From 580deb09f867a9346a88226da66ba0d0cfaef574 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jenkins for ownCloud <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2016 01:55:57 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] [tx-robot] updated from transifex

 apps/files/l10n/he.js              | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 apps/files/l10n/he.json            | 43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js           |  7 +++-
 apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json         |  7 +++-
 apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs_CZ.js   |  1 +
 apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs_CZ.json |  1 +
 apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js   | 21 ++++++------
 apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json | 21 ++++++------
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_PT.js       | 19 +++++++++--
 apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_PT.json     | 19 +++++++++--
 core/l10n/cs_CZ.js                 |  9 +++++
 core/l10n/cs_CZ.json               |  9 +++++
 core/l10n/fi_FI.js                 |  1 +
 core/l10n/fi_FI.json               |  1 +
 core/l10n/fr.js                    |  1 +
 core/l10n/fr.json                  |  1 +
 core/l10n/it.js                    |  1 +
 core/l10n/it.json                  |  1 +
 core/l10n/pt_BR.js                 |  1 +
 core/l10n/pt_BR.json               |  1 +
 core/l10n/sq.js                    |  1 +
 core/l10n/sq.json                  |  1 +
 core/l10n/zh_TW.js                 | 22 ++++++++-----
 core/l10n/zh_TW.json               | 22 ++++++++-----
 lib/l10n/cs_CZ.js                  |  4 +++
 lib/l10n/cs_CZ.json                |  4 +++
 lib/l10n/fr.js                     |  2 ++
 lib/l10n/fr.json                   |  2 ++
 lib/l10n/pt_BR.js                  |  3 ++
 lib/l10n/pt_BR.json                |  3 ++
 lib/l10n/pt_PT.js                  |  2 +-
 lib/l10n/pt_PT.json                |  2 +-
 settings/l10n/cs_CZ.js             |  8 +++++
 settings/l10n/cs_CZ.json           |  8 +++++
 settings/l10n/fr.js                |  3 ++
 settings/l10n/fr.json              |  3 ++
 settings/l10n/he.js                | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 settings/l10n/he.json              | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 settings/l10n/pt_BR.js             |  2 ++
 settings/l10n/pt_BR.json           |  2 ++
 settings/l10n/zh_TW.js             | 34 +++++++++----------
 settings/l10n/zh_TW.json           | 34 +++++++++----------
 42 files changed, 394 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/he.js b/apps/files/l10n/he.js
index 05b0721a08f..0078d60bd2a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/he.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/he.js
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
+    "Storage not available" : "אחסון לא זמין",
+    "Storage invalid" : "אחסון לא חוקי",
     "Unknown error" : "שגיאה בלתי ידועה",
+    "Unable to set upload directory." : "לא היה ניתן לקבוע תיקיית העלאות.",
+    "Invalid Token" : "קוד לא חוקי",
     "No file was uploaded. Unknown error" : "לא הועלה קובץ. טעות בלתי מזוהה.",
     "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" : "לא התרחשה שגיאה, הקובץ הועלה בהצלחה",
     "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " : "הקבצים שנשלחו חורגים מהגודל שצוין בהגדרה upload_max_filesize שבקובץ php.ini:",
@@ -11,6 +15,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Missing a temporary folder" : "תקיה זמנית חסרה",
     "Failed to write to disk" : "הכתיבה לכונן נכשלה",
     "Not enough storage available" : "אין די שטח פנוי באחסון",
+    "The target folder has been moved or deleted." : "תיקיית המטרה הועברה או נמחקה.",
+    "Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" : "העלאה נכשלה. לא נמצא הקובץ להעלאה",
     "Upload failed. Could not get file info." : "העלאה נכשלה. לא ניתן להשיג את פרטי הקובץ.",
     "Invalid directory." : "תיקייה שגויה.",
     "Files" : "קבצים",
@@ -19,33 +25,60 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Home" : "בית",
     "Close" : "סגירה",
     "Upload cancelled." : "ההעלאה בוטלה.",
+    "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" : "לא ניתן להעלות {filename} כיוון שמדובר בתיקייה או שגודלו 0 בייט",
+    "Total file size {size1} exceeds upload limit {size2}" : "גודל הקובת {size1} עובר את מגבלת הגודל להעלאה {size2}",
+    "Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left" : "לא קיים מספיק מקום פנוי, הקובץ המיועד להעלאה {size1} אבל נשאר {size2} בלבד",
     "Could not get result from server." : "לא ניתן לגשת לתוצאות מהשרת.",
     "File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." : "מתבצעת כעת העלאת קבצים. עזיבה של העמוד תבטל את ההעלאה.",
     "Actions" : "פעולות",
     "Download" : "הורדה",
     "Rename" : "שינוי שם",
     "Delete" : "מחיקה",
+    "Disconnect storage" : "ניתוק אחסון",
     "Unshare" : "הסר שיתוף",
     "Details" : "פרטים",
     "Select" : "בחר",
     "Pending" : "ממתין",
+    "Unable to determine date" : "לא ניתן לקבוע תאריך",
     "This operation is forbidden" : "פעולה זו אסורה",
     "This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "תיקייה זו לא קיימת, יש לבדוק את הלוגים או ליצור קשר עם המנהל",
+    "Could not move \"{file}\", target exists" : "לא ניתן להעביר \"{file}\", קובץ מטרה קיים",
+    "Could not move \"{file}\"" : "לא ניתן להעביר \"{file}\"",
+    "{newName} already exists" : "{newName} כבר קיים",
+    "Could not rename \"{fileName}\", it does not exist any more" : "לא ניתן לשנות שם \"{fileName}\", הוא כבר לא קיים יותר",
+    "The name \"{targetName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "השם \"{targetName}\" כבר קיים בתיקייה \"{dir}\". יש לבחור שם אחר.",
+    "Could not rename \"{fileName}\"" : "לא ניתן לשנות את השם \"{fileName}\"",
+    "Could not create file \"{file}\"" : "לא ניתן ליצור את הקובץ \"{file}\"",
+    "Could not create file \"{file}\" because it already exists" : "לא ניתן ליצור את הקובץ \"{file}\" כיוון שהוא כבר קיים",
+    "Could not create folder \"{dir}\"" : "לא ניתן ליצור את התיקייה \"{dir}\"",
+    "Could not create folder \"{dir}\" because it already exists" : "לא ניתן ליצור את התיקייה \"{dir}\" כיוון שהיא כבר קיימת",
+    "Error deleting file \"{fileName}\"." : "שגיאה בזמן מחיקת קובץ \"{fileName}\".",
+    "No entries in this folder match '{filter}'" : "לא נמצאו התאמות בתיקייה זו ל- '{filter}'",
     "Name" : "שם",
     "Size" : "גודל",
     "Modified" : "זמן שינוי",
+    "{dirs} and {files}" : "{dirs} וכן {files}",
+    "You don’t have permission to upload or create files here" : "אין לך הרשאות להעלות או ליצור קבצים כאן",
     "New" : "חדש",
+    "\"{name}\" is an invalid file name." : "\"{name}\" הנו שם קובץ לא חוקי.",
     "File name cannot be empty." : "שם קובץ אינו יכול להיות ריק",
+    "Storage of {owner} is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "האחסון של {owner} מלא, כבר לא ניתן לעדכן ולסנכרן קבצים!",
+    "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "האחסון שלך מלא, כבר לא ניתן לעדכן ולסנכרן קבצים!",
+    "Storage of {owner} is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" : "האחסון של {owner} כמעט מלא ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
     "Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" : "שטח האחסון שלך כמעט מלא ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
     "Path" : "נתיב",
     "Favorited" : "מועדף",
     "Favorite" : "מועדף",
     "Folder" : "תיקייה",
     "New folder" : "תיקייה חדשה",
+    "{newname} already exists" : "{newname} כבר קיים",
     "Upload" : "העלאה",
+    "An error occurred while trying to update the tags" : "שגיאה אירעה בזמן עדכון התגיות",
     "A new file or folder has been <strong>created</strong>" : "קובץ או תיקייה חדשים <strong>נוצרו<strong/>",
     "A file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "קובץ או תיקייה <strong>שונו<strong/>",
+    "Limit notifications about creation and changes to your <strong>favorite files</strong> <em>(Stream only)</em>" : "הגבלת הודעות על יצירת או שינוי <strong>הקבצים המועדפים</strong> שלך <em>(Stream only)</em>",
     "A file or folder has been <strong>deleted</strong>" : "קובץ או תיקייה <strong>נמחקו<strong/>",
+    "A file or folder has been <strong>restored</strong>" : "קובץ או תיקייה <strong>שוחזר</strong>",
     "You created %1$s" : "יצרת %1$s",
     "%2$s created %1$s" : "%2$s נוצרו %1$s",
     "%1$s was created in a public folder" : "%1$s נוצר בתיקייה ציבורית",
@@ -53,22 +86,32 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "%2$s changed %1$s" : "%2$s שונו %1$s",
     "You deleted %1$s" : "מחקת %1$s",
     "%2$s deleted %1$s" : "%2$s נמחקו %1$s",
+    "You restored %1$s" : "שחזרת %1$s",
+    "%2$s restored %1$s" : "%2$s שוחזרו %1$s",
+    "Changed by %2$s" : "שונו על ידי %2$s",
+    "Deleted by %2$s" : "נמחקו על ידי %2$s",
+    "Restored by %2$s" : "שוחזרו על ידי %2$s",
     "Upload (max. %s)" : "העלאה (מקסימום %s)",
     "File handling" : "טיפול בקבצים",
     "Maximum upload size" : "גודל העלאה מקסימלי",
     "max. possible: " : "המרבי האפשרי: ",
     "Save" : "שמירה",
+    "With PHP-FPM it might take 5 minutes for changes to be applied." : "בשימוש ב- PHP-FPM זה יכול להמשך 5 דקות לשינויים לחול.",
     "Missing permissions to edit from here." : "חסרות הרשאות לעריכה מכאן.",
     "Settings" : "הגדרות",
     "WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
+    "Use this address to <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">access your Files via WebDAV</a>" : "השתמש בכתובת זו לצורך <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">כניסה אל הקבצים שלך בעזרת WebDAV</a>",
     "Cancel upload" : "ביטול ההעלאה",
     "No files in here" : "אין כאן קבצים",
+    "Upload some content or sync with your devices!" : "יש להעלות קצת תוכן או לסנכרן עם ההתקנים שלך!",
     "No entries found in this folder" : "לא נמצאו כניסות לתיקייה זו",
     "Select all" : "לבחור הכול",
     "Upload too large" : "העלאה גדולה מידי",
     "The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." : "הקבצים שניסית להעלות חרגו מהגודל המקסימלי להעלאת קבצים על שרת זה.",
