrap.load_js() }}
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='app.js') }}"></script>
{% endblock %}
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}
{% trans %}Confirm your action{% endtrans %}
{% endblock %}
{% block subtitle %}{{ action }}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<p>{% trans action %}Your are about to {{ action }}. Do you wish to confirm that action?{% endtrans %}</p>
{{ render_form(form) }}
{% endblock %}
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-lg-6">{{ render_form(form, form_type='horizontal', horizontal_columns=('lg', 3, 9) ) }}</div>
{% endblock %}
{% from 'bootstrap5/utils.html' import render_icon %}
{% from 'bootstrap5/pagination.html' import render_pagination %}
{% set colors = ["indigo", "green", "orange", "teal", "pink", "purple", "cyan"] %}
{% macro timeline(events, public_only=True) %}
<div class="timeline">
{% set dates = [] %}
{% for event in events if event.public or not public_only %}
{% if not == dates[-1] %}
{% set _ = dates.append( %}
<div class="time-label">
<span class="bg-primary-subtle text-primary-emphasis">{{ }}</span>
{% endif %}
<div class="timeline-icon bg-secondary-subtle text-secondary-emphasis">
{{ history_category_icons(event) }}
<div class="timeline-item border border-secondary-subtle rounded">
<span class="time">{{ render_icon("clock") }} {{ event.created_at.time().strftime("%H:%M") }}</span>
<h3 class="timeline-header rounded{% if event.comment %}-top{% endif %}">
<strong>{{ or }}</strong>
{{ event.description }}
{% if event.comment %}
<div class="timeline-body text-secondary-emphasis">
{{ event.comment }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if ( and (events.has_next or events.has_prev) %}
{{ render_pagination(events, align="center") }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro profile_status(profile) %}
{% set current = profile.STATUSES[profile.status] %}
{% set c = current[0] %}
<span class="badge border rounded-pill bg-{{ c }}-subtle border-{{ c }}-subtle text-{{ c }}-emphasis">
{{ current[1] }}
{% if profile.transition_step %}
{% set transition = profile.TRANSITIONS[profile.transition] %}
{% set target = profile.STATUSES[] %}
{% set c = target[0] %}
<span class="badge text-secondary-emphasis">{{ render_icon("arrow-right") }}</span>
<span class="badge rounded-pill border bg-{{ c }}-subtle border-{{ c }}-subtle text-{{ c }}-emphasis">
{{ target[1] }}
{% if profile.transition_step == profile.INIT %}
<span class="badge text-secondary-emphasis">{{ render_icon("clock") }} {{ }}</span>
{% elif profile.transition_step == profile.START %}
<span class="badge text-secondary-emphasis">{{ render_icon("rocket") }}</span>
{% elif profile.transition_step == profile.DONE %}
<span class="badge text-secondary-emphasis">{{ render_icon("check") }}</span>
{% elif profile.transition_step == profile.MANUAL %}
<span class="badge text-secondary-emphasis">
<a href="{{ url_for("profile.complete_transition", profile_uuid=profile.uuid) }}">{{ render_icon("hand-index-fill") }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro auths_badges(auths) %}
{% for realm, auth in auths.items() %}
{% set c = auth.BADGES[realm] %}
<span class="badge border rounded-pill bg-{{ c }}-subtle border-{{ c }}-subtle text-{{ c }}-emphasis">
{{ realm }}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro groups_badges(groups) %}
{% for group in groups %}
<span class="badge border rounded-pill bg-secondary-subtle border-secondary-subtle">
<a class="text-secondary-emphasis" href="{{ url_for("group.details", group_uuid=group.uuid) }}">
{{ group.groupname }}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro history_category_icons(event) %}
{{ render_icon({
'signup': 'box-arrow-in-right',
'create': 'plus',
'edit': 'pen-fill',
'delete': "person-dash-fill",
'note': "pen-fill",
'status': "check",
'transition': 'caret-right-fill',
'password': 'key-fill',
'mfa': 'qr-code',
'group': 'diagram-3-fill'
}[event.category]) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro infobox(title, text, color, icon) %}
{% set c = color %}
<div class="card mb-3 border-left">
<div class="card-header text-{{ c }}-emphasis border-{{ c }}-subtle bg-{{ c }}-subtle">
<p class="card-text">
{{ render_icon(icon) }}<small>{{ title }}</small>
<div class="card-body">
<p class="card-text">{{ text }}</p>
{% endmacro %}
{% set r = request.endpoint %}
{% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
<h6 class="sidebar-heading d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center px-3 mt-4 mb-1 text-uppercase">
{% trans %}Account{% endtrans %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('account.home') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for("account.home") }}">
{{ render_icon("house-fill") }}
{% trans %}My account{% endtrans %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('account.profiles') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for("account.profiles") }}">
{{ render_icon("person-vcard-fill") }}
{% trans %}My profiles{% endtrans %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for("") }}">
{{ render_icon("envelope-fill") }}
{% trans %}My contact info{% endtrans %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('account.password') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for("account.password") }}">
{{ render_icon("key-fill") }}
{% trans %}Change password{% endtrans %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('account.totp') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for("account.totp") }}">
{{ render_icon("qr-code") }}
{% trans %}Two-factor authentication{% endtrans %}
{% else %}
{% if config['OPEN_SIGNUP'] %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('account.signup') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for("account.signup") }}">
{{ render_icon("signpost-fill") }}
{% trans %}Sign up{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('account.signin_password') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for("account.signin_password") }}">
{{ render_icon("box-arrow-in-right") }}
{% trans %}Sign in{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% if current_user.is_admin %}
<h6 class="sidebar-heading d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center px-3 mt-4 mb-1 text-uppercase">
{% trans %}Admin{% endtrans %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('service') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for("service.list") }}">
{{ render_icon("window-stack") }}
{% trans %}Services{% endtrans %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('user.list') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for("user.list") }}">
{{ render_icon("people-fill") }}
{% trans %}Users{% endtrans %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('group') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for("group.list") }}">
{{ render_icon("diagram-3-fill") }}
{% trans %}Groups{% endtrans %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('moderation') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for("moderation.pending_profiles") }}">
{{ render_icon("person-fill-exclamation") }}
{% trans %}Moderation{% endtrans %}
{% if utils.pending_requests() %}
<span class="badge text-bg-warning" style="vertical-align: text-bottom">{{ utils.pending_requests() }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<hr class="my-3">
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2{% if r.startswith('docs') %} active{% endif %}"
href="{{ url_for('docs.index') if current_user.is_authenticated else '' }}">
{{ render_icon("book") }}
{% trans %}Documentation{% endtrans %}
{% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link d-flex align-items-center gap-2"
href="{{ url_for("account.signout") }}">
{{ render_icon("box-arrow-left") }}
{% trans %}Sign out{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
<svg xmlns="" class="d-none">
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<path d="M13.854 3.646a.5.5 0 0 1 0 .708l-7 7a.5.5 0 0 1-.708 0l-3.5-3.5a.5.5 0 1 1 .708-.708L6.5 10.293l6.646-6.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0z" />
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<li class="nav-item dropdown">
<button class="nav-link dropdown-toggle"
aria-label="Toggle theme (auto)">
<svg class="bi my-1 theme-icon-active"
<use href="#circle-half"></use>
<span class="visually-hidden" id="bd-theme-text">Toggle theme</span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end shadow"
<button type="button"
class="dropdown-item d-flex align-items-center"
<svg class="bi me-2 opacity-50"
<use href="#sun-fill"></use>
<svg class="bi ms-auto d-none"
<use href="#check2"></use>
<button type="button"
class="dropdown-item d-flex align-items-center"
<svg class="bi me-2 opacity-50"
<use href="#moon-stars-fill"></use>
<svg class="bi ms-auto d-none"
<use href="#check2"></use>
<button type="button"
class="dropdown-item d-flex align-items-center active"
<svg class="bi me-2 opacity-50"
<use href="#circle-half"></use>
<svg class="bi ms-auto d-none"
