From 8d05c654db975b5cf274da55e2f6211cd31f68d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Travis Ralston <>
Date: Sun, 2 May 2021 18:51:18 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "Early gzip compression work"

This reverts commit 5e51abbdcf9145e323bfa7ca5e29e6a4995c2b18.
---                                  |  4 -
 api/r0/download.go                            |  2 -
 api/r0/thumbnail.go                           |  1 -
 api/webserver/route_handler.go                | 11 +--
 common/config/conf_min_shared.go              |  4 -
 common/config/models_domain.go                | 14 +--
 config.sample.yaml                            | 14 ---
 .../thumbnail_resource_handler.go             | 30 +------
 .../upload_controller/upload_controller.go    | 30 ++-----
 migrations/19_add_compressed_flag_down.sql    |  2 -
 migrations/19_add_compressed_flag_up.sql      |  2 -
 storage/datastore/datastore_ref.go            |  3 +-
 storage/datastore/ds_file/file_store.go       | 50 +++++++++--
 storage/datastore/ds_ipfs/ipfs_store.go       | 34 +++++++-
 storage/datastore/ds_s3/s3_store.go           | 86 +++++++++++++------
 storage/stores/media_store.go                 | 42 +++------
 storage/stores/thumbnail_store.go             | 18 ++--
 types/media.go                                |  1 -
 types/object_info.go                          |  4 +-
 types/thumbnail.go                            |  1 -
 util/compression.go                           | 43 ----------
 21 files changed, 170 insertions(+), 226 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 migrations/19_add_compressed_flag_down.sql
 delete mode 100644 migrations/19_add_compressed_flag_up.sql
 delete mode 100644 util/compression.go

diff --git a/ b/
index f07a9c38..88d467c6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
 In a future version (likely the next), the in-memory cache support will be removed. Instead, please use the Redis
 caching that is now supported properly by this release, or disable caching if not applicable for your deployment.
-### Added
-* Optional configuration for compressing uploads. Enabled by default.
 ### Changed
 * Support the Redis config at the root level of the config, promoting it to a proper feature.
diff --git a/api/r0/download.go b/api/r0/download.go
index fb75a00d..d84c74ec 100644
--- a/api/r0/download.go
+++ b/api/r0/download.go
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ type DownloadMediaResponse struct {
 	SizeBytes         int64
 	Data              io.ReadCloser
 	TargetDisposition string
-	Compressed        bool
 func DownloadMedia(r *http.Request, rctx rcontext.RequestContext, user api.UserInfo) interface{} {
@@ -80,6 +79,5 @@ func DownloadMedia(r *http.Request, rctx rcontext.RequestContext, user api.UserI
 		SizeBytes:         streamedMedia.SizeBytes,
 		Data:              streamedMedia.Stream,
 		TargetDisposition: targetDisposition,
-		Compressed: streamedMedia.KnownMedia.Compressed,
diff --git a/api/r0/thumbnail.go b/api/r0/thumbnail.go
index 62d9a74c..7c06aca1 100644
--- a/api/r0/thumbnail.go
+++ b/api/r0/thumbnail.go
@@ -101,6 +101,5 @@ func ThumbnailMedia(r *http.Request, rctx rcontext.RequestContext, user api.User
 		SizeBytes:   streamedThumbnail.Thumbnail.SizeBytes,
 		Data:        streamedThumbnail.Stream,
 		Filename:    "thumbnail.png",
-		Compressed:  streamedThumbnail.Thumbnail.Compressed,
diff --git a/api/webserver/route_handler.go b/api/webserver/route_handler.go
index 9e6553dc..950e70f9 100644
--- a/api/webserver/route_handler.go
+++ b/api/webserver/route_handler.go
@@ -163,16 +163,6 @@ func (h handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
 	case *r0.DownloadMediaResponse:
-		defer result.Data.Close()
-		result.Data, err = util.DecompressBytesIfNeeded(result.Data, result.Compressed, rcontext.Initial())
-		if err != nil {
-			sentry.CaptureException(err)
-			contextLog.Warn("Failed to decompress content: " + err.Error())
-			statusCode = http.StatusInternalServerError
-			res = &api.ErrorResponse{Code: common.ErrCodeUnknown, InternalCode: common.ErrCodeUnknown, Message: "Unexpected error"}
