diff --git a/lib/private/Share/Share.php b/lib/private/Share/Share.php
index c624f24312377f3165a9961d416ac04de5219b27..aed233692eddfa6d0ab344c5a9d7c29d96e802cc 100644
--- a/lib/private/Share/Share.php
+++ b/lib/private/Share/Share.php
@@ -264,72 +264,6 @@ class Share extends Constants {
 			$parameters, -1, $includeCollections);
-	/**
-	 * Share an item with a user, group, or via private link
-	 * @param string $itemType
-	 * @param string $itemSource
-	 * @param string $shareWith User or group the item is being shared with
-	 * @param int $permissions CRUDS
-	 * @param string $itemSourceName
-	 * @param \DateTime|null $expirationDate
-	 * @return boolean|string Returns true on success or false on failure, Returns token on success for links
-	 * @throws \OC\HintException when the share type is remote and the shareWith is invalid
-	 * @throws \Exception
-	 * @since 5.0.0 - parameter $itemSourceName was added in 6.0.0, parameter $expirationDate was added in 7.0.0, parameter $passwordChanged added in 9.0.0
-	 * @deprecated 14.0.0 TESTS ONLY - this methods is as of 2018-06 only used by tests
-	 * called like this:
-	 * \OC\Share\Share::shareItem('test', 1, IShare::TYPE_USER, $otherUserId, \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_READ);
-	 */
-	public static function shareItem($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $permissions) {
-		$backend = self::getBackend($itemType);
-		if ($backend->isShareTypeAllowed($shareType) === false) {
-			$message = 'Sharing failed, because the backend does not allow shares from type %i';
-			throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $shareType));
-		}
-		$uidOwner = \OC_User::getUser();
-		// Verify share type and sharing conditions are met
-		if ($shareType === IShare::TYPE_USER) {
-			if ($shareWith == $uidOwner) {
-				$message = 'Sharing failed, because you can not share with yourself';
-				throw new \Exception($message);
-			}
-			if (!\OC::$server->getUserManager()->userExists($shareWith)) {
-				$message = 'Sharing failed, because the user %s does not exist';
-				throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $shareWith));
-			}
-			// Check if the item source is already shared with the user, either from the same owner or a different user
-			if ($checkExists = self::getItems($itemType, $itemSource, self::$shareTypeUserAndGroups,
-				$shareWith, null, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1, true, true)) {
-				// Only allow the same share to occur again if it is the same
-				// owner and is not a user share, this use case is for increasing
-				// permissions for a specific user
-				if ($checkExists['uid_owner'] != $uidOwner || $checkExists['share_type'] == $shareType) {
-					$message = 'Sharing failed, because this item is already shared with %s';
-					throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $shareWith));
-				}
-			}
-			if ($checkExists = self::getItems($itemType, $itemSource, IShare::TYPE_USER,
-				$shareWith, null, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, 1, true, true)) {
-				// Only allow the same share to occur again if it is the same
-				// owner and is not a user share, this use case is for increasing
-				// permissions for a specific user
-				if ($checkExists['uid_owner'] != $uidOwner || $checkExists['share_type'] == $shareType) {
-					$message = 'Sharing failed, because this item is already shared with user %s';
-					throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $shareWith));
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// Put the item into the database
-		$result = self::put('test', $itemSource, IShare::TYPE_USER, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions);
-		return $result ? true : false;
-	}
 	 * Unshare an item from a user, group, or delete a private link
 	 * @param string $itemType
@@ -520,60 +454,6 @@ class Share extends Constants {
 		return false;
-	/**
-	 * Get the owners of items shared with a user.
-	 *
-	 * @param string $user The user the items are shared with.
-	 * @param string $type The type of the items shared with the user.
-	 * @param boolean $includeCollections Include collection item types (optional)
-	 * @param boolean $includeOwner include owner in the list of users the item is shared with (optional)
-	 * @return array
-	 * @deprecated TESTS ONLY - this methods is only used by tests
-	 * called like this:
-	 * \OC\Share\Share::getSharedItemsOwners($this->user, $this->type, true)
-	 */
-	public static function getSharedItemsOwners($user, $type, $includeCollections = false, $includeOwner = false) {
-		// First, we find out if $type is part of a collection (and if that collection is part of
-		// another one and so on).
-		$collectionTypes = [];
-		if (!$includeCollections || !$collectionTypes = self::getCollectionItemTypes($type)) {
-			$collectionTypes[] = $type;
-		}
-		// Of these collection types, along with our original $type, we make a
-		// list of the ones for which a sharing backend has been registered.
