From 42b9363ec904f0b29cdcac58ebce75893234ac74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Travis Ralston <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 23:09:27 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Early support for constructing archives

 api/custom/exports.go                         |  87 ++++++
 api/webserver/webserver.go                    |  10 +
 common/media_kinds.go                         |   1 +
 .../data_controller/export_controller.go      | 253 ++++++++++++++++++
 docs/                                 |  12 +-
 5 files changed, 353 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 api/custom/exports.go
 create mode 100644 controllers/data_controller/export_controller.go

diff --git a/api/custom/exports.go b/api/custom/exports.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34a8c45a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/custom/exports.go
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+package custom
+import (
+	"net/http"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+type ExportStarted struct {
+	ExportID string `json:"export_id"`
+	TaskID   int    `json:"task_id"`
+func ExportUserData(r *http.Request, log *logrus.Entry, user api.UserInfo) interface{} {
+	if !config.Get().Archiving.Enabled {
+		return api.BadRequest("archiving is not enabled")
+	}
+	isAdmin := util.IsGlobalAdmin(user.UserId) || user.IsShared
+	if !config.Get().Archiving.SelfService && !isAdmin {
+		return api.AuthFailed()
+	}
+	includeData := r.URL.Query().Get("include_data") != "false"
+	s3urls := r.URL.Query().Get("s3_urls") != "false"
+	params := mux.Vars(r)
+	userId := params["userId"]
+	if !isAdmin && user.UserId != userId {
+		return api.BadRequest("cannot export data for another user")
+	}
+	log = log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
+		"exportUserId": userId,
+		"includeData":  includeData,
+		"s3urls":       s3urls,
+	})
+	task, exportId, err := data_controller.StartUserExport(userId, s3urls, includeData, log)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Error(err)
+		return api.InternalServerError("fatal error starting export")
+	}
+	return &api.DoNotCacheResponse{Payload: &ExportStarted{
+		TaskID:   task.ID,
+		ExportID: exportId,
+	}}
+func ViewExport(r *http.Request, log *logrus.Entry, user api.UserInfo) interface{} {
+	if !config.Get().Archiving.Enabled {
+		return api.BadRequest("archiving is not enabled")
+	}
+	return api.EmptyResponse{}
+func GetExportMetadata(r *http.Request, log *logrus.Entry, user api.UserInfo) interface{} {
+	if !config.Get().Archiving.Enabled {
+		return api.BadRequest("archiving is not enabled")
+	}
+	return api.EmptyResponse{}
+func DownloadExportPart(r *http.Request, log *logrus.Entry, user api.UserInfo) interface{} {
+	if !config.Get().Archiving.Enabled {
+		return api.BadRequest("archiving is not enabled")
+	}
+	return api.EmptyResponse{}
+func DeleteExport(r *http.Request, log *logrus.Entry, user api.UserInfo) interface{} {
+	if !config.Get().Archiving.Enabled {
+		return api.BadRequest("archiving is not enabled")
+	}
+	return api.EmptyResponse{}
diff --git a/api/webserver/webserver.go b/api/webserver/webserver.go
index bf09ae36..947c6130 100644
--- a/api/webserver/webserver.go
+++ b/api/webserver/webserver.go
@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ func Init() {
 	getBackgroundTaskHandler := handler{api.RepoAdminRoute(custom.GetTask), "get_background_task", counter, false}
 	listAllBackgroundTasksHandler := handler{api.RepoAdminRoute(custom.ListAllTasks), "list_all_background_tasks", counter, false}
 	listUnfinishedBackgroundTasksHandler := handler{api.RepoAdminRoute(custom.ListUnfinishedTasks), "list_unfinished_background_tasks", counter, false}
+	exportUserDataHandler := handler{api.AccessTokenRequiredRoute(custom.ExportUserData), "export_user_data", counter, false}
+	viewExportHandler := handler{api.AccessTokenOptionalRoute(custom.ViewExport), "view_export", counter, false}
+	getExportMetadataHandler := handler{api.AccessTokenOptionalRoute(custom.GetExportMetadata), "get_export_metadata", counter, false}
+	downloadExportPartHandler := handler{api.AccessTokenOptionalRoute(custom.DownloadExportPart), "download_export_part", counter, false}
+	deleteExportHandler := handler{api.AccessTokenOptionalRoute(custom.DeleteExport), "delete_export", counter, false}
 	routes := make(map[string]route)
 	versions := []string{"r0", "v1", "unstable"} // r0 is typically clients and v1 is typically servers. v1 is deprecated.