     "Files are being scanned, please wait." : "הקבצים נסרקים, נא להמתין.",
+    "Currently scanning" : "בסריקה כרגע",
     "No favorites" : "אין מועדפים",
+    "Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "קבצים ותיקיות שסומנו על ידך כמועדפים יוצגו כאן",
     "Text file" : "קובץ טקסט",
     "New text file.txt" : "קובץ טקסט חדש.txt"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/he.json b/apps/files/l10n/he.json
index 0ffbfca480f..d1c63c0e1d5 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/he.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/he.json
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 { "translations": {
+    "Storage not available" : "אחסון לא זמין",
+    "Storage invalid" : "אחסון לא חוקי",
     "Unknown error" : "שגיאה בלתי ידועה",
+    "Unable to set upload directory." : "לא היה ניתן לקבוע תיקיית העלאות.",
+    "Invalid Token" : "קוד לא חוקי",
     "No file was uploaded. Unknown error" : "לא הועלה קובץ. טעות בלתי מזוהה.",
     "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" : "לא התרחשה שגיאה, הקובץ הועלה בהצלחה",
     "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: " : "הקבצים שנשלחו חורגים מהגודל שצוין בהגדרה upload_max_filesize שבקובץ php.ini:",
@@ -9,6 +13,8 @@
     "Missing a temporary folder" : "תקיה זמנית חסרה",
     "Failed to write to disk" : "הכתיבה לכונן נכשלה",
     "Not enough storage available" : "אין די שטח פנוי באחסון",
+    "The target folder has been moved or deleted." : "תיקיית המטרה הועברה או נמחקה.",
+    "Upload failed. Could not find uploaded file" : "העלאה נכשלה. לא נמצא הקובץ להעלאה",
     "Upload failed. Could not get file info." : "העלאה נכשלה. לא ניתן להשיג את פרטי הקובץ.",
     "Invalid directory." : "תיקייה שגויה.",
     "Files" : "קבצים",
@@ -17,33 +23,60 @@
     "Home" : "בית",
     "Close" : "סגירה",
     "Upload cancelled." : "ההעלאה בוטלה.",
+    "Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" : "לא ניתן להעלות {filename} כיוון שמדובר בתיקייה או שגודלו 0 בייט",
+    "Total file size {size1} exceeds upload limit {size2}" : "גודל הקובת {size1} עובר את מגבלת הגודל להעלאה {size2}",
+    "Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left" : "לא קיים מספיק מקום פנוי, הקובץ המיועד להעלאה {size1} אבל נשאר {size2} בלבד",
     "Could not get result from server." : "לא ניתן לגשת לתוצאות מהשרת.",
     "File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." : "מתבצעת כעת העלאת קבצים. עזיבה של העמוד תבטל את ההעלאה.",
     "Actions" : "פעולות",
     "Download" : "הורדה",
     "Rename" : "שינוי שם",
     "Delete" : "מחיקה",
+    "Disconnect storage" : "ניתוק אחסון",
     "Unshare" : "הסר שיתוף",
     "Details" : "פרטים",
     "Select" : "בחר",
     "Pending" : "ממתין",
+    "Unable to determine date" : "לא ניתן לקבוע תאריך",
     "This operation is forbidden" : "פעולה זו אסורה",
     "This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "תיקייה זו לא קיימת, יש לבדוק את הלוגים או ליצור קשר עם המנהל",
+    "Could not move \"{file}\", target exists" : "לא ניתן להעביר \"{file}\", קובץ מטרה קיים",
+    "Could not move \"{file}\"" : "לא ניתן להעביר \"{file}\"",
+    "{newName} already exists" : "{newName} כבר קיים",
+    "Could not rename \"{fileName}\", it does not exist any more" : "לא ניתן לשנות שם \"{fileName}\", הוא כבר לא קיים יותר",
+    "The name \"{targetName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "השם \"{targetName}\" כבר קיים בתיקייה \"{dir}\". יש לבחור שם אחר.",
+    "Could not rename \"{fileName}\"" : "לא ניתן לשנות את השם \"{fileName}\"",
+    "Could not create file \"{file}\"" : "לא ניתן ליצור את הקובץ \"{file}\"",
+    "Could not create file \"{file}\" because it already exists" : "לא ניתן ליצור את הקובץ \"{file}\" כיוון שהוא כבר קיים",
+    "Could not create folder \"{dir}\"" : "לא ניתן ליצור את התיקייה \"{dir}\"",
+    "Could not create folder \"{dir}\" because it already exists" : "לא ניתן ליצור את התיקייה \"{dir}\" כיוון שהיא כבר קיימת",
+    "Error deleting file \"{fileName}\"." : "שגיאה בזמן מחיקת קובץ \"{fileName}\".",
+    "No entries in this folder match '{filter}'" : "לא נמצאו התאמות בתיקייה זו ל- '{filter}'",
     "Name" : "שם",
     "Size" : "גודל",
     "Modified" : "זמן שינוי",
+    "{dirs} and {files}" : "{dirs} וכן {files}",
+    "You don’t have permission to upload or create files here" : "אין לך הרשאות להעלות או ליצור קבצים כאן",
     "New" : "חדש",
+    "\"{name}\" is an invalid file name." : "\"{name}\" הנו שם קובץ לא חוקי.",
     "File name cannot be empty." : "שם קובץ אינו יכול להיות ריק",
+    "Storage of {owner} is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "האחסון של {owner} מלא, כבר לא ניתן לעדכן ולסנכרן קבצים!",
+    "Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" : "האחסון שלך מלא, כבר לא ניתן לעדכן ולסנכרן קבצים!",
+    "Storage of {owner} is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" : "האחסון של {owner} כמעט מלא ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
     "Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" : "שטח האחסון שלך כמעט מלא ({usedSpacePercent}%)",
     "Path" : "נתיב",
     "Favorited" : "מועדף",
     "Favorite" : "מועדף",
     "Folder" : "תיקייה",
     "New folder" : "תיקייה חדשה",
+    "{newname} already exists" : "{newname} כבר קיים",
     "Upload" : "העלאה",
+    "An error occurred while trying to update the tags" : "שגיאה אירעה בזמן עדכון התגיות",
     "A new file or folder has been <strong>created</strong>" : "קובץ או תיקייה חדשים <strong>נוצרו<strong/>",
     "A file or folder has been <strong>changed</strong>" : "קובץ או תיקייה <strong>שונו<strong/>",
+    "Limit notifications about creation and changes to your <strong>favorite files</strong> <em>(Stream only)</em>" : "הגבלת הודעות על יצירת או שינוי <strong>הקבצים המועדפים</strong> שלך <em>(Stream only)</em>",
     "A file or folder has been <strong>deleted</strong>" : "קובץ או תיקייה <strong>נמחקו<strong/>",
+    "A file or folder has been <strong>restored</strong>" : "קובץ או תיקייה <strong>שוחזר</strong>",
     "You created %1$s" : "יצרת %1$s",
     "%2$s created %1$s" : "%2$s נוצרו %1$s",
     "%1$s was created in a public folder" : "%1$s נוצר בתיקייה ציבורית",
@@ -51,22 +84,32 @@
     "%2$s changed %1$s" : "%2$s שונו %1$s",
     "You deleted %1$s" : "מחקת %1$s",
     "%2$s deleted %1$s" : "%2$s נמחקו %1$s",
+    "You restored %1$s" : "שחזרת %1$s",
+    "%2$s restored %1$s" : "%2$s שוחזרו %1$s",
+    "Changed by %2$s" : "שונו על ידי %2$s",
+    "Deleted by %2$s" : "נמחקו על ידי %2$s",
+    "Restored by %2$s" : "שוחזרו על ידי %2$s",
     "Upload (max. %s)" : "העלאה (מקסימום %s)",
     "File handling" : "טיפול בקבצים",
     "Maximum upload size" : "גודל העלאה מקסימלי",
     "max. possible: " : "המרבי האפשרי: ",
     "Save" : "שמירה",
+    "With PHP-FPM it might take 5 minutes for changes to be applied." : "בשימוש ב- PHP-FPM זה יכול להמשך 5 דקות לשינויים לחול.",
     "Missing permissions to edit from here." : "חסרות הרשאות לעריכה מכאן.",
     "Settings" : "הגדרות",
     "WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
+    "Use this address to <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">access your Files via WebDAV</a>" : "השתמש בכתובת זו לצורך <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">כניסה אל הקבצים שלך בעזרת WebDAV</a>",
     "Cancel upload" : "ביטול ההעלאה",
     "No files in here" : "אין כאן קבצים",
+    "Upload some content or sync with your devices!" : "יש להעלות קצת תוכן או לסנכרן עם ההתקנים שלך!",
     "No entries found in this folder" : "לא נמצאו כניסות לתיקייה זו",
     "Select all" : "לבחור הכול",
     "Upload too large" : "העלאה גדולה מידי",
     "The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." : "הקבצים שניסית להעלות חרגו מהגודל המקסימלי להעלאת קבצים על שרת זה.",
     "Files are being scanned, please wait." : "הקבצים נסרקים, נא להמתין.",
+    "Currently scanning" : "בסריקה כרגע",
     "No favorites" : "אין מועדפים",
+    "Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "קבצים ותיקיות שסומנו על ידך כמועדפים יוצגו כאן",
     "Text file" : "קובץ טקסט",
     "New text file.txt" : "קובץ טקסט חדש.txt"
 },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 0283c91b656..3843e89c797 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Total file size {size1} exceeds upload limit {size2}" : "檔案大小總和 {size1} 超過上傳限制 {size2}",
     "Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left" : "可用空間不足,你正要上傳 {size1} 可是只剩下 {size2}",
     "Could not get result from server." : "無法從伺服器取回結果",
-    "File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." : "檔案上傳中,離開此頁面將會取消上傳。",
+    "File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." : "檔案上傳中,離開此頁面將會取消上傳",
     "Actions" : "動作",
     "Download" : "下載",
     "Rename" : "重新命名",
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Unable to determine date" : "無法確定日期",
     "This operation is forbidden" : "此動作被禁止",
     "This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "這個目錄無法存取,請檢查伺服器記錄檔或聯絡管理員",
+    "Could not move \"{file}\", target exists" : "無法移動 \"{file}\",目標已經存在",
+    "Could not move \"{file}\"" : "無法移動 \"{file}\"",
+    "{newName} already exists" : "{newName} 已經存在",
+    "Error deleting file \"{fileName}\"." : "刪除 \"{fileName}\" 出錯",
     "No entries in this folder match '{filter}'" : "在此資料夾中沒有項目與 '{filter}' 相符",
     "Name" : "名稱",
     "Size" : "大小",
@@ -90,6 +94,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Maximum upload size" : "上傳限制",
     "max. possible: " : "最大允許:",
     "Save" : "儲存",
+    "Missing permissions to edit from here." : "您沒有在此編輯的權限",
     "Settings" : "設定",
     "WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
     "Use this address to <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">access your Files via WebDAV</a>" : "使用這個地址<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">來透過 WebDAV 存取檔案</a>",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 4969b3d5bfb..b70766ffa7f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     "Total file size {size1} exceeds upload limit {size2}" : "檔案大小總和 {size1} 超過上傳限制 {size2}",