-		// FIXME: Ideally, we wouldn't need to nest getItemsSharedWith in this loop but just call it
-		// with its $includeCollections parameter set to true. Unfortunately, this fails currently.
-		$allMaybeSharedItems = [];
-		foreach ($collectionTypes as $collectionType) {
-			if (isset(self::$backends[$collectionType])) {
-				$allMaybeSharedItems[$collectionType] = self::getItemsSharedWithUser(
-					$collectionType,
-					$user,
-					self::FORMAT_NONE
-				);
-			}
-		}
-		$owners = [];
-		if ($includeOwner) {
-			$owners[] = $user;
-		}
-		// We take a look at all shared items of the given $type (or of the collections it is part of)
-		// and find out their owners. Then, we gather the tags for the original $type from all owners,
-		// and return them as elements of a list that look like "Tag (owner)".
-		foreach ($allMaybeSharedItems as $collectionType => $maybeSharedItems) {
-			foreach ($maybeSharedItems as $sharedItem) {
-				if (isset($sharedItem['id'])) { //workaround for https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/2814
-					$owners[] = $sharedItem['uid_owner'];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return $owners;
-	}
 	 * Get shared items from the database
 	 * @param string $itemType
@@ -1034,278 +914,6 @@ class Share extends Constants {
 		return $result;
-	/**
-	 * Put shared item into the database
-	 * @param string $itemType Item type
-	 * @param string $itemSource Item source
-	 * @param string $shareWith User or group the item is being shared with
-	 * @param string $uidOwner User that is the owner of shared item
-	 * @param int $permissions CRUDS permissions
-	 * @throws \Exception
-	 * @return mixed id of the new share or false
-	 * @deprecated TESTS ONLY - this methods is only used by tests
-	 * called like this:
-	 * self::put('test', $itemSource, IShare::TYPE_USER, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions);
-	 */
-	private static function put($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner,
-								$permissions) {
-		$queriesToExecute = [];
-		$suggestedItemTarget = null;
-		$groupFileTarget = $fileTarget = $suggestedFileTarget = $filePath = '';
-		$groupItemTarget = $itemTarget = $fileSource = $parent = 0;
-		$result = self::checkReshare('test', $itemSource, IShare::TYPE_USER, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, null, null);
-		if (!empty($result)) {
-			$parent = $result['parent'];
-			$itemSource = $result['itemSource'];
-			$fileSource = $result['fileSource'];
-			$suggestedItemTarget = $result['suggestedItemTarget'];
-			$suggestedFileTarget = $result['suggestedFileTarget'];
-			$filePath = $result['filePath'];
-		}
-		$isGroupShare = false;
-		$users = [$shareWith];
-		$itemTarget = Helper::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner,
-				$suggestedItemTarget);
-		$run = true;
-		$error = '';
-		$preHookData = [
-			'itemType' => $itemType,
-			'itemSource' => $itemSource,
-			'shareType' => $shareType,
-			'uidOwner' => $uidOwner,
-			'permissions' => $permissions,
-			'fileSource' => $fileSource,
-			'expiration' => null,
-			'token' => null,
-			'run' => &$run,
-			'error' => &$error
-		];
-		$preHookData['itemTarget'] = $itemTarget;
-		$preHookData['shareWith'] = $shareWith;
-		\OC_Hook::emit(\OCP\Share::class, 'pre_shared', $preHookData);
-		if ($run === false) {
-			throw new \Exception($error);
-		}
-		foreach ($users as $user) {
-			$sourceId = ($itemType === 'file' || $itemType === 'folder') ? $fileSource : $itemSource;
-			$sourceExists = self::getItemSharedWithBySource($itemType, $sourceId, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, true, $user);
-			$userShareType = $shareType;
-			if ($sourceExists && $sourceExists['item_source'] === $itemSource) {
-				$fileTarget = $sourceExists['file_target'];
-				$itemTarget = $sourceExists['item_target'];
-			} elseif (!$sourceExists) {
-				$itemTarget = Helper::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, $userShareType, $user,
-					$uidOwner, $suggestedItemTarget, $parent);
-				if (isset($fileSource)) {
-					$fileTarget = Helper::generateTarget('file', $filePath, $userShareType,
-							$user, $uidOwner, $suggestedFileTarget, $parent);
-				} else {
-					$fileTarget = null;
-				}
-			} else {
-				// group share which doesn't exists until now, check if we need a unique target for this user
-				$itemTarget = Helper::generateTarget($itemType, $itemSource, IShare::TYPE_USER, $user,