@@ -90,6 +95,11 @@ func Init() {
 		routes["/_matrix/media/"+version+"/admin/tasks/{taskId:[0-9]+}"] = route{"GET", getBackgroundTaskHandler}
 		routes["/_matrix/media/"+version+"/admin/tasks/all"] = route{"GET", listAllBackgroundTasksHandler}
 		routes["/_matrix/media/"+version+"/admin/tasks/unfinished"] = route{"GET", listUnfinishedBackgroundTasksHandler}
+		routes["/_matrix/media/"+version+"/admin/user/{userId:[^/]+}/export"] = route{"POST", exportUserDataHandler}
+		routes["/_matrix/media/"+version+"/admin/export/{exportId:[a-zA-Z0-9.:\\-_]+}/view"] = route{"GET", viewExportHandler}
+		routes["/_matrix/media/"+version+"/admin/export/{exportId:[a-zA-Z0-9.:\\-_]+}/metadata"] = route{"GET", getExportMetadataHandler}
+		routes["/_matrix/media/"+version+"/admin/export/{exportId:[a-zA-Z0-9.:\\-_]+}/part/{partId:[0-9]+}"] = route{"GET", downloadExportPartHandler}
+		routes["/_matrix/media/"+version+"/admin/export/{exportId:[a-zA-Z0-9.:\\-_]+}/delete"] = route{"DELETE", deleteExportHandler}
 		// Routes that we should handle but aren't in the media namespace (synapse compat)
 		routes["/_matrix/client/"+version+"/admin/purge_media_cache"] = route{"POST", purgeRemote}
diff --git a/common/media_kinds.go b/common/media_kinds.go
index 0f1b7661..4ea68567 100644
--- a/common/media_kinds.go
+++ b/common/media_kinds.go
@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@ package common
 const KindLocalMedia = "local_media"
 const KindRemoteMedia = "remote_media"
 const KindThumbnails = "thumbnails"
+const KindArchives = "archives"
 var AllKinds = []string{KindLocalMedia, KindRemoteMedia, KindThumbnails}
diff --git a/controllers/data_controller/export_controller.go b/controllers/data_controller/export_controller.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b2c7a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/data_controller/export_controller.go
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+package data_controller
+import (
+	"archive/tar"
+	"bytes"
+	"compress/gzip"
+	"context"
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"time"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+type manifestRecord struct {
+	FileName     string `json:"name"`
+	ArchivedName string `json:"file_name"`
+	SizeBytes    int64  `json:"size_bytes"`
+	ContentType  string `json:"content_type"`
+	S3Url        string `json:"s3_url"`
+	Sha256       string `json:"sha256"`
+	Origin       string `json:"origin"`
+	MediaId      string `json:"media_id"`
+	CreatedTs    int64  `json:"created_ts"`
+type manifest struct {
+	Version   int                        `json:"version"`
+	UserId    string                     `json:"user_id"`
+	CreatedTs int64                      `json:"created_ts"`
+	Media     map[string]*manifestRecord `json:"media"`
+func StartUserExport(userId string, s3urls bool, includeData bool, log *logrus.Entry) (*types.BackgroundTask, string, error) {
+	ctx := context.Background()
+	exportId, err := util.GenerateRandomString(128)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, "", err
+	}
+	db := storage.GetDatabase().GetMetadataStore(ctx, log)
+	task, err := db.CreateBackgroundTask("export_data", map[string]interface{}{
+		"user_id":         userId,
+		"include_s3_urls": s3urls,
+		"include_data":    includeData,
+		"export_id":       exportId,
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, "", err
+	}
+	go func() {
+		ds, err := datastore.PickDatastore(common.KindArchives, ctx, log)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Error(err)
+			return
+		}
+		mediaDb := storage.GetDatabase().GetMediaStore(ctx, log)
+		media, err := mediaDb.GetMediaByUser(userId)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Error(err)
+			return
+		}
+		var currentTar *tar.Writer
+		var currentTarBytes bytes.Buffer
+		part := 0
+		parts := make([]*types.ObjectInfo, 0)
+		currentSize := int64(0)
+		persistTar := func() error {
+			currentTar.Close()
+			// compress
+			log.Info("Compressing tar file")
+			gzipBytes := bytes.Buffer{}
+			archiver := gzip.NewWriter(&gzipBytes)
+			archiver.Name = fmt.Sprintf("export-part-%d.tar", part)
+			_, err := io.Copy(archiver, util.BufferToStream(bytes.NewBuffer(currentTarBytes.Bytes())))
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			archiver.Close()
+			log.Info("Uploading compressed tar file")
+			buf := bytes.NewBuffer(gzipBytes.Bytes())
+			obj, err := ds.UploadFile(util.BufferToStream(buf), int64(buf.Len()), ctx, log)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			parts = append(parts, obj)
+			return nil