<use href="#check2"></use>
# English translations for PROJECT.
# Copyright (C) 2019 ORGANIZATION
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2025-01-03 13:55+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language: en\n"
"Language-Team: en <>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.16.0\n"
#: hiboo/
msgid "cancel"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "cancel ongoing profile actions"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "The name must be at least {} and at most {} characters long"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "Sorry, this username is not available"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include lowercase letters, digits, dots, hyphens"
" and underscores, but may not begin or end with dots or"
" hyphens."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include letters, digits, dots, hyphens and "
"underscores, but may not begin or end with dots or hyphens."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include letters, digits, dots, hyphens, "
"underscores and spaces, but may not begin or end with dots,"
" hyphens or spaces."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation is impossible"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation is reserved to managers"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation must be validated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "Additional profiles must be validated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "No validation is required"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "unclaimed"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "requested"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "active"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "blocked"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "deleted"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "purged"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "assign"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "assigned"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "assign this profile to a user"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "activate"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "activated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "activate this profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "reject"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "rejected"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "reject this request"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "block"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "block this profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "unblock"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "unblocked"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "unblock this blocked profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "delete"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "delete this profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "purge"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "delete and purge this profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "signed up for this account"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "created the profile {} on {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "changed this account password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "modified this account multi-factor authentication (MFA) setting"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"set the {} profile {} as "
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"{this.transition.label_alt} the profile {} on "
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:38 hiboo/profile/
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:14
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:12
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:50
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:13
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:13
msgid "Username"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:4
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:33 hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:56
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Enter the one-time password delivered by your client"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "The username can be between 3 and 30 characters long. {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Prove that you are human, copy the following text"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:12
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signup.html:4
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:6
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:31
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:48
msgid "Sign up"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Old password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_password.html:4
msgid "New password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm new password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:32
msgid "Change password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Matrix ID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/templates/account_contact.html:4
msgid "Update contact info"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong credentials"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired signup link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "A user with the same username exists already"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Signed up using the Web form"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "User created successfully"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired reset link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully reset your password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong credentials, check your old password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP is valid"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP has been enabled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully enabled TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Failed to enable TOTP, wrong TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid ""
"Scan this QR code or use the informations below it to configure your TOTP"
" client"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "disable TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP has been disabled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully disabled TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully updated your contact info"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_password_reset.html:4
msgid "Reset your password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:4
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:4
msgid "Two-factor authentication (2FA)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:7
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:7
msgid "with time-based one-time password (TOTP)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:12
msgid ""
"TOTP is an optional secondary layer of the authentication\n"
" process used to enforce the protection of your account with a one-"
" password. You can read\n"
" <a href=\""
" Wikipedia page</a>\n"
" if you want to learn more about this mechanism."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:22
msgid "Two-factor authentication is enabled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:23
msgid "Click on <i>Disable TOTP</i> to disable it"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:27
msgid "Test your one-time password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:28
msgid "Feel free to use this form in order to check your client configuration"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:37
msgid "Two-factor authentication is disabled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:38
msgid "Click on <i>Enable TOTP</i> to configure it"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:41
msgid "Attention"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:42
msgid ""
"You will need a working TOTP client in order to complete\n"
" this configuration. Several open-source apps can help you for "
" (and some on mobile are available on\n"
" <a href=\"\">\n"
" F-Droid</a>)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:54
msgid "Disable TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:56
msgid "Enable TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:18
msgid "Secret key"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:21
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:12
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:24
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:35
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:4
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:4
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:11
msgid "My account"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:7
msgid "status and history"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:16
msgid "Account age"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:19
msgid "Profile count"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:24
msgid "Pending requests"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "Role"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "administrator"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "registered user"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:33
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:27
msgid "Membership"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:7
msgid "my profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:23
msgid "No profile description"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:36
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:53
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:58
msgid "Create another profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:41
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:56
msgid "Request another profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:47
msgid "Claim another profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:56
#, python-format
msgid "Profile will be %(status)s in %(when)s"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:7
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:7
msgid "to access your account"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:18
#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you don't already have an account, you can <a "
"href=\"%(signup_url)s\">sign up</a> now!"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:4
msgid "Time-based one-time password (TOTP) verify"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signup.html:7
msgid "for a new account"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:17
msgid "Service name"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:25
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:18
msgid "Provider"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/group/
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:21
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:14
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:21
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Profile policy"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Maximum profile count"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Profile username format"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Enable single-profile behavior (no custom username, no additional profile)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Submit"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Gitlab"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Gitlab URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Grafana"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Grafana URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mastodon"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mastodon URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse homeserver URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse hosted domain"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse administrator token"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Search keyword"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:9
msgid "RoomID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
msgid "Display"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "MXID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "WriteFreely"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "WriteFreely URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "PeerTube"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "PeerTube URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Flarum"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Flarum URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Generic OIDC"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Redirect URI"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Token Endpoint Auth Method"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "HTTP POST data"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "HTTP basic authorization"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "No authentication"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "OpenID Connect grant type"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Authorization Code"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Implicit"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Hybrid"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Allowed response types"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Authorization code only"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Id token only"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Id token and token"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Enabled special claim mappings"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mask the profile uuid"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Return the actual user email"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Return all claims independently of asked scopes"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Generic SAML2"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "SP entity id"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "SP ACS"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Signature mode"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Sign the full response"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Sign only the assertion"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud (SAML)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Seafile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Seafile URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:4
msgid "OIDC discovery endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:6
msgid "Authorization endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:8
msgid "Token endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:10
msgid "Userinfo endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:12
msgid "Client ID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:14
msgid "Client secret"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_pick.html:4
msgid "Select application type"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_pick.html:19
msgid "Select"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:4
msgid "SAML Metadata"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:6
msgid "SSO redirect binding"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:8
msgid "ACS"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:10
msgid "IDP certificate"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:12
msgid "SP certificate"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:14
msgid "SP private key"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/media.html:7
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/media.html:8
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/room.html:20
msgid "Member"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:10
msgid "Alias"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:11
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:13
msgid "Members (local)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:14
msgid "Properties"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/user.html:23
msgid "Devices"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group name"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/ hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:63
msgid "Edit group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Available users"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Users already in the group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Update group memberships"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Create"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "A group with the same name exists already"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group created successfully"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Delete the group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group {} was deleted"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:33 hiboo/group/
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:38
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group {} was renamed to {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group successfully updated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "User {} was added to the group {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "User {} was removed from the group {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group memberships successfully updated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_create.html:3
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:46
msgid "Create a group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:4
msgid "group details"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:11
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:13
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:15
msgid "groupname"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:17
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:24
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:20
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:37
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:15
msgid "UUID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:39 hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:82
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:14
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:40
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:24
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:15
msgid "Auth. methods"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:41
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:17
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:22
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:16
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:14
msgid "Created on"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:62
msgid "Manage members"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:64
msgid "Delete group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_edit.html:3
msgid "Edit a group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:3
msgid "Group list"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:4
msgid "all available groups"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:13
msgid "Group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:15
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:32
msgid "Members"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:16
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:19
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:23
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:49
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:22
msgid "Actions"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:34
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_membership.html:4
msgid "Manage members of group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:3
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:89
msgid "Moderation"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:9
msgid "Pending profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:14
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:16
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:17
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:49
msgid "Service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:15
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:18
msgid "Profile username"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:16
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:19
msgid "Owned by"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:18
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:28
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:21
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:51
msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:46
msgid "Activity"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Comment"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Username spoof protection"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid ""
"Prevent to register a profile username that case-insensitively exists in "
"user database"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:60
msgid "Create profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_claim.html:5
msgid "Claim profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/
msgid "You cannot request a profile for this service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "You already own a profile for this service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "You have reached the maximum number of profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid ""
"The creation of your profile requires approval, so don't forget to "
"contact us after filling in the form"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "A profile with that username exists already"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Successfully claimed the profile!"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Wrong username or password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "change the profile status"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was requested"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "cancel the profile status change"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was completed"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_action.html:18
msgid "Show profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_claim.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:9
#, python-format
msgid "for the service %(service_name)s"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:5
msgid "New profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:10
msgid "and user"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:5
msgid "profile details"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:19
msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:32
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:18
msgid "Created at"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:6
msgid "profile list"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:58
msgid "Export unclaimed profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:5
msgid "Pick a profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:23
#, python-format
msgid "Created on %(created_on)s"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:49
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:41
msgid "Claim a profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:18
#, python-format
msgid "Your new %(service_name)s profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:22
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please click the \"Sign up\" button to initialize your %(service_name)s "
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:25
msgid ""
"If you wish to pick a different username, please click the \"Create a "
"custom profile\" button."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:44
msgid "Create a custom profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "Service successfully created"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "Service successfully updated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "delete the service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "change the service application template"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_action.html:17
msgid "Show service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_create.html:5
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:56
msgid "Create a service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_create.html:8
#, python-format
msgid "add a %(application_name)s service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:5
msgid "service details"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:29
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:19
msgid "Application"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:33
msgid "Application destriction"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:89
msgid "View profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:91
msgid "Edit this service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:93
msgid "Change application"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:95
msgid "Delete this service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_edit.html:4
msgid "Edit a service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:4
msgid "Service list"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:7
msgid "all available services"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:20
msgid "Policy"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:21
msgid "Max profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:37
msgid "Profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/sso/templates/sso_redirect.html:8
msgid ""
"Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button"
" once to proceed."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:56
msgid "Toggle navigation"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:92
#, python-format
msgid "Your account has no active profile, it will be deleted in %(timedelta)s"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:101
msgid ""
"<a href=\"\">Hiboo</a> is free "
"software distributed under the <a "
" license"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/confirm.html:4
msgid "Confirm your action"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/confirm.html:9
#, python-format
msgid "Your are about to %(action)s. Do you wish to confirm that action?"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:5
msgid "Account"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:18
msgid "My profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:25
msgid "My contact info"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:39
msgid "Two-factor authentication"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:62
msgid "Admin"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:68
msgid "Services"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:75
msgid "Users"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:97
msgid "About"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:104
msgid "User guide"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:110
msgid "Admin guide"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:119
msgid "Sign out"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Contact"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Check"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} is a registred contact for user {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} is not a registred contact for user {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} hasn't registred any contact info"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "generate a password reset link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/ hiboo/user/
msgid "Reset link: {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "generate a totp reset link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "generate a signup link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Signup link:<br> <code>{}</code>"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_contact_check.html:4
msgid "User contact check"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_contact_check.html:9
msgid "For email, double check the <code>From:</code> field in email headers"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:4
msgid "user details"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:21
msgid "Updated at"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:31
msgid "Deleted in"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:44
msgid "Profile list"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:71
msgid "Contact check"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:72
msgid "Password reset"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:74
msgid "TOTP reset"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:3
msgid "Manage users"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:37
msgid "Invitation link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:3
msgid "Pick a user"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "assign the profile to a user"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your username must be comprised "
#~ "of lowercase letters, numbers and '-'"
#~ " '_' only"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "TOTP is an optional secondary layer "
#~ "of the authentication process used to"
#~ " enforce the protection of your "
#~ "account with a one-time password. "
#~ "You can read <a "
#~ "href=\""
#~ "time_password\">this Wikipedia page</a> if you"
#~ " want to learn more about this "
#~ "mechanism."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "You will need a working TOTP "
#~ "client in order to complete this "
#~ "configuration. Several open-source apps "
#~ "can help you for this (and some"
#~ " on mobile are available on <a "
#~ "href=\"\">F-Droid</a>)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Default ({})"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ">SP certificate"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Successfully assigned the profile"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Not shared with anyone"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you wish to pick a different"
#~ " username, please click the \"Custom "
#~ "profile\" button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Dark theme"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Requested profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Blocked profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Signup link: {}"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "must be at least {} and at most {} characters long"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "must comprise only of "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "did {this.transition.label} the profile "
#~ "{} on {}"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your reached the maximum number of profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your profile creation requires approval, please contact us!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your account has no active profile, it will be deleted in"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Hiboo is free software distributed under the MIT license"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The name can only include {}"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "lowercase letters, digits, dots, dashes, and underscores"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "letters, digits, dots, dashes and underscores"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your username must be comprised of "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It can only include lowercase letters,"
#~ " digits, dots, hyphens and underscores, "
#~ "but may not begin or end with "
#~ "dots or hyphens."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It can only include letters, digits, "
#~ "dots, hyphens and underscores, but may"
#~ " not begin or end with dots or"
#~ " hyphens."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<a href=\"\">Hiboo</a> "
#~ "is free software distributed under the"
#~ " MIT license"
#~ msgstr ""
