From 26c42d3d30f48367b1ce111b522608fbc340d69e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nextcloud bot <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2017 00:08:04 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [tx-robot] updated from transifex

 apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.js      | 2 ++
 apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.json    | 2 ++
 apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.js   | 2 ++
 apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.json | 2 ++
 apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nb.js      | 2 ++
 apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nb.json    | 2 ++
 apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.js   | 2 ++
 apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.json | 2 ++
 apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/tr.js      | 2 ++
 apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/tr.json    | 2 ++
 apps/files_external/l10n/de.js            | 2 ++
 apps/files_external/l10n/de.json          | 2 ++
 apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js         | 2 ++
 apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json       | 2 ++
 apps/files_external/l10n/nb.js            | 2 ++
 apps/files_external/l10n/nb.json          | 2 ++
 apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.js         | 2 ++
 apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.json       | 2 ++
 apps/files_external/l10n/tr.js            | 2 ++
 apps/files_external/l10n/tr.json          | 2 ++
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.js                 | 8 ++++++++
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.json               | 8 ++++++++
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/de_DE.js              | 8 ++++++++
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/de_DE.json            | 8 ++++++++
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb.js                 | 8 ++++++++
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb.json               | 8 ++++++++
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_BR.js              | 8 ++++++++
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_BR.json            | 8 ++++++++
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/tr.js                 | 8 ++++++++
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/tr.json               | 8 ++++++++
 settings/l10n/de.js                       | 2 ++
 settings/l10n/de.json                     | 2 ++
 settings/l10n/de_DE.js                    | 2 ++
 settings/l10n/de_DE.json                  | 2 ++
 settings/l10n/nb.js                       | 2 ++
 settings/l10n/nb.json                     | 2 ++
 settings/l10n/pt_BR.js                    | 2 ++
 settings/l10n/pt_BR.json                  | 2 ++
 settings/l10n/tr.js                       | 2 ++
 settings/l10n/tr.json                     | 2 ++
 settings/l10n/zh_TW.js                    | 2 ++
 settings/l10n/zh_TW.json                  | 2 ++
 42 files changed, 144 insertions(+)

diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.js
index 54fdaa2dec4..2ce4b405c9f 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.js
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Das Server-zu-Server-Teilen ist auf diesem Server nicht aktiviert",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden, da eventuell das Passwort falsch ist.",
+    "Federated Share request sent, you will receive an invitation. Check your notifications." : "Anfrage zum Federated-Share war erfolgreich. Du erhälst eine Einladung. Bitte prüfe deine Benachrichtigungen. ",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Der Name des Einhängepunktes enthält ungültige Zeichen.",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt.",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Ungültiges oder nicht vertrauenswürdiges SSL-Zertifikat",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Die Authentifizierung an der entfernten Freigabe konnte nicht erfolgen, das Passwort könnte falsch sein",
     "Storage not valid" : "Speicher ungültig",
+    "Federated share added" : "Federated-Share hinzugefügt ",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe konnte nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
     "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Freigabe von %s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Objekt schon mit %s geteilt wird",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem gleichen Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.json
index d149c7953a3..a2f1da2c3de 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.json
@@ -14,11 +14,13 @@
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Das Server-zu-Server-Teilen ist auf diesem Server nicht aktiviert",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden, da eventuell das Passwort falsch ist.",
+    "Federated Share request sent, you will receive an invitation. Check your notifications." : "Anfrage zum Federated-Share war erfolgreich. Du erhälst eine Einladung. Bitte prüfe deine Benachrichtigungen. ",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Der Name des Einhängepunktes enthält ungültige Zeichen.",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt.",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Ungültiges oder nicht vertrauenswürdiges SSL-Zertifikat",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Die Authentifizierung an der entfernten Freigabe konnte nicht erfolgen, das Passwort könnte falsch sein",
     "Storage not valid" : "Speicher ungültig",
+    "Federated share added" : "Federated-Share hinzugefügt ",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe konnte nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
     "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Freigabe von %s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Objekt schon mit %s geteilt wird",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem gleichen Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.js
index 61eb383c571..a63d3462aff 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Das Server-zu-Server-Teilen ist auf diesem Server nicht aktiviert",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden, da eventuell das Passwort falsch ist.",
+    "Federated Share request sent, you will receive an invitation. Check your notifications." : "Anfrage zum Federated-Share war erfolgreich. Sie erhalten eine Einladung. Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Benachrichtigungen. ",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Der Name des Einhängepunktes enthält ungültige Zeichen.",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt.",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Ungültiges oder nicht vertrauenswürdiges SSL-Zertifikat",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Die Authentifizierung an der entfernten Freigabe konnte nicht erfolgen, das Passwort könnte falsch sein",
     "Storage not valid" : "Speicher ungültig",
+    "Federated share added" : "Federated-Share hinzugefügt ",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe konnte nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
     "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Die Freigabe von %s ist fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Objekt schon mit %s geteilt wird",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem gleichen Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.json
index 666c894e8b5..65d383297f0 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -14,11 +14,13 @@
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Das Server-zu-Server-Teilen ist auf diesem Server nicht aktiviert",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden, da eventuell das Passwort falsch ist.",
+    "Federated Share request sent, you will receive an invitation. Check your notifications." : "Anfrage zum Federated-Share war erfolgreich. Sie erhalten eine Einladung. Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Benachrichtigungen. ",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Der Name des Einhängepunktes enthält ungültige Zeichen.",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt.",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Ungültiges oder nicht vertrauenswürdiges SSL-Zertifikat",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Die Authentifizierung an der entfernten Freigabe konnte nicht erfolgen, das Passwort könnte falsch sein",
     "Storage not valid" : "Speicher ungültig",
+    "Federated share added" : "Federated-Share hinzugefügt ",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe konnte nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
     "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Die Freigabe von %s ist fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Objekt schon mit %s geteilt wird",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem gleichen Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nb.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nb.js
index 3fbaf9e8f68..27a76239750 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nb.js
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Tjener til tjener deling er ikke aktivert på denne tjeneren",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Kunne ikke etablere en sammenknyttet ressurs",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Kunne ikke etablere en sammenknyttet ressurs, kanskje passordet var feil.",
