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  • acides/hiboo
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  • cyrinux/hiboo
  • a.f/hiboo
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  • felinn-glotte/hiboo
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  • docemmetbrown/hiboo
13 results
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with 832 additions and 4 deletions
<p>PeerTube supports OIDC authentication using the official
<a href="">
<p>Once the plugin is installed, to configure OIDC authentication, you should fill the following settings:</p>
<dt>Discover URL</dt>
<dd><code>{{ url_for("sso.oidc_discovery", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=True) }}</code></dd>
<dt>Client ID</dt>
<dd><code>{{ service.config["client_id"] }}</code></dd>
<dt>Client secret</dt>
<dd><code>{{ service.config["client_secret"] }}</code></dd>
<dd><code>openid email profile</code></dd>
<dt>Username property</dt>
<dt>Email property</dt>
{% include "application_oidc.html" %}
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}
{% trans %}Select application type{% endtrans %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div class="row g-3">
{% for application_id, application in applications.items() %}
<div class="col-md-4 col-s-6 col">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header text-white"
style="background-color: var(--bs-{{ macros.colors[loop.index0 % 7] }}">
<h3>{{ }}</h3>
<div class="card-body">
<p class="card-text">{{ application.__doc__ }}</p>
<a href="{{ url_for(route, application_id=application_id, **kwargs) }}"
class="btn btn-secondary">{% trans %}Select{% endtrans %}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
<h4>Detailed SAML settings</h4>
<!-- WARNING: do not split those tags into multiple lines, it would break auth tests -->
<dt id="metadata">{% trans %}SAML Metadata{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd aria-labelledby="metadata"><code>{{ url_for("sso.saml_metadata", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=True) }}</code></dd>
<dt id="redirect">{% trans %}SSO redirect binding{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd aria-labelledby="redirect"><code>{{ url_for("sso.saml_redirect", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=True) }}</code></dd>
<dt id="acs">{% trans %}ACS{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd aria-labelledby="acs"><code>{{ service.config["acs"] }}</code></dd>
<dt id="idp-cert">{% trans %}IDP certificate{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd aria-labelledby="idp-cert"><pre class="bg-dark-subtle rounded p-2"><code>{{ service.config["idp_cert"] }}</code></pre></dd>
<dt id="sp-cert">{% trans %}SP certificate{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd aria-labelledby="sp-cert"><pre class="bg-dark-subtle rounded p-2"><code>{{ service.config["sp_cert"] }}</code></pre></dd>
<dt id="sp-key">{% trans %}SP private key{% endtrans %}</dt>
<dd aria-labelledby="sp-key"><pre class="bg-dark-subtle rounded p-2"><code>{{ service.config["sp_key"] }}</code></pre></dd>
<p>Seafile supports OIDC authentication through its Seahub frontend.</p>
<p>In order to enable OIDC, you may add the following settings to your <code></code> file.</p>
<pre class="bg-dark-subtle rounded p-2"><code># Authentication
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = "{{ service.config["client_id"] }}"
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = "{{ service.config["client_secret"] }}"
OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL = "{{ service.config["redirect_uris"][0] }}"
OAUTH_PROVIDER_DOMAIN = "{{ url_for('account.home', _external=True).split(':')[1].split('/')[0] }}"
OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_URL = "{{ url_for("sso.oidc_authorize", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=True) }}"
OAUTH_TOKEN_URL = "{{ url_for("sso.oidc_token", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=True) }}"
OAUTH_USER_INFO_URL = "{{ url_for("sso.oidc_userinfo", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=True) }}"
OAUTH_SCOPE = ["openid", "profile", "email"]
"id": (False, "no_destination"),
"name": (True, "name"),
"email": (True, "email")
<h4>Migrating accounts</h4>
<p>If you are running an existing Seafile server, you may import your existing accounts as claimable
profiles under Hiboo.</p>
<p>Accounts are stored in the <i>EmailUser</i> table of the <i>ccnet_db</i> database. However, we recommend
that profiles be named after the username instead of the email address. The following SQL query exports
username, password hash, and user email as alternate claim to a CSV file. It dynamically converts the password
to use a proper crypt context hash identifier, so that Hiboo will recognize the hash.</p>
<pre class="bg-dark-subtle rounded p-2"><code>select
CONCAT('$pbkdf2-sha256$10000$', SUBSTRING(TO_BASE64(UNHEX(SUBSTRING(user.passwd,20,64))),1,43), '$', SUBSTRING(TO_BASE64(UNHEX(SUBSTRING(user.passwd,85,64))),1,43)) as password
ccnet_db.EmailUser as user
left join
seahub_db.profile_profile as profile
outfile '/tmp/users.csv'
fields terminated by ',';</code></pre>
<p>Please grab the exported CSV file, copy it next to Hiboo, and run
the following command to import these profiles as unclaimed:</p>
<p><code>flask profile csv-unclaimed {{ service.uuid }} /tmp/users.csv</code></p>
{% include "application_oidc.html" %}
<p>Synapse relies on the pysaml2 SAML implementation for SAML2 authentication.</p>
<p>In order to configure SAML for Synapse, you may copy then paste the following
lines directly into your homeserver configuration file.</p>
<pre class="bg-dark-subtle rounded p-2"><code>saml2_config:
enabled: true
- url: {{ url_for("sso.saml_metadata", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=True) }}</code></pre>
<p>You should also disable password authentication if you wish to avoid desynchronization and username conflicts.</p>
{% include "application_saml.html" %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-head-fixed table-hover">
<th>{% trans %}Media{% endtrans %}</th>
<th>{% trans %}Thumbnail{% endtrans %}</th>
{% for full, thumb in media.items() %}
<a href="{{ full }}">{{ full }}</a>
<img src="{{ thumb }}">
{% endfor %}
{{ render_form(form) }}
{% if room and room.get("room_id") %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<a href="{{ url_for("service.action", service_uuid=service.uuid, action="list_media", roomid=room["room_id"]) }}">Media</a>
{% for name, value in room.items() %}
<dt>{{ name }}</dt>
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="table-responsive p-0">
<table class="table table-striped table-head-fixed text-nowrap">
<th>{% trans %}Member{% endtrans %}</th>
{% for member in members.get("members", []) %}
<a href="{{ url_for("service.action", service_uuid=service.uuid, action="get_user", mxid=member) }}">{{ member }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ render_form(form) }}
{% if rooms %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-head-fixed table-hover">
<th>{% trans %}RoomID{% endtrans %}</th>
<th>{% trans %}Alias{% endtrans %}</th>
<th>{% trans %}Version{% endtrans %}</th>
<th>{% trans %}Name{% endtrans %}</th>
<th>{% trans %}Members (local){% endtrans %}</th>
<th>{% trans %}Properties{% endtrans %}</th>
{% for room in rooms %}
<a href="{{ url_for("service.action", service_uuid=service.uuid, action="get_room", roomid=room["room_id"]) }}">{{ room["room_id"] }}
<td>{{ room["canonical_alias"] }}</td>
<td>{{ room["name"] }}</td>
<td>{{ room["version"] }}</td>
<td>{{ room["joined_members"] }} ({{ room["joined_local_members"] }})</td>
<td>{{ room["join_rules"] }}, {{ room["history_visibility"] }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ render_form(form) }}
{% if user %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<a href="{{ url_for("service.action", service_uuid=service.uuid, action="list_rooms", mxid=user["name"]) }}">Rooms</a>
<a href="{{ url_for("service.action", service_uuid=service.uuid, action="list_media", mxid=user["name"]) }}">Media</a>
{% for name, value in user.items() %}
<dt>{{ name }}</dt>
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-head-fixed table-hover">
<th>{% trans %}Devices{% endtrans %}</th>