     "Not enough free space, you are uploading {size1} but only {size2} is left" : "可用空間不足,你正要上傳 {size1} 可是只剩下 {size2}",
     "Could not get result from server." : "無法從伺服器取回結果",
-    "File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." : "檔案上傳中,離開此頁面將會取消上傳。",
+    "File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." : "檔案上傳中,離開此頁面將會取消上傳",
     "Actions" : "動作",
     "Download" : "下載",
     "Rename" : "重新命名",
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@
     "Unable to determine date" : "無法確定日期",
     "This operation is forbidden" : "此動作被禁止",
     "This directory is unavailable, please check the logs or contact the administrator" : "這個目錄無法存取,請檢查伺服器記錄檔或聯絡管理員",
+    "Could not move \"{file}\", target exists" : "無法移動 \"{file}\",目標已經存在",
+    "Could not move \"{file}\"" : "無法移動 \"{file}\"",
+    "{newName} already exists" : "{newName} 已經存在",
+    "Error deleting file \"{fileName}\"." : "刪除 \"{fileName}\" 出錯",
     "No entries in this folder match '{filter}'" : "在此資料夾中沒有項目與 '{filter}' 相符",
     "Name" : "名稱",
     "Size" : "大小",
@@ -88,6 +92,7 @@
     "Maximum upload size" : "上傳限制",
     "max. possible: " : "最大允許:",
     "Save" : "儲存",
+    "Missing permissions to edit from here." : "您沒有在此編輯的權限",
     "Settings" : "設定",
     "WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
     "Use this address to <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">access your Files via WebDAV</a>" : "使用這個地址<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">來透過 WebDAV 存取檔案</a>",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs_CZ.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs_CZ.js
index daa43cc46e8..f04d641d7d6 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs_CZ.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs_CZ.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Sdílení mezi servery není povoleno",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Jméno přípojného bodu obsahuje nepovolené znaky.",
+    "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user server" : "Není povoleno vytvořit propojené sdílení s tím samým serverem",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Neplatný nebo nedůvěryhodný SSL certifikát",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Nezdařilo se ověření vzdáleného úložiště, pravděpodobně chybné heslo",
     "Storage not valid" : "Úložiště není platné",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs_CZ.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs_CZ.json
index f1bd6fa4934..2e95e6c8788 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs_CZ.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/cs_CZ.json
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 { "translations": {
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Sdílení mezi servery není povoleno",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Jméno přípojného bodu obsahuje nepovolené znaky.",
+    "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user server" : "Není povoleno vytvořit propojené sdílení s tím samým serverem",
     "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Neplatný nebo nedůvěryhodný SSL certifikát",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Nezdařilo se ověření vzdáleného úložiště, pravděpodobně chybné heslo",
     "Storage not valid" : "Úložiště není platné",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 58d0398a1d5..7416545bc4c 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "伺服器對伺服器共享在這台伺服器上面並未啟用",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "掛載的名稱含有不合法的字元",
-    "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "無效或是不信任的SSL憑證",
+    "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user server" : "不允許在同一個使用者伺服器建立聯盟式分享",
+    "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "無效或是不信任的 SSL憑證",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "無法驗證遠端分享,可能是密碼錯誤",
     "Storage not valid" : "儲存空間無法使用",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "無法加入遠端分享",
-    "Shared with you" : "與你分享",
+    "Shared with you" : "與您分享",
     "Shared with others" : "與其他人分享",
     "Shared by link" : "由連結分享",
     "Nothing shared with you yet" : "目前沒有任何與您分享的內容",
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "You can upload into this folder" : "你可以上傳內容到此資料夾",
     "No ownCloud installation (7 or higher) found at {remote}" : "沒有在 {remote} 找到 ownCloud (本版7 或 更新版)",
     "Invalid ownCloud url" : "無效的 ownCloud URL",
-    "Shared by" : "由...分享",
+    "Shared by" : "分享自",
     "Sharing" : "分享",
     "A file or folder has been <strong>shared</strong>" : "檔案或目錄已被 <strong>分享</strong>",
     "A file or folder was shared from <strong>another server</strong>" : "檔案或目錄已被 <strong>其他伺服器</strong> 分享",
@@ -52,11 +53,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Shared by %2$s" : "由 %2$s 分享",
     "Shared via public link" : "透過公用連結分享",
     "Shares" : "分享",
-    "You received %2$s as a remote share from %1$s" : "您收到了來自%1$s的一個遠端分享 %2$s ",
+    "You received %2$s as a remote share from %1$s" : "您收到了來自 %1$s 的一個遠端分享 %2$s ",
     "Accept" : "接受",
     "Decline" : "拒絕",
-    "Share with me through my #ownCloud Federated Cloud ID, see %s" : "可透過我的 #ownCloud 聯合 ID,與我分享,請看 %s",
-    "Share with me through my #ownCloud Federated Cloud ID" : "可透過我的 #ownCloud 聯合 ID,與我分享",
+    "Share with me through my #ownCloud Federated Cloud ID, see %s" : "可透過我的 #ownCloud 聯盟雲端 ID,與我分享,請看 %s",
+    "Share with me through my #ownCloud Federated Cloud ID" : "可透過我的 #ownCloud 聯盟雲端 ID,與我分享",
     "This share is password-protected" : "這個分享有密碼保護",
     "The password is wrong. Try again." : "請檢查您的密碼並再試一次",
     "Password" : "密碼",
@@ -78,10 +79,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Allow users on this server to send shares to other servers" : "允許這台伺服器上的使用者發送分享給其他伺服器",
     "Allow users on this server to receive shares from other servers" : "允許這台伺服器上的使用者發送接收來自其他伺服器的分享",
     "Federated Cloud" : "聯盟式雲端",
-    "Your Federated Cloud ID:" : "您的雲端聯盟ID:",
-    "Share it:" : "分享它:",
+    "Your Federated Cloud ID:" : "您的雲端聯盟 ID:",
+    "Share it:" : "分享它:",
     "Add to your website" : "新增至您的網站",
-    "Share with me via ownCloud" : "透果ownCloud與我分享",
-    "HTML Code:" : "HTML 代碼:"
+    "Share with me via ownCloud" : "透過 ownCloud 與我分享",
+    "HTML Code:" : "HTML Code:"
 "nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json
index e73bbfa6574..0a2a18bc5f8 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 { "translations": {
     "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "伺服器對伺服器共享在這台伺服器上面並未啟用",
     "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "掛載的名稱含有不合法的字元",
-    "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "無效或是不信任的SSL憑證",
+    "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user server" : "不允許在同一個使用者伺服器建立聯盟式分享",
+    "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "無效或是不信任的 SSL憑證",
     "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "無法驗證遠端分享,可能是密碼錯誤",
     "Storage not valid" : "儲存空間無法使用",
     "Couldn't add remote share" : "無法加入遠端分享",
-    "Shared with you" : "與你分享",
+    "Shared with you" : "與您分享",
     "Shared with others" : "與其他人分享",
     "Shared by link" : "由連結分享",
     "Nothing shared with you yet" : "目前沒有任何與您分享的內容",
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
     "You can upload into this folder" : "你可以上傳內容到此資料夾",
     "No ownCloud installation (7 or higher) found at {remote}" : "沒有在 {remote} 找到 ownCloud (本版7 或 更新版)",
     "Invalid ownCloud url" : "無效的 ownCloud URL",
-    "Shared by" : "由...分享",
+    "Shared by" : "分享自",
     "Sharing" : "分享",
     "A file or folder has been <strong>shared</strong>" : "檔案或目錄已被 <strong>分享</strong>",
     "A file or folder was shared from <strong>another server</strong>" : "檔案或目錄已被 <strong>其他伺服器</strong> 分享",
@@ -50,11 +51,11 @@
     "Shared by %2$s" : "由 %2$s 分享",
     "Shared via public link" : "透過公用連結分享",
     "Shares" : "分享",
-    "You received %2$s as a remote share from %1$s" : "您收到了來自%1$s的一個遠端分享 %2$s ",
+    "You received %2$s as a remote share from %1$s" : "您收到了來自 %1$s 的一個遠端分享 %2$s ",
     "Accept" : "接受",
     "Decline" : "拒絕",
-    "Share with me through my #ownCloud Federated Cloud ID, see %s" : "可透過我的 #ownCloud 聯合 ID,與我分享,請看 %s",
-    "Share with me through my #ownCloud Federated Cloud ID" : "可透過我的 #ownCloud 聯合 ID,與我分享",
+    "Share with me through my #ownCloud Federated Cloud ID, see %s" : "可透過我的 #ownCloud 聯盟雲端 ID,與我分享,請看 %s",
+    "Share with me through my #ownCloud Federated Cloud ID" : "可透過我的 #ownCloud 聯盟雲端 ID,與我分享",
     "This share is password-protected" : "這個分享有密碼保護",
     "The password is wrong. Try again." : "請檢查您的密碼並再試一次",
     "Password" : "密碼",
@@ -76,10 +77,10 @@
     "Allow users on this server to send shares to other servers" : "允許這台伺服器上的使用者發送分享給其他伺服器",
     "Allow users on this server to receive shares from other servers" : "允許這台伺服器上的使用者發送接收來自其他伺服器的分享",
     "Federated Cloud" : "聯盟式雲端",
-    "Your Federated Cloud ID:" : "您的雲端聯盟ID:",
-    "Share it:" : "分享它:",
+    "Your Federated Cloud ID:" : "您的雲端聯盟 ID:",
+    "Share it:" : "分享它:",
     "Add to your website" : "新增至您的網站",
-    "Share with me via ownCloud" : "透果ownCloud與我分享",
-    "HTML Code:" : "HTML 代碼:"
+    "Share with me via ownCloud" : "透過 ownCloud 與我分享",
+    "HTML Code:" : "HTML Code:"
 },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_PT.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_PT.js
index 3863326e6c3..256385b6f85 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_PT.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_PT.js
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Erro ao eliminar a configuração do servidor",
     "The configuration is invalid: anonymous bind is not allowed." : "A configuração é inválida: ligação anónima não é permitida.",
     "The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" : "A configuração está correcta e foi possível estabelecer a ligação!",
-    "The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "A configuração está correcta, mas não foi possível estabelecer o \"laço\", por favor, verifique as configurações do servidor e as credenciais.",
-    "The configuration is invalid. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "A configuração é inválida. Por favor, veja o log do ownCloud para mais detalhes.",
+    "The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "A configuração está correcta, mas não foi possível estabelecer a conexão. Por favor, verifique as configurações do servidor e as credenciais.",
+    "The configuration is invalid. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "A configuração é inválida. Por favor, veja o registo (log) do ownCloud para mais detalhes.",
     "No action specified" : "Nenhuma acção especificada",
     "No configuration specified" : "Nenhuma configuração especificada",
     "No data specified" : "Nenhuma data especificada",
@@ -36,9 +36,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Trocando o modo vai permitir a busca automática no LDAP. Dependendo do tamanho do seu LDAP poderá demorar um pouco. Ainda pretende trocar o modo?",
     "Mode switch" : "Trocar de modo",
     "Select attributes" : "Selecionar atributos",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command line validation): <br/>" : "O utilizador não foi encontrado. Por favor, verifique nome de utilizador e os atributos de permissão. Filtro eficaz (para copiar/colar na linha de comando de validação): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Utilizador encontrado e as definilções verificadas",
+    "Settings verified, but one user found. Only the first will be able to login. Consider a more narrow filter." : "Definições verificadas, com problemas. Somente o primeiro utilizador encontrado poderá entrar no sistema. Considere criar um filtro mais expecífico.",
     "An unspecified error occurred. Please check the settings and the log." : "ocorreu um erro não especificado. Por favor, verifique as configurações e o registo.",
+    "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "O filtro de procura é inválido, provavelmente devido a problemas de sintaxe. Verifique se existem números ímpares de parêntisis abertos e/ou fechados. Por favor reveja.",
+    "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Ocorreu um erro de conexão ao servidor LDAP / AD. Por favor, reveja as definições de endereço, porto e credenciais.",
+    "The %uid placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "O campo %uid está em falta. Este será substituído pelo utilizador do ownCloud quando for efectuado o pedido ao LDAP / AD.",
     "Please provide a login name to test against" : "Por favor, indique um nome de sessão para testar",
+    "The group box was disabled, because the LDAP / AD server does not support memberOf." : "Uma vez que o servidor LDAP / AD não suporta a propriedade \"memberOf\" (grupos) a caixa de grupos foi desactivada.",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s grupo encontrado","%s grupos encontrados"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s utilizador encontrado","%s utilizadores encontrados"],
     "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced ldap settings." : "Não foi possível detetar o atributo do nome do utilizador. Por favor especifique-o nas configurações ldap avançadas.",
@@ -56,16 +62,22 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Search groups" : "Procurar grupos",
     "Available groups" : "Grupos disponiveis",
     "Selected groups" : "Grupos seleccionados",
+    "Edit LDAP Query" : "Modificar pedido LDAP",
     "LDAP Filter:" : "Filtro LDAP:",
     "The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "O filtro especifica quais grupos LDAP devem ter acesso à instância %s.",
+    "Verify settings and count groups" : "Verificar condições e contar grupos",
+    "When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Quando entrar no sistema, %s irá encontrar o utilizador baseando-se nos seguintes atributos:",
     "LDAP / AD Username:" : "Nome de Utilizador LDAP / AD:",
+    "Allows login against the LDAP / AD username, which is either uid or samaccountname and will be detected." : "Permitir entrar no sistema com verificação LDAP / AD, do qual o utilizador poderá ser detectado a partir do \"uid\" ou \"samaccountname\".",
     "LDAP / AD Email Address:" : "Endereço de Correio Eletrónico LDPA / AD",
+    "Allows login against an email attribute. Mail and mailPrimaryAddress will be allowed." : "Permtir entrar no sistema a partir do atributo \"email\". Neste caso os campos \"Mail\" e \"mailPrimaryAddress\" serão utilizados para verificação.",
     "Other Attributes:" : "Outros Atributos:",
     "Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: \"uid=%%uid\"" : "Define o filtro a aplicar, quando se tenta uma sessão. %%uid substitui o nome de utilizador na ação de início de sessão. Exemplo: \"uid=%%uid\"",
     "Verify settings" : "Verificar definições",
     "1. Server" : "1. Servidor",
     "%s. Server:" : "%s. Servvidor",
     "Add a new and blank configuration" : "Adicione uma nova configuração em branco",
+    "Copy current configuration into new directory binding" : "Copiar a configuração actual para um novo registo de conexão",
     "Delete the current configuration" : "Apagar a configuração actual",
     "Host" : "Anfitrião",
     "You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" : "Pode omitir o protocolo, excepto se necessitar de SSL. Neste caso, comece com ldaps://",
@@ -75,13 +87,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "O DN to cliente ",
     "Password" : "Password",
     "For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "Para acesso anónimo, deixe DN e a Palavra-passe vazios.",
-    "One Base DN per line" : "Uma base DN por linho",
+    "One Base DN per line" : "Uma base DN por linha",
     "You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" : "Pode especificar o ND Base para utilizadores e grupos no separador Avançado",
     "Detect Base DN" : "Detectar Base DN",
     "Test Base DN" : "Testar Base DN",
     "Avoids automatic LDAP requests. Better for bigger setups, but requires some LDAP knowledge." : "Evita pedidos LDAP automáticos. Melhor para grandes configurações, mas requer conhecimentos LDAP.",
     "Manually enter LDAP filters (recommended for large directories)" : "Introduzir filtros LDAP manualmente (recomendado para directórios grandes)",
     "Limit %s access to users meeting these criteria:" : "Limitar o acesso a %s de utilizadores com estes critérios:",
+    "The most common object classes for users are organizationalPerson, person, user, and inetOrgPerson. If you are not sure which object class to select, please consult your directory admin." : "Os objectos mais comuns para utilizadores são <em>organizationalPerson, person, user, and inetOrgPerson</em>. Se não tem a certeza de que classe de objecto deverá seleccionar, por favor, contacte o administrador do Directório.",
     "The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." : "O filtro especifica quais utilizadores do LDAP devem ter acesso  à instância %s.",
     "Verify settings and count users" : "Verificar definições e contar utilizadores",
     "Saving" : "Guardando",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_PT.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_PT.json
index 729674e0b2c..a26aae4691b 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_PT.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/pt_PT.json
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
     "Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Erro ao eliminar a configuração do servidor",
     "The configuration is invalid: anonymous bind is not allowed." : "A configuração é inválida: ligação anónima não é permitida.",
     "The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" : "A configuração está correcta e foi possível estabelecer a ligação!",
-    "The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "A configuração está correcta, mas não foi possível estabelecer o \"laço\", por favor, verifique as configurações do servidor e as credenciais.",
-    "The configuration is invalid. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "A configuração é inválida. Por favor, veja o log do ownCloud para mais detalhes.",
+    "The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "A configuração está correcta, mas não foi possível estabelecer a conexão. Por favor, verifique as configurações do servidor e as credenciais.",
+    "The configuration is invalid. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "A configuração é inválida. Por favor, veja o registo (log) do ownCloud para mais detalhes.",
     "No action specified" : "Nenhuma acção especificada",
     "No configuration specified" : "Nenhuma configuração especificada",
     "No data specified" : "Nenhuma data especificada",
@@ -34,9 +34,15 @@
     "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Trocando o modo vai permitir a busca automática no LDAP. Dependendo do tamanho do seu LDAP poderá demorar um pouco. Ainda pretende trocar o modo?",
     "Mode switch" : "Trocar de modo",
     "Select attributes" : "Selecionar atributos",
+    "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command line validation): <br/>" : "O utilizador não foi encontrado. Por favor, verifique nome de utilizador e os atributos de permissão. Filtro eficaz (para copiar/colar na linha de comando de validação): <br/>",
     "User found and settings verified." : "Utilizador encontrado e as definilções verificadas",
+    "Settings verified, but one user found. Only the first will be able to login. Consider a more narrow filter." : "Definições verificadas, com problemas. Somente o primeiro utilizador encontrado poderá entrar no sistema. Considere criar um filtro mais expecífico.",
     "An unspecified error occurred. Please check the settings and the log." : "ocorreu um erro não especificado. Por favor, verifique as configurações e o registo.",
+    "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "O filtro de procura é inválido, provavelmente devido a problemas de sintaxe. Verifique se existem números ímpares de parêntisis abertos e/ou fechados. Por favor reveja.",