-			break
-		}
 			"host":       r.Host,
 			"action":     h.action,
@@ -231,6 +221,7 @@ func (h handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
 		} else {
 			w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", disposition+"; filename*=utf-8''"+url.QueryEscape(fname))
+		defer result.Data.Close()
 		writeResponseData(w, result.Data, result.SizeBytes)
 		return // Prevent sending conflicting responses
 	case *r0.IdenticonResponse:
diff --git a/common/config/conf_min_shared.go b/common/config/conf_min_shared.go
index 9eb26090..00408488 100644
--- a/common/config/conf_min_shared.go
+++ b/common/config/conf_min_shared.go
@@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ func NewDefaultMinimumRepoConfig() MinimumRepoConfig {
 				Enabled:    false,
 				UserQuotas: []QuotaUserConfig{},
-			Compression: CompressionConfig{
-				Enabled: true,
-				Level:   6,
-			},
 		Identicons: IdenticonsConfig{
 			Enabled: true,
diff --git a/common/config/models_domain.go b/common/config/models_domain.go
index af60bee2..14ef0f30 100644
--- a/common/config/models_domain.go
+++ b/common/config/models_domain.go
@@ -16,17 +16,11 @@ type QuotasConfig struct {
 	UserQuotas []QuotaUserConfig `yaml:"users,flow"`
-type CompressionConfig struct {
-	Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled"`
-	Level   int  `yaml:"level"`
 type UploadsConfig struct {
-	MaxSizeBytes         int64             `yaml:"maxBytes"`
-	MinSizeBytes         int64             `yaml:"minBytes"`
-	ReportedMaxSizeBytes int64             `yaml:"reportedMaxBytes"`
-	Quota                QuotasConfig      `yaml:"quotas"`
-	Compression          CompressionConfig `yaml:"compression"'`
+	MaxSizeBytes         int64        `yaml:"maxBytes"`
+	MinSizeBytes         int64        `yaml:"minBytes"`
+	ReportedMaxSizeBytes int64        `yaml:"reportedMaxBytes"`
+	Quota                QuotasConfig `yaml:"quotas"`
 type DatastoreConfig struct {
diff --git a/config.sample.yaml b/config.sample.yaml
index 606a1820..e2aca618 100644
--- a/config.sample.yaml
+++ b/config.sample.yaml
@@ -219,20 +219,6 @@ uploads:
   # Set this to -1 to indicate that there is no limit. Zero will force the use of maxBytes.
   #reportedMaxBytes: 104857600
-  # Options for controlling compression on uploaded files. Compression is done through GZIP
-  # and applied to stored files. When a user is downloading a file, the uncompressed version
-  # will be used.
-  #
-  # Compression is not used for IPFS datastores.
-  compression:
-    # Set to false to disable all compression attempts. Default enabled (compressed).
-    enabled: true
-    # The level of compression, between 1 and 9 inclusive, to apply to files. 6 is a common
-    # default and balances compression and speed. 9 will optimize for compression and not
-    # speed.
-    level: 6
   # Options for limiting how much content a user can upload. Quotas are applied to content
   # associated with a user regardless of de-duplication. Quotas which affect remote servers
   # or users will not take effect. When a user exceeds their quota they will be unable to
diff --git a/controllers/thumbnail_controller/thumbnail_resource_handler.go b/controllers/thumbnail_controller/thumbnail_resource_handler.go
index 30954e00..7d084f9e 100644
--- a/controllers/thumbnail_controller/thumbnail_resource_handler.go
+++ b/controllers/thumbnail_controller/thumbnail_resource_handler.go
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import (
-	""
-	""
@@ -48,7 +46,6 @@ type GeneratedThumbnail struct {
 	SizeBytes         int64
 	Animated          bool
 	Sha256Hash        string
-	Compressed        bool
 var resHandlerInstance *thumbnailResourceHandler
@@ -100,6 +97,7 @@ func thumbnailWorkFn(request *resource_handler.WorkRequest) (resp *thumbnailResp
 		return &thumbnailResponse{err: err}
 	if info.animated != generated.Animated {
 		ctx.Log.Warn("Animation state changed to ", generated.Animated)
@@ -120,7 +118,6 @@ func thumbnailWorkFn(request *resource_handler.WorkRequest) (resp *thumbnailResp
 		Location:    generated.DatastoreLocation,