-					$uidOwner, $suggestedItemTarget, $parent);
-				// do we also need a file target
-				if (isset($fileSource)) {
-					$fileTarget = Helper::generateTarget('file', $filePath, IShare::TYPE_USER, $user,
-						$uidOwner, $suggestedFileTarget, $parent);
-				} else {
-					$fileTarget = null;
-				}
-				if (($itemTarget === $groupItemTarget) &&
-					(!isset($fileSource) || $fileTarget === $groupFileTarget)) {
-					continue;
-				}
-			}
-			$queriesToExecute[] = [
-				'itemType'			=> $itemType,
-				'itemSource'		=> $itemSource,
-				'itemTarget'		=> $itemTarget,
-				'shareType'			=> $userShareType,
-				'shareWith'			=> $user,
-				'uidOwner'			=> $uidOwner,
-				'permissions'		=> $permissions,
-				'shareTime'			=> time(),
-				'fileSource'		=> $fileSource,
-				'fileTarget'		=> $fileTarget,
-				'token'				=> null,
-				'parent'			=> $parent,
-				'expiration'		=> null,
-			];
-		}
-		$id = false;
-		foreach ($queriesToExecute as $shareQuery) {
-			$shareQuery['parent'] = $parent;
-			$id = self::insertShare($shareQuery);
-		}
-		$postHookData = [
-			'itemType' => $itemType,
-			'itemSource' => $itemSource,
-			'parent' => $parent,
-			'shareType' => $shareType,
-			'uidOwner' => $uidOwner,
-			'permissions' => $permissions,
-			'fileSource' => $fileSource,
-			'id' => $parent,
-			'token' => null,
-			'expirationDate' => null,
-		];
-		$postHookData['shareWith'] = $isGroupShare ? $shareWith['group'] : $shareWith;
-		$postHookData['itemTarget'] = $isGroupShare ? $groupItemTarget : $itemTarget;
-		$postHookData['fileTarget'] = $isGroupShare ? $groupFileTarget : $fileTarget;
-		\OC_Hook::emit(\OCP\Share::class, 'post_shared', $postHookData);
-		return $id ? $id : false;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param string $itemType
-	 * @param string $itemSource
-	 * @param int $shareType
-	 * @param string $shareWith
-	 * @param string $uidOwner
-	 * @param int $permissions
-	 * @param string|null $itemSourceName
-	 * @param null|\DateTime $expirationDate
-	 * @deprecated TESTS ONLY - this methods is only used by tests
-	 * called like this:
-	 * self::checkReshare('test', $itemSource, IShare::TYPE_USER, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, null, null);
-	 */
-	private static function checkReshare($itemType, $itemSource, $shareType, $shareWith, $uidOwner, $permissions, $itemSourceName, $expirationDate) {
-		$backend = self::getBackend($itemType);
-		$result = [];
-		$column = ($itemType === 'file' || $itemType === 'folder') ? 'file_source' : 'item_source';
-		$checkReshare = self::getItemSharedWithBySource($itemType, $itemSource, self::FORMAT_NONE, null, true);
-		if ($checkReshare) {
-			// Check if attempting to share back to owner
-			if ($checkReshare['uid_owner'] == $shareWith) {
-				$message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because the user %2$s is the original sharer';
-				throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $shareWith));
-			}
-		}
-		if ($checkReshare && $checkReshare['uid_owner'] !== \OC_User::getUser()) {
-			// Check if share permissions is granted
-			if (self::isResharingAllowed() && (int)$checkReshare['permissions'] & \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_SHARE) {
-				if (~(int)$checkReshare['permissions'] & $permissions) {
-					$message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %2$s';
-					throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $itemSourceName, $uidOwner));
-				} else {
-					// TODO Don't check if inside folder
-					$result['parent'] = $checkReshare['id'];
-					$result['expirationDate'] = $expirationDate;
-					// $checkReshare['expiration'] could be null and then is always less than any value
-					if (isset($checkReshare['expiration']) && $checkReshare['expiration'] < $expirationDate) {
-						$result['expirationDate'] = $checkReshare['expiration'];
-					}
-					// only suggest the same name as new target if it is a reshare of the
-					// same file/folder and not the reshare of a child
-					if ($checkReshare[$column] === $itemSource) {
-						$result['filePath'] = $checkReshare['file_target'];
-						$result['itemSource'] = $checkReshare['item_source'];
-						$result['fileSource'] = $checkReshare['file_source'];
-						$result['suggestedItemTarget'] = $checkReshare['item_target'];
-						$result['suggestedFileTarget'] = $checkReshare['file_target'];
-					} else {
-						$result['filePath'] = ($backend instanceof \OCP\Share_Backend_File_Dependent) ? $backend->getFilePath($itemSource, $uidOwner) : null;
-						$result['suggestedItemTarget'] = null;
-						$result['suggestedFileTarget'] = null;
-						$result['itemSource'] = $itemSource;
-						$result['fileSource'] = ($backend instanceof \OCP\Share_Backend_File_Dependent) ? $itemSource : null;
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				$message = 'Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed';
-				throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $itemSourceName));
-			}
-		} else {
-			$result['parent'] = null;
-			$result['suggestedItemTarget'] = null;
-			$result['suggestedFileTarget'] = null;
-			$result['itemSource'] = $itemSource;
-			$result['expirationDate'] = $expirationDate;
-			if (!$backend->isValidSource($itemSource, $uidOwner)) {
-				$message = 'Sharing %1$s failed, because the sharing backend for '
-					.'%2$s could not find its source';
-				throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $itemSource, $itemType));
-			}
-			if ($backend instanceof \OCP\Share_Backend_File_Dependent) {
-				$result['filePath'] = $backend->getFilePath($itemSource, $uidOwner);
-				$meta = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo($result['filePath']);
-				$result['fileSource'] = $meta['fileid'];
-				if ($result['fileSource'] == -1) {
-					$message = 'Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache';
-					throw new \Exception(sprintf($message, $itemSource));
-				}
-			} else {
-				$result['filePath'] = null;
-				$result['fileSource'] = null;
-			}
-		}
-		return $result;
-	}
-	/**
-	 *
-	 * @param array $shareData
-	 * @return mixed false in case of a failure or the id of the new share
-	 */
-	private static function insertShare(array $shareData) {
-		$query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*share` ('
-			.' `item_type`, `item_source`, `item_target`, `share_type`,'
-			.' `share_with`, `uid_owner`, `permissions`, `stime`, `file_source`,'
-			.' `file_target`, `token`, `parent`, `expiration`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
-		$query->bindValue(1, $shareData['itemType']);
-		$query->bindValue(2, $shareData['itemSource']);
-		$query->bindValue(3, $shareData['itemTarget']);
-		$query->bindValue(4, $shareData['shareType']);
-		$query->bindValue(5, $shareData['shareWith']);
-		$query->bindValue(6, $shareData['uidOwner']);
-		$query->bindValue(7, $shareData['permissions']);
-		$query->bindValue(8, $shareData['shareTime']);
-		$query->bindValue(9, $shareData['fileSource']);
-		$query->bindValue(10, $shareData['fileTarget']);
-		$query->bindValue(11, $shareData['token']);
-		$query->bindValue(12, $shareData['parent']);
-		$query->bindValue(13, $shareData['expiration'], 'datetime');
-		$result = $query->execute();
-		$id = false;
-		if ($result) {
-			$id =  \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->lastInsertId('*PREFIX*share');
-		}
-		return $id;
-	}
 	 * construct select statement
 	 * @param int $format
diff --git a/lib/private/TagManager.php b/lib/private/TagManager.php
index ecc80b271fa5620016c62706fd30497ce9c151f2..96786c58a1a9ac9cc2acffb4c8839ccb5ab04552 100644
--- a/lib/private/TagManager.php
+++ b/lib/private/TagManager.php
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ class TagManager implements \OCP\ITagManager {
 	 * @param string $userId user for which to retrieve the tags, defaults to the currently
 	 * logged in user
 	 * @return \OCP\ITags
+	 *
+	 * since 20.0.0 $includeShared isn't used anymore
 	public function load($type, $defaultTags = [], $includeShared = false, $userId = null) {
 		if (is_null($userId)) {
@@ -86,6 +88,6 @@ class TagManager implements \OCP\ITagManager {
 			$userId = $this->userSession->getUser()->getUId();
-		return new Tags($this->mapper, $userId, $type, $defaultTags, $includeShared);
+		return new Tags($this->mapper, $userId, $type, $defaultTags);
diff --git a/lib/private/Tags.php b/lib/private/Tags.php
index 92263ca4fbea763e8bd1db43b88ff711524f0569..3fc66c69d6cc236fd82a6e566c8cb9f4b10893c0 100644
--- a/lib/private/Tags.php
+++ b/lib/private/Tags.php
@@ -119,18 +119,14 @@ class Tags implements ITags {
 	 * @param string $user The user whose data the object will operate on.
 	 * @param string $type The type of items for which tags will be loaded.
 	 * @param array $defaultTags Tags that should be created at construction.
-	 * @param boolean $includeShared Whether to include tags for items shared with this user by others.
+	 *
+	 * since 20.0.0 $includeShared isn't used anymore
-	public function __construct(TagMapper $mapper, $user, $type, $defaultTags = [], $includeShared = false) {
+	public function __construct(TagMapper $mapper, $user, $type, $defaultTags = []) {
 		$this->mapper = $mapper;
 		$this->user = $user;
 		$this->type = $type;
-		$this->includeShared = $includeShared;
 		$this->owners = [$this->user];
-		if ($this->includeShared) {
-			$this->owners = array_merge($this->owners, \OC\Share\Share::getSharedItemsOwners($this->user, $this->type, true));
-			$this->backend = \OC\Share\Share::getBackend($this->type);
-		}
 		$this->tags = $this->mapper->loadTags($this->owners, $this->type);
 		if (count($defaultTags) > 0 && count($this->tags) === 0) {
@@ -303,22 +299,7 @@ class Tags implements ITags {
 		if (!is_null($result)) {
 			while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
-				$id = (int)$row['objid'];
-				if ($this->includeShared) {
-					// We have to check if we are really allowed to access the
-					// items that are tagged with $tag. To that end, we ask the
-					// corresponding sharing backend if the item identified by $id
-					// is owned by any of $this->owners.
-					foreach ($this->owners as $owner) {
-						if ($this->backend->isValidSource($id, $owner)) {
-							$ids[] = $id;
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-				} else {
-					$ids[] = $id;
-				}
+				$ids[] = (int)$row['objid'];
diff --git a/lib/public/ITagManager.php b/lib/public/ITagManager.php
index 46e1ba06297e21f37d1c6f45ed2f60d4b1da96e7..9003beb8a2a3aa378a6ebcb5970218d44b2243ad 100644
--- a/lib/public/ITagManager.php
+++ b/lib/public/ITagManager.php
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ interface ITagManager {
 	 * @see \OCP\ITags
 	 * @param string $type The type identifier e.g. 'contact' or 'event'.
 	 * @param array $defaultTags An array of default tags to be used if none are stored.
-	 * @param boolean $includeShared Whether to include tags for items shared with this user by others.
+	 * @param boolean $includeShared Whether to include tags for items shared with this user by others. - always false since 20.0.0
 	 * @param string $userId user for which to retrieve the tags, defaults to the currently
 	 * logged in user
 	 * @return \OCP\ITags
-	 * @since 6.0.0 - parameter $includeShared and $userId were added in 8.0.0
+	 * @since 6.0.0 - parameter $includeShared and $userId were added in 8.0.0 - $includeShared is always false since 20.0.0
 	public function load($type, $defaultTags = [], $includeShared = false, $userId = null);
diff --git a/tests/lib/TagsTest.php b/tests/lib/TagsTest.php
index 38d3d611bb83e03ff811e5b002b3c4ebc0f45d14..69c2833433d9ceb2591535c7a8bbd2b85e95effd 100644
--- a/tests/lib/TagsTest.php
+++ b/tests/lib/TagsTest.php
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ namespace Test;
 use OCP\IUser;
 use OCP\IUserSession;
-use OCP\Share\IShare;
  * Class TagsTest
@@ -287,39 +286,4 @@ class TagsTest extends \Test\TestCase {
 		$this->assertEquals([], $tagger->getFavorites());
-	public function testShareTags() {
-		$testTag = 'TestTag';
-		\OC\Share\Share::registerBackend('test', 'Test\Share\Backend');
-		$tagger = $this->tagMgr->load('test');
-		$tagger->tagAs(1, $testTag);
-		$otherUserId = $this->getUniqueID('user2_');
-		$otherUser = $this->createMock(IUser::class);
-		$otherUser->method('getUID')
-			->willReturn($otherUserId);
-		\OC::$server->getUserManager()->createUser($otherUserId, 'pass');
-		\OC_User::setUserId($otherUserId);
-		$otherUserSession = $this->createMock(IUserSession::class);
-		$otherUserSession
-			->expects($this->any())
-			->method('getUser')
-			->willReturn($otherUser);
-		$otherTagMgr = new \OC\TagManager($this->tagMapper, $otherUserSession);
-		$otherTagger = $otherTagMgr->load('test');
-		$this->assertFalse($otherTagger->hasTag($testTag));
-		\OC_User::setUserId($this->user->getUID());
-		// TODO new sharing
-		\OC\Share\Share::shareItem('test', 1, IShare::TYPE_USER, $otherUserId, \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_READ);
-		\OC_User::setUserId($otherUserId);
-		$otherTagger = $otherTagMgr->load('test', [], true); // Update tags, load shared ones.
-		$this->assertTrue($otherTagger->hasTag($testTag));
-		$this->assertContains(1, $otherTagger->getIdsForTag($testTag));
-	}