+    "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Ocorreu um erro de conexão ao servidor LDAP / AD. Por favor, reveja as definições de endereço, porto e credenciais.",
+    "The %uid placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "O campo %uid está em falta. Este será substituído pelo utilizador do ownCloud quando for efectuado o pedido ao LDAP / AD.",
     "Please provide a login name to test against" : "Por favor, indique um nome de sessão para testar",
+    "The group box was disabled, because the LDAP / AD server does not support memberOf." : "Uma vez que o servidor LDAP / AD não suporta a propriedade \"memberOf\" (grupos) a caixa de grupos foi desactivada.",
     "_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s grupo encontrado","%s grupos encontrados"],
     "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s utilizador encontrado","%s utilizadores encontrados"],
     "Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced ldap settings." : "Não foi possível detetar o atributo do nome do utilizador. Por favor especifique-o nas configurações ldap avançadas.",
@@ -54,16 +60,22 @@
     "Search groups" : "Procurar grupos",
     "Available groups" : "Grupos disponiveis",
     "Selected groups" : "Grupos seleccionados",
+    "Edit LDAP Query" : "Modificar pedido LDAP",
     "LDAP Filter:" : "Filtro LDAP:",
     "The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "O filtro especifica quais grupos LDAP devem ter acesso à instância %s.",
+    "Verify settings and count groups" : "Verificar condições e contar grupos",
+    "When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Quando entrar no sistema, %s irá encontrar o utilizador baseando-se nos seguintes atributos:",
     "LDAP / AD Username:" : "Nome de Utilizador LDAP / AD:",
+    "Allows login against the LDAP / AD username, which is either uid or samaccountname and will be detected." : "Permitir entrar no sistema com verificação LDAP / AD, do qual o utilizador poderá ser detectado a partir do \"uid\" ou \"samaccountname\".",
     "LDAP / AD Email Address:" : "Endereço de Correio Eletrónico LDPA / AD",
+    "Allows login against an email attribute. Mail and mailPrimaryAddress will be allowed." : "Permtir entrar no sistema a partir do atributo \"email\". Neste caso os campos \"Mail\" e \"mailPrimaryAddress\" serão utilizados para verificação.",
     "Other Attributes:" : "Outros Atributos:",
     "Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: \"uid=%%uid\"" : "Define o filtro a aplicar, quando se tenta uma sessão. %%uid substitui o nome de utilizador na ação de início de sessão. Exemplo: \"uid=%%uid\"",
     "Verify settings" : "Verificar definições",
     "1. Server" : "1. Servidor",
     "%s. Server:" : "%s. Servvidor",
     "Add a new and blank configuration" : "Adicione uma nova configuração em branco",
+    "Copy current configuration into new directory binding" : "Copiar a configuração actual para um novo registo de conexão",
     "Delete the current configuration" : "Apagar a configuração actual",
     "Host" : "Anfitrião",
     "You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" : "Pode omitir o protocolo, excepto se necessitar de SSL. Neste caso, comece com ldaps://",
@@ -73,13 +85,14 @@
     "The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "O DN to cliente ",
     "Password" : "Password",
     "For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "Para acesso anónimo, deixe DN e a Palavra-passe vazios.",
-    "One Base DN per line" : "Uma base DN por linho",
+    "One Base DN per line" : "Uma base DN por linha",
     "You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" : "Pode especificar o ND Base para utilizadores e grupos no separador Avançado",
     "Detect Base DN" : "Detectar Base DN",
     "Test Base DN" : "Testar Base DN",
     "Avoids automatic LDAP requests. Better for bigger setups, but requires some LDAP knowledge." : "Evita pedidos LDAP automáticos. Melhor para grandes configurações, mas requer conhecimentos LDAP.",
     "Manually enter LDAP filters (recommended for large directories)" : "Introduzir filtros LDAP manualmente (recomendado para directórios grandes)",
     "Limit %s access to users meeting these criteria:" : "Limitar o acesso a %s de utilizadores com estes critérios:",
+    "The most common object classes for users are organizationalPerson, person, user, and inetOrgPerson. If you are not sure which object class to select, please consult your directory admin." : "Os objectos mais comuns para utilizadores são <em>organizationalPerson, person, user, and inetOrgPerson</em>. Se não tem a certeza de que classe de objecto deverá seleccionar, por favor, contacte o administrador do Directório.",
     "The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." : "O filtro especifica quais utilizadores do LDAP devem ter acesso  à instância %s.",
     "Verify settings and count users" : "Verificar definições e contar utilizadores",
     "Saving" : "Guardando",
diff --git a/core/l10n/cs_CZ.js b/core/l10n/cs_CZ.js
index 2ed187b088e..8cf114ef573 100644
--- a/core/l10n/cs_CZ.js
+++ b/core/l10n/cs_CZ.js
@@ -16,12 +16,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Updated \"%s\" to %s" : "Aktualizováno z \"%s\" na %s",
     "Repair warning: " : "Upozornění opravy:",
     "Repair error: " : "Chyba opravy:",
+    "Set log level to debug" : "Nastavit úroveň logování na debug",
+    "Reset log level" : "Resetovat úroveň logování",
     "Starting code integrity check" : "Spouští se kontrola integrity kódu",
     "Finished code integrity check" : "Kontrola integrity kódu dokončena",
     "%s (3rdparty)" : "%s (3. strana)",
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (nekompatibilní)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Následující aplikace byly vypnuty: %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Je již aktuální",
+    "Please select a file." : "Prosím vyberte soubor.",
     "File is too big" : "Soubor je příliš velký",
     "Invalid file provided" : "Zadán neplatný soubor",
     "No image or file provided" : "Soubor nebo obrázek nebyl zadán",
@@ -112,6 +115,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Váš webový server ještě není správně nastaven pro umožnění synchronizace souborů, protože rozhraní WebDAV je pravděpodobně rozbité.",
     "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Tento server nemá funkční připojení k Internetu. Některé moduly jako např. externí úložiště, oznámení o dostupných aktualizacích nebo instalace aplikací třetích stran nebudou fungovat. Přístup k souborům z jiných míst a odesílání oznamovacích emailů také nemusí fungovat. Pokud chcete využívat všechny možnosti ownCloud, doporučujeme povolit pro tento server připojení k Internetu.",
     "Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your web server in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "Váš datový adresář i vaše soubory jsou pravděpodobně přístupné z Internetu. Soubor .htaccess nefunguje. Důrazně doporučujeme nakonfigurovat webový server tak, aby datový adresář nebyl nadále přístupný, nebo přesunout datový adresář mimo prostor zpřístupňovaný webovým serverem.",
+    "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Nebyla nakonfigurována paměťová cache. Pro zlepšení výkonu a dostupnosti ji prosím nakonfigurujte. Další informace lze nalézt v naší <a href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentaci</a>.",
+    "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "PHP nemá práva pro čtení v /dev/urandom, to je ale z bezpečnostních důvodů velmi doporučováno. Více informací lze nalézt v <a href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentaci</a>.",
+    "Your PHP version ({version}) is no longer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">supported by PHP</a>. We encourage you to upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of performance and security updates provided by PHP." : "Vaše verze PHP ({version}) již není <a href=\"{phpLink}\">podporována</a>. Doporučujeme aktualizovat na poslední verzi PHP pro využití vylepšení výkonu a bezpečnosti.",
+    "The reverse proxy headers configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing ownCloud from a trusted proxy. If you are not accessing ownCloud from a trusted proxy, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to ownCloud. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Konfigurace hlaviček zpětné proxy není správná nebo přistupujete na ownCloud přes důvěryhodnou proxy. Pokud přistupujete na ownCloud přes nedůvěryhodnou proxy je toto považováno za bezpečnostní problém který může útočníkovi umožnit záměnu IP adresy viděné ownCloudem. Více informací lze nalézt v naší <a href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentaci</a>.",
+    "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\". See the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">memcached wiki about both modules</a>." : "Memcached je nakonfigurován jako distribuovaná cache, ale je nainstalován nesprávný PHP modul \"memcache\". \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached podporuje pouze \"memcached\" a ne \"memcache\". Projděte si <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">memcached wiki popisující oba moduly</a>.",
+    "Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">List of invalid files…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Rescan…</a>)" : "Některé soubory neprošly kontrolou integrity. Více informací o tom jak tento problém vyřešit, lze nalézt v naší <a href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentaci</a>. (<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">Seznam neplatných souborů…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Znovu ověřit…</a>)",
     "Error occurred while checking server setup" : "Při ověřování nastavení serveru došlo k chybě",
     "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "HTTP hlavička \"{header}\" není nakonfigurována ve shodě s \"{expected}\". To značí možné ohrožení bezpečnosti a soukromí a je doporučeno toto nastavení upravit.",