 		SizeBytes:   generated.SizeBytes,
 		Sha256Hash:  generated.Sha256Hash,
-		Compressed:  generated.Compressed,
 	db := storage.GetDatabase().GetThumbnailStore(ctx)
@@ -162,13 +159,6 @@ func GenerateThumbnail(media *types.Media, width int, height int, method string,
 		ctx.Log.Error("Error getting file: ", err)
 		return nil, err
-	defer cleanup.DumpAndCloseStream(mediaStream)
-	mediaStream, err = util.DecompressBytesIfNeeded(mediaStream, media.Compressed, ctx)
-	if err != nil {
-		ctx.Log.Error("Error decompressing file: ", err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
 	mediaContentType := util.FixContentType(media.ContentType)
@@ -197,7 +187,6 @@ func GenerateThumbnail(media *types.Media, width int, height int, method string,
 		thumb.DatastoreLocation = media.Location
 		thumb.SizeBytes = media.SizeBytes
 		thumb.Sha256Hash = media.Sha256Hash
-		thumb.Compressed = media.Compressed
 		ctx.Log.Warn("Image too small, returning raw image")
 		return thumb, nil
@@ -209,19 +198,6 @@ func GenerateThumbnail(media *types.Media, width int, height int, method string,
 		return nil, err
-	hash, err := util.GetSha256HashOfStream(util_byte_seeker.NewByteSeeker(b))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	length := int64(len(b))
-	b, compressed, err := util.CompressBytesIfNeeded(b, ctx)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	thumb.Compressed = compressed
 	ds, err := datastore.PickDatastore(common.KindThumbnails, ctx)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
@@ -236,8 +212,8 @@ func GenerateThumbnail(media *types.Media, width int, height int, method string,
 	thumb.DatastoreLocation = info.Location
 	thumb.DatastoreId = ds.DatastoreId
 	thumb.ContentType = thumbImg.ContentType
-	thumb.SizeBytes = length
-	thumb.Sha256Hash = hash
+	thumb.SizeBytes = info.SizeBytes
+	thumb.Sha256Hash = info.Sha256Hash
 	return thumb, nil
diff --git a/controllers/upload_controller/upload_controller.go b/controllers/upload_controller/upload_controller.go
index ed0e717e..bde49d60 100644
--- a/controllers/upload_controller/upload_controller.go
+++ b/controllers/upload_controller/upload_controller.go
@@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ func StoreDirect(f *AlreadyUploadedFile, contents io.ReadCloser, expectedSize in
 	var ds *datastore.DatastoreRef
 	var info *types.ObjectInfo
 	var contentBytes []byte
-	compressed := false
 	if f == nil {
 		dsPicked, err := datastore.PickDatastore(kind, ctx)
 		if err != nil {
@@ -211,14 +210,7 @@ func StoreDirect(f *AlreadyUploadedFile, contents io.ReadCloser, expectedSize in
 			return nil, err
-		// We don't assign to contentBytes because that is used for antispam & hash checks
-		var dataBytes []byte
-		dataBytes, compressed, err = util.CompressBytesIfNeeded(contentBytes, ctx)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		fInfo, err := ds.UploadFile(util.BytesToStream(dataBytes), expectedSize, ctx)
+		fInfo, err := ds.UploadFile(util.BytesToStream(contentBytes), expectedSize, ctx)
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -238,23 +230,15 @@ func StoreDirect(f *AlreadyUploadedFile, contents io.ReadCloser, expectedSize in
-	// Do the hash on content, not on the compressed bytes
-	hash, err := util.GetSha256HashOfStream(util_byte_seeker.NewByteSeeker(contentBytes))
-	if err != nil {
-		ds.DeleteObject(info.Location) // delete temp object
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	ctx.Log.Info("Hash of file is ", hash)
 	db := storage.GetDatabase().GetMediaStore(ctx)
-	records, err := db.GetByHash(hash)
+	records, err := db.GetByHash(info.Sha256Hash)
 	if err != nil {
 		ds.DeleteObject(info.Location) // delete temp object
 		return nil, err
 	if len(records) > 0 {
-		ctx.Log.Info("Duplicate media for hash ", hash)
+		ctx.Log.Info("Duplicate media for hash ", info.Sha256Hash)
 		// If the user is a real user (ie: actually uploaded media), then we'll see if there's
 		// an exact duplicate that we can return. Otherwise we'll just pick the first record and
@@ -305,7 +289,6 @@ func StoreDirect(f *AlreadyUploadedFile, contents io.ReadCloser, expectedSize in