# Esperanto translations for PROJECT.
# Copyright (C) 2020 ORGANIZATION
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2025-01-03 13:55+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-29 11:45+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jae Beojkkoch <>\n"
"Language: eo\n"
"Language-Team: Esperanto "
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.16.0\n"
#: hiboo/
msgid "cancel"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "cancel ongoing profile actions"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "The name must be at least {} and at most {} characters long"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "Sorry, this username is not available"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include lowercase letters, digits, dots, hyphens"
" and underscores, but may not begin or end with dots or"
" hyphens."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include letters, digits, dots, hyphens and "
"underscores, but may not begin or end with dots or hyphens."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include letters, digits, dots, hyphens, "
"underscores and spaces, but may not begin or end with dots,"
" hyphens or spaces."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation is impossible"
msgstr "Profila kreado estas neebla"
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation is reserved to managers"
msgstr "Profila kreado estas rezervita por administrantoj"
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation must be validated"
msgstr "Profila kreado devas esti validigita"
#: hiboo/
msgid "Additional profiles must be validated"
msgstr "Pliaj profiloj devas esti validigitaj"
#: hiboo/
msgid "No validation is required"
msgstr "Neniu validigo necesas"
#: hiboo/
msgid "unclaimed"
msgstr "ne reklamita"
#: hiboo/
msgid "requested"
msgstr "petita"
#: hiboo/
msgid "active"
msgstr "aktiva"
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "blocked"
msgstr "blokita"
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "deleted"
msgstr "forigita"
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "purged"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "assign"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "assigned"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "assign this profile to a user"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "activate"
msgstr "aktiva"
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "activated"
msgstr "aktiva"
#: hiboo/
msgid "activate this profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "reject"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "rejected"
msgstr "petita"
#: hiboo/
msgid "reject this request"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "block"
msgstr "blokita"
#: hiboo/
msgid "block this profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "unblock"
msgstr "blokita"
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "unblocked"
msgstr "blokita"
#: hiboo/
msgid "unblock this blocked profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "delete"
msgstr "forigita"
#: hiboo/
msgid "delete this profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "purge"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "delete and purge this profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "signed up for this account"
msgstr "registriĝis por ĉi tiu konto"
#: hiboo/
msgid "created the profile {} on {}"
msgstr "kreis la profilon {} ĉe {}"
#: hiboo/
msgid "changed this account password"
msgstr "ŝanĝis ĉi tiun pasvorton de konto"
#: hiboo/
msgid "modified this account multi-factor authentication (MFA) setting"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"set the {} profile {} as "
msgstr "agordi la profilon de {ĉi.servo.nomo} {ĉi.profilo.uzanto} kiel {ĉi.valoro}"
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"{this.transition.label_alt} the profile {} on "
msgstr "kreis la profilon {} ĉe {}"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:38 hiboo/profile/
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:14
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:12
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:50
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:13
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:13
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Uzantnomo"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Pasvorto"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:4
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:33 hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:56
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Ensaluti"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Enter the one-time password delivered by your client"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "The username can be between 3 and 30 characters long. {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Konfirmu pasvorton"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Prove that you are human, copy the following text"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:12
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signup.html:4
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:6
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:31
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:48
msgid "Sign up"
msgstr "Registriĝu"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "Malnova pasvorto"
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_password.html:4
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nova pasvorto"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm new password"
msgstr "Konfirmu novan pasvorton"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:32
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Ŝanĝi pasvorton"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Retpoŝta adreso"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Matrix ID"
msgstr "Matrix ID"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/templates/account_contact.html:4
msgid "Update contact info"
msgstr "Ĝisdatigu kontaktinformojn"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong credentials"
msgstr "Malĝustaj atestiloj"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired signup link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "A user with the same username exists already"
msgstr "Uzanto kun la sama uzantnomo jam ekzistas"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Signed up using the Web form"
msgstr "Registrita per la interreta formularo"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "User created successfully"
msgstr "Uzanto kreita sukcese"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired reset link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully reset your password"
msgstr "Sukcese reagordi vian pasvorton"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong credentials, check your old password"
msgstr "Malĝustaj atestiloj, kontrolu vian malnovan pasvorton"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP is valid"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP has been enabled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Successfully enabled TOTP"
msgstr "Sukcese reagordi vian pasvorton"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Failed to enable TOTP, wrong TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid ""
"Scan this QR code or use the informations below it to configure your TOTP"
" client"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "disable TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP has been disabled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully disabled TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully updated your contact info"
msgstr "Sukcese ĝisdatigis viajn kontaktinformojn"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_password_reset.html:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset your password"
msgstr "Sukcese reagordi vian pasvorton"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:4
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "Two-factor authentication (2FA)"
msgstr "Neniu aŭtentikigo"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:7
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:7
msgid "with time-based one-time password (TOTP)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:12
msgid ""
"TOTP is an optional secondary layer of the authentication\n"
" process used to enforce the protection of your account with a one-"
" password. You can read\n"
" <a href=\""
" Wikipedia page</a>\n"
" if you want to learn more about this mechanism."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:22
#, fuzzy
msgid "Two-factor authentication is enabled"
msgstr "Neniu aŭtentikigo"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:23
msgid "Click on <i>Disable TOTP</i> to disable it"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:27
#, fuzzy
msgid "Test your one-time password"
msgstr "Sukcese reagordi vian pasvorton"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:28
msgid "Feel free to use this form in order to check your client configuration"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:37
#, fuzzy
msgid "Two-factor authentication is disabled"
msgstr "Neniu aŭtentikigo"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:38
msgid "Click on <i>Enable TOTP</i> to configure it"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:41
#, fuzzy
msgid "Attention"
msgstr "Neniu aŭtentikigo"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:42
msgid ""
"You will need a working TOTP client in order to complete\n"
" this configuration. Several open-source apps can help you for "
" (and some on mobile are available on\n"
" <a href=\"\">\n"
" F-Droid</a>)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:54
msgid "Disable TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:56
msgid "Enable TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:18
msgid "Secret key"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:21
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:12
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Uzantnomo"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:24
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:35
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:4
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:4
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:11
msgid "My account"
msgstr "Mia konto"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:7
msgid "status and history"
msgstr "statuso kaj historio"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:16
msgid "Account age"
msgstr "Kalkulaĝo"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:19
msgid "Profile count"
msgstr "Nombro de profiloj"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:24
msgid "Pending requests"
msgstr "Petoj nuntempe pritraktataj"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "Role"
msgstr "Rolo"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "administrator"
msgstr "administranto"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "registered user"
msgstr "registrita uzanto"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:33
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:27
msgid "Membership"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:7
msgid "my profiles"
msgstr "miaj profiloj"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:23
#, fuzzy
msgid "No profile description"
msgstr "Nombro de profiloj"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:36
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:53
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:58
msgid "Create another profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:41
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:56
msgid "Request another profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:47
msgid "Claim another profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:56
#, python-format
msgid "Profile will be %(status)s in %(when)s"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:7
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:7
msgid "to access your account"
msgstr "por aliri vian konton"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:18
#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you don't already have an account, you can <a "
"href=\"%(signup_url)s\">sign up</a> now!"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:4
msgid "Time-based one-time password (TOTP) verify"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signup.html:7
msgid "for a new account"
msgstr "por nova konto"
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:17
msgid "Service name"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:25
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:18
msgid "Provider"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/group/
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:21
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:14
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:21
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Profile policy"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Maximum profile count"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Profile username format"
msgstr "Profila uzantnomo"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Enable single-profile behavior (no custom username, no additional profile)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Sendu"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Gitlab"
msgstr "Gitlab"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Gitlab URL"
msgstr "Gitlab-URL"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Grafana"
msgstr "Grafana"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Grafana URL"
msgstr "Grafana URL"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mastodon"
msgstr "Mastodon"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mastodon URL"
msgstr "Mastodon URL"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse"
msgstr "Synapse"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse homeserver URL"
msgstr "Synapse hejmservilo URL"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse hosted domain"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synapse administrator token"
msgstr "administranto"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Search keyword"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:9
msgid "RoomID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
msgid "Display"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "MXID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "WriteFreely"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "WriteFreely URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "PeerTube"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "PeerTube URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Flarum"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Flarum URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Generic OIDC"
msgstr "Senmarka OIDC"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Redirect URI"
msgstr "Redirekta URI"
#: hiboo/application/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Token Endpoint Auth Method"
msgstr "Token Endpoint Auth Method"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "HTTP POST data"
msgstr "HTTP POST datumoj"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "HTTP basic authorization"
msgstr "HTTP baza rajtigo"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "No authentication"
msgstr "Neniu aŭtentikigo"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "OpenID Connect grant type"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Authorization Code"
msgstr "Rajtiga Kodo"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Implicit"
msgstr "Implicita"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Hybrid"
msgstr "Hibrida"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Allowed response types"
msgstr "Permesitaj respondospecoj"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Authorization code only"
msgstr "Rajtiga kodo nur"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Id token only"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Id token and token"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Enabled special claim mappings"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mask the profile uuid"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Return the actual user email"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Return all claims independently of asked scopes"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Generic SAML2"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "SP entity id"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "SP ACS"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Signature mode"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Sign the full response"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Sign only the assertion"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud (SAML)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Seafile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Seafile URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:4
msgid "OIDC discovery endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:6
msgid "Authorization endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:8
msgid "Token endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:10
msgid "Userinfo endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:12
msgid "Client ID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:14
msgid "Client secret"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_pick.html:4
msgid "Select application type"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_pick.html:19
msgid "Select"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:4
msgid "SAML Metadata"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:6
msgid "SSO redirect binding"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:8
msgid "ACS"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:10
msgid "IDP certificate"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:12
msgid "SP certificate"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:14
msgid "SP private key"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/media.html:7
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/media.html:8
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/room.html:20
msgid "Member"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:10
msgid "Alias"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:11
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:13
msgid "Members (local)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:14
msgid "Properties"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/user.html:23
#, fuzzy
msgid "Devices"
msgstr "Servo"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group name"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/ hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:63
msgid "Edit group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Available users"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Users already in the group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Update group memberships"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Kreita la"
#: hiboo/group/
#, fuzzy
msgid "A group with the same name exists already"
msgstr "Uzanto kun la sama uzantnomo jam ekzistas"
#: hiboo/group/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Group created successfully"
msgstr "Uzanto kreita sukcese"
#: hiboo/group/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete the group"
msgstr "Servo"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group {} was deleted"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:33 hiboo/group/
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:38
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group {} was renamed to {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Group successfully updated"
msgstr "Sukcese reagordi vian pasvorton"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "User {} was added to the group {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "User {} was removed from the group {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group memberships successfully updated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_create.html:3
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:46
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create a group"
msgstr "Kreita la"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "group details"
msgstr "Malĝustaj atestiloj"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:11
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:13
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:15
#, fuzzy
msgid "groupname"
msgstr "Uzantnomo"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:17
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:24
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:20
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:37
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:15
msgid "UUID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:39 hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:82
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:14
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:40
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:24
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:15
msgid "Auth. methods"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:41
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:17
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:22
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:16
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:14
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Kreita la"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:62
msgid "Manage members"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:64
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete group"
msgstr "forigita"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_edit.html:3
msgid "Edit a group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:3
#, fuzzy
msgid "Group list"
msgstr "miaj profiloj"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:4
msgid "all available groups"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:13
msgid "Group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:15
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:32
msgid "Members"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:16
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:19
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:23
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:49
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:22
msgid "Actions"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:34
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "forigita"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_membership.html:4
msgid "Manage members of group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:3
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:89
msgid "Moderation"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:9