+		}
+		newTar := func() error {
+			if part > 0 {
+				log.Info("Persisting complete tar file")
+				err := persistTar()
+				if err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+			}
+			log.Info("Starting new tar file")
+			currentTarBytes = bytes.Buffer{}
+			currentTar = tar.NewWriter(&currentTarBytes)
+			part = part + 1
+			currentSize = 0
+			return nil
+		}
+		// Start the first tar file
+		log.Info("Creating first tar file")
+		err = newTar()
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Error(err)
+			return
+		}
+		putFile := func(name string, size int64, creationTime time.Time, file io.Reader) error {
+			header := &tar.Header{
+				Name:    name,
+				Size:    size,
+				Mode:    int64(0644),
+				ModTime: creationTime,
+			}
+			err := currentTar.WriteHeader(header)
+			if err != nil {
+				log.Error("error writing header")
+				return err
+			}
+			i, err := io.Copy(currentTar, file)
+			if err != nil {
+				log.Error("error writing file")
+				return err
+			}
+			currentSize += i
+			return nil
+		}
+		archivedName := func(m *types.Media) string {
+			// TODO: Pick the right extension for the file type
+			return fmt.Sprintf("%s__%s.obj", m.Origin, m.MediaId)
+		}
+		// Build a manifest first (JSON)
+		log.Info("Building manifest")
+		mediaManifest := make(map[string]*manifestRecord)
+		for _, m := range media {
+			mediaManifest[m.MxcUri()] = &manifestRecord{
+				ArchivedName: archivedName(m),
+				FileName:     m.UploadName,
+				SizeBytes:    m.SizeBytes,
+				ContentType:  m.ContentType,
+				S3Url:        "TODO",
+				Sha256:       m.Sha256Hash,
+				Origin:       m.Origin,
+				MediaId:      m.MediaId,
+				CreatedTs:    m.CreationTs,
+			}
+		}
+		manifest := &manifest{
+			Version:   1,
+			UserId:    userId,
+			CreatedTs: util.NowMillis(),
+			Media:     mediaManifest,
+		}
+		b, err := json.Marshal(manifest)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Error(err)
+			return
+		}
+		log.Info("Writing manifest")
+		err = putFile("manifest.json", int64(len(b)), time.Now(), util.BufferToStream(bytes.NewBuffer(b)))
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Error(err)
+			return
+		}
+		if includeData {
+			log.Info("Including data in the archive")
+			for _, m := range media {
+				log.Info("Downloading ", m.MxcUri())
+				s, err := datastore.DownloadStream(ctx, log, m.DatastoreId, m.Location)
+				if err != nil {
+					log.Error(err)
+					continue
+				}
+				log.Infof("Copying %s to memory", m.MxcUri())
+				b := bytes.Buffer{}
+				_, err = io.Copy(&b, s)
+				if err != nil {
+					log.Error(err)
+					continue
+				}
+				s.Close()
+				s = util.BufferToStream(bytes.NewBuffer(b.Bytes()))
+				log.Info("Archiving ", m.MxcUri())
+				err = putFile(archivedName(m), m.SizeBytes, time.Unix(0, m.CreationTs*int64(time.Millisecond)), s)
+				if err != nil {
+					log.Error(err)
+					return
+				}
+				if currentSize >= config.Get().Archiving.TargetBytesPerPart {
+					log.Info("Rotating tar")
+					err = newTar()
+					if err != nil {
+						log.Error(err)
+						return
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if currentSize > 0 {
+			log.Info("Persisting last tar")
+			err = persistTar()
+			if err != nil {
+				log.Error(err)
+				return
+			}
+		}
+		log.Info("Finishing export task")
+		err = db.FinishedBackgroundTask(task.ID)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Error(err)
+			log.Error("Failed to flag task as finished")
+		}
+		log.Info("Finished export")
+	}()
+	return task, exportId, nil
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 032aa3d1..5278ce1d 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -317,17 +317,9 @@ Exports (and therefore imports) are currently done on a per-user basis. This is
 #### Exporting data for a user
-URL: `POST /_matrix/media/unstable/admin/user/<user ID>/export`
+URL: `POST /_matrix/media/unstable/admin/user/<user ID>/export?include_data=true&s3_urls=true`
-The request body is:
-  "include_data": true,
-  "s3_urls": true
-Both fields are optional, and their default values are shown. If `include_data` is false, only metadata will be returned by the export. `s3_urls`, when true, includes the s3 URL to the media in the metadata if one is available.
+Both query params are optional, and their default values are shown. If `include_data` is false, only metadata will be returned by the export. `s3_urls`, when true, includes the s3 URL to the media in the metadata if one is available.
 The response is a task ID and export ID to put into the 'view export' URL: