#!/usr/bin/env php <?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * PrivateBin * * a zero-knowledge paste bin * * @link https://github.com/PrivateBin/PrivateBin * @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (sebsauvage.net) * @license https://www.opensource.org/licenses/zlib-license.php The zlib/libpng License */ // change this, if your php files and data are outside of your webservers document root define('PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define('PUBLIC_PATH', __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); require PATH . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php'; use PrivateBin\Configuration; use PrivateBin\Model; // third argument in getopt requires PHP >= 7.1 if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0') < 0) { dieerr('migrate requires php 7.1 or above to work. Sorry.'); } $longopts = array( "delete-after", "delete-during", "help" ); $opts_arr = getopt("fhnv", $longopts, $rest); if ($opts_arr === false) { dieerr("Erroneous command line options. Please use --help"); } if (array_key_exists("h", $opts_arr) || array_key_exists("help", $opts_arr)) { helpexit(); } $delete_after = array_key_exists("delete-after", $opts_arr); $delete_during = array_key_exists("delete-during", $opts_arr); $force_overwrite = array_key_exists("f", $opts_arr); $dryrun = array_key_exists("n", $opts_arr); $verbose = array_key_exists("v", $opts_arr); if ($rest >= $argc) { dieerr("Missing source configuration directory"); } if ($delete_after && $delete_during) { dieerr("--delete-after and --delete-during are mutually exclusive"); } $srcconf = getConfig("source", $argv[$rest]); $rest++; $dstconf = getConfig("destination", ($rest < $argc ? $argv[$rest] : "")); if (($srcconf->getSection("model") == $dstconf->getSection("model")) && ($srcconf->getSection("model_options") == $dstconf->getSection("model_options"))) { dieerr("Source and destination storage configurations are identical"); } $srcmodel = new Model($srcconf); $srcstore = $srcmodel->getStore(); $dstmodel = new Model($dstconf); $dststore = $dstmodel->getStore(); $ids = $srcstore->getAllPastes(); foreach ($ids as $id) { debug("Reading paste id " . $id); $paste = $srcstore->read($id); $comments = $srcstore->readComments($id); savePaste($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $id, $paste, $dststore); foreach ($comments as $comment) { saveComment($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $id, $comment, $dststore); } if ($delete_during) { deletePaste($dryrun, $id, $srcstore); } } if ($delete_after) { foreach ($ids as $id) { deletePaste($dryrun, $id, $srcstore); } } debug("Done."); function deletePaste($dryrun, $pasteid, $srcstore) { if (!$dryrun) { debug("Deleting paste id " . $pasteid); $srcstore->delete($pasteid); } else { debug("Would delete paste id " . $pasteid); } } function saveComment ($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $pasteid, $comment, $dststore) { $parentid = $comment["parentid"]; $commentid = $comment["id"]; if (!$dststore->existsComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid)) { if (!$dryrun) { debug("Saving paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " . $parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid); $dststore->createComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid, $comment); } else { debug("Would save paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " . $parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid); } } else if ($force_overwrite) { if (!$dryrun) { debug("Overwriting paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " . $parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid); $dststore->createComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid, $comment); } else { debug("Would overwrite paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " . $parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid); } } else { if (!$dryrun) { dieerr("Not overwriting paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " . $parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid); } else { dieerr("Would not overwrite paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " . $parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid); } } } function savePaste ($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $pasteid, $paste, $dststore) { if (!$dststore->exists($pasteid)) { if (!$dryrun) { debug("Saving paste id " . $pasteid); $dststore->create($pasteid, $paste); } else { debug("Would save paste id " . $pasteid); } } else if ($force_overwrite) { if (!$dryrun) { debug("Overwriting paste id " . $pasteid); $dststore->create($pasteid, $paste); } else { debug("Would overwrite paste id " . $pasteid); } } else { if (!$dryrun) { dieerr("Not overwriting paste id " . $pasteid); } else { dieerr("Would not overwrite paste id " . $pasteid); } } } function getConfig ($target, $confdir) { debug("Trying to load " . $target . " conf.php" . ($confdir === "" ? "" : " from " . $confdir)); putenv("CONFIG_PATH=" . $confdir); $conf = new Configuration; putenv("CONFIG_PATH="); return $conf; } function dieerr ($text) { fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: %s" . PHP_EOL, $text); die(1); } function debug ($text) { if ($GLOBALS["verbose"]) { printf("DEBUG: %s" . PHP_EOL, $text); } } function helpexit () { print("migrate - Copy data between PrivateBin backends Usage: migrate [--delete-after] [--delete-during] [-f] [-n] [-v] srcconfdir [<dstconfdir>] migrate [-h|--help] Options: --delete-after delete data from source after all pastes and comments have successfully been copied to the destination --delete-during delete data from source after the current paste and its comments have successfully been copied to the destination -f forcefully overwrite data which already exists at the destination -h, --help displays this help message -n dry run, do not copy data -v be verbose <srcconfdir> use storage backend configration from conf.php found in this directory as source <dstconfdir> optionally, use storage backend configration from conf.php found in this directory as destination; defaults to: " . PATH . "cfg" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "conf.php "); exit(); }