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pending profiles"
msgstr "Petoj nuntempe pritraktataj"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:14
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:16
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:17
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:49
msgid "Service"
msgstr "Servo"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:15
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:18
msgid "Profile username"
msgstr "Profila uzantnomo"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:16
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:19
msgid "Owned by"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:18
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:28
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:21
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:51
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Statuso"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:46
#, fuzzy
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "aktiva"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komento"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Username spoof protection"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid ""
"Prevent to register a profile username that case-insensitively exists in "
"user database"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:60
msgid "Create profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_claim.html:5
msgid "Claim profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/
msgid "You cannot request a profile for this service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "You already own a profile for this service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "You have reached the maximum number of profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid ""
"The creation of your profile requires approval, so don't forget to "
"contact us after filling in the form"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "A profile with that username exists already"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Successfully claimed the profile!"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Wrong username or password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "change the profile status"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was requested"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "cancel the profile status change"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was completed"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_action.html:18
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show profile"
msgstr "miaj profiloj"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_claim.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:9
#, python-format
msgid "for the service %(service_name)s"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:5
msgid "New profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:10
msgid "and user"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:5
msgid "profile details"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:19
msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:32
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:18
msgid "Created at"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:6
#, fuzzy
msgid "profile list"
msgstr "miaj profiloj"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:58
msgid "Export unclaimed profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:5
msgid "Pick a profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:23
#, python-format
msgid "Created on %(created_on)s"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:49
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:41
#, fuzzy
msgid "Claim a profile"
msgstr "miaj profiloj"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:18
#, python-format
msgid "Your new %(service_name)s profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:22
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please click the \"Sign up\" button to initialize your %(service_name)s "
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:25
msgid ""
"If you wish to pick a different username, please click the \"Create a "
"custom profile\" button."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:44
msgid "Create a custom profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "Service successfully created"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "Service successfully updated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/
#, fuzzy
msgid "delete the service"
msgstr "Servo"
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "change the service application template"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_action.html:17
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show service"
msgstr "Servo"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_create.html:5
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:56
msgid "Create a service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_create.html:8
#, python-format
msgid "add a %(application_name)s service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:5
msgid "service details"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:29
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:19
msgid "Application"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:33
msgid "Application destriction"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:89
msgid "View profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:91
msgid "Edit this service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:93
msgid "Change application"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:95
msgid "Delete this service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_edit.html:4
msgid "Edit a service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:4
msgid "Service list"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:7
msgid "all available services"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:20
msgid "Policy"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:21
msgid "Max profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:37
#, fuzzy
msgid "Profiles"
msgstr "miaj profiloj"
#: hiboo/sso/templates/sso_redirect.html:8
msgid ""
"Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button"
" once to proceed."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:56
msgid "Toggle navigation"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:92
#, python-format
msgid "Your account has no active profile, it will be deleted in %(timedelta)s"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:101
msgid ""
"<a href=\"\">Hiboo</a> is free "
"software distributed under the <a "
" license"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/confirm.html:4
msgid "Confirm your action"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/confirm.html:9
#, python-format
msgid "Your are about to %(action)s. Do you wish to confirm that action?"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:5
msgid "Account"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:18
msgid "My profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:25
msgid "My contact info"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:39
#, fuzzy
msgid "Two-factor authentication"
msgstr "Neniu aŭtentikigo"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:62
msgid "Admin"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:68
msgid "Services"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:75
msgid "Users"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:97
msgid "About"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:104
msgid "User guide"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:110
msgid "Admin guide"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:119
msgid "Sign out"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Contact"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Check"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} is a registred contact for user {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} is not a registred contact for user {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} hasn't registred any contact info"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
#, fuzzy
msgid "generate a password reset link"
msgstr "Pasvorto"
#: hiboo/user/ hiboo/user/
msgid "Reset link: {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "generate a totp reset link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "generate a signup link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Signup link:<br> <code>{}</code>"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_contact_check.html:4
msgid "User contact check"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_contact_check.html:9
msgid "For email, double check the <code>From:</code> field in email headers"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:4
msgid "user details"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:21
msgid "Updated at"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:31
#, fuzzy
msgid "Deleted in"
msgstr "forigita"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "Profile list"
msgstr "miaj profiloj"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:71
msgid "Contact check"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:72
#, fuzzy
msgid "Password reset"
msgstr "Pasvorto"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:74
msgid "TOTP reset"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:3
msgid "Manage users"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:37
msgid "Invitation link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:3
msgid "Pick a user"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "assign the profile to a user"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your username must be comprised "
#~ "of lowercase letters, numbers and '-'"
#~ " '_' only"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "TOTP is an optional secondary layer "
#~ "of the authentication process used to"
#~ " enforce the protection of your "
#~ "account with a one-time password. "
#~ "You can read <a "
#~ "href=\""
#~ "time_password\">this Wikipedia page</a> if you"
#~ " want to learn more about this "
#~ "mechanism."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "You will need a working TOTP "
#~ "client in order to complete this "
#~ "configuration. Several open-source apps "
#~ "can help you for this (and some"
#~ " on mobile are available on <a "
#~ "href=\"\">F-Droid</a>)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Default ({})"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ">SP certificate"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Successfully assigned the profile"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Not shared with anyone"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you wish to pick a different"
#~ " username, please click the \"Custom "
#~ "profile\" button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Dark theme"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Requested profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Blocked profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Signup link: {}"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "must be at least {} and at most {} characters long"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "must comprise only of "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your reached the maximum number of profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your profile creation requires approval, please contact us!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your account has no active profile, it will be deleted in"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Hiboo is free software distributed under the MIT license"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The name can only include {}"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "lowercase letters, digits, dots, dashes, and underscores"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "letters, digits, dots, dashes and underscores"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your username must be comprised of "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It can only include lowercase letters,"
#~ " digits, dots, hyphens and underscores, "
#~ "but may not begin or end with "
#~ "dots or hyphens."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It can only include letters, digits, "
#~ "dots, hyphens and underscores, but may"
#~ " not begin or end with dots or"
#~ " hyphens."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "<a href=\"\">Hiboo</a> "
#~ "is free software distributed under the"
#~ " MIT license"
#~ msgstr ""
File added
# French translations for PROJECT.
# Copyright (C) 2019 ORGANIZATION
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2025-01-03 13:55+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2025-01-03 15:24+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: ornanovitch "
"Language-Team: French <"
"Language: fr_FR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 5.9.2\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.16.0\n"
#: hiboo/
msgid "cancel"
msgstr "annuler"
#: hiboo/
msgid "cancel ongoing profile actions"
msgstr "annuler l'opération en cours sur le profil"
#: hiboo/
msgid "The name must be at least {} and at most {} characters long"
msgstr "Le nom doit contenir entre {} et {} caractères"
#: hiboo/
msgid "Sorry, this username is not available"
msgstr "Désolé, ce nom n'est pas disponible"
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include lowercase letters, digits, dots, hyphens"
" and underscores, but may not begin or end with dots or"
" hyphens."
msgstr ""
"Il peut seulement inclure des lettres minuscules, des chiffes, des "
"points, des traits d'union et des tirets du bas, mais ne "
"peut pas commencer ni terminer par un point ou un trait "
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include letters, digits, dots, hyphens and "
"underscores, but may not begin or end with dots or hyphens."
msgstr ""
"Il peut seulement inclure des lettres, des chiffes, des "
"points, des traits d'union et des tirets du bas, mais ne "
"peut pas commencer ni terminer par un point ou un trait "
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include letters, digits, dots, hyphens, "
"underscores and spaces, but may not begin or end with dots,"
" hyphens or spaces."
msgstr ""
"Il peut seulement inclure des lettres minuscules, des chiffes, des "
"points, des traits d'union, des tirets du bas et des "
"espaces, mais ne peut pas commencer ni terminer par un point, "
"un trait d'union ou un espace."
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation is impossible"
msgstr "La création de profil est impossible"
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation is reserved to managers"
msgstr "La création de profil est réservée aux gestionnaires"
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation must be validated"
msgstr "Les profils créés doivent être validés"
#: hiboo/
msgid "Additional profiles must be validated"
msgstr "Les profils additionnels doivent être validés"
#: hiboo/
msgid "No validation is required"
msgstr "Aucune validation n'est requise"
#: hiboo/
msgid "unclaimed"
msgstr "non réclamé"
#: hiboo/
msgid "requested"
msgstr "demandé"
#: hiboo/
msgid "active"
msgstr "actif"
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "blocked"
msgstr "bloqué"
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "deleted"
msgstr "supprimé"
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "purged"
msgstr "purgé"
#: hiboo/
msgid "assign"
msgstr "attribuer"
#: hiboo/
msgid "assigned"
msgstr "attribué"
#: hiboo/
msgid "assign this profile to a user"
msgstr "assigner ce profil à un·e utilisateur·ice"
#: hiboo/
msgid "activate"
msgstr "activer"
#: hiboo/
msgid "activated"
msgstr "activé"
#: hiboo/
msgid "activate this profile"
msgstr "valider ce profil"
#: hiboo/
msgid "reject"
msgstr "rejeter"
#: hiboo/
msgid "rejected"
msgstr "rejeté"
#: hiboo/
msgid "reject this request"
msgstr "refuser cette demande"
#: hiboo/
msgid "block"
msgstr "bloquer"
#: hiboo/
msgid "block this profile"
msgstr "bloquer ce profil"
#: hiboo/
msgid "unblock"
msgstr "débloquer"
#: hiboo/
msgid "unblocked"
msgstr "débloqué"
#: hiboo/
msgid "unblock this blocked profile"
msgstr "débloquer le profil"
#: hiboo/
msgid "delete"
msgstr "supprimer"
#: hiboo/
msgid "delete this profile"
msgstr "supprimer le profil"
#: hiboo/
msgid "purge"
msgstr "purger"
#: hiboo/
msgid "delete and purge this profile"
msgstr "supprimer et purger le profil"
#: hiboo/
msgid "signed up for this account"
msgstr "a créé ce compte"
#: hiboo/
msgid "created the profile {} on {}"
msgstr "a créé le profil {} sur {}"
#: hiboo/
msgid "changed this account password"
msgstr "a modifié le mot de passe de ce compte"
#: hiboo/
msgid "modified this account multi-factor authentication (MFA) setting"
msgstr "a modifié les paramètres d'authentification multi-facteurs de ce compte"
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"set the {} profile {} as "
msgstr ""
"a configuré le profil {} pour {} "
"comme {this.value}"
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"{this.transition.label_alt} the profile {} on "
msgstr ""
"a {this.transition.label} le profil {} sur le service "
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:38 hiboo/profile/
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:14
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:12
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:50
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:13
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:13
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur·ice"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr "Se souvenir de moi"
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:4
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:33 hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:56
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Se connecter"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Enter the one-time password delivered by your client"
msgstr "Entrez le code à usage unique affiché par votre client"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Confirmer"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "The username can be between 3 and 30 characters long. {}"
msgstr "Le nom d'utilisateur·ice peut contenir entre 3 et 30 caractères. {}"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Confirmer le mot de passe"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Prove that you are human, copy the following text"
msgstr "Copiez le texte suivant pour prouver que vous n'êtes pas une machine"
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:12
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signup.html:4
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:6
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:31
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:48
msgid "Sign up"
msgstr "S'enregistrer"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "Ancien mot de passe"
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_password.html:4
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm new password"
msgstr "Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:32
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Changer le mot de passe"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Adresse e-mail"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Matrix ID"
msgstr "Identifiant Matrix"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/templates/account_contact.html:4
msgid "Update contact info"
msgstr "Mise à jour des informations de contact"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong credentials"
msgstr "Identifiants incorrects"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong TOTP"
msgstr "Code à usage unique erroné"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired signup link"
msgstr "Lien d'invitation invalide ou expiré"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "A user with the same username exists already"
msgstr "Un·e utilisateur·ice avec le même nom existe déjà"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Signed up using the Web form"
msgstr "Enregistré via le formulaire web"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "User created successfully"
msgstr "Utilisateur·ice enregistré·e avec succès"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired reset link"
msgstr "Lien de réinitialisation invalide ou expiré"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully reset your password"
msgstr "Mot de passe réinitialisé avec succès"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong credentials, check your old password"
msgstr "Mauvais identifiants, vérifiez votre ancien mot de passe"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP is valid"
msgstr "Code à usage unique valide"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired TOTP"
msgstr "Code à usage unique invalide ou expiré"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP has been enabled"
msgstr "Authentification par code à usage unique (TOTP) activée"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully enabled TOTP"
msgstr "Authentification par code à usage unique (TOTP) activée avec succès"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Failed to enable TOTP, wrong TOTP"
msgstr "Échec de l'activation du TOTP, code à usage unique erroné"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid ""
"Scan this QR code or use the informations below it to configure your TOTP"
" client"
msgstr ""
"Scannez ce QR code ou utilisez les informations en-dessous pour "
"configurer votre client TOTP"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "disable TOTP"
msgstr "Désactiver TOTP"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP has been disabled"
msgstr "Authentification par code à usage unique (TOTP) désactivée"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully disabled TOTP"
msgstr "Authentification par code à usage unique (TOTP) désactivée avec succès"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully updated your contact info"
msgstr "Mise à jour des informations de contact correctement effectuée"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_password_reset.html:4
msgid "Reset your password"
msgstr "Réinitialiser votre mot de passe"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:4
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:4
msgid "Two-factor authentication (2FA)"
msgstr "Authentification à double facteur (2FA)"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:7
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:7
msgid "with time-based one-time password (TOTP)"
msgstr "avec un code à usage unique (TOTP)"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:12
msgid ""
"TOTP is an optional secondary layer of the authentication\n"
" process used to enforce the protection of your account with a one-"
" password. You can read\n"
" <a href=\""
" Wikipedia page</a>\n"
" if you want to learn more about this mechanism."