{% for device in devices["devices"] %}
<td>{{ device["device_id"] }}</td>
<td>{{ device["display_name"] }}</td>
<td>{{ device["last_seen_ip"] }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="card-header">
<h3>Setting up WriteFreely</h3>
<div class="card-body">
<p>WriteFreely supports OIDC authentication through Oauth2.</p>
<p>In order to configure Oauth2 for WriteFreely, you may copy then paste the
following lines directly into your WriteFreely config.ini and restart.</p>
<pre class="bg-dark-subtle rounded p-2"><code>[oauth.generic]
client_id = {{ service.config["client_id"] }}
client_secret = {{ service.config["client_secret"] }}
host = {{ url_for('account.home', _external=True).split('/account')[0] }}
display_name = Hiboo
callback_proxy =
callback_proxy_api =
token_endpoint = {{ url_for("sso.oidc_token", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=False) }}
inspect_endpoint = {{ url_for("sso.oidc_userinfo", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=False) }}
auth_endpoint = {{ url_for("sso.oidc_authorize", service_uuid=service.uuid, _external=False) }}</code></pre>
<h4>Migrating accounts</h4>
<p>If you are running an existing WriteFreely server, you may import your
existing accounts as claimable profiles under Hiboo.</p>
<p>Accounts are stored in the <code>users</code> table of the database.
The following SQL query exports username and password hash to a CSV file.
Hiboo will recognize the hash as it use a proper crypt context hash identifier</p>
<pre class="bg-dark-subtle rounded p-2"><code>use writefreely;
username, password from users
outfile 'usersWF.csv'
fields terminated by ',';</code></pre>
<p>Run the following command to import these profiles as unclaimed:</p>
<p><code>flask profile csv-unclaimed {{ service.uuid }} /var/lib/mysql/writefreely/usersWF.csv</code></p>
<p>Now we need to attach created unclaimed profiles to Writefreely users (as writefreely don't use Oauth2
profile name but only profile uuid).<br>Click on "View profiles" on top of this page and click on
"Export unclaimed profiles", save the csv file in <code>/var/lib/mysql/writefreely/unclaimedWF.csv</code>.
Use this script on Writefreely database:</p>
<pre class="bg-dark-subtle rounded p-2"><code>use writefreely;
CREATE TABLE tmp_hiboo (
service_client_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
profile_name VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
profile_uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (profile_uuid)
LOAD DATA INFILE 'unclaimedWF.csv'
INTO TABLE tmp_hiboo
INSERT INTO oauth_users (user_id, remote_user_id, provider, client_id)
SELECT, h.profile_uuid, 'generic', h.service_client_id
FROM tmp_hiboo h
left join
users wf
ON h.profile_name = wf.username
FROM oauth_users oau
WHERE = oau.user_id
drop table tmp_hiboo;</code></pre>
{% include "application_oidc.html" %}
File moved
from wtforms import widgets
from hiboo import captcha
from hiboo.captcha import fields
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
import random
import string
import io
import os
import base64
import markupsafe
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
class DummyCaptchaField(fields.CaptchaField):
""" Dummy captcha that displays a number and checks for it
This is meant as an example of a captcha implementation.
# This is the rendered widget. If you wish something more specific, you
# may use custom widgets or implement __call__() for the field to render
# HTML directly
widget = widgets.TextInput()
def _value(self):
""" This is required by the TextInput widget (displayed value)
return ""
def challenge(self):
""" Generate a challenge, here we generate a random integer and update
the label accordingly
value = random.randint(100,1000)
self.label = "Please write down the number {}".format(value)
return value
def check(self, challenge, form, field):
""" Check that the field was properly filled with the challenge
return ( and
challenge == int(
class ImageCaptchaField(fields.CaptchaField):
""" Image-based captcha base class, displays an image and requests that the
user inputs some text deduced from the image.