+    "Federated Share request sent, you will receive an invitation. Check your notifications." : "Sammenknyttet ressurs forespurt, du vil motta en invitasjon. Sjekk varslene dine.",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Navnet på oppkoblingspunktet inneholder ugyldige tegn.",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Ikke tillatt å opprette en sammenknyttet ressurs med eieren.",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Ugyldig eller ikke-klarert SSL-sertifikat",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Kunne ikke autentisere mot ekstern ressurs, passordet var kanskje feil.",
     "Storage not valid" : "Lagringsplass ikke gyldig",
+    "Federated share added" : "Sammenknyttet ressurs lagt til",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "Kunne ikke legge til ekstern ressurs",
     "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Deling av %s mislyktes, fordi dette elementet allerede er delt med %s",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Ikke tillatt å opprette en sammenknyttet skydeling med den samme brukeren",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nb.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nb.json
index a07eeb161aa..7f167f0bbd2 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nb.json
@@ -14,11 +14,13 @@
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Tjener til tjener deling er ikke aktivert på denne tjeneren",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Kunne ikke etablere en sammenknyttet ressurs",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Kunne ikke etablere en sammenknyttet ressurs, kanskje passordet var feil.",
+    "Federated Share request sent, you will receive an invitation. Check your notifications." : "Sammenknyttet ressurs forespurt, du vil motta en invitasjon. Sjekk varslene dine.",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Navnet på oppkoblingspunktet inneholder ugyldige tegn.",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Ikke tillatt å opprette en sammenknyttet ressurs med eieren.",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Ugyldig eller ikke-klarert SSL-sertifikat",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Kunne ikke autentisere mot ekstern ressurs, passordet var kanskje feil.",
     "Storage not valid" : "Lagringsplass ikke gyldig",
+    "Federated share added" : "Sammenknyttet ressurs lagt til",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "Kunne ikke legge til ekstern ressurs",
     "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Deling av %s mislyktes, fordi dette elementet allerede er delt med %s",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Ikke tillatt å opprette en sammenknyttet skydeling med den samme brukeren",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
index ac796a91e39..2726b4125f8 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Servidor para compartilhamento de servidor não está ativo neste servidor",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Não foi possível estabelecer um compartilhamento federado.",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Não foi possível estabelecer um compartilhamento federado, talvez a senha esteja incorreta.",
+    "Federated Share request sent, you will receive an invitation. Check your notifications." : "Solicitação de Compartilhamento Federado enviada, você receberá um convite. Verifique suas notificações.",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "O nome do ponto de montagem contém caracteres inválidos.",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Não é permitido criar um compartilhamento federado com o proprietário.",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Certificado SSL inválido ou não confiável",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Não foi possível autenticar-se ao compartilhamento remoto. A senha pode estar incorreta",
     "Storage not valid" : "Armazenamento inválido",
+    "Federated share added" : "Compartilhamento Federado adicionado",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "Não foi possível adicionar o compartilhamento remoto",
     "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Compartilhamento %s falhou porque este item já está compartilhado com %s",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Não é permitido criar um compartilhamento federado com o mesmo usuário",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
index aaac0952798..660a81dd0f2 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -14,11 +14,13 @@
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Servidor para compartilhamento de servidor não está ativo neste servidor",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Não foi possível estabelecer um compartilhamento federado.",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Não foi possível estabelecer um compartilhamento federado, talvez a senha esteja incorreta.",
+    "Federated Share request sent, you will receive an invitation. Check your notifications." : "Solicitação de Compartilhamento Federado enviada, você receberá um convite. Verifique suas notificações.",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "O nome do ponto de montagem contém caracteres inválidos.",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Não é permitido criar um compartilhamento federado com o proprietário.",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Certificado SSL inválido ou não confiável",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Não foi possível autenticar-se ao compartilhamento remoto. A senha pode estar incorreta",
     "Storage not valid" : "Armazenamento inválido",
+    "Federated share added" : "Compartilhamento Federado adicionado",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "Não foi possível adicionar o compartilhamento remoto",
     "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Compartilhamento %s falhou porque este item já está compartilhado com %s",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Não é permitido criar um compartilhamento federado com o mesmo usuário",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/tr.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/tr.js
index 88110645c38..568a9291685 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/tr.js
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Bu sunucuda sunucudan sunucuya paylaşım etkin değil",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Birleşmiş bir paylaşım oluşturulamadı.",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Birleşmiş bir paylaşım oluşturulamadı. Parola yanlış olabilir.",
+    "Federated Share request sent, you will receive an invitation. Check your notifications." : "Birleşmiş paylaşım isteği gönderildi. Bir çağrı alacaksınız. Bildirimlerinizi denetleyin.",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Bağlama noktası adında geçersiz karakterler var.",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Sahip ile birleşmiş bir paylaşım oluşturmanıza izin verilmiyor.",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Geçersiz ya da güvenilmez SSL sertifikası",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Uzak paylaşım kimliği doğrulanamadı. Parola yanlış olabilir",
     "Storage not valid" : "Depolama geçersiz",
+    "Federated share added" : "Birleşmiş paylaşım eklendi",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "Uzak paylaşım eklenemedi",
     "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "%s paylaşılmadı. %s ile zaten paylaşılmış",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Aynı kullanıcı ile bir birleşmiş paylaşım oluşturulamaz",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/tr.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/tr.json
index 0a2f401337d..260bf6dc1a5 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/tr.json
@@ -14,11 +14,13 @@
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Bu sunucuda sunucudan sunucuya paylaşım etkin değil",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Birleşmiş bir paylaşım oluşturulamadı.",
     "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Birleşmiş bir paylaşım oluşturulamadı. Parola yanlış olabilir.",
+    "Federated Share request sent, you will receive an invitation. Check your notifications." : "Birleşmiş paylaşım isteği gönderildi. Bir çağrı alacaksınız. Bildirimlerinizi denetleyin.",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Bağlama noktası adında geçersiz karakterler var.",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Sahip ile birleşmiş bir paylaşım oluşturmanıza izin verilmiyor.",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Geçersiz ya da güvenilmez SSL sertifikası",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Uzak paylaşım kimliği doğrulanamadı. Parola yanlış olabilir",
     "Storage not valid" : "Depolama geçersiz",
+    "Federated share added" : "Birleşmiş paylaşım eklendi",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "Uzak paylaşım eklenemedi",
     "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "%s paylaşılmadı. %s ile zaten paylaşılmış",
     "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Aynı kullanıcı ile bir birleşmiş paylaşım oluşturulamaz",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js
index 71381cad632..70c26bf8a49 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js
@@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Saving..." : "Speichere…",
     "Save" : "Speichern",
     "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server",
+    "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte abmelden und erneut anmelden, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