msgstr ""
"Le code à usage unique (TOTP) est une étape supplémentaire optionnelle "
" Elle est utilisée pour renforcer la protection de votre compte "
" à la génération d'un code différent pour chaque connexion. Vous "
"pouvez lire\n"
" <a "
" cette page Wikipédia</a> \n"
" pour en apprendre plus sur ce mécanisme."
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:22
msgid "Two-factor authentication is enabled"
msgstr "Authentification à double facteur activée"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:23
msgid "Click on <i>Disable TOTP</i> to disable it"
msgstr ""
"Cliquez sur <i>Désactiver le TOTP</i> pour désactiver l'authentification "
"par code à usage unique"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:27
msgid "Test your one-time password"
msgstr "Testez votre code à usage unique"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:28
msgid "Feel free to use this form in order to check your client configuration"
msgstr ""
"N'hésitez pas à utiliser ce formulaire pour vérifier la configuration de "
"votre client"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:37
msgid "Two-factor authentication is disabled"
msgstr "L'authentification à double facteur est désactivée"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:38
msgid "Click on <i>Enable TOTP</i> to configure it"
msgstr ""
"Cliquez sur <i>Activer le TOTP</i> pour activer l'authentification par "
"code à usage unique"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:41
msgid "Attention"
msgstr "Attention"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:42
msgid ""
"You will need a working TOTP client in order to complete\n"
" this configuration. Several open-source apps can help you for "
" (and some on mobile are available on\n"
" <a href=\"\">\n"
" F-Droid</a>)"
msgstr ""
"Vous aurez besoin d'un client TOTP fonctionnel pour pouvoir\n"
" aller au bout de cette configuration. Plusieurs applications "
"libres existent\n"
" (et certaines pour smartphone sont disponibles sur\n"
" <a href=\"\">\n"
" F-Droid</a>)"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:54
msgid "Disable TOTP"
msgstr "Désactiver le TOTP"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:56
msgid "Enable TOTP"
msgstr "Activer le TOTP"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:18
msgid "Secret key"
msgstr "Clé secrète"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:21
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:12
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:24
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr "Émetteur"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:35
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:4
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:4
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:11
msgid "My account"
msgstr "Mon compte"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:7
msgid "status and history"
msgstr "statut et historique"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:16
msgid "Account age"
msgstr "Âge du compte"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:19
msgid "Profile count"
msgstr "Nombre de profils"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:24
msgid "Pending requests"
msgstr "Requêtes en attente"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "Role"
msgstr "Rôle"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "administrator"
msgstr "administrateur·ice"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "registered user"
msgstr "utilisateur·ice"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:33
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:27
msgid "Membership"
msgstr "Affiliation"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:7
msgid "my profiles"
msgstr "mes profils"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:23
msgid "No profile description"
msgstr "Pas de description"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:36
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:53
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:58
msgid "Create another profile"
msgstr "Créer un autre profil"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:41
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:56
msgid "Request another profile"
msgstr "Demander un profil supplémentaire"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:47
msgid "Claim another profile"
msgstr "Récupérer un profil supplémentaire"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:56
#, python-format
msgid "Profile will be %(status)s in %(when)s"
msgstr "Le profil sera %(status)s dans %(when)s"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:7
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:7
msgid "to access your account"
msgstr "pour accéder à votre compte"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:18
#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you don't already have an account, you can <a "
"href=\"%(signup_url)s\">sign up</a> now!"
msgstr ""
"Si vous n'avez pas déjà un compte, vous pouvez <a href=\"%(signup_url)s\""
">vous enregistrer</a> sans attendre !"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:4
msgid "Time-based one-time password (TOTP) verify"
msgstr "Vérification par code à usage unique (TOTP)"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signup.html:7
msgid "for a new account"
msgstr "pour un nouveau compte"
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:17
msgid "Service name"
msgstr "Nom du service"
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:25
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:18
msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Fournisseur"
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/group/
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:21
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:14
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:21
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Profile policy"
msgstr "Politique de profils"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Maximum profile count"
msgstr "Nombre maximum de profils"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Profile username format"
msgstr "Format des noms de profils"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Enable single-profile behavior (no custom username, no additional profile)"
msgstr ""
"Activer le mode mono-profil (pas de nom personnalisé, pas de profil "
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Valider"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Gitlab"
msgstr "Gitlab"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Gitlab URL"
msgstr "URL de Gitlab"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Grafana"
msgstr "Grafana"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Grafana URL"
msgstr "URL de Grafana"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mastodon"
msgstr "Mastodon"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mastodon URL"
msgstr "URL de Mastodon"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse"
msgstr "Synapse"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse homeserver URL"
msgstr "URL du serveur d'accueil Synapse"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse hosted domain"
msgstr "Nom de domaine de Synapse"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse administrator token"
msgstr "Token d'administration de Synapse"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Search keyword"
msgstr "Mot-clé recherché"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Rechercher"
#: hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:9
msgid "RoomID"
msgstr "ID du salon"
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Afficher"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "MXID"
msgstr "MXID"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "WriteFreely"
msgstr "WriteFreely"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "WriteFreely URL"
msgstr "URL de WriteFreely"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "PeerTube"
msgstr "PeerTube"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "PeerTube URL"
msgstr "URL de PeerTube"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Flarum"
msgstr "Flarum"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Flarum URL"
msgstr "URL de Flarum"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Generic OIDC"
msgstr "OIDC générique"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Redirect URI"
msgstr "URI de redirection"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Token Endpoint Auth Method"
msgstr "Méthode d'authentification de l'API de token"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "HTTP POST data"
msgstr "HTTP POST data"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "HTTP basic authorization"
msgstr "Autorisation basique HTTP"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "No authentication"
msgstr "Pas d'authentification"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "OpenID Connect grant type"
msgstr "Type de vérification OpenID Connect"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Authorization Code"
msgstr "Code d'autorisation"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Implicit"
msgstr "Implicite"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Hybrid"
msgstr "Hybride"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Allowed response types"
msgstr "Types de réponse autorisés"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Authorization code only"
msgstr "Uniquement les codes d'autorisation"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Id token only"
msgstr "Uniquement les id token"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Id token and token"
msgstr "Tokens et id tokens"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Enabled special claim mappings"
msgstr "Configurations spéciales de claims activées"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mask the profile uuid"
msgstr "Masquer l'uuid du profil"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Return the actual user email"
msgstr "Retourner le véritable email de l'utilisateur·ice"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Return all claims independently of asked scopes"
msgstr "Retourner tous les claims peu importe les attributs demandés"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Generic SAML2"
msgstr "SAML2 générique"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "SP entity id"
msgstr "Entity id du SP"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "SP ACS"
msgstr "ACS du SP"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Signature mode"
msgstr "Mode de signature"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Sign the full response"
msgstr "Signer la réponse complète"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Sign only the assertion"
msgstr "Signer seulement l'assertion"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud (SAML)"
msgstr "Nextcloud (SAML)"
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud URL"
msgstr "URL de Nextcloud"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud"
msgstr "Nextcloud"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Seafile"
msgstr "Seafile"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Seafile URL"
msgstr "URL de Seafile"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:4
msgid "OIDC discovery endpoint"
msgstr "OIDC discovery endpoint"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:6
msgid "Authorization endpoint"
msgstr "API d'autorisation"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:8
msgid "Token endpoint"
msgstr "API de token"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:10
msgid "Userinfo endpoint"
msgstr "API de Userinfo"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:12
msgid "Client ID"
msgstr "Identifiant client"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:14
msgid "Client secret"
msgstr "Clé du client"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_pick.html:4
msgid "Select application type"
msgstr "Sélectionner un type d'application"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_pick.html:19
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Sélectionner"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:4
msgid "SAML Metadata"
msgstr "Metadata SAML"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:6
msgid "SSO redirect binding"
msgstr "SSO pour le binding redirect"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:8
msgid "ACS"
msgstr "ACS"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:10
msgid "IDP certificate"
msgstr "Certificat de l'IDP"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:12
msgid "SP certificate"
msgstr "Certificat du fournisseur de service"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:14
msgid "SP private key"
msgstr "Clé privée du SP"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/media.html:7
msgid "Media"
msgstr "Média"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/media.html:8
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr "Miniature"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/room.html:20
msgid "Member"
msgstr "Membre"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:10
msgid "Alias"
msgstr "Alias"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:11
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Version"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:13
msgid "Members (local)"
msgstr "Membres (local)"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:14
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/user.html:23
msgid "Devices"
msgstr "Appareils"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group name"
msgstr "Nom du groupe"
#: hiboo/group/ hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:63
msgid "Edit group"
msgstr "Éditer le groupe"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Available users"
msgstr "Utilisateur·ices disponibles"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Users already in the group"
msgstr "Utilisateur·ices déjà dans le groupe"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Update group memberships"
msgstr "Mettre à jour les membres du groupe"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Créer"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "A group with the same name exists already"
msgstr "Un groupe avec le même nom existe déjà"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group created successfully"
msgstr "Groupe créé avec succès"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Delete the group"
msgstr "Supprimer le groupe"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group {} was deleted"
msgstr "Le groupe {} a été supprimé"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:33 hiboo/group/
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:38
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Éditer"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group {} was renamed to {}"
msgstr "Le groupe {} a été renommé {}"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group successfully updated"
msgstr "Groupe mis à jour avec succès"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "User {} was added to the group {}"
msgstr "L'utilisateur·ice {} a été ajouté·e au groupe {}"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "User {} was removed from the group {}"
msgstr "L'utilisateur·ice {} a été retiré du groupe {}"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group memberships successfully updated"
msgstr "Composition du groupe mise à jour avec succès"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_create.html:3
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:46
msgid "Create a group"
msgstr "Créer un groupe"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:4
msgid "group details"
msgstr "détails du groupe"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:11
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:13
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Attributs"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:15
msgid "groupname"
msgstr "Nom"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:17
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:24
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:20
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:37
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:15
msgid "UUID"
msgstr "UUID"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:39 hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:82
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:14
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Groupes"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:40
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:24
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:15
msgid "Auth. methods"
msgstr "Méthodes d'authentification"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:41
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:17
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:22
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:16
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:14
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Crée le"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:62
msgid "Manage members"
msgstr "Gérer les membres"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:64
msgid "Delete group"
msgstr "Supprimer le groupe"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_edit.html:3
msgid "Edit a group"
msgstr "Éditer un groupe"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:3
msgid "Group list"
msgstr "Liste des groupes"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:4
msgid "all available groups"
msgstr "tous les groupes disponibles"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:13
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Groupe"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:15
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:32
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Membres"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:16
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:19
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:23
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:49
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:22
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Actions"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:34
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_membership.html:4
msgid "Manage members of group"
msgstr "Gérer les membres du groupe"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:3
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:89
msgid "Moderation"
msgstr "Modération"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:9
msgid "Pending profiles"
msgstr "Profils en attente"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:14
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:16
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:17
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:49
msgid "Service"
msgstr "Service"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:15
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:18
msgid "Profile username"
msgstr "Nom de profil"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:16
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:19
msgid "Owned by"
msgstr "Détenu par"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:18
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:28
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:21
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:51
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Statut"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:46
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "Activité"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Commentaire"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Username spoof protection"
msgstr "Protection contre l'usurpation"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid ""
"Prevent to register a profile username that case-insensitively exists in "
"user database"
msgstr ""
"Empêcher l'enregistrement d'un nom de profil déjà existant dans la base "
"de donnée peu importe la casse"
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:60
msgid "Create profile"
msgstr "Créer un profil"
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_claim.html:5
msgid "Claim profile"
msgstr "Récupérer le profil"
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/
msgid "You cannot request a profile for this service"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas demander de profil pour ce service"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "You already own a profile for this service"
msgstr "Vous possédez déjà un profil sur ce service"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "You have reached the maximum number of profiles"
msgstr "Vous avez atteint le nombre maximal de profils"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid ""
"The creation of your profile requires approval, so don't forget to "
"contact us after filling in the form"
msgstr ""
"La création de votre profil nécessite une approbation : n'oubliez pas de "
"nous contacter après avoir validé le formulaire"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "A profile with that username exists already"
msgstr "Un profil avec ce nom d'utilisateur·ice existe déjà"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Successfully claimed the profile!"