widget = widgets.TextInput()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
font_path = os.path.join(captcha.__path__[0], "captcha.ttf")
self.font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 20)
self.bgcolor = "#ffffff"
self.fgcolor = "#000000"
super(ImageCaptchaField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
png = io.BytesIO()
self.make_image(self.context["challenge"]).save(png, "PNG")
output = base64.b64encode(png.getvalue()).decode("ascii")
return markupsafe.Markup(
'<p><img src="data:image/png;base64,{}"></p>'.format(output)
) + super(ImageCaptchaField, self).__call__(**kwargs)
def get_size(self, text, scale=(1, 1)):
left, top, right, bottom = self.font.getbbox(text)
sx, sy = scale
return (int(sx * (right-left)), int(sy * (bottom-top)))
def make_char(self, char, rotation_range=15):
""" Renders a character
drawn = " {} ".format(char)
rotation = random.randrange(-rotation_range, rotation_range)
bbox = self.font.getbbox(drawn)
image ="L", self.get_size(drawn, (2, 2)), self.bgcolor)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
draw.text((0, 0), drawn, font=self.font, fill=self.fgcolor)
return image.rotate(rotation, expand=True, fillcolor=self.bgcolor, resample=Image.BICUBIC)
def make_text(self, text, **kwargs):
""" Renders a text
size = self.get_size(text, (4, 3))
image ="RGB", size, self.bgcolor)
xpos = 2
for char in text:
charimage = self.make_char(char)
image.paste(charimage, (xpos, 4, xpos + charimage.size[0], 4 + charimage.size[1]))
xpos = xpos + 2 + charimage.size[0]
return image
def make_image(self, challenge):
def _value(self):
return ""
class GeneratedTextImageCaptchaField(ImageCaptchaField):
""" Generate a random text and build a fuzzy image based on that text.
This is the most common historical captcha type, although pretty easily
defeated by OCR nowadays.
charset = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
def challenge(self):
length = random.randint(5,8)
return "".join(random.choice(self.charset) for _ in range(length))
def check(self, challenge, form, field):
return challenge.lower() ==
def make_image(self, challenge):
return self.make_text(challenge + " ")
File added
from wtforms import validators, fields, widgets, utils
from joserfc import jwk, jwt
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF
import flask
import random
import datetime
class ContextTokenField(fields.Field):
""" Field that has a token hidden field that holds a stateless context.
def encode(cls, context):
"""JOSE authenticating encryption"""
kdf = HKDF(hashes.SHA512(), length=32, salt=None, info=None)
dkey = kdf.derive(flask.current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"].encode())
key = jwk.OctKey.import_key(dkey)
header = {"alg": "A256KW", "enc": "A256GCM"}
expired = + datetime.timedelta(minutes=3)
claims = {
"exp": int(expired.timestamp()),
"aud": flask.url_for('account.signup'),
"context": context
return jwt.encode(header, claims, key)
def decode(cls, token):
"""JOSE decryption"""
kdf = HKDF(hashes.SHA512(), length=32, salt=None, info=None)
dkey = kdf.derive(flask.current_app.config["SECRET_KEY"].encode())
key = jwk.OctKey.import_key(dkey)
decoded_token = jwt.decode(token, key)
claims_requests = jwt.JWTClaimsRegistry(
aud={'essential': True, 'value': flask.url_for('account.signup')},
exp={'essential': True},
context={'essential': True}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.received_context = {}
self.context = {}
# This is an internal field used to store stateless context between
# executions, context is protected using JOSE
self.token = fields.HiddenField("token")
super(ContextTokenField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def process(self, formdata=None, data=utils.unset_value, **kwargs):
""" Initialize the internal token field
self.bound_token = self.token.bind(
self.bound_token.process(formdata, data)
super(ContextTokenField, self).process(formdata, data)
def pre_validate(self, form):
""" Validate that the context properly decodes
decoded = ContextTokenField.decode(
self.received_context = decoded
raise validators.ValidationError("Could not decode the context")
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
""" Display the context token before the field itself
""" = ContextTokenField.encode(self.context)
return (
self.bound_token() +
super(ContextTokenField, self).__call__(**kwargs)
class CaptchaField(ContextTokenField):
""" Generic captcha field that requires the implementation of two
functions for simple captchas.