     "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
     "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Die Liste der externen Endpunkte konnte nicht empfangen werden: {type}",
     "There was an error with message: " : "Es ist ein Fehler mit folgender Meldung aufgetreten:",
     "External mount error" : "Fehler beim Einbinden des externen Speichers",
     "external-storage" : "Externer Speicher",
+    "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
     "Some of the configured external mount points are not connected. Please click on the red row(s) for more information" : "Einige der konfigurierten externen Bereitstellungspunkte  sind nicht angeschlossen. Bitte klicke auf die roten Zeile(n) für weitere Informationen",
     "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte gib die Anmeldeinformationen für den {mount} externen Bereitstellungspunkt ein",
     "Username" : "Benutzername",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json
index 0b0f73f793a..b5d312f5d2c 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json
@@ -22,11 +22,13 @@
     "Saving..." : "Speichere…",
     "Save" : "Speichern",
     "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server",
+    "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte abmelden und erneut anmelden, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
     "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
     "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Die Liste der externen Endpunkte konnte nicht empfangen werden: {type}",
     "There was an error with message: " : "Es ist ein Fehler mit folgender Meldung aufgetreten:",
     "External mount error" : "Fehler beim Einbinden des externen Speichers",
     "external-storage" : "Externer Speicher",
+    "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
     "Some of the configured external mount points are not connected. Please click on the red row(s) for more information" : "Einige der konfigurierten externen Bereitstellungspunkte  sind nicht angeschlossen. Bitte klicke auf die roten Zeile(n) für weitere Informationen",
     "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte gib die Anmeldeinformationen für den {mount} externen Bereitstellungspunkt ein",
     "Username" : "Benutzername",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js
index 51b3db15b86..54d118ecbe3 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Saving..." : "Speichere …",
     "Save" : "Speichern",
     "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
+    "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte melden Sie sich ab und wieder an, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
     "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
     "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Konnte die Liste von externen Speichern nicht laden: {type}",
     "There was an error with message: " : "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten:",
     "External mount error" : "Externer Einhängefehler",
     "external-storage" : "externer Speicher",
+    "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
     "Some of the configured external mount points are not connected. Please click on the red row(s) for more information" : "Einige der konfigurierten externen Bereitstellungspunkte  sind nicht angeschlossen. Bitte klicke Sie auf die roten Zeile(n) für weitere Informationen",
     "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte geben Sie die Zugangsdaten für den {mount} Speicher an",
     "Username" : "Benutzername",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json
index ad66f3c6658..7ca971334c5 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -22,11 +22,13 @@
     "Saving..." : "Speichere …",
     "Save" : "Speichern",
     "Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
+    "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Zugriff nicht möglich. Bitte melden Sie sich ab und wieder an, um diesen Endpunkt zu aktivieren.",
     "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Konnte die Information vom entfernten Server nicht abrufen: {code} {type}",
     "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Konnte die Liste von externen Speichern nicht laden: {type}",
     "There was an error with message: " : "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten:",
     "External mount error" : "Externer Einhängefehler",
     "external-storage" : "externer Speicher",
+    "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Es konnte keine Liste der Windows-Netzlaufwerke empfangen werden: Leere Antwort vom Server",
     "Some of the configured external mount points are not connected. Please click on the red row(s) for more information" : "Einige der konfigurierten externen Bereitstellungspunkte  sind nicht angeschlossen. Bitte klicke Sie auf die roten Zeile(n) für weitere Informationen",
     "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Bitte geben Sie die Zugangsdaten für den {mount} Speicher an",
     "Username" : "Benutzername",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.js
index 3c4a07c55cf..f102d640fb3 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.js
@@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Saving..." : "Lagrer...",
     "Save" : "Lagre",
     "Empty response from the server" : "Tomt svar fra tjeneren",
+    "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Fikk ikke tilgang. Logg ut og inn igjen for å aktivere dette oppkoblingspunktet.",
     "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kunne ikke få informasjon fra fjerntjeneren/ remote server: {code} {type}",
     "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over eksterne oppkoblingspunkter: {type}",
     "There was an error with message: " : "Det oppstod en feil med melding: ",
     "External mount error" : "Ekstern oppkoblingsfeil",
     "external-storage" : "eksternlagring",
+    "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over oppkoblingspunkter for Windowsnettverks-disker: Tomt svar fra tjeneren",
     "Some of the configured external mount points are not connected. Please click on the red row(s) for more information" : "Noen av de oppsatte eksterne oppkoblingspunktene er ikke tilkoblet. Klikk på de røde raden(e) for mer informasjon.",
     "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Legg inn påloggingsdetaljer for {mount}",
     "Username" : "Brukernavn",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.json
index 96cbc8c8e86..575eccc9623 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/nb.json
@@ -22,11 +22,13 @@
     "Saving..." : "Lagrer...",
     "Save" : "Lagre",
     "Empty response from the server" : "Tomt svar fra tjeneren",
+    "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Fikk ikke tilgang. Logg ut og inn igjen for å aktivere dette oppkoblingspunktet.",
     "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Kunne ikke få informasjon fra fjerntjeneren/ remote server: {code} {type}",
     "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over eksterne oppkoblingspunkter: {type}",
     "There was an error with message: " : "Det oppstod en feil med melding: ",
     "External mount error" : "Ekstern oppkoblingsfeil",
     "external-storage" : "eksternlagring",
+    "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Klarte ikke å hente listen over oppkoblingspunkter for Windowsnettverks-disker: Tomt svar fra tjeneren",
     "Some of the configured external mount points are not connected. Please click on the red row(s) for more information" : "Noen av de oppsatte eksterne oppkoblingspunktene er ikke tilkoblet. Klikk på de røde raden(e) for mer informasjon.",
     "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Legg inn påloggingsdetaljer for {mount}",
     "Username" : "Brukernavn",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 81706e7490a..33d8de173d9 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Saving..." : "Salvando...",
     "Save" : "Salvar",
     "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta vazia do servidor",
+    "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Não foi possível acessar. Refaça o login para ativar este ponto de montagem",
     "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Não foi possível obter as informações do servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
     "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Não foi possível obter a lista de pontos de montagem externos: {type}",
     "There was an error with message: " : "Houve um erro com a mensagem:",
     "External mount error" : "Erro de montagem externa",
     "external-storage" : "armazenamento externo",
+    "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Não foi possível buscar a lista de pontos de montagem da unidade de rede do Windows: Resposta vazia do servidor",
     "Some of the configured external mount points are not connected. Please click on the red row(s) for more information" : "Alguns dos pontos de montagem externos configurados não estão conectados. Clique na(s) linha(s) vermelha(s) para mais informações",
     "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor, insira as credenciais para montar {mount}",
     "Username" : "Nome de Usuário",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.json
index cdedf3e4642..f3377447560 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -22,11 +22,13 @@
     "Saving..." : "Salvando...",
     "Save" : "Salvar",
     "Empty response from the server" : "Resposta vazia do servidor",