 		media.UploadName = filename
 		media.ContentType = contentType
 		media.CreationTs = util.NowMillis()
-		//media.Compressed = compressed // we'll be using the existing record's flag
 		err = db.Insert(media)
 		if err != nil {
@@ -340,7 +323,7 @@ func StoreDirect(f *AlreadyUploadedFile, contents io.ReadCloser, expectedSize in
 	// The media doesn't already exist - save it as new
-	if len(contentBytes) <= 0 {
+	if info.SizeBytes <= 0 {
 		return nil, errors.New("file has no contents")
@@ -359,12 +342,11 @@ func StoreDirect(f *AlreadyUploadedFile, contents io.ReadCloser, expectedSize in
 		UploadName:  filename,
 		ContentType: contentType,
 		UserId:      userId,
-		Sha256Hash:  hash,
-		SizeBytes:   int64(len(contentBytes)),
+		Sha256Hash:  info.Sha256Hash,
+		SizeBytes:   info.SizeBytes,
 		DatastoreId: ds.DatastoreId,
 		Location:    info.Location,
 		CreationTs:  util.NowMillis(),
-		Compressed:  compressed,
 	err = db.Insert(media)
diff --git a/migrations/19_add_compressed_flag_down.sql b/migrations/19_add_compressed_flag_down.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 41708721..00000000
--- a/migrations/19_add_compressed_flag_down.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-ALTER TABLE media DROP COLUMN compressed;
-ALTER TABLE thumbnails DROP COLUMN compressed;
diff --git a/migrations/19_add_compressed_flag_up.sql b/migrations/19_add_compressed_flag_up.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a8702a8..00000000
--- a/migrations/19_add_compressed_flag_up.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/storage/datastore/datastore_ref.go b/storage/datastore/datastore_ref.go
index c408f151..f3b8ee88 100644
--- a/storage/datastore/datastore_ref.go
+++ b/storage/datastore/datastore_ref.go
@@ -112,7 +112,8 @@ func (d *DatastoreRef) ObjectExists(location string) bool {
 func (d *DatastoreRef) OverwriteObject(location string, stream io.ReadCloser, ctx rcontext.RequestContext) error {
 	if d.Type == "file" {
-		return ds_file.PersistFileAtLocation(path.Join(d.Uri, location), stream, ctx)
+		_, _, err := ds_file.PersistFileAtLocation(path.Join(d.Uri, location), stream, ctx)
+		return err
 	} else if d.Type == "s3" {
 		s3, err := ds_s3.GetOrCreateS3Datastore(d.DatastoreId, d.config)
 		if err != nil {
diff --git a/storage/datastore/ds_file/file_store.go b/storage/datastore/ds_file/file_store.go
index 19f900a7..14c3bc44 100644
--- a/storage/datastore/ds_file/file_store.go
+++ b/storage/datastore/ds_file/file_store.go
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package ds_file
 import (
+	"io/ioutil"
@@ -54,37 +55,68 @@ func PersistFile(basePath string, file io.ReadCloser, ctx rcontext.RequestContex
 		return nil, err
-	err = PersistFileAtLocation(targetFile, file, ctx)
+	sizeBytes, hash, err := PersistFileAtLocation(targetFile, file, ctx)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
 	locationPath := path.Join(primaryContainer, secondaryContainer, fileName)
 	return &types.ObjectInfo{
-		Location: locationPath,
+		Location:   locationPath,
+		Sha256Hash: hash,
+		SizeBytes:  sizeBytes,
 	}, nil
-func PersistFileAtLocation(targetFile string, file io.ReadCloser, ctx rcontext.RequestContext) error {
+func PersistFileAtLocation(targetFile string, file io.ReadCloser, ctx rcontext.RequestContext) (int64, string, error) {
 	defer cleanup.DumpAndCloseStream(file)
 	f, err := os.OpenFile(targetFile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
 	if err != nil {
-		return err
+		return 0, "", err
 	defer cleanup.DumpAndCloseStream(f)
+	rfile, wfile := io.Pipe()
+	tr := io.TeeReader(file, wfile)
+	done := make(chan bool)
+	defer close(done)
+	var hash string
 	var sizeBytes int64
+	var hashErr error
 	var writeErr error
-	ctx.Log.Info("Writing file...")
-	sizeBytes, writeErr = io.Copy(f, file)
+	go func() {
+		defer wfile.Close()
+		ctx.Log.Info("Calculating hash of stream...")
+		hash, hashErr = util.GetSha256HashOfStream(ioutil.NopCloser(tr))
+		ctx.Log.Info("Hash of file is ", hash)
+		done <- true
+	}()
+	go func() {
+		ctx.Log.Info("Writing file...")