     "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "HTTP hlavička \"Strict-Transport-Security\" není nakonfigurována na minimum \"{seconds}\" sekund. Pro vylepšení bezpečnosti doporučujeme povolit HSTS dle popisu v našich <a href=\"{docUrl}\">bezpečnostních tipech</a>.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/cs_CZ.json b/core/l10n/cs_CZ.json
index a4071452dd4..a5b894b606a 100644
--- a/core/l10n/cs_CZ.json
+++ b/core/l10n/cs_CZ.json
@@ -14,12 +14,15 @@
     "Updated \"%s\" to %s" : "Aktualizováno z \"%s\" na %s",
     "Repair warning: " : "Upozornění opravy:",
     "Repair error: " : "Chyba opravy:",
+    "Set log level to debug" : "Nastavit úroveň logování na debug",
+    "Reset log level" : "Resetovat úroveň logování",
     "Starting code integrity check" : "Spouští se kontrola integrity kódu",
     "Finished code integrity check" : "Kontrola integrity kódu dokončena",
     "%s (3rdparty)" : "%s (3. strana)",
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (nekompatibilní)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Následující aplikace byly vypnuty: %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Je již aktuální",
+    "Please select a file." : "Prosím vyberte soubor.",
     "File is too big" : "Soubor je příliš velký",
     "Invalid file provided" : "Zadán neplatný soubor",
     "No image or file provided" : "Soubor nebo obrázek nebyl zadán",
@@ -110,6 +113,12 @@
     "Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Váš webový server ještě není správně nastaven pro umožnění synchronizace souborů, protože rozhraní WebDAV je pravděpodobně rozbité.",
     "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Tento server nemá funkční připojení k Internetu. Některé moduly jako např. externí úložiště, oznámení o dostupných aktualizacích nebo instalace aplikací třetích stran nebudou fungovat. Přístup k souborům z jiných míst a odesílání oznamovacích emailů také nemusí fungovat. Pokud chcete využívat všechny možnosti ownCloud, doporučujeme povolit pro tento server připojení k Internetu.",
     "Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your web server in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "Váš datový adresář i vaše soubory jsou pravděpodobně přístupné z Internetu. Soubor .htaccess nefunguje. Důrazně doporučujeme nakonfigurovat webový server tak, aby datový adresář nebyl nadále přístupný, nebo přesunout datový adresář mimo prostor zpřístupňovaný webovým serverem.",
+    "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Nebyla nakonfigurována paměťová cache. Pro zlepšení výkonu a dostupnosti ji prosím nakonfigurujte. Další informace lze nalézt v naší <a href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentaci</a>.",
+    "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "PHP nemá práva pro čtení v /dev/urandom, to je ale z bezpečnostních důvodů velmi doporučováno. Více informací lze nalézt v <a href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentaci</a>.",
+    "Your PHP version ({version}) is no longer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">supported by PHP</a>. We encourage you to upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of performance and security updates provided by PHP." : "Vaše verze PHP ({version}) již není <a href=\"{phpLink}\">podporována</a>. Doporučujeme aktualizovat na poslední verzi PHP pro využití vylepšení výkonu a bezpečnosti.",
+    "The reverse proxy headers configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing ownCloud from a trusted proxy. If you are not accessing ownCloud from a trusted proxy, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to ownCloud. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Konfigurace hlaviček zpětné proxy není správná nebo přistupujete na ownCloud přes důvěryhodnou proxy. Pokud přistupujete na ownCloud přes nedůvěryhodnou proxy je toto považováno za bezpečnostní problém který může útočníkovi umožnit záměnu IP adresy viděné ownCloudem. Více informací lze nalézt v naší <a href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentaci</a>.",
+    "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\". See the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">memcached wiki about both modules</a>." : "Memcached je nakonfigurován jako distribuovaná cache, ale je nainstalován nesprávný PHP modul \"memcache\". \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached podporuje pouze \"memcached\" a ne \"memcache\". Projděte si <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">memcached wiki popisující oba moduly</a>.",
+    "Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">List of invalid files…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Rescan…</a>)" : "Některé soubory neprošly kontrolou integrity. Více informací o tom jak tento problém vyřešit, lze nalézt v naší <a href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentaci</a>. (<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">Seznam neplatných souborů…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Znovu ověřit…</a>)",
     "Error occurred while checking server setup" : "Při ověřování nastavení serveru došlo k chybě",
     "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "HTTP hlavička \"{header}\" není nakonfigurována ve shodě s \"{expected}\". To značí možné ohrožení bezpečnosti a soukromí a je doporučeno toto nastavení upravit.",
     "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "HTTP hlavička \"Strict-Transport-Security\" není nakonfigurována na minimum \"{seconds}\" sekund. Pro vylepšení bezpečnosti doporučujeme povolit HSTS dle popisu v našich <a href=\"{docUrl}\">bezpečnostních tipech</a>.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fi_FI.js b/core/l10n/fi_FI.js
index 6c5aa67f2f3..1527a712858 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fi_FI.js
+++ b/core/l10n/fi_FI.js
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (ei yhteensopiva)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Seuraavat sovellukset on poistettu käytöstä: %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Kaikki on jo ajan tasalla",
+    "Please select a file." : "Valitse tiedosto.",
     "File is too big" : "Tiedosto on liian suuri",
     "Invalid file provided" : "Määritetty virheellinen tiedosto",
     "No image or file provided" : "Kuvaa tai tiedostoa ei määritelty",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fi_FI.json b/core/l10n/fi_FI.json
index f66767023da..1c1710021fd 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fi_FI.json
+++ b/core/l10n/fi_FI.json
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (ei yhteensopiva)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Seuraavat sovellukset on poistettu käytöstä: %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Kaikki on jo ajan tasalla",
+    "Please select a file." : "Valitse tiedosto.",
     "File is too big" : "Tiedosto on liian suuri",
     "Invalid file provided" : "Määritetty virheellinen tiedosto",
     "No image or file provided" : "Kuvaa tai tiedostoa ei määritelty",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fr.js b/core/l10n/fr.js
index 664de561da0..04fe3617a3b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/core/l10n/fr.js
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (non compatible)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Les applications suivantes ont été désactivées : %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Déjà à jour",
+    "Please select a file." : "Veuillez sélectionner un fichier.",
     "File is too big" : "Fichier trop volumineux",
     "Invalid file provided" : "Fichier non valide",
     "No image or file provided" : "Aucun fichier fourni",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fr.json b/core/l10n/fr.json
index a99b4c1cd77..281f5e5211a 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/core/l10n/fr.json
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (non compatible)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Les applications suivantes ont été désactivées : %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Déjà à jour",
+    "Please select a file." : "Veuillez sélectionner un fichier.",
     "File is too big" : "Fichier trop volumineux",
     "Invalid file provided" : "Fichier non valide",
     "No image or file provided" : "Aucun fichier fourni",
diff --git a/core/l10n/it.js b/core/l10n/it.js
index 77d49e09d37..34bb9b5c4f0 100644
--- a/core/l10n/it.js
+++ b/core/l10n/it.js
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (incompatibile)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Le seguenti applicazioni sono state disabilitate: %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Già aggiornato",
+    "Please select a file." : "Seleziona un file.",
     "File is too big" : "Il file è troppo grande",
     "Invalid file provided" : "File non valido fornito",
     "No image or file provided" : "Non è stata fornita alcun immagine o file",
diff --git a/core/l10n/it.json b/core/l10n/it.json
index 62347952936..6a572186f23 100644
--- a/core/l10n/it.json
+++ b/core/l10n/it.json
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (incompatibile)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Le seguenti applicazioni sono state disabilitate: %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Già aggiornato",
+    "Please select a file." : "Seleziona un file.",
     "File is too big" : "Il file è troppo grande",
     "Invalid file provided" : "File non valido fornito",
     "No image or file provided" : "Non è stata fornita alcun immagine o file",
diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_BR.js b/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
index f896d164102..b27c4713d41 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (incompatível)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Os seguintes aplicativos foram desabilitados: %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Já está atualizado",