+    "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Não foi possível acessar. Refaça o login para ativar este ponto de montagem",
     "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Não foi possível obter as informações do servidor remoto: {code} {type}",
     "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Não foi possível obter a lista de pontos de montagem externos: {type}",
     "There was an error with message: " : "Houve um erro com a mensagem:",
     "External mount error" : "Erro de montagem externa",
     "external-storage" : "armazenamento externo",
+    "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Não foi possível buscar a lista de pontos de montagem da unidade de rede do Windows: Resposta vazia do servidor",
     "Some of the configured external mount points are not connected. Please click on the red row(s) for more information" : "Alguns dos pontos de montagem externos configurados não estão conectados. Clique na(s) linha(s) vermelha(s) para mais informações",
     "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "Por favor, insira as credenciais para montar {mount}",
     "Username" : "Nome de Usuário",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.js
index ae63ebb9701..2c063f230e5 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.js
@@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Saving..." : "Kaydediliyor...",
     "Save" : "Kaydet",
     "Empty response from the server" : "Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
+    "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Erişilemedi. Lütfen bu bağlama noktasını etkinleştirmek için oturumunuzu kapatıp yeniden açın",
     "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Uzak sunucudan bilgi alınamadı: {code} {type}",
     "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Dış bağlama noktalarının listesi alınamadı: {type}",
     "There was an error with message: " : "Şu ileti ile bir sorun çıktı:",
     "External mount error" : "Dış bağlama sorunu",
     "external-storage" : "dış depolama",
+    "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows ağ sürücüsü bağlama nokta listesi alınamadı: Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
     "Some of the configured external mount points are not connected. Please click on the red row(s) for more information" : "Yapılandırılmış dış bağlama noktalarından bazıları bağlı değil. Lütfen ayrıntılı bilgi almak için kırmızı satırlara tıklayın",
     "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "{mount} bağlaması için kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini yazın",
     "Username" : "Kullanıcı Adı",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.json
index 94226452c34..a5bfa3a3854 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/tr.json
@@ -22,11 +22,13 @@
     "Saving..." : "Kaydediliyor...",
     "Save" : "Kaydet",
     "Empty response from the server" : "Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
+    "Couldn't access. Please log out and in again to activate this mount point" : "Erişilemedi. Lütfen bu bağlama noktasını etkinleştirmek için oturumunuzu kapatıp yeniden açın",
     "Couldn't get the information from the remote server: {code} {type}" : "Uzak sunucudan bilgi alınamadı: {code} {type}",
     "Couldn't get the list of external mount points: {type}" : "Dış bağlama noktalarının listesi alınamadı: {type}",
     "There was an error with message: " : "Şu ileti ile bir sorun çıktı:",
     "External mount error" : "Dış bağlama sorunu",
     "external-storage" : "dış depolama",
+    "Couldn't fetch list of Windows network drive mount points: Empty response from server" : "Windows ağ sürücüsü bağlama nokta listesi alınamadı: Sunucudan boş yanıt alındı",
     "Some of the configured external mount points are not connected. Please click on the red row(s) for more information" : "Yapılandırılmış dış bağlama noktalarından bazıları bağlı değil. Lütfen ayrıntılı bilgi almak için kırmızı satırlara tıklayın",
     "Please enter the credentials for the {mount} mount" : "{mount} bağlaması için kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini yazın",
     "Username" : "Kullanıcı Adı",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.js
index a077ef3487b..3db04c83cae 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.js
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Failed to clear the mappings." : "Löschen der Zuordnungen fehlgeschlagen.",
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Löschen der Serverkonfiguration fehlgeschlagen",
+    "Invalid configuration: Anonymous binding is not allowed." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig: anonymes Binden ist nicht erlaubt. ",
+    "Valid configuration, connection established!" : "Gültige Konfiguration, Verbindung hergestellt!",
+    "Valid configuration, but binding failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Die Konfiguration ist gültig, aber der LDAP-Bind ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfe die Servereinstellungen und Anmeldeinformationen. ",
+    "Invalid configuration. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig. Weitere Einzelheiten findest Du in den Logdateien.",
     "No action specified" : "Keine Aktion angegeben",
     "No configuration specified" : "Keine Konfiguration angegeben",
     "No data specified" : "Keine Daten angegeben",
@@ -41,7 +45,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Das Umschalten des Modus ermöglicht automatische LDAP-Abfragen. Abhängig von Deiner LDAP-Größe können diese einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Soll immer noch in den Modus gewechselt werden?",
     "Mode switch" : "Modus wechseln",
     "Select attributes" : "Attribute auswählen",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command-line validation): <br/>" : "Benutzer nicht gefunden. Bitte überprüfe Deine Anmelde-Attribute und Benutzernamen. Wirksamer Filter (zum Kopieren und Einfügen bei der Überprüfung auf der Kommandozeile): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Benutzer gefunden und Einstellungen überprüft.",
+    "Consider narrowing your search, as it encompassed many users, only the first one of whom will be able to log in." : "Erwäge es, Deine Suche einzugrenzen, da sie viele Benutzer umfaßte. Nur der erste wird sich anmelden können.",
+    "An unspecified error occurred. Please check log and settings." : "Ein nicht näher spezifizierter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte prüfe die Logdatei und Einstellungen.",
     "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "Der Suchfilter ist ungültig, möglicherweise bestehen Eingabefehler wie z.B. eine ungerade Anzahl von geöffneten und geschlossenen Klammern. Bitte überarbeiten.",
     "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Es ist ein Verbindungsfehler zum LDAP/AD aufgetreten, bitte Host, Port und Anmeldeinformationen überprüfen.",
     "The \"%uid\" placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "Der %uid - Platzhalter fehlt. Dieser wird mit dem Anmeldenamen beim Abfragen von LDAP / AD ersetzt.",
@@ -55,6 +62,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "LDAP / AD integration" : "LDAP / AD Integration",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s Gruppe gefunden","%s Gruppen gefunden"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s Benutzer gefunden","%s Benutzer gefunden"],
+    "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Das Anzeigename-Attribut des Benutzers konnte nicht gefunden werden. Bitte gib es selbst in den erweiterten LDAP-Einstellungen an.",
     "Could not find the desired feature" : "Die gewünschte Funktion konnte nicht gefunden werden",
     "Invalid Host" : "Ungültiger Host",
     "Test Configuration" : "Testkonfiguration",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.json
index bca3247efde..dedf8531370 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.json
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 { "translations": {
     "Failed to clear the mappings." : "Löschen der Zuordnungen fehlgeschlagen.",
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Löschen der Serverkonfiguration fehlgeschlagen",
+    "Invalid configuration: Anonymous binding is not allowed." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig: anonymes Binden ist nicht erlaubt. ",
+    "Valid configuration, connection established!" : "Gültige Konfiguration, Verbindung hergestellt!",
+    "Valid configuration, but binding failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Die Konfiguration ist gültig, aber der LDAP-Bind ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfe die Servereinstellungen und Anmeldeinformationen. ",
+    "Invalid configuration. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig. Weitere Einzelheiten findest Du in den Logdateien.",
     "No action specified" : "Keine Aktion angegeben",
     "No configuration specified" : "Keine Konfiguration angegeben",
     "No data specified" : "Keine Daten angegeben",
@@ -39,7 +43,10 @@
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Das Umschalten des Modus ermöglicht automatische LDAP-Abfragen. Abhängig von Deiner LDAP-Größe können diese einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Soll immer noch in den Modus gewechselt werden?",
     "Mode switch" : "Modus wechseln",
     "Select attributes" : "Attribute auswählen",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command-line validation): <br/>" : "Benutzer nicht gefunden. Bitte überprüfe Deine Anmelde-Attribute und Benutzernamen. Wirksamer Filter (zum Kopieren und Einfügen bei der Überprüfung auf der Kommandozeile): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Benutzer gefunden und Einstellungen überprüft.",