+		sizeBytes, writeErr = io.Copy(f, rfile)
+		ctx.Log.Info("Wrote ", sizeBytes, " bytes to file")
+		done <- true
+	}()
+	for c := 0; c < 2; c++ {
+		<-done
+	}
+	if hashErr != nil {
+		defer os.Remove(targetFile)
+		return 0, "", hashErr
+	}
 	if writeErr != nil {
-		return writeErr
+		return 0, "", writeErr
-	ctx.Log.Info("Wrote ", sizeBytes, " bytes to file")
-	return nil
+	return sizeBytes, hash, nil
 func DeletePersistedFile(basePath string, location string) error {
diff --git a/storage/datastore/ds_ipfs/ipfs_store.go b/storage/datastore/ds_ipfs/ipfs_store.go
index a77be54e..9f26d029 100644
--- a/storage/datastore/ds_ipfs/ipfs_store.go
+++ b/storage/datastore/ds_ipfs/ipfs_store.go
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
+	""
@@ -19,18 +20,43 @@ func UploadFile(file io.ReadCloser, ctx rcontext.RequestContext) (*types.ObjectI
 		return nil, err
+	done := make(chan bool)
+	defer close(done)
 	var cid string
+	var hash string
+	var hashErr error
 	var writeErr error
-	ctx.Log.Info("Writing file...")
-	cid, writeErr = ipfs_proxy.PutObject(bytes.NewBuffer(b), ctx)
+	go func() {
+		ctx.Log.Info("Writing file...")
+		cid, writeErr = ipfs_proxy.PutObject(bytes.NewBuffer(b), ctx)
+		ctx.Log.Info("Wrote file to IPFS")
+		done <- true
+	}()
+	go func() {
+		ctx.Log.Info("Calculating hash of stream...")
+		hash, hashErr = util.GetSha256HashOfStream(ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(b)))
+		ctx.Log.Info("Hash of file is ", hash)
+		done <- true
+	}()
+	for c := 0; c < 2; c++ {
+		<-done
+	}
+	if hashErr != nil {
+		return nil, hashErr
+	}
 	if writeErr != nil {
 		return nil, writeErr
-	ctx.Log.Info("Wrote file to IPFS")
 	return &types.ObjectInfo{
-		Location: "ipfs/" + cid,
+		Location:   "ipfs/" + cid,
+		Sha256Hash: hash,
+		SizeBytes:  int64(len(b)),
 	}, nil
diff --git a/storage/datastore/ds_s3/s3_store.go b/storage/datastore/ds_s3/s3_store.go
index c48c75ba..79824a3c 100644
--- a/storage/datastore/ds_s3/s3_store.go
+++ b/storage/datastore/ds_s3/s3_store.go
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ type s3Datastore struct {
 	dsId     string
 	client   *minio.Client
 	bucket   string
-	region   string
+	region string
 	tempPath string
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func GetOrCreateS3Datastore(dsId string, conf config.DatastoreConfig) (*s3Datast
 		dsId:     dsId,
 		client:   s3client,
 		bucket:   bucket,
-		region:   region,
+		region: region,
 		tempPath: tempPath,
 	stores[dsId] = s3ds
@@ -129,38 +129,72 @@ func (s *s3Datastore) UploadFile(file io.ReadCloser, expectedLength int64, ctx r
 		return nil, err
+	var rs3 io.ReadCloser
+	var ws3 io.WriteCloser
+	rs3, ws3 = io.Pipe()
+	tr := io.TeeReader(file, ws3)
+	done := make(chan bool)
+	defer close(done)
+	var hash string
 	var sizeBytes int64
+	var hashErr error
 	var uploadErr error
-	if expectedLength <= 0 {
-		if s.tempPath != "" {
-			ctx.Log.Info("Buffering file to temp path due to unknown file size")
-			var f *os.File
-			f, uploadErr = ioutil.TempFile(s.tempPath, "mr*")
-			if uploadErr != nil {
-				io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, file)
-				return nil, uploadErr
-			}
-			defer os.Remove(f.Name())
-			expectedLength, uploadErr = io.Copy(f, file)
-			cleanup.DumpAndCloseStream(f)
-			f, uploadErr = os.Open(f.Name())
-			if uploadErr != nil {
-				return nil, uploadErr
+	go func() {
+		defer ws3.Close()
+		ctx.Log.Info("Calculating hash of stream...")