+    "Please select a file." : "Por favor selecione um arquivo.",
     "File is too big" : "O arquivo é muito grande",
     "Invalid file provided" : "Arquivo fornecido inválido",
     "No image or file provided" : "Nenhuma imagem ou arquivo fornecido",
diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_BR.json b/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 9bec04076ae..bb90ae060fd 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (incompatível)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Os seguintes aplicativos foram desabilitados: %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Já está atualizado",
+    "Please select a file." : "Por favor selecione um arquivo.",
     "File is too big" : "O arquivo é muito grande",
     "Invalid file provided" : "Arquivo fornecido inválido",
     "No image or file provided" : "Nenhuma imagem ou arquivo fornecido",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sq.js b/core/l10n/sq.js
index 6baa6019ad3..c462c3a9566 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sq.js
+++ b/core/l10n/sq.js
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (e papërputhshme)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Janë çaktivizuar aplikacionet vijuese : %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Tashmë e përditësuar",
+    "Please select a file." : "Ju lutemi, përzgjidhni një kartelë.",
     "File is too big" : "Kartela është shumë e madhe",
     "Invalid file provided" : "U dha kartelë e pavlefshme",
     "No image or file provided" : "S’u dha figurë apo kartelë",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sq.json b/core/l10n/sq.json
index d8232ffeb74..1ff7c084fe0 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sq.json
+++ b/core/l10n/sq.json
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (e papërputhshme)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Janë çaktivizuar aplikacionet vijuese : %s",
     "Already up to date" : "Tashmë e përditësuar",
+    "Please select a file." : "Ju lutemi, përzgjidhni një kartelë.",
     "File is too big" : "Kartela është shumë e madhe",
     "Invalid file provided" : "U dha kartelë e pavlefshme",
     "No image or file provided" : "S’u dha figurë apo kartelë",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_TW.js b/core/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 6f7bfb8a0fd..f2ba5bac15c 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (不相容的)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "以下應用程式已經被停用:%s",
     "Already up to date" : "已經是最新版",
+    "Please select a file." : "請選擇一個檔案",
     "File is too big" : "檔案太大",
     "Invalid file provided" : "提供的檔案無效",
     "No image or file provided" : "未提供圖片或檔案",
@@ -101,18 +102,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "(all selected)" : "(已全選)",
     "({count} selected)" : "(已選 {count} 項)",
     "Error loading file exists template" : "載入檔案存在樣板出錯",
-    "Very weak password" : "非常弱的密碼",
-    "Weak password" : "弱的密碼",
-    "So-so password" : "普通的密碼",
-    "Good password" : "好的密碼",
-    "Strong password" : "很強的密碼",
+    "Very weak password" : "密碼強度非常弱",
+    "Weak password" : "密碼強度弱",
+    "So-so password" : "密碼強度普通",
+    "Good password" : "密碼強度佳",
+    "Strong password" : "密碼強度極佳",
     "Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "您的網頁伺服器無法提供檔案同步功能,因為 WebDAV 界面有問題",
     "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "伺服器沒有網際網路連線,有些功能,像是外部儲存、更新版通知將無法運作。從遠端存取資料或是寄送 email 通知可能也無法運作。建議您設定好網際網路連線以使用所有功能。",
     "Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your web server in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "您的資料目錄和您的檔案可能從網路網路被存取,使.htaccess 檔案無法發揮效果,我們強烈建議您配置您的網頁伺服器讓資料目錄不再被訪問存取或者將您的資料目錄移出網頁伺服器根目錄。",
+    "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "沒有設定 memory cache,為了增加效能,可以設定一個 memory cache ,請到<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">我們的文件</a>取得更多資訊",
+    "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "/dev/urandom 無法被 PHP 讀取,將造成安全性風險,請到<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">我們的文件</a>取得更多資訊",
     "Error occurred while checking server setup" : "檢查伺服器設定時發生錯誤",
-    "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "\"{header}\" HTTP 標頭配置與 \"{expected}\"不一樣,這是一個潛在安全性或者隱私上的風險,因此我們建議您調整此設定。",
-    "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "\"強制安全傳輸\" HTTP標頭尚未配置至少 \"{seconds}\" 秒會重新定義成HTTPS,如我們的<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全性提示</a>所述,為了加強安全性,我們建議啟動 HTTP強制安全傳輸。",
-    "You are accessing this site via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your server to require using HTTPS instead as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "您正在藉由HTTP訪問此網站,如我們的<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全性提示</a>所述,我們強烈建議您配置您的伺服器須要求使用HTTPS。",
+    "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "\"{header}\" HTTP 標頭配置與 \"{expected}\"不一樣,這是一個潛在安全性或者隱私上的風險,因此我們建議您調整此設定",
+    "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "\"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP 標頭 (HSTS) 並非設定為至少 {seconds} 秒,如我們的<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全性提示</a>所述,為了加強安全性,我們建議啟動 HSTS (HTTP 強制安全傳輸)",
+    "You are accessing this site via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your server to require using HTTPS instead as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "您正在藉由 HTTP 訪問此網站,如我們的<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全性提示</a>所述,我們強烈建議設定您的伺服器須要求使用 HTTPS",
     "Shared" : "已分享",
     "Shared with {recipients}" : "與 {recipients} 分享",
     "Error" : "錯誤",
@@ -249,11 +252,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Log out" : "登出",
     "Search" : "搜尋",
     "Server side authentication failed!" : "伺服器端認證失敗!",
-    "Please contact your administrator." : "請聯絡系統管理員。",
+    "Please contact your administrator." : "請聯絡系統管理員",
     "An internal error occured." : "發生內部錯誤",
     "Please try again or contact your administrator." : "請重試或聯絡系統管理員",
     "Log in" : "登入",
     "Wrong password. Reset it?" : "密碼錯誤,重設密碼?",
+    "Wrong password." : "密碼錯誤",
     "Stay logged in" : "保持登入狀態",
     "Alternative Logins" : "其他登入方法",
     "This ownCloud instance is currently in single user mode." : "這個 ownCloud 伺服器目前運作於單一使用者模式",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_TW.json b/core/l10n/zh_TW.json
index f4c495a6d11..7410c1ceab5 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
     "%s (incompatible)" : "%s (不相容的)",
     "Following apps have been disabled: %s" : "以下應用程式已經被停用:%s",
     "Already up to date" : "已經是最新版",
+    "Please select a file." : "請選擇一個檔案",
     "File is too big" : "檔案太大",
     "Invalid file provided" : "提供的檔案無效",
     "No image or file provided" : "未提供圖片或檔案",
@@ -99,18 +100,20 @@
     "(all selected)" : "(已全選)",
     "({count} selected)" : "(已選 {count} 項)",
     "Error loading file exists template" : "載入檔案存在樣板出錯",
-    "Very weak password" : "非常弱的密碼",
-    "Weak password" : "弱的密碼",
-    "So-so password" : "普通的密碼",
-    "Good password" : "好的密碼",
-    "Strong password" : "很強的密碼",
+    "Very weak password" : "密碼強度非常弱",
+    "Weak password" : "密碼強度弱",
+    "So-so password" : "密碼強度普通",
+    "Good password" : "密碼強度佳",
+    "Strong password" : "密碼強度極佳",
     "Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "您的網頁伺服器無法提供檔案同步功能,因為 WebDAV 界面有問題",
     "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "伺服器沒有網際網路連線,有些功能,像是外部儲存、更新版通知將無法運作。從遠端存取資料或是寄送 email 通知可能也無法運作。建議您設定好網際網路連線以使用所有功能。",
     "Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your web server in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "您的資料目錄和您的檔案可能從網路網路被存取,使.htaccess 檔案無法發揮效果,我們強烈建議您配置您的網頁伺服器讓資料目錄不再被訪問存取或者將您的資料目錄移出網頁伺服器根目錄。",
+    "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "沒有設定 memory cache,為了增加效能,可以設定一個 memory cache ,請到<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">我們的文件</a>取得更多資訊",
+    "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "/dev/urandom 無法被 PHP 讀取,將造成安全性風險,請到<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">我們的文件</a>取得更多資訊",
     "Error occurred while checking server setup" : "檢查伺服器設定時發生錯誤",
-    "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "\"{header}\" HTTP 標頭配置與 \"{expected}\"不一樣,這是一個潛在安全性或者隱私上的風險,因此我們建議您調整此設定。",
-    "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "\"強制安全傳輸\" HTTP標頭尚未配置至少 \"{seconds}\" 秒會重新定義成HTTPS,如我們的<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全性提示</a>所述,為了加強安全性,我們建議啟動 HTTP強制安全傳輸。",
-    "You are accessing this site via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your server to require using HTTPS instead as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "您正在藉由HTTP訪問此網站,如我們的<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全性提示</a>所述,我們強烈建議您配置您的伺服器須要求使用HTTPS。",
+    "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "\"{header}\" HTTP 標頭配置與 \"{expected}\"不一樣,這是一個潛在安全性或者隱私上的風險,因此我們建議您調整此設定",
+    "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "\"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP 標頭 (HSTS) 並非設定為至少 {seconds} 秒,如我們的<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全性提示</a>所述,為了加強安全性,我們建議啟動 HSTS (HTTP 強制安全傳輸)",
+    "You are accessing this site via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your server to require using HTTPS instead as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "您正在藉由 HTTP 訪問此網站,如我們的<a href=\"{docUrl}\">安全性提示</a>所述,我們強烈建議設定您的伺服器須要求使用 HTTPS",
     "Shared" : "已分享",
     "Shared with {recipients}" : "與 {recipients} 分享",
     "Error" : "錯誤",
@@ -247,11 +250,12 @@
     "Log out" : "登出",
     "Search" : "搜尋",
     "Server side authentication failed!" : "伺服器端認證失敗!",
-    "Please contact your administrator." : "請聯絡系統管理員。",
+    "Please contact your administrator." : "請聯絡系統管理員",
     "An internal error occured." : "發生內部錯誤",
     "Please try again or contact your administrator." : "請重試或聯絡系統管理員",
     "Log in" : "登入",
     "Wrong password. Reset it?" : "密碼錯誤,重設密碼?",
+    "Wrong password." : "密碼錯誤",
     "Stay logged in" : "保持登入狀態",
     "Alternative Logins" : "其他登入方法",