+    "Consider narrowing your search, as it encompassed many users, only the first one of whom will be able to log in." : "Erwäge es, Deine Suche einzugrenzen, da sie viele Benutzer umfaßte. Nur der erste wird sich anmelden können.",
+    "An unspecified error occurred. Please check log and settings." : "Ein nicht näher spezifizierter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte prüfe die Logdatei und Einstellungen.",
     "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "Der Suchfilter ist ungültig, möglicherweise bestehen Eingabefehler wie z.B. eine ungerade Anzahl von geöffneten und geschlossenen Klammern. Bitte überarbeiten.",
     "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Es ist ein Verbindungsfehler zum LDAP/AD aufgetreten, bitte Host, Port und Anmeldeinformationen überprüfen.",
     "The \"%uid\" placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "Der %uid - Platzhalter fehlt. Dieser wird mit dem Anmeldenamen beim Abfragen von LDAP / AD ersetzt.",
@@ -53,6 +60,7 @@
     "LDAP / AD integration" : "LDAP / AD Integration",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s Gruppe gefunden","%s Gruppen gefunden"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s Benutzer gefunden","%s Benutzer gefunden"],
+    "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Das Anzeigename-Attribut des Benutzers konnte nicht gefunden werden. Bitte gib es selbst in den erweiterten LDAP-Einstellungen an.",
     "Could not find the desired feature" : "Die gewünschte Funktion konnte nicht gefunden werden",
     "Invalid Host" : "Ungültiger Host",
     "Test Configuration" : "Testkonfiguration",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de_DE.js
index df5c5736dcf..cb220ec60b3 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Failed to clear the mappings." : "Löschen der Zuordnungen fehlgeschlagen.",
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Löschen der Serverkonfiguration fehlgeschlagen",
+    "Invalid configuration: Anonymous binding is not allowed." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig: anonymes Binden ist nicht erlaubt. ",
+    "Valid configuration, connection established!" : "Gültige Konfiguration, Verbindung hergestellt!",
+    "Valid configuration, but binding failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Die Konfiguration ist gültig, aber der LDAP-Bind ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Servereinstellungen und die Anmeldeinformationen. ",
+    "Invalid configuration. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig. Weitere Details finden Sie in den Logdateien. ",
     "No action specified" : "Keine Aktion angegeben",
     "No configuration specified" : "Keine Konfiguration angegeben",
     "No data specified" : "Keine Daten angegeben",
@@ -41,7 +45,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Das Umschalten des Modus ermöglicht automatische LDAP-Abfragen. Abhängig von Ihrer LDAP-Größe können diese einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Wollen Sie immer noch den Modus wechseln?",
     "Mode switch" : "Modus umschalten",
     "Select attributes" : "Attribute auswählen",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command-line validation): <br/>" : "Benutzer nicht gefunden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Anmelde-Attribute und Benutzernamen. Wirksamer Filter (zum Kopieren und Einfügen bei der Überprüfung auf der Kommandozeile): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Benutzer gefunden und Einstellungen überprüft.",
+    "Consider narrowing your search, as it encompassed many users, only the first one of whom will be able to log in." : "Erwägen Sie, Ihre Suche einzugrenzen, da sie viele Benutzer umfaßte. Nur der erste wird sich anmelden können.",
+    "An unspecified error occurred. Please check log and settings." : "Ein nicht näher spezifizierter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte prüfe die Logdatei und Einstellungen.",
     "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "Der Suchfilter ist ungültig, möglicherweise bestehen Eingabefehler wie z.B. eine ungerade Anzahl von geöffneten und geschlossenen Klammern. Bitte überarbeiten.",
     "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Es ist ein Verbindungsfehler zum LDAP/AD aufgetreten, bitte überprüfen Sie Host, Port und Anmeldeinformationen.",
     "The \"%uid\" placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "Der \"1 %u id\" Platzhalter fehlt. Er wird durch den Anmeldenamen ersetzt, wenn LDAP / AD abgefragt wird.",
@@ -55,6 +62,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "LDAP / AD integration" : "LDAP/AD-Integration",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s Gruppe gefunden","%s Gruppen gefunden"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s Benutzer gefunden","%s Benutzer gefunden"],
+    "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Das Anzeigename-Attribut des Benutzers konnte nicht gefunden werden. Bitte geben Sie es selbst in den erweiterten LDAP-Einstellungen an.",
     "Could not find the desired feature" : "Die gewünschte Funktion konnte nicht gefunden werden",
     "Invalid Host" : "Ungültiger Host",
     "Test Configuration" : "Testkonfiguration",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de_DE.json
index 1206d1e1227..2a1eb673b57 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 { "translations": {
     "Failed to clear the mappings." : "Löschen der Zuordnungen fehlgeschlagen.",
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Löschen der Serverkonfiguration fehlgeschlagen",
+    "Invalid configuration: Anonymous binding is not allowed." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig: anonymes Binden ist nicht erlaubt. ",
+    "Valid configuration, connection established!" : "Gültige Konfiguration, Verbindung hergestellt!",
+    "Valid configuration, but binding failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Die Konfiguration ist gültig, aber der LDAP-Bind ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Servereinstellungen und die Anmeldeinformationen. ",
+    "Invalid configuration. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig. Weitere Details finden Sie in den Logdateien. ",
     "No action specified" : "Keine Aktion angegeben",
     "No configuration specified" : "Keine Konfiguration angegeben",
     "No data specified" : "Keine Daten angegeben",
@@ -39,7 +43,10 @@
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Das Umschalten des Modus ermöglicht automatische LDAP-Abfragen. Abhängig von Ihrer LDAP-Größe können diese einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Wollen Sie immer noch den Modus wechseln?",
     "Mode switch" : "Modus umschalten",
     "Select attributes" : "Attribute auswählen",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command-line validation): <br/>" : "Benutzer nicht gefunden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Anmelde-Attribute und Benutzernamen. Wirksamer Filter (zum Kopieren und Einfügen bei der Überprüfung auf der Kommandozeile): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Benutzer gefunden und Einstellungen überprüft.",
+    "Consider narrowing your search, as it encompassed many users, only the first one of whom will be able to log in." : "Erwägen Sie, Ihre Suche einzugrenzen, da sie viele Benutzer umfaßte. Nur der erste wird sich anmelden können.",
+    "An unspecified error occurred. Please check log and settings." : "Ein nicht näher spezifizierter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte prüfe die Logdatei und Einstellungen.",
     "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "Der Suchfilter ist ungültig, möglicherweise bestehen Eingabefehler wie z.B. eine ungerade Anzahl von geöffneten und geschlossenen Klammern. Bitte überarbeiten.",
     "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Es ist ein Verbindungsfehler zum LDAP/AD aufgetreten, bitte überprüfen Sie Host, Port und Anmeldeinformationen.",
     "The \"%uid\" placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "Der \"1 %u id\" Platzhalter fehlt. Er wird durch den Anmeldenamen ersetzt, wenn LDAP / AD abgefragt wird.",
@@ -53,6 +60,7 @@
     "LDAP / AD integration" : "LDAP/AD-Integration",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s Gruppe gefunden","%s Gruppen gefunden"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s Benutzer gefunden","%s Benutzer gefunden"],
+    "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Das Anzeigename-Attribut des Benutzers konnte nicht gefunden werden. Bitte geben Sie es selbst in den erweiterten LDAP-Einstellungen an.",
     "Could not find the desired feature" : "Die gewünschte Funktion konnte nicht gefunden werden",
     "Invalid Host" : "Ungültiger Host",
     "Test Configuration" : "Testkonfiguration",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb.js
index a84e8226b5c..97c4eadad05 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb.js
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Failed to clear the mappings." : "Klarte ikke å nullstille tilknytningene.",
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Klarte ikke å slette tjener-konfigurasjonen.",
+    "Invalid configuration: Anonymous binding is not allowed." : "Oppsettet er ugyldig: Anonym binding er ikke tillatt.",
+    "Valid configuration, connection established!" : "Gyldig oppsett, tilkoblet.",
+    "Valid configuration, but binding failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Oppsettet er i orden, men binding mislyktes. Sjekk tjener-oppsettet og påloggingsinformasjonen.",
+    "Invalid configuration. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Oppsettet er ikke gyldig. Sjekk loggene for flere detaljer.",
     "No action specified" : "Ingen handling spesifisert",
     "No configuration specified" : "Inget oppsett spesifisert",
     "No data specified" : "Ingen data spesifisert",
@@ -41,7 +45,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Endring av modus vil aktivere automatiske LDAP-spørringer. Avhengig av din LDAP-størrelse kan de ta litt tid. Vil du likevel endre modus?",
     "Mode switch" : "Endring av modus",
     "Select attributes" : "Velg attributter",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command-line validation): <br/>" : "Bruker ikke funnet. Sjekk påloggingsattributtene og brukernavnet. Virksomt filter (kopier og lim inn for validering på kommandolinjen): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Bruker funnet og innstillinger bekreftet.",
+    "Consider narrowing your search, as it encompassed many users, only the first one of whom will be able to log in." : "Overvei å snevre inn søket ditt, siden det spenner over mange brukere, bare den første derav vil kunne logge inn.",
+    "An unspecified error occurred. Please check log and settings." : "En uspesifisert feil oppstod. Sjekk loggen og innstillingene.",
     "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "Søkefilteret er ugyldig, antakelig pga. syntaksproblemer som ulikt antall start- og sluttparenteser. Sjekk det.",
     "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Det oppstod en feil ved tilkobling til LDAP / AD. Sjekk vertsnavn, portnummer og påloggingsdetaljer.",
     "The \"%uid\" placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "Plassholder \"%uid\" mangler. Den erstattes av påloggingsnavnet ved spørring mot LDAP / AD.",
@@ -55,6 +62,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "LDAP / AD integration" : "LDAP / AD integrasjon",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s gruppe funnet","%s grupper funnet"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s bruker funnet","%s brukere funnet"],
+    "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Kunne ikke påvise attributt for brukers visningsnavn. Du må selv spesifisere det i avanserte LDAP-innstillinger.",
     "Could not find the desired feature" : "Fant ikke den ønskede funksjonaliteten",
     "Invalid Host" : "Ugyldig tjener",
     "Test Configuration" : "Test oppsettet",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb.json
index 27a2a7e46a5..6cda2564c45 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nb.json
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 { "translations": {
     "Failed to clear the mappings." : "Klarte ikke å nullstille tilknytningene.",
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Klarte ikke å slette tjener-konfigurasjonen.",
+    "Invalid configuration: Anonymous binding is not allowed." : "Oppsettet er ugyldig: Anonym binding er ikke tillatt.",
+    "Valid configuration, connection established!" : "Gyldig oppsett, tilkoblet.",
+    "Valid configuration, but binding failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Oppsettet er i orden, men binding mislyktes. Sjekk tjener-oppsettet og påloggingsinformasjonen.",
+    "Invalid configuration. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Oppsettet er ikke gyldig. Sjekk loggene for flere detaljer.",
     "No action specified" : "Ingen handling spesifisert",
     "No configuration specified" : "Inget oppsett spesifisert",
     "No data specified" : "Ingen data spesifisert",
@@ -39,7 +43,10 @@
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Endring av modus vil aktivere automatiske LDAP-spørringer. Avhengig av din LDAP-størrelse kan de ta litt tid. Vil du likevel endre modus?",
     "Mode switch" : "Endring av modus",
     "Select attributes" : "Velg attributter",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command-line validation): <br/>" : "Bruker ikke funnet. Sjekk påloggingsattributtene og brukernavnet. Virksomt filter (kopier og lim inn for validering på kommandolinjen): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Bruker funnet og innstillinger bekreftet.",
+    "Consider narrowing your search, as it encompassed many users, only the first one of whom will be able to log in." : "Overvei å snevre inn søket ditt, siden det spenner over mange brukere, bare den første derav vil kunne logge inn.",
+    "An unspecified error occurred. Please check log and settings." : "En uspesifisert feil oppstod. Sjekk loggen og innstillingene.",
     "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "Søkefilteret er ugyldig, antakelig pga. syntaksproblemer som ulikt antall start- og sluttparenteser. Sjekk det.",
     "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Det oppstod en feil ved tilkobling til LDAP / AD. Sjekk vertsnavn, portnummer og påloggingsdetaljer.",
     "The \"%uid\" placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "Plassholder \"%uid\" mangler. Den erstattes av påloggingsnavnet ved spørring mot LDAP / AD.",
@@ -53,6 +60,7 @@
     "LDAP / AD integration" : "LDAP / AD integrasjon",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s gruppe funnet","%s grupper funnet"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s bruker funnet","%s brukere funnet"],
+    "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Kunne ikke påvise attributt for brukers visningsnavn. Du må selv spesifisere det i avanserte LDAP-innstillinger.",
     "Could not find the desired feature" : "Fant ikke den ønskede funksjonaliteten",
     "Invalid Host" : "Ugyldig tjener",
     "Test Configuration" : "Test oppsettet",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_BR.js
index c9a9214a5c3..a7a2dab3eef 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Failed to clear the mappings." : "Falhou ao limpar os mapeamentos.",
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Falha ao excluir a configuração do servidor",
+    "Invalid configuration: Anonymous binding is not allowed." : "Configuração inválida: A ligação anônima não é permitida.",
+    "Valid configuration, connection established!" : "Configuração válida, conexão estabelecida!",
+    "Valid configuration, but binding failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Configuração válida, mas a ligação falhou. Verifique as configurações e as credenciais do servidor.",
+    "Invalid configuration. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Configuração inválida. Por favor dê uma olhada nos logs para mais detalhes.",
     "No action specified" : "Nenhuma ação especificada",
     "No configuration specified" : "Nenhuma configuração especificada",
     "No data specified" : "Nenhum dado especificado",
@@ -41,7 +45,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Mudar o modo irá permitir consultas LDAP automáticas. Dependendo do tamanho do LDAP isso pode demorar um pouco. Você ainda quer mudar o modo?",
     "Mode switch" : "Trocar de modo",
     "Select attributes" : "Selecionar atributos",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command-line validation): <br/>" : "Usuário não encontrado. Verifique seus atributos de login e nome de usuário. Filtro efetivo (para copiar e colar para validação de linha de comando): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Usuário encontrado e configurações verificadas.",
+    "Consider narrowing your search, as it encompassed many users, only the first one of whom will be able to log in." : "Considere restringir sua pesquisa, pois abrange muitos usuários, apenas o primeiro de quem poderá fazer logon.",
+    "An unspecified error occurred. Please check log and settings." : "Ocorreu um erro não especificado. Verifique o log e as configurações.",
     "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "O filtro de pesquisa é inválido, provavelmente devido a questões de sintaxe, como número ímpar de colchetes abertos e fechados. Por favor, revise.",
     "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Um erro de conexão para LDAP / AD ocorreu, por favor, verifique host, porta e as credenciais.",
     "The \"%uid\" placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "O marcador de posição \"%uid\" está faltando. Ele será substituído pelo nome de login quando consutando via LDAP / AD.",
@@ -55,6 +62,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "LDAP / AD integration" : "Integração LDAP / AD",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["grupo% s encontrado","grupos% s encontrado"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["usuário %s encontrado","%s usuários encontrados"],
+    "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Não foi possível detectar o atributo do nome de exibição do usuário. Por favor, especifique-o você mesmo nas configurações LDAP avançadas.",
     "Could not find the desired feature" : "Não foi possível encontrar o recurso desejado",
     "Invalid Host" : "Host inválido",
     "Test Configuration" : "Teste de Configuração",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_BR.json
index fc8393b45b9..0cb5407a5ef 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 { "translations": {
     "Failed to clear the mappings." : "Falhou ao limpar os mapeamentos.",
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Falha ao excluir a configuração do servidor",
+    "Invalid configuration: Anonymous binding is not allowed." : "Configuração inválida: A ligação anônima não é permitida.",