+		hash, hashErr = util.GetSha256HashOfStream(ioutil.NopCloser(tr))
+		ctx.Log.Info("Hash of file is ", hash)
+		done <- true
+	}()
+	go func() {
+		if expectedLength <= 0 {
+			if s.tempPath != "" {
+				ctx.Log.Info("Buffering file to temp path due to unknown file size")
+				var f *os.File
+				f, uploadErr = ioutil.TempFile(s.tempPath, "mr*")
+				if uploadErr != nil {
+					io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, rs3)
+					done <- true
+					return
+				}
+				defer os.Remove(f.Name())
+				expectedLength, uploadErr = io.Copy(f, rs3)
+				cleanup.DumpAndCloseStream(f)
+				f, uploadErr = os.Open(f.Name())
+				if uploadErr != nil {
+					done <- true
+					return
+				}
+				rs3 = f
+				defer cleanup.DumpAndCloseStream(f)
+			} else {
+				ctx.Log.Warn("Uploading content of unknown length to s3 - this could result in high memory usage")
+				expectedLength = -1
-			file = f
-			defer cleanup.DumpAndCloseStream(f)
-		} else {
-			ctx.Log.Warn("Uploading content of unknown length to s3 - this could result in high memory usage")
-			expectedLength = -1
+		ctx.Log.Info("Uploading file...")
+		sizeBytes, uploadErr = s.client.PutObjectWithContext(ctx, s.bucket, objectName, rs3, expectedLength, minio.PutObjectOptions{})
+		ctx.Log.Info("Uploaded ", sizeBytes, " bytes to s3")
+		done <- true
+	}()
+	for c := 0; c < 2; c++ {
+		<-done
-	ctx.Log.Info("Uploading file...")
-	sizeBytes, uploadErr = s.client.PutObjectWithContext(ctx, s.bucket, objectName, file, expectedLength, minio.PutObjectOptions{})
-	ctx.Log.Info("Uploaded ", sizeBytes, " bytes to s3")
 	obj := &types.ObjectInfo{
-		Location: objectName,
+		Location:   objectName,
+		Sha256Hash: hash,
+		SizeBytes:  sizeBytes,
+	}
+	if hashErr != nil {
+		s.DeleteObject(obj.Location)
+		return nil, hashErr
 	if uploadErr != nil {
diff --git a/storage/stores/media_store.go b/storage/stores/media_store.go
index 1505f2bc..cf00064c 100644
--- a/storage/stores/media_store.go
+++ b/storage/stores/media_store.go
@@ -9,28 +9,28 @@ import (
-const selectMedia = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE origin = $1 and media_id = $2;"
-const selectMediaByHash = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE sha256_hash = $1;"
-const insertMedia = "INSERT INTO media (origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12);"
-const selectOldMedia = "SELECT m.origin, m.media_id, m.upload_name, m.content_type, m.user_id, m.sha256_hash, m.size_bytes, m.datastore_id, m.location, m.creation_ts, m.quarantined, m.compressed FROM media AS m WHERE m.origin <> ANY($1) AND m.creation_ts < $2 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media AS d WHERE d.sha256_hash = m.sha256_hash AND d.creation_ts >= $2) = 0 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media AS d WHERE d.sha256_hash = m.sha256_hash AND d.origin = ANY($1)) = 0;"
+const selectMedia = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE origin = $1 and media_id = $2;"
+const selectMediaByHash = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE sha256_hash = $1;"
+const insertMedia = "INSERT INTO media (origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11);"
+const selectOldMedia = "SELECT m.origin, m.media_id, m.upload_name, m.content_type, m.user_id, m.sha256_hash, m.size_bytes, m.datastore_id, m.location, m.creation_ts, quarantined FROM media AS m WHERE m.origin <> ANY($1) AND m.creation_ts < $2 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media AS d WHERE d.sha256_hash = m.sha256_hash AND d.creation_ts >= $2) = 0 AND (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM media AS d WHERE d.sha256_hash = m.sha256_hash AND d.origin = ANY($1)) = 0;"
 const selectOrigins = "SELECT DISTINCT origin FROM media;"
 const deleteMedia = "DELETE FROM media WHERE origin = $1 AND media_id = $2;"
 const updateQuarantined = "UPDATE media SET quarantined = $3 WHERE origin = $1 AND media_id = $2;"
 const selectDatastore = "SELECT datastore_id, ds_type, uri FROM datastores WHERE datastore_id = $1;"
 const selectDatastoreByUri = "SELECT datastore_id, ds_type, uri FROM datastores WHERE uri = $1;"
 const insertDatastore = "INSERT INTO datastores (datastore_id, ds_type, uri) VALUES ($1, $2, $3);"
-const selectMediaWithoutDatastore = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE datastore_id IS NULL OR datastore_id = '';"
+const selectMediaWithoutDatastore = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE datastore_id IS NULL OR datastore_id = '';"
 const updateMediaDatastoreAndLocation = "UPDATE media SET location = $4, datastore_id = $3 WHERE origin = $1 AND media_id = $2;"
 const selectAllDatastores = "SELECT datastore_id, ds_type, uri FROM datastores;"
-const selectAllMediaForServer = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE origin = $1"
-const selectAllMediaForServerUsers = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE origin = $1 AND user_id = ANY($2)"
-const selectAllMediaForServerIds = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE origin = $1 AND media_id = ANY($2)"
-const selectQuarantinedMedia = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE quarantined = true;"