msgstr "Profil récupéré avec succès !"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Wrong username or password"
msgstr "Mauvais nom d'utilisateur·ice ou mot de passe"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "change the profile status"
msgstr "changer l'état du profil"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was requested"
msgstr "Le changement de statut du profil a été demandé"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "cancel the profile status change"
msgstr "annuler le changement d'état du profil"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was cancelled"
msgstr "Le changement de statut du profil a été annulé"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was completed"
msgstr "Le changement de statut du profil est terminé"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_action.html:18
msgid "Show profile"
msgstr "Voir le profil"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_claim.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:9
#, python-format
msgid "for the service %(service_name)s"
msgstr "pour le service %(service_name)s"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:5
msgid "New profile"
msgstr "Nouveau profil"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:10
msgid "and user"
msgstr "et l'utilisateur·ice"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:5
msgid "profile details"
msgstr "détails du profil"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:19
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Propriétaire"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:32
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:18
msgid "Created at"
msgstr "Créé le"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:6
msgid "profile list"
msgstr "liste des profils"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:58
msgid "Export unclaimed profiles"
msgstr "Exporter les profils non réclamés"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:5
msgid "Pick a profile"
msgstr "Choisir un profil"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:23
#, python-format
msgid "Created on %(created_on)s"
msgstr "Créé le %(created_on)s"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:49
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:41
msgid "Claim a profile"
msgstr "Récupérer un profil"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:18
#, python-format
msgid "Your new %(service_name)s profile"
msgstr "Votre nouveau profil pour %(service_name)s"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:22
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please click the \"Sign up\" button to initialize your %(service_name)s "
msgstr ""
"Merci de cliquer sur « S'inscrire » pour initialiser votre compte sur "
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:25
msgid ""
"If you wish to pick a different username, please click the \"Create a "
"custom profile\" button."
msgstr ""
"Si vous souhaitez choisir un nom de profil différent, cliquez sur « "
"Personnaliser le profil »."
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:44
msgid "Create a custom profile"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau profil"
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "Service successfully created"
msgstr "Service créé avec succès"
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "Service successfully updated"
msgstr "Service mis à jour avec succès"
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "delete the service"
msgstr "supprimer le service"
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "change the service application template"
msgstr "changer le modèle d'application du service"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_action.html:17
msgid "Show service"
msgstr "Voir le service"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_create.html:5
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:56
msgid "Create a service"
msgstr "Créer un service"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_create.html:8
#, python-format
msgid "add a %(application_name)s service"
msgstr "ajouter un service %(application_name)s"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:5
msgid "service details"
msgstr "détails du service"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:29
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:19
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Application"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:33
msgid "Application destriction"
msgstr "Description de l'application"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:89
msgid "View profiles"
msgstr "Afficher les profils"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:91
msgid "Edit this service"
msgstr "Modifier le service"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:93
msgid "Change application"
msgstr "Changer l'application"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:95
msgid "Delete this service"
msgstr "Supprimer le service"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_edit.html:4
msgid "Edit a service"
msgstr "Modifier un service"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:4
msgid "Service list"
msgstr "Liste des services"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:7
msgid "all available services"
msgstr "tous les services disponibles"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:20
msgid "Policy"
msgstr "Politique"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:21
msgid "Max profiles"
msgstr "Maximum de profils"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:37
msgid "Profiles"
msgstr "Profils"
#: hiboo/sso/templates/sso_redirect.html:8
msgid ""
"Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button"
" once to proceed."
msgstr ""
"Votre navigateur ne supportant pas JavaScript, vous devez cliquer sur le "
"bouton pour continuer."
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:56
msgid "Toggle navigation"
msgstr "Afficher la navigation"
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:92
#, python-format
msgid "Your account has no active profile, it will be deleted in %(timedelta)s"
msgstr ""
"Votre compte n'a aucun profil actif, il sera supprimé dans %(timedelta)s"
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:101
msgid ""
"<a href=\"\">Hiboo</a> is free "
"software distributed under the <a "
" license"
msgstr ""
"<a href=\"\">Hiboo</a> est un logiciel "
"libre distribué sous licence <a href="
#: hiboo/templates/confirm.html:4
msgid "Confirm your action"
msgstr "Confirmer votre action"
#: hiboo/templates/confirm.html:9
#, python-format
msgid "Your are about to %(action)s. Do you wish to confirm that action?"
msgstr ""
"Vous êtes sur le point de %(action)s. Souhaitez-vous confirmer cette "
"action ?"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:5
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Compte"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:18
msgid "My profiles"
msgstr "Mes profils"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:25
msgid "My contact info"
msgstr "Mes informations de contact"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:39
msgid "Two-factor authentication"
msgstr "Authentification à double facteur"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:62
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Administration"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:68
msgid "Services"
msgstr "Services"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:75
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Utilisateur·ices"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:97
msgid "About"
msgstr "À propos"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:104
msgid "User guide"
msgstr "Guide d'utilisation"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:110
msgid "Admin guide"
msgstr "Guide d'administration"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:119
msgid "Sign out"
msgstr "Se déconnecter"
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Mes moyens de contact"
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Check"
msgstr "Vérifier"
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} is a registred contact for user {}"
msgstr "{} est un moyen de contact valide pour {}"
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} is not a registred contact for user {}"
msgstr "{} n'est pas un moyen de contact valide pour {}"
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} hasn't registred any contact info"
msgstr "{} n'a renseigné aucun moyen de contact"
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "generate a password reset link"
msgstr "générer un lien de réinitialisation du mot de passe"
#: hiboo/user/ hiboo/user/
msgid "Reset link: {}"
msgstr "Lien de réinitialisation : {}"
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "generate a totp reset link"
msgstr "générer un lien de réinitialisation pour TOTP"
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "generate a signup link"
msgstr "générer un lien d'invitation"
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Signup link:<br> <code>{}</code>"
msgstr "Lien d'invitation :<br> <code>{}</code>"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_contact_check.html:4
msgid "User contact check"
msgstr "Vérifier un moyen de contact de l'utilisateur·ice"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_contact_check.html:9
msgid "For email, double check the <code>From:</code> field in email headers"
msgstr ""
"Pour l'adresse email, vérifiez aussi le champ <code>From:</code> dans les"
" headers"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:4
msgid "user details"
msgstr "détails de l'utilisateur·ice"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:21
msgid "Updated at"
msgstr "Mis à jour le"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:31
msgid "Deleted in"
msgstr "Supprimé dans"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:44
msgid "Profile list"
msgstr "Liste des profils"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:71
msgid "Contact check"
msgstr "Vérifier le contact"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:72
msgid "Password reset"
msgstr "Réinitialisation du mot de passe"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:74
msgid "TOTP reset"
msgstr "Réinitialisation du TOTP"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:3
msgid "Manage users"
msgstr "Gérer les utilisateur·ices"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:37
msgid "Invitation link"
msgstr "Lien d'invitation"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:3
msgid "Pick a user"
msgstr "Choisir un·e utilisateur·ice"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your username must be comprised "
#~ "of lowercase letters, numbers and '-'"
#~ " '_' only"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le nom d'utilisateur·ice ne peut "
#~ "comprendre que des lettres minuscules, "
#~ "des chiffres et des tirets ('-' et"
#~ " '_')"
#~ msgid "Default ({})"
#~ msgstr "Défaut ({})"
#~ msgid "Successfully assigned the profile"
#~ msgstr "Profil assigné avec succès"
#~ msgid "profiles"
#~ msgstr "profils"
#~ msgid "Not shared with anyone"
#~ msgstr "Non partagé"
#~ msgid "Dark theme"
#~ msgstr "Thème sombre"
#~ msgid "Requested profiles"
#~ msgstr "Profils en attente"
#~ msgid "Blocked profiles"
#~ msgstr "Profils bloqués"
#~ msgid "must comprise only of "
#~ msgstr "ne doit comporter que des "
#~ msgid "Your profile creation requires approval, please contact us!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "La création de votre profil nécessite"
#~ " une approbation, veuillez nous contacter"
#~ " !"