def __init__(self, label=None, validators=None, *args, **kwargs):
validators = validators or [self.validate_captcha]
super(CaptchaField, self).__init__(label, validators, *args, **kwargs)
def process(self, formdata=None, data=utils.unset_value, **kwargs):
""" Initializes a challenge
self.context["challenge"] = self.challenge()
super(CaptchaField, self).process(formdata, data, **kwargs)
def validate_captcha(self, form, field):
if "challenge" not in self.received_context:
raise validators.ValidationError("CAPTCHA session expired")
if not self.check(self.received_context["challenge"], form, field):
raise validators.ValidationError("Wrong CAPTCHA")
def challenge(self):
""" Implement this method to generate a challenge that will later be
rendered and validated.
return None
def check(self, challenge, form, field):
""" Implement this method to check that the challenge has been resolved
return True
from flask import cli
from hiboo import models
from hiboo.profile import common
import time
tasks = cli.AppGroup("tasks")
def tasks_once():
""" Run regular tasks
def tasks_loop():
""" Run regular tasks at interval
while True:
import os
import ast
import logging
from import username_blocklist
......@@ -6,9 +10,19 @@ DEFAULT_CONFIG = {
'DEBUG': False,
'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI': 'sqlite:///./trurt.db',
'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI': 'sqlite:////tmp/hiboo.db',
'CACHE_TYPE': 'RedisCache',
'CACHE_REDIS_URL': 'redis://redis:6379/0',
'SECRET_KEY': 'changeMe',
'WEBSITE_NAME': 'Hiboo',
'USER_TIMEOUT': 86400,
'API_TOKEN': 'changeMe',
'USERNAME_BLOCKLIST': username_blocklist(),
class ConfigManager(dict):
......@@ -23,16 +37,26 @@ class ConfigManager(dict):
return True
elif isinstance(value, str) and value.lower() in ('false', 'no'):
return False
elif isinstance(value, str) and value[0] in "[{(" and value[-1] in ")}]":
return ast.literal_eval(value)
return value
def init_app(self, app):
# get environment variables
# Get environment variables for all keys
key: self.__coerce_value(os.environ.get(key, value))
for key, value in DEFAULT_CONFIG.items()
# update the app config itself
# Ensure environment variables for flask-caching CACHE_ keys are handled
key: self.__coerce_value(os.environ.get(key, DEFAULT_CONFIG.get(key)))
for key in os.environ.keys() if key.startswith('CACHE_')
# Update the logging config if necessary
if self.config.get("DEBUG", False):
# Update the app config itself
app.config = self
def setdefault(self, key, value):
......@@ -54,3 +78,8 @@ class ConfigManager(dict):
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.config
def get_config_by_prefix(self, prefix):
return {
key: value for key, value in self.config.items() if key.startswith(prefix)
import flask_debugtoolbar
from werkzeug.contrib import profiler as werkzeug_profiler
from werkzeug.middleware import profiler as werkzeug_profiler
# Debugging toolbar
......@@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ class Profiler(object):
app.wsgi_app, restrictions=[30]
profiler = Profiler()
import flask
blueprint = flask.Blueprint("docs", __name__, template_folder="../static/docs/")
from import views
import os
import sys
import flask
from werkzeug.utils import safe_join
from hiboo import security
from hiboo.utils import get_locale
from import blueprint
def index(lang: str = "en", path: str = "") -> flask.Response:
Serve documentation templates from the static/docs folder.
This route handles requests for the builtin documentation. It use
`safe_join` to get the absolute path of requested URL and raise a 404 if
it's not found.
lang (str): The mkdocs localized template managed by mkdocs-i18n
path (str): The relative path of the requested template obtained from
the URL. Defaults to the documentation root page `""`.
flask.Response: Jinja2 rendered for the template.