-const selectServerQuarantinedMedia = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE quarantined = true AND origin = $1;"
-const selectMediaByUser = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE user_id = $1"
-const selectMediaByUserBefore = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE user_id = $1 AND creation_ts <= $2"
-const selectMediaByDomainBefore = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE origin = $1 AND creation_ts <= $2"
-const selectMediaByLocation = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined, compressed FROM media WHERE datastore_id = $1 AND location = $2"
+const selectAllMediaForServer = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE origin = $1"
+const selectAllMediaForServerUsers = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE origin = $1 AND user_id = ANY($2)"
+const selectAllMediaForServerIds = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE origin = $1 AND media_id = ANY($2)"
+const selectQuarantinedMedia = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE quarantined = true;"
+const selectServerQuarantinedMedia = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE quarantined = true AND origin = $1;"
+const selectMediaByUser = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE user_id = $1"
+const selectMediaByUserBefore = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE user_id = $1 AND creation_ts <= $2"
+const selectMediaByDomainBefore = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE origin = $1 AND creation_ts <= $2"
+const selectMediaByLocation = "SELECT origin, media_id, upload_name, content_type, user_id, sha256_hash, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, quarantined FROM media WHERE datastore_id = $1 AND location = $2"
 const selectIfQuarantined = "SELECT 1 FROM media WHERE sha256_hash = $1 AND quarantined = $2 LIMIT 1;"
 var dsCacheByPath = sync.Map{} // [string] => Datastore
@@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) Insert(media *types.Media) error {
-		media.Compressed,
 	return err
@@ -201,7 +200,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetByHash(hash string) ([]*types.Media, error) {
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -226,7 +224,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) Get(origin string, mediaId string) (*types.Media, error) {
-		&m.Compressed,
 	return m, err
@@ -252,7 +249,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetOldMedia(exceptOrigins []string, beforeTs int64) ([]*typ
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -400,7 +396,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetAllWithoutDatastore() ([]*types.Media, error) {
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -455,7 +450,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetAllMediaForServer(serverName string) ([]*types.Media, er
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -487,7 +481,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetAllMediaForServerUsers(serverName string, userIds []stri
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -519,7 +512,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetAllMediaInIds(serverName string, mediaIds []string) ([]*
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -551,7 +543,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetAllQuarantinedMedia() ([]*types.Media, error) {
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -583,7 +574,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetQuarantinedMediaFor(serverName string) ([]*types.Media,
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -615,7 +605,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetMediaByUser(userId string) ([]*types.Media, error) {
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -647,7 +636,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetMediaByUserBefore(userId string, beforeTs int64) ([]*typ
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -679,7 +667,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetMediaByDomainBefore(serverName string, beforeTs int64) (
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -711,7 +698,6 @@ func (s *MediaStore) GetMediaByLocation(datastoreId string, location string) ([]
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
diff --git a/storage/stores/thumbnail_store.go b/storage/stores/thumbnail_store.go
index d44d6b68..e9fcccc8 100644
--- a/storage/stores/thumbnail_store.go
+++ b/storage/stores/thumbnail_store.go
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ import (
-const selectThumbnail = "SELECT origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash, compressed FROM thumbnails WHERE origin = $1 and media_id = $2 and width = $3 and height = $4 and method = $5 and animated = $6;"
-const insertThumbnail = "INSERT INTO thumbnails (origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash, compressed) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13);"
+const selectThumbnail = "SELECT origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash FROM thumbnails WHERE origin = $1 and media_id = $2 and width = $3 and height = $4 and method = $5 and animated = $6;"