#~ msgid "The name can only include {}"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "lowercase letters, digits, dots, dashes, and underscores"
#~ msgstr "lettres minuscules, chiffres, points, tirets et tirets du bas"
#~ msgid "letters, digits, dots, dashes and underscores"
#~ msgstr "lettres, chiffres, points, tirets et tirets du bas"
#~ msgid "Your username must be comprised of "
#~ msgstr "Votre nom doit être composé de "
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It can only include lowercase letters,"
#~ " digits, dots, hyphens and underscores, "
#~ "but may not begin or end with "
#~ "dots or hyphens."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It can only include letters, digits, "
#~ "dots, hyphens and underscores, but may"
#~ " not begin or end with dots or"
#~ " hyphens."
#~ msgstr ""
File added
# English translations for PROJECT.
# Copyright (C) 2019 ORGANIZATION
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PROJECT project.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2025-01-03 13:55+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-23 12:53+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jae Beojkkoch <>\n"
"Language: nl_NL\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch "
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: Babel 2.16.0\n"
#: hiboo/
msgid "cancel"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "cancel ongoing profile actions"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "The name must be at least {} and at most {} characters long"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "Sorry, this username is not available"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include lowercase letters, digits, dots, hyphens"
" and underscores, but may not begin or end with dots or"
" hyphens."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include letters, digits, dots, hyphens and "
"underscores, but may not begin or end with dots or hyphens."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"It can only include letters, digits, dots, hyphens, "
"underscores and spaces, but may not begin or end with dots,"
" hyphens or spaces."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation is impossible"
msgstr "Profiel maken is onmogelijk"
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation is reserved to managers"
msgstr "Het maken van profielen is voorbehouden aan managers"
#: hiboo/
msgid "Profile creation must be validated"
msgstr "Het maken van profielen moet worden gevalideerd"
#: hiboo/
msgid "Additional profiles must be validated"
msgstr "Aanvullende profielen moeten worden gevalideerd"
#: hiboo/
msgid "No validation is required"
msgstr "Geen validatie vereist"
#: hiboo/
msgid "unclaimed"
msgstr "niet opgeëist"
#: hiboo/
msgid "requested"
msgstr "aangevraagd"
#: hiboo/
msgid "active"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "blocked"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "deleted"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/ hiboo/
msgid "purged"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "assign"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "assigned"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "assign this profile to a user"
msgstr "Maak een profiel aan"
#: hiboo/
msgid "activate"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "activated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "activate this profile"
msgstr "Maak een profiel aan"
#: hiboo/
msgid "reject"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "rejected"
msgstr "aangevraagd"
#: hiboo/
msgid "reject this request"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "block"
msgstr "Geblokkeerd"
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "block this profile"
msgstr "Kies een profiel"
#: hiboo/
msgid "unblock"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "unblocked"
msgstr "Geblokkeerd"
#: hiboo/
msgid "unblock this blocked profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "delete"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "delete this profile"
msgstr "Maak een profiel aan"
#: hiboo/
msgid "purge"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid "delete and purge this profile"
msgstr "Maak een nieuw profiel aan"
#: hiboo/
msgid "signed up for this account"
msgstr "aangemeld voor dit account"
#: hiboo/
msgid "created the profile {} on {}"
msgstr "heeft het profiel {} gemaakt op {}"
#: hiboo/
msgid "changed this account password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid "modified this account multi-factor authentication (MFA) setting"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
msgid ""
"set the {} profile {} as "
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"{this.transition.label_alt} the profile {} on "
msgstr "heeft het profiel {} gemaakt op {}"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:38 hiboo/profile/
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:14
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:12
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:50
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:13
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:13
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Wachtwoord"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Remember me"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:4
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:33 hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:56
msgid "Sign in"
msgstr "Aanmelden"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Enter the one-time password delivered by your client"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "The username can be between 3 and 30 characters long. {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm password"
msgstr "Bevestig wachtwoord"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Prove that you are human, copy the following text"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:12
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signup.html:4
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:6
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:31
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:48
msgid "Sign up"
msgstr "Aanmelden"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "Oud Wachtwoord"
#: hiboo/account/
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_password.html:4
msgid "New password"
msgstr "Nieuw wachtwoord"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Confirm new password"
msgstr "Bevestig nieuw wachtwoord"
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:32
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Wachtwoord wijzigen"
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Email address"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Matrix ID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/templates/account_contact.html:4
msgid "Update contact info"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong credentials"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired signup link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "A user with the same username exists already"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Signed up using the Web form"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "User created successfully"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired reset link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/ hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully reset your password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Wrong credentials, check your old password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP is valid"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Invalid or expired TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP has been enabled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully enabled TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Failed to enable TOTP, wrong TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid ""
"Scan this QR code or use the informations below it to configure your TOTP"
" client"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "disable TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "TOTP has been disabled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully disabled TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/
msgid "Successfully updated your contact info"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_password_reset.html:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "Reset your password"
msgstr "Nieuw wachtwoord"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:4
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:4
msgid "Two-factor authentication (2FA)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:7
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:7
msgid "with time-based one-time password (TOTP)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:12
msgid ""
"TOTP is an optional secondary layer of the authentication\n"
" process used to enforce the protection of your account with a one-"
" password. You can read\n"
" <a href=\""
" Wikipedia page</a>\n"
" if you want to learn more about this mechanism."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:22
msgid "Two-factor authentication is enabled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:23
msgid "Click on <i>Disable TOTP</i> to disable it"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:27
#, fuzzy
msgid "Test your one-time password"
msgstr "Nieuw wachtwoord"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:28
msgid "Feel free to use this form in order to check your client configuration"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:37
msgid "Two-factor authentication is disabled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:38
msgid "Click on <i>Enable TOTP</i> to configure it"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:41
msgid "Attention"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:42
msgid ""
"You will need a working TOTP client in order to complete\n"
" this configuration. Several open-source apps can help you for "
" (and some on mobile are available on\n"
" <a href=\"\">\n"
" F-Droid</a>)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:54
msgid "Disable TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp.html:56
msgid "Enable TOTP"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:18
msgid "Secret key"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:21
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:12
#, fuzzy
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:24
msgid "Issuer"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_auth_totp_enable.html:35
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:4
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:4
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:11
msgid "My account"
msgstr "Mijn rekening"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:7
msgid "status and history"
msgstr "status en geschiedenis"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:16
msgid "Account age"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:19
msgid "Profile count"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:24
msgid "Pending requests"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "Role"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "administrator"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:27
msgid "registered user"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_home.html:33
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:27
msgid "Membership"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:7
msgid "my profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:23
#, fuzzy
msgid "No profile description"
msgstr "Omschrijving"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:36
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:53
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:58
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create another profile"
msgstr "Maak een nieuw profiel aan"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:41
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:56
#, fuzzy
msgid "Request another profile"
msgstr "Maak een profiel aan"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:47
#, fuzzy
msgid "Claim another profile"
msgstr "Maak een nieuw profiel aan"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_profiles.html:56
#, python-format
msgid "Profile will be %(status)s in %(when)s"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:7
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:7
msgid "to access your account"
msgstr "om toegang te krijgen tot uw account"
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_password.html:18
#, python-format
msgid ""
"If you don't already have an account, you can <a "
"href=\"%(signup_url)s\">sign up</a> now!"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signin_totp.html:4
msgid "Time-based one-time password (TOTP) verify"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/account/templates/account_signup.html:7
msgid "for a new account"
msgstr "voor een nieuw account"
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:17
msgid "Service name"
msgstr "Service naam"
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:25
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:18
msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Leverancier"
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/group/
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:21
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:14
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:21
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Omschrijving"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Profile policy"
msgstr "Profielbeleid"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Maximum profile count"
msgstr "Maximaal profielaantal"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Profile username format"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Enable single-profile behavior (no custom username, no additional profile)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Voorleggen"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Gitlab"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Gitlab URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Grafana"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Grafana URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mastodon"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mastodon URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse homeserver URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse hosted domain"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Synapse administrator token"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Search keyword"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:9
msgid "RoomID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
msgid "Display"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "MXID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "WriteFreely"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "WriteFreely URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "PeerTube"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "PeerTube URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Flarum"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Flarum URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Generic OIDC"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Redirect URI"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Token Endpoint Auth Method"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "HTTP POST data"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "HTTP basic authorization"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "No authentication"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "OpenID Connect grant type"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Authorization Code"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Implicit"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Hybrid"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Allowed response types"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Authorization code only"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Id token only"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Id token and token"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Enabled special claim mappings"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Mask the profile uuid"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Return the actual user email"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Return all claims independently of asked scopes"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Generic SAML2"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "SP entity id"
msgstr "SP entiteits-ID"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "SP ACS"
msgstr "SP ACS"
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Signature mode"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Sign the full response"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Sign only the assertion"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud (SAML)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/ hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "NextCloud"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Seafile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/
msgid "Seafile URL"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:4
msgid "OIDC discovery endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:6
msgid "Authorization endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:8
msgid "Token endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:10
msgid "Userinfo endpoint"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:12
msgid "Client ID"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_oidc.html:14
msgid "Client secret"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_pick.html:4
msgid "Select application type"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_pick.html:19
msgid "Select"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:4
msgid "SAML Metadata"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:6
msgid "SSO redirect binding"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:8
msgid "ACS"
msgstr "ACS"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:10
msgid "IDP certificate"
msgstr "IDP certificaat"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:12
#, fuzzy
msgid "SP certificate"
msgstr ">SP certificaat"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_saml.html:14
msgid "SP private key"
msgstr "SP persoonlijke sleutel"
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/media.html:7
msgid "Media"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/media.html:8
msgid "Thumbnail"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/room.html:20
msgid "Member"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:10
msgid "Alias"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:11
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:13
msgid "Members (local)"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/rooms.html:14
msgid "Properties"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/application/templates/application_synapse/user.html:23
#, fuzzy
msgid "Devices"
msgstr "Diensten"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group name"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/ hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:63
msgid "Edit group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Available users"
msgstr "alle beschikbare services"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Users already in the group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Update group memberships"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Maak een profiel aan"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "A group with the same name exists already"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group created successfully"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Delete the group"
msgstr "Verwijder deze service"
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group {} was deleted"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:33 hiboo/group/
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:38
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group {} was renamed to {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group successfully updated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "User {} was added to the group {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "User {} was removed from the group {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/
msgid "Group memberships successfully updated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_create.html:3
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:46
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create a group"
msgstr "Maak een service aan"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "group details"
msgstr "service details"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:11
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:13
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:15
#, fuzzy
msgid "groupname"
msgstr "Gebruikersnaam"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:17
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:24
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:20
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:37
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:15
msgid "UUID"
msgstr "UUID"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:39 hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:82
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:14
msgid "Groups"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:40
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:24
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:15
msgid "Auth. methods"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:41
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:17
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:22
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:16
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:14
msgid "Created on"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:62
msgid "Manage members"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_details.html:64
msgid "Delete group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_edit.html:3
msgid "Edit a group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:3
#, fuzzy
msgid "Group list"
msgstr "Max profielen"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:4
#, fuzzy
msgid "all available groups"
msgstr "alle beschikbare services"
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:13
msgid "Group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:15
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:32
msgid "Members"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:16
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:19
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:23
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:49
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:22
msgid "Actions"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_list.html:34
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/group/templates/group_membership.html:4
msgid "Manage members of group"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:3
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "Moderation"
msgstr "Omschrijving"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:9
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pending profiles"
msgstr "Max profielen"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:14
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:16
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:17
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:49
msgid "Service"
msgstr "Service"
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:15
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:18
msgid "Profile username"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:16
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:19
msgid "Owned by"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:18
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:28
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:21
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:51
msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/moderation/templates/moderation_home.html:46
msgid "Activity"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Commentaar"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Username spoof protection"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid ""
"Prevent to register a profile username that case-insensitively exists in "
"user database"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:60
msgid "Create profile"
msgstr "Maak een profiel aan"
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/templates/profile_claim.html:5
msgid "Claim profile"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/ hiboo/profile/
msgid "You cannot request a profile for this service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "You already own a profile for this service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "You have reached the maximum number of profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid ""
"The creation of your profile requires approval, so don't forget to "
"contact us after filling in the form"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "A profile with that username exists already"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Successfully claimed the profile!"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Wrong username or password"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
#, fuzzy
msgid "change the profile status"
msgstr "Maak een profiel aan"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was requested"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
#, fuzzy
msgid "cancel the profile status change"
msgstr "Maak een profiel aan"
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was cancelled"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/
msgid "Profile status change was completed"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_action.html:18
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show profile"
msgstr "Nieuw profiel"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_claim.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:8
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:9
#, python-format
msgid "for the service %(service_name)s"
msgstr "voor de service %(service_name)s"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:5
msgid "New profile"
msgstr "Nieuw profiel"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_create.html:10
msgid "and user"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:5
msgid "profile details"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:19
msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_details.html:32
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:18
msgid "Created at"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:6
#, fuzzy
msgid "profile list"
msgstr "Max profielen"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_list.html:58
msgid "Export unclaimed profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:5
msgid "Pick a profile"
msgstr "Kies een profiel"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:23
#, python-format
msgid "Created on %(created_on)s"
msgstr "Gemaakt op %(created_on)s"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_pick.html:49
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:41
#, fuzzy
msgid "Claim a profile"
msgstr "Kies een profiel"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:18
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Your new %(service_name)s profile"
msgstr "voor de service %(service_name)s"
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:22
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please click the \"Sign up\" button to initialize your %(service_name)s "
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:25
msgid ""
"If you wish to pick a different username, please click the \"Create a "
"custom profile\" button."