+    "Valid configuration, connection established!" : "Configuração válida, conexão estabelecida!",
+    "Valid configuration, but binding failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Configuração válida, mas a ligação falhou. Verifique as configurações e as credenciais do servidor.",
+    "Invalid configuration. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Configuração inválida. Por favor dê uma olhada nos logs para mais detalhes.",
     "No action specified" : "Nenhuma ação especificada",
     "No configuration specified" : "Nenhuma configuração especificada",
     "No data specified" : "Nenhum dado especificado",
@@ -39,7 +43,10 @@
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Mudar o modo irá permitir consultas LDAP automáticas. Dependendo do tamanho do LDAP isso pode demorar um pouco. Você ainda quer mudar o modo?",
     "Mode switch" : "Trocar de modo",
     "Select attributes" : "Selecionar atributos",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command-line validation): <br/>" : "Usuário não encontrado. Verifique seus atributos de login e nome de usuário. Filtro efetivo (para copiar e colar para validação de linha de comando): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Usuário encontrado e configurações verificadas.",
+    "Consider narrowing your search, as it encompassed many users, only the first one of whom will be able to log in." : "Considere restringir sua pesquisa, pois abrange muitos usuários, apenas o primeiro de quem poderá fazer logon.",
+    "An unspecified error occurred. Please check log and settings." : "Ocorreu um erro não especificado. Verifique o log e as configurações.",
     "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "O filtro de pesquisa é inválido, provavelmente devido a questões de sintaxe, como número ímpar de colchetes abertos e fechados. Por favor, revise.",
     "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Um erro de conexão para LDAP / AD ocorreu, por favor, verifique host, porta e as credenciais.",
     "The \"%uid\" placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "O marcador de posição \"%uid\" está faltando. Ele será substituído pelo nome de login quando consutando via LDAP / AD.",
@@ -53,6 +60,7 @@
     "LDAP / AD integration" : "Integração LDAP / AD",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["grupo% s encontrado","grupos% s encontrado"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["usuário %s encontrado","%s usuários encontrados"],
+    "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Não foi possível detectar o atributo do nome de exibição do usuário. Por favor, especifique-o você mesmo nas configurações LDAP avançadas.",
     "Could not find the desired feature" : "Não foi possível encontrar o recurso desejado",
     "Invalid Host" : "Host inválido",
     "Test Configuration" : "Teste de Configuração",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/tr.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/tr.js
index 3ebcf6fabed..98f18f54ee6 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/tr.js
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Failed to clear the mappings." : "EÅŸleÅŸtirmeler temizlenemedi.",
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Sunucu yapılandırması silinemedi",
+    "Invalid configuration: Anonymous binding is not allowed." : "Yapılandırma geçersiz: Adsız bağlantı kurulmasına izin verilmiyor.",
+    "Valid configuration, connection established!" : "Yapılandırma geçerli, bağlantı kuruldu.",
+    "Valid configuration, but binding failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Yapılandırma geçerli ancak bağlantı kurulamadı. Lütfen sunucu ayarları ve kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini denetleyin.",
+    "Invalid configuration. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Yapılandırma geçersiz. Lütfen ayrıntılı bilgi almak için günlüklere bakın.",
     "No action specified" : "Hehrangi bir iÅŸlem belirtilmemiÅŸ",
     "No configuration specified" : "Herhangi bir yapılandırma belirtilmemiş",
     "No data specified" : "Herhangi bir veri belirtilmemiÅŸ",
@@ -41,7 +45,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Kipi değiştirmek otomatik LDAP sorgularını etkinleştirir. LDAP sisteminizin boyutlarına göre bu işlem uzun sürebilir. Kipi yine de değiştirmek istiyor musunuz?",
     "Mode switch" : "Kip deÄŸiÅŸimi",
     "Select attributes" : "Öznitelikleri seçin",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command-line validation): <br/>" : "Kullanıcı bulunamadı. Lütfen oturum açma özniteliklerini ve kullanıcı adını denetleyin. Etkin süzgeç (komut satırı doğrulamasında kullanmak için kopyalayıp yapıştırın): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Kullanıcı bulundu ve ayarlar doğrulandı.",
+    "Consider narrowing your search, as it encompassed many users, only the first one of whom will be able to log in." : "Çok sayıda kullanıcı bulunduğundan ve yalnız birinci kullanıcı oturum açabileceğinden arama ölçütlerinizi sıkılaştırmayı deneyin.",
+    "An unspecified error occurred. Please check log and settings." : "Bilinmeyen bir sorun çıktı. Lütfen günlüğü ve ayarları denetleyin.",
     "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "Arama süzgeci, açılmış ve kapatılmış parantez sayılarının eşit olmaması gibi bir söz dizimi sorunu nedeniyle geçersiz. Lütfen gözden geçirin.",
     "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "LDAP / AD için bir bağlantı sorunu çıktı. Lütfen istemci, kapı numarası ve kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini denetleyin.",
     "The \"%uid\" placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "LDAP / AD sorgularında kullanıcı adı ile değiştirilecek \"%uid\" yer belirleyicisi eksik. ",
@@ -55,6 +62,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "LDAP / AD integration" : "LDAP / AD bütünleştirmesi",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s grup bulundu","%s grup bulundu"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s kullanıcı bulundu","%s kullanıcı bulundu"],
+    "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Görüntülenecek kullanıcı adı özniteliği algılanamadı. Lütfen gelişmiş LDAP ayarları bölümünden siz belirtin.",
     "Could not find the desired feature" : "İstenilen özellik bulunamadı",
     "Invalid Host" : "Sunucu Geçersiz",
     "Test Configuration" : "Yapılandırmayı Sına",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/tr.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/tr.json
index a3463362c9c..5239435c333 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/tr.json
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 { "translations": {
     "Failed to clear the mappings." : "EÅŸleÅŸtirmeler temizlenemedi.",
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Sunucu yapılandırması silinemedi",
+    "Invalid configuration: Anonymous binding is not allowed." : "Yapılandırma geçersiz: Adsız bağlantı kurulmasına izin verilmiyor.",
+    "Valid configuration, connection established!" : "Yapılandırma geçerli, bağlantı kuruldu.",
+    "Valid configuration, but binding failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Yapılandırma geçerli ancak bağlantı kurulamadı. Lütfen sunucu ayarları ve kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini denetleyin.",
+    "Invalid configuration. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Yapılandırma geçersiz. Lütfen ayrıntılı bilgi almak için günlüklere bakın.",
     "No action specified" : "Hehrangi bir iÅŸlem belirtilmemiÅŸ",
     "No configuration specified" : "Herhangi bir yapılandırma belirtilmemiş",
     "No data specified" : "Herhangi bir veri belirtilmemiÅŸ",
@@ -39,7 +43,10 @@
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Kipi değiştirmek otomatik LDAP sorgularını etkinleştirir. LDAP sisteminizin boyutlarına göre bu işlem uzun sürebilir. Kipi yine de değiştirmek istiyor musunuz?",
     "Mode switch" : "Kip deÄŸiÅŸimi",
     "Select attributes" : "Öznitelikleri seçin",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command-line validation): <br/>" : "Kullanıcı bulunamadı. Lütfen oturum açma özniteliklerini ve kullanıcı adını denetleyin. Etkin süzgeç (komut satırı doğrulamasında kullanmak için kopyalayıp yapıştırın): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Kullanıcı bulundu ve ayarlar doğrulandı.",
+    "Consider narrowing your search, as it encompassed many users, only the first one of whom will be able to log in." : "Çok sayıda kullanıcı bulunduğundan ve yalnız birinci kullanıcı oturum açabileceğinden arama ölçütlerinizi sıkılaştırmayı deneyin.",
+    "An unspecified error occurred. Please check log and settings." : "Bilinmeyen bir sorun çıktı. Lütfen günlüğü ve ayarları denetleyin.",
     "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "Arama süzgeci, açılmış ve kapatılmış parantez sayılarının eşit olmaması gibi bir söz dizimi sorunu nedeniyle geçersiz. Lütfen gözden geçirin.",
     "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "LDAP / AD için bir bağlantı sorunu çıktı. Lütfen istemci, kapı numarası ve kimlik doğrulama bilgilerini denetleyin.",
     "The \"%uid\" placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "LDAP / AD sorgularında kullanıcı adı ile değiştirilecek \"%uid\" yer belirleyicisi eksik. ",
@@ -53,6 +60,7 @@
     "LDAP / AD integration" : "LDAP / AD bütünleştirmesi",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s grup bulundu","%s grup bulundu"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s kullanıcı bulundu","%s kullanıcı bulundu"],