- 200 OK: If the template exists.
- 404 Not Found: If the template does not exist.
If the requested URL is a path, "index.html" is added to the request to
match the Mkdocs files strucutre.
If the requested lang is not english (default), a "/" is added to the
request to serve all the localized template folder
Request: GET /reference/docs/views
Response: Template `../static/docs/reference/docs/views/index.html`.
docs_base_path = os.path.join(flask.current_app.static_folder, "docs")
l10n = str(get_locale())[0:2]
full_path = safe_join(docs_base_path, path)
if l10n != "en" and lang == "en":
return flask.redirect(flask.url_for(".index", lang=l10n))
if lang != "en":
full_path = safe_join(docs_base_path, lang, path)
if os.path.isdir(full_path):
full_path = safe_join(full_path, "index.html")
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
relative_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, docs_base_path)
return flask.render_template(relative_path)
def assets(path: str) -> flask.Response:
Serve documentation assets from the `static/docs/assets/` folder.
This route handles requests for assets-related resources, such as CSS and
JS files required by mkdocs theme. The `send_from_directory` ensure the
file exists or raise a 404.
path (str): The relative path of the requested file within the `search`
directory, obtained from the request URL.
flask.Response: The requested file, or a 404 error if the file is not
return flask.send_from_directory("static/docs/assets/", path)
def search(path: str) -> flask.Response:
Serve documentation search files from the `static/docs/search/` folder.
This route handles requests for search-related resources, such as JSON
index file required by the mkdocs's search functionality. The
`send_from_directory` ensure the file exists or raise a 404.
path (str): The relative path of the requested file within the `search`
directory, obtained from the request URL.
flask.Response: The requested file, or a 404 error if the file is not
return flask.send_from_directory("static/docs/search/", path)
from wtforms import validators
from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
from import username_blocklist
import string
class NameFormat(object):
registry = {}
regex = ".*"
allowed = string.printable
transform = str
message = ""
min_length = 3
max_length = 30
def register(cls, *format_ids):
""" Class decorator
def register_function(format):
for format_id in format_ids:
cls.registry[format_id] = format
return format
return register_function
def validators(cls, blocklist=True):
""" Return a username validator for wtforms
return [
min=cls.min_length, max=cls.max_length,
message=(_("The name must be at least {} and at most {} characters long".format(cls.min_length, cls.max_length)))
username_blocklist() if blocklist else (),
message=(_("Sorry, this username is not available"))
def coalesce(cls, username):
""" Transform a username into its valid form
return ''.join(filter(cls.allowed.__contains__, cls.transform(username)))
def alternatives(cls, username):
""" Generate alternate usernames for a given username
yield username
index = 1
while True:
yield username + str(index)
index += 1
register = NameFormat.register
class LowercaseAlphanumPunct(NameFormat):
""" Lowercase name, including digits and very basic punctuation
regex = r"[a-z0-9_]+([a-z0-9_\.-]+[a-z0-9_]+)?"
allowed = string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase + ".-_"
transform = str.lower
# Translators: "it" refers to a user/group/profile name
message = (_("It can only include lowercase letters, digits, dots, hyphens\
and underscores, but may not begin or end with dots or\
class AlphanumPunct(NameFormat):
""" Alphanum name, including some very basic punctuation
regex = r"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+([a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?"
allowed = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + ".-_"
# Translators: "it" refers to a user/group/profile name
message = (_("It can only include letters, digits, dots, hyphens and\
underscores, but may not begin or end with dots or hyphens."))
class AlphanumPunctSpace(NameFormat):
""" Alphanum name, including some very basic punctuation and space
regex = r"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\s-]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?"
allowed = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + ". -_"
# Translators: "it" refers to a user/group/profile name
message = (_("It can only include letters, digits, dots, hyphens,\
underscores and spaces, but may not begin or end with dots,\
hyphens or spaces."))