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/profile/templates/profile_quick.html:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "Create a custom profile"
msgstr "Maak een nieuw profiel aan"
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "Service successfully created"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "Service successfully updated"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/
#, fuzzy
msgid "delete the service"
msgstr "Verwijder deze service"
#: hiboo/service/
msgid "change the service application template"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_action.html:17
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show service"
msgstr "Service"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_create.html:5
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:56
msgid "Create a service"
msgstr "Maak een service aan"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_create.html:8
#, python-format
msgid "add a %(application_name)s service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:5
msgid "service details"
msgstr "service details"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:29
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:19
msgid "Application"
msgstr "Toepassing"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:33
msgid "Application destriction"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:89
msgid "View profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:91
msgid "Edit this service"
msgstr "Bewerk deze service"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:93
msgid "Change application"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_details.html:95
msgid "Delete this service"
msgstr "Verwijder deze service"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_edit.html:4
msgid "Edit a service"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:4
msgid "Service list"
msgstr "Servicelijst"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:7
msgid "all available services"
msgstr "alle beschikbare services"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:20
msgid "Policy"
msgstr "Het beleid"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:21
msgid "Max profiles"
msgstr "Max profielen"
#: hiboo/service/templates/service_list.html:37
#, fuzzy
msgid "Profiles"
msgstr "Max profielen"
#: hiboo/sso/templates/sso_redirect.html:8
msgid ""
"Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button"
" once to proceed."
msgstr ""
"Omdat uw browser JavaScript niet ondersteunt, moet u eenmaal op de knop "
"drukken om door te gaan."
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:56
msgid "Toggle navigation"
msgstr "Schakel navigatie in"
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:92
#, python-format
msgid "Your account has no active profile, it will be deleted in %(timedelta)s"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/base.html:101
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<a href=\"\">Hiboo</a> is free "
"software distributed under the <a "
" license"
msgstr "Hiboo is gratis software die wordt gedistribueerd onder de MIT-licentie"
#: hiboo/templates/confirm.html:4
msgid "Confirm your action"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/confirm.html:9
#, python-format
msgid "Your are about to %(action)s. Do you wish to confirm that action?"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:5
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Account"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:18
msgid "My profiles"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:25
msgid "My contact info"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:39
msgid "Two-factor authentication"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:62
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Beheerder"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:68
msgid "Services"
msgstr "Diensten"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:75
msgid "Users"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:97
msgid "About"
msgstr "Over"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:104
msgid "User guide"
msgstr "Gebruikershandleiding"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:110
msgid "Admin guide"
msgstr "Admin gids"
#: hiboo/templates/sidebar.html:119
msgid "Sign out"
msgstr "Afmelden"
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Contact"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Check"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} is a registred contact for user {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} is not a registred contact for user {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "{} hasn't registred any contact info"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
#, fuzzy
msgid "generate a password reset link"
msgstr "Wachtwoord"
#: hiboo/user/ hiboo/user/
msgid "Reset link: {}"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "generate a totp reset link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "generate a signup link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/
msgid "Signup link:<br> <code>{}</code>"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_contact_check.html:4
msgid "User contact check"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_contact_check.html:9
msgid "For email, double check the <code>From:</code> field in email headers"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:4
msgid "user details"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:21
msgid "Updated at"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:31
msgid "Deleted in"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "Profile list"
msgstr "Max profielen"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:71
msgid "Contact check"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:72
#, fuzzy
msgid "Password reset"
msgstr "Wachtwoord"
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_details.html:74
msgid "TOTP reset"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:3
msgid "Manage users"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_list.html:37
msgid "Invitation link"
msgstr ""
#: hiboo/user/templates/user_pick.html:3
msgid "Pick a user"
msgstr ""
#~ msgid "assign the profile to a user"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Your username must be comprised "
#~ "of lowercase letters, numbers and '-'"
#~ " '_' only"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "TOTP is an optional secondary layer "
#~ "of the authentication process used to"
#~ " enforce the protection of your "
#~ "account with a one-time password. "
#~ "You can read <a "
#~ "href=\""
#~ "time_password\">this Wikipedia page</a> if you"
#~ " want to learn more about this "
#~ "mechanism."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "You will need a working TOTP "
#~ "client in order to complete this "
#~ "configuration. Several open-source apps "
#~ "can help you for this (and some"
#~ " on mobile are available on <a "
#~ "href=\"\">F-Droid</a>)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Default ({})"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Successfully assigned the profile"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Not shared with anyone"
#~ msgstr "Met niemand gedeeld"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you wish to pick a different"
#~ " username, please click the \"Custom "
#~ "profile\" button."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Dark theme"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Requested profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Blocked profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Signup link: {}"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "must be at least {} and at most {} characters long"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "must comprise only of "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your reached the maximum number of profiles"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your profile creation requires approval, please contact us!"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your account has no active profile, it will be deleted in"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The name can only include {}"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "lowercase letters, digits, dots, dashes, and underscores"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "letters, digits, dots, dashes and underscores"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Your username must be comprised of "
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It can only include lowercase letters,"
#~ " digits, dots, hyphens and underscores, "
#~ "but may not begin or end with "
#~ "dots or hyphens."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid ""
#~ "It can only include letters, digits, "
#~ "dots, hyphens and underscores, but may"
#~ " not begin or end with dots or"
#~ " hyphens."
#~ msgstr ""
import flask
blueprint = flask.Blueprint("user", __name__, template_folder="templates")
from hiboo import models, utils
from hiboo.user import cli, views
def get_user(**redirect_args):
user_uuid = flask.request.args.get("user_uuid")
if user_uuid:
return models.User.query.get(user_uuid) or None
utils.force_redirect(utils.url_for("user.pick", **redirect_args))
from hiboo.user import blueprint
from hiboo import models
import click
def create(username, password):
assert not models.User.query.filter_by(name=username).first()
auth = models.Auth(models.Auth.PASSWORD)
user = models.User(
auths={auth.realm: auth}
def promote(username):
user = models.User.query.filter_by(name=username).first()
assert user
user.is_admin = True
from wtforms import validators, fields
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
import flask_wtf
class UserPickForm(flask_wtf.FlaskForm):
user_uuid = fields.StringField('user', [])
class ContactCheckForm(flask_wtf.FlaskForm):
contact = fields.StringField(_("Contact"), [])
submit = fields.SubmitField(_('Check'))
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}{{ }}{% endblock %}
{% block subtitle %}{% trans %}User contact check{% endtrans %}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<blockquote class="quote-info">
<p>{% trans %}For email, double check the <code>From:</code> field in email headers{% endtrans %}</p>
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-lg-6">
{{ render_form(form) }}
{% endblock %}
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}{{ }}{% endblock %}
{% block subtitle %}{% trans %}user details{% endtrans %}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<dl class="row">
<dt class="col-sm-3">{% trans %}Username{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-9">{{ }}</dd>
<dt class="col-sm-3">{% trans %}UUID{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-9"><code>{{ user.uuid }}</code></dd>
<dt class="col-sm-3">{% trans %}Created at{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-9">{{ user.created_at }}</dd>
<dt class="col-sm-3">{% trans %}Updated at{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-9">{{ user.created_at }}</dd>
<dt class="col-sm-3">{% trans %}Auth. methods{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-9">{{ macros.auths_badges(user.auths) }}</dd>
<dt class="col-sm-3">{% trans %}Membership{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-9">{{ macros.groups_badges(user.groups) }}</dd>
{% if user.time_to_deletion() %}
<dt class="col-sm-3">{% trans %}Deleted in{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-9">{{ utils.babel.dates.format_timedelta(user.time_to_deletion()) }}</dd>
{% endif %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 col-s-12">
{{ macros.timeline(user.history, public_only=False) }}
<div class="col-md-6 col-s-12">
<h4>{% trans %}Profile list{% endtrans %}</h4>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-head-fixed table-hover">
<th>{% trans %}Service{% endtrans %}</th>
<th>{% trans %}Username{% endtrans %}</th>
<th>{% trans %}Status{% endtrans %}</th>
{% for profile in user.profiles %}
<td><a href="{{ url_for("service.details", service_uuid=profile.service.uuid) }}">{{ }}</a></td>
<td><a href="{{ url_for("profile.details", profile_uuid=profile.uuid) }}">{{ }}</a></td>
<td>{{ macros.profile_status(profile) }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% block actions %}
<a href="{{ url_for(".contact_check", user_uuid=user.uuid) }}" class="btn btn-outline-primary">{% trans %}Contact check{% endtrans %}</a>
<a href="{{ url_for(".password_reset", user_uuid=user.uuid) }}" class="btn btn-outline-warning">{% trans %}Password reset{% endtrans %}</a>
{% if user.auths["totp"] %}
<a href="{{ url_for(".totp_reset", user_uuid=user.uuid) }}" class="btn btn-outline-warning">{% trans %}TOTP reset{% endtrans %}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}