+    "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Görüntülenecek kullanıcı adı özniteliği algılanamadı. Lütfen gelişmiş LDAP ayarları bölümünden siz belirtin.",
     "Could not find the desired feature" : "İstenilen özellik bulunamadı",
     "Invalid Host" : "Sunucu Geçersiz",
     "Test Configuration" : "Yapılandırmayı Sına",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/de.js b/settings/l10n/de.js
index c679f52e7ef..87acd89c1a4 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/de.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/de.js
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Enable" : "Aktivieren",
     "Enabling app …" : "Aktiviere App…",
     "Error while enabling app" : "Beim Aktivieren der App ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
+    "Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "ehler: Diese App kann nicht aktiviert werden, da sie den Server instabil macht. ",
+    "Error: Could not disable broken app" : " Fehler: Die beschädigte Anwendung konnte nicht deaktiviert werden ",
     "Error while disabling broken app" : "Beim Deaktivieren der defekten App ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
     "Updating...." : "Aktualisiere…",
     "Error while updating app" : "Es ist ein Fehler während der Aktualisierung der App aufgetreten",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/de.json b/settings/l10n/de.json
index bc257c4c116..1c0b226797b 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/de.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/de.json
@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@
     "Enable" : "Aktivieren",
     "Enabling app …" : "Aktiviere App…",
     "Error while enabling app" : "Beim Aktivieren der App ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
+    "Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "ehler: Diese App kann nicht aktiviert werden, da sie den Server instabil macht. ",
+    "Error: Could not disable broken app" : " Fehler: Die beschädigte Anwendung konnte nicht deaktiviert werden ",
     "Error while disabling broken app" : "Beim Deaktivieren der defekten App ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
     "Updating...." : "Aktualisiere…",
     "Error while updating app" : "Es ist ein Fehler während der Aktualisierung der App aufgetreten",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/de_DE.js b/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
index 8ed2fdcaa18..450d52d257b 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Enable" : "Aktivieren",
     "Enabling app …" : "Aktiviere App…",
     "Error while enabling app" : "Beim Aktivieren der App ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
+    "Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "ehler: Diese App kann nicht aktiviert werden, da sie den Server instabil macht. ",
+    "Error: Could not disable broken app" : " Fehler: Die beschädigte Anwendung konnte nicht deaktiviert werden ",
     "Error while disabling broken app" : "Beim Deaktivieren der defekten App ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
     "Updating...." : "Aktualisiere…",
     "Error while updating app" : "Es ist ein Fehler während der Aktualisierung der App aufgetreten",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/de_DE.json b/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
index 26005f15d63..1f01c93710c 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@
     "Enable" : "Aktivieren",
     "Enabling app …" : "Aktiviere App…",
     "Error while enabling app" : "Beim Aktivieren der App ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
+    "Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "ehler: Diese App kann nicht aktiviert werden, da sie den Server instabil macht. ",
+    "Error: Could not disable broken app" : " Fehler: Die beschädigte Anwendung konnte nicht deaktiviert werden ",
     "Error while disabling broken app" : "Beim Deaktivieren der defekten App ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
     "Updating...." : "Aktualisiere…",
     "Error while updating app" : "Es ist ein Fehler während der Aktualisierung der App aufgetreten",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/nb.js b/settings/l10n/nb.js
index 28ef24b936c..db55c965a8a 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/nb.js
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Enable" : "Aktiver",
     "Enabling app …" : "Aktiverer program…",
     "Error while enabling app" : "Aktivering av program mislyktes",
+    "Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Feil: Dette programmet kan ikke aktiveres fordi det gjør tjeneren ustabil",
+    "Error: Could not disable broken app" : "Feil: Kunne ikke deaktivere ustabilt program",
     "Error while disabling broken app" : "Feil ved deaktivering av ustabilt program",
     "Updating...." : "Oppdaterer…",
     "Error while updating app" : "Feil ved oppdatering av program",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/nb.json b/settings/l10n/nb.json
index 5dff73dab56..2af539cad0b 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/nb.json
@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@
     "Enable" : "Aktiver",
     "Enabling app …" : "Aktiverer program…",
     "Error while enabling app" : "Aktivering av program mislyktes",
+    "Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Feil: Dette programmet kan ikke aktiveres fordi det gjør tjeneren ustabil",
+    "Error: Could not disable broken app" : "Feil: Kunne ikke deaktivere ustabilt program",
     "Error while disabling broken app" : "Feil ved deaktivering av ustabilt program",
     "Updating...." : "Oppdaterer…",
     "Error while updating app" : "Feil ved oppdatering av program",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 32daf3bc285..c4b8a6fdc48 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Enable" : "Habilitar",
     "Enabling app …" : "Ativando aplicativo...",
     "Error while enabling app" : "Erro ao habilitar o aplicativo",
+    "Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Erro: Este aplicativo não pode ser ativado porque torna o servidor instável",
+    "Error: Could not disable broken app" : "Erro: Não foi possível desativar o aplicativo defeituoso",
     "Error while disabling broken app" : "Erro ao desativar aplicativo corrompido",
     "Updating...." : "Atualizando...",
     "Error while updating app" : "Erro ao atualizar aplicativo",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 84ca85b6ed1..8efb7feb8fe 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@
     "Enable" : "Habilitar",
     "Enabling app …" : "Ativando aplicativo...",
     "Error while enabling app" : "Erro ao habilitar o aplicativo",
+    "Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Erro: Este aplicativo não pode ser ativado porque torna o servidor instável",
+    "Error: Could not disable broken app" : "Erro: Não foi possível desativar o aplicativo defeituoso",
     "Error while disabling broken app" : "Erro ao desativar aplicativo corrompido",
     "Updating...." : "Atualizando...",
     "Error while updating app" : "Erro ao atualizar aplicativo",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/tr.js b/settings/l10n/tr.js
index 9ef52702d50..7db1daca84e 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/tr.js
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Enable" : "EtkinleÅŸtir",
     "Enabling app …" : "Uygulama etkinleştiriliyor...",
     "Error while enabling app" : "Uygulama etkinleştirilirken sorun çıktı",
+    "Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Hata: Bu uygulama sunucuda kararsızlığa yol açtığından etkinleştirilemez",
+    "Error: Could not disable broken app" : "Hata: Bozuk uygulama devre dışı bırakılamadı",
     "Error while disabling broken app" : "Bozuk uygulama devre dışı bırakılırken sorun çıktı",
     "Updating...." : "Güncelleniyor....",
     "Error while updating app" : "Uygulama güncellenirken sorun çıktı",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/tr.json b/settings/l10n/tr.json
index 878cf181a7a..b82a8fab73a 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/tr.json
@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@
     "Enable" : "EtkinleÅŸtir",
     "Enabling app …" : "Uygulama etkinleştiriliyor...",
     "Error while enabling app" : "Uygulama etkinleştirilirken sorun çıktı",
+    "Error: This app can not be enabled because it makes the server unstable" : "Hata: Bu uygulama sunucuda kararsızlığa yol açtığından etkinleştirilemez",
+    "Error: Could not disable broken app" : "Hata: Bozuk uygulama devre dışı bırakılamadı",
     "Error while disabling broken app" : "Bozuk uygulama devre dışı bırakılırken sorun çıktı",
     "Updating...." : "Güncelleniyor....",
     "Error while updating app" : "Uygulama güncellenirken sorun çıktı",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js b/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 327f5a2bafa..ea9df9c75cd 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+    "You changed your password" : "你已更改你的密碼",
+    "Your password was reset by an administrator" : "你的密碼已被管理員重設",
     "Wrong password" : "密碼錯誤",
     "Saved" : "已儲存",
     "No user supplied" : "未提供使用者",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json b/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 1acab7670b4..344e37aa6d2 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 { "translations": {
+    "You changed your password" : "你已更改你的密碼",
+    "Your password was reset by an administrator" : "你的密碼已被管理員重設",
     "Wrong password" : "密碼錯誤",
     "Saved" : "已儲存",
     "No user supplied" : "未提供使用者",