+const insertThumbnail = "INSERT INTO thumbnails (origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12);"
 const updateThumbnailHash = "UPDATE thumbnails SET sha256_hash = $7 WHERE origin = $1 and media_id = $2 and width = $3 and height = $4 and method = $5 and animated = $6;"
-const selectThumbnailsWithoutHash = "SELECT origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash, compressed FROM thumbnails WHERE sha256_hash IS NULL OR sha256_hash = '';"
-const selectThumbnailsWithoutDatastore = "SELECT origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash, compressed FROM thumbnails WHERE datastore_id IS NULL OR datastore_id = '';"
+const selectThumbnailsWithoutHash = "SELECT origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash FROM thumbnails WHERE sha256_hash IS NULL OR sha256_hash = '';"
+const selectThumbnailsWithoutDatastore = "SELECT origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash FROM thumbnails WHERE datastore_id IS NULL OR datastore_id = '';"
 const updateThumbnailDatastoreAndLocation = "UPDATE thumbnails SET location = $8, datastore_id = $7 WHERE origin = $1 and media_id = $2 and width = $3 and height = $4 and method = $5 and animated = $6;"
-const selectThumbnailsForMedia = "SELECT origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash, compressed FROM thumbnails WHERE origin = $1 AND media_id = $2;"
+const selectThumbnailsForMedia = "SELECT origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash FROM thumbnails WHERE origin = $1 AND media_id = $2;"
 const deleteThumbnailsForMedia = "DELETE FROM thumbnails WHERE origin = $1 AND media_id = $2;"
-const selectThumbnailsCreatedBefore = "SELECT origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash, compressed FROM thumbnails WHERE creation_ts < $1;"
+const selectThumbnailsCreatedBefore = "SELECT origin, media_id, width, height, method, animated, content_type, size_bytes, datastore_id, location, creation_ts, sha256_hash FROM thumbnails WHERE creation_ts < $1;"
 const deleteThumbnailsWithHash = "DELETE FROM thumbnails WHERE sha256_hash = $1;"
 type thumbnailStatements struct {
@@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ func (s *ThumbnailStore) Insert(thumbnail *types.Thumbnail) error {
-		thumbnail.Compressed,
 	return err
@@ -126,7 +125,6 @@ func (s *ThumbnailStore) Get(origin string, mediaId string, width int, height in
-		&t.Compressed,
 	return t, err
@@ -184,7 +182,6 @@ func (s *ThumbnailStore) GetAllWithoutHash() ([]*types.Thumbnail, error) {
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -217,7 +214,6 @@ func (s *ThumbnailStore) GetAllWithoutDatastore() ([]*types.Thumbnail, error) {
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -250,7 +246,6 @@ func (s *ThumbnailStore) GetAllForMedia(origin string, mediaId string) ([]*types
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
@@ -291,7 +286,6 @@ func (s *ThumbnailStore) GetOldThumbnails(beforeTs int64) ([]*types.Thumbnail, e
-			&obj.Compressed,
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
diff --git a/types/media.go b/types/media.go
index e0bc8230..ce8ea0a1 100644
--- a/types/media.go
+++ b/types/media.go
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ type Media struct {
 	Location    string
 	CreationTs  int64
 	Quarantined bool
-	Compressed  bool
 type MinimalMedia struct {
diff --git a/types/object_info.go b/types/object_info.go
index 05ebdf2c..11fe6a40 100644
--- a/types/object_info.go
+++ b/types/object_info.go
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 package types
 type ObjectInfo struct {
-	Location string
+	Location   string
+	Sha256Hash string
+	SizeBytes  int64
diff --git a/types/thumbnail.go b/types/thumbnail.go
index 9d240636..de71be34 100644
--- a/types/thumbnail.go
+++ b/types/thumbnail.go
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ type Thumbnail struct {
 	Location    string
 	CreationTs  int64
 	Sha256Hash  string
-	Compressed  bool
 type StreamedThumbnail struct {
diff --git a/util/compression.go b/util/compression.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 94b708bb..00000000
--- a/util/compression.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-package util
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"compress/gzip"
-	""
-	"io"
-func CompressBytesIfNeeded(b []byte, ctx rcontext.RequestContext) ([]byte, bool, error) {
-	if !ctx.Config.Uploads.Compression.Enabled {
-		return b, false, nil
-	}
-	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
-	w, err := gzip.NewWriterLevel(buf, ctx.Config.Uploads.Compression.Level)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, false, err
-	}
-	defer w.Close()
-	_, err = w.Write(b)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, false, err
-	}
-	// Everything is written: close it out
-	w.Close()
-	return buf.Bytes(), true, nil
-func DecompressBytesIfNeeded(s io.ReadCloser, compressed bool, ctx rcontext.RequestContext) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
-	if !compressed {
-		return s, nil
-	}
-	r, err := gzip.NewReader(s)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return r, nil