     "This ownCloud instance is currently in single user mode." : "這個 ownCloud 伺服器目前運作於單一使用者模式",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/cs_CZ.js b/lib/l10n/cs_CZ.js
index a9b752558ff..5b17429465a 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/cs_CZ.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/cs_CZ.js
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Sharing %s failed, because %s is not a member of the group %s" : "Sdílení položky %s selhalo, protože uživatel %s není členem skupiny %s",
     "You need to provide a password to create a public link, only protected links are allowed" : "Pro vytvoření veřejného odkazu je nutné zadat heslo, jsou povoleny pouze chráněné odkazy",
     "Sharing %s failed, because sharing with links is not allowed" : "Sdílení položky %s selhalo, protože sdílení pomocí linků není povoleno",
+    "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Není povoleno vytvořit propojené sdílení s tím samým uživatelem",
     "Sharing %s failed, could not find %s, maybe the server is currently unreachable." : "Sdílení %s selhalo, %s se nepodařilo nalézt, server pravděpodobně právě není dostupný.",
     "Share type %s is not valid for %s" : "Sdílení typu %s není korektní pro %s",
     "Setting permissions for %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" : "Nastavení oprávnění pro %s selhalo, protože jsou k tomu nutná vyšší oprávnění, než jaká byla povolena pro %s",
@@ -111,6 +112,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" : "Sdílení položky %s selhalo, protože znovu-sdílení není povoleno",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" : "Sdílení položky %s selhalo, protože úložiště sdílení %s nenalezla zdroj",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache" : "Sdílení položky %s selhalo, protože soubor nebyl nalezen ve vyrovnávací paměti",
+    "Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nelze navýšit oprávnění  u %s",
+    "Expiration date is in the past" : "Datum vypršení je v minulosti",
+    "Cannot set expiration date more than %s days in the future" : "Datum vypršení nelze nastavit na více než %s dní do budoucnosti",
     "Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Nelze nalézt kategorii \"%s\"",
     "Apps" : "Aplikace",
     "Only the following characters are allowed in a username: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", and \"_.@-\"" : "Pouze následující znaky jsou povoleny v uživatelském jménu: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\" a \"_.@-\"",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/cs_CZ.json b/lib/l10n/cs_CZ.json
index f467388dce3..e1788a6bfe5 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/cs_CZ.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/cs_CZ.json
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
     "Sharing %s failed, because %s is not a member of the group %s" : "Sdílení položky %s selhalo, protože uživatel %s není členem skupiny %s",
     "You need to provide a password to create a public link, only protected links are allowed" : "Pro vytvoření veřejného odkazu je nutné zadat heslo, jsou povoleny pouze chráněné odkazy",
     "Sharing %s failed, because sharing with links is not allowed" : "Sdílení položky %s selhalo, protože sdílení pomocí linků není povoleno",
+    "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Není povoleno vytvořit propojené sdílení s tím samým uživatelem",
     "Sharing %s failed, could not find %s, maybe the server is currently unreachable." : "Sdílení %s selhalo, %s se nepodařilo nalézt, server pravděpodobně právě není dostupný.",
     "Share type %s is not valid for %s" : "Sdílení typu %s není korektní pro %s",
     "Setting permissions for %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" : "Nastavení oprávnění pro %s selhalo, protože jsou k tomu nutná vyšší oprávnění, než jaká byla povolena pro %s",
@@ -109,6 +110,9 @@
     "Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" : "Sdílení položky %s selhalo, protože znovu-sdílení není povoleno",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" : "Sdílení položky %s selhalo, protože úložiště sdílení %s nenalezla zdroj",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache" : "Sdílení položky %s selhalo, protože soubor nebyl nalezen ve vyrovnávací paměti",
+    "Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Nelze navýšit oprávnění  u %s",
+    "Expiration date is in the past" : "Datum vypršení je v minulosti",
+    "Cannot set expiration date more than %s days in the future" : "Datum vypršení nelze nastavit na více než %s dní do budoucnosti",
     "Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Nelze nalézt kategorii \"%s\"",
     "Apps" : "Aplikace",
     "Only the following characters are allowed in a username: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", and \"_.@-\"" : "Pouze následující znaky jsou povoleny v uživatelském jménu: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\" a \"_.@-\"",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/fr.js b/lib/l10n/fr.js
index 7009b81be26..d2ad6e66a31 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/fr.js
@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" : "Le partage de %s a échoué car le repartage n'est pas autorisé",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" : "Le partage de %s a échoué car le service %s n'a pas trouvé sa source..",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache" : "Le partage de %s a échoué car le fichier n'a pas été trouvé dans les fichiers mis en cache.",
+    "Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Impossible d'augmenter les permissions de %s",
+    "Expiration date is in the past" : "La date d'expiration est dans le passé",
     "Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Impossible de trouver la catégorie \"%s\"",
     "Apps" : "Applications",
     "Only the following characters are allowed in a username: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", and \"_.@-\"" : "Seuls les caractères suivants sont autorisés dans un nom d'utilisateur : \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", et \"_.@-\"",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/fr.json b/lib/l10n/fr.json
index 00d006c6047..9749604a137 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/fr.json
@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@
     "Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" : "Le partage de %s a échoué car le repartage n'est pas autorisé",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" : "Le partage de %s a échoué car le service %s n'a pas trouvé sa source..",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache" : "Le partage de %s a échoué car le fichier n'a pas été trouvé dans les fichiers mis en cache.",
+    "Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Impossible d'augmenter les permissions de %s",
+    "Expiration date is in the past" : "La date d'expiration est dans le passé",
     "Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Impossible de trouver la catégorie \"%s\"",
     "Apps" : "Applications",
     "Only the following characters are allowed in a username: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", and \"_.@-\"" : "Seuls les caractères suivants sont autorisés dans un nom d'utilisateur : \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", et \"_.@-\"",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pt_BR.js b/lib/l10n/pt_BR.js
index f4e52410ba1..435aee8e6f2 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" : "Compartilhamento %s falhou, porque recompartilhamentos não são permitidos",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" : "Compartilhamento %s falhou, porque a infra-estrutura de compartilhamento para %s não conseguiu encontrar a sua fonte",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache" : "Compartilhamento %s falhou, porque o arquivo não pôde ser encontrado no cache de arquivos",
+    "Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Não é possível aumentar as permissões de %s",
+    "Expiration date is in the past" : "Data de validade está ultrapassada",
+    "Cannot set expiration date more than %s days in the future" : "Não é possível definir a data de validade mais de %s dias no futuro",
     "Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Impossível localizar categoria \"%s\"",
     "Apps" : "Aplicações",
     "Only the following characters are allowed in a username: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", and \"_.@-\"" : "Somente os seguintes caracteres são permitidos no nome do usuário: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", e \"_.@-\"",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pt_BR.json b/lib/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 80fad95147c..d3a7f463841 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@
     "Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" : "Compartilhamento %s falhou, porque recompartilhamentos não são permitidos",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" : "Compartilhamento %s falhou, porque a infra-estrutura de compartilhamento para %s não conseguiu encontrar a sua fonte",
     "Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache" : "Compartilhamento %s falhou, porque o arquivo não pôde ser encontrado no cache de arquivos",
+    "Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "Não é possível aumentar as permissões de %s",
+    "Expiration date is in the past" : "Data de validade está ultrapassada",
+    "Cannot set expiration date more than %s days in the future" : "Não é possível definir a data de validade mais de %s dias no futuro",
     "Could not find category \"%s\"" : "Impossível localizar categoria \"%s\"",
     "Apps" : "Aplicações",
     "Only the following characters are allowed in a username: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", and \"_.@-\"" : "Somente os seguintes caracteres são permitidos no nome do usuário: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", e \"_.@-\"",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pt_PT.js b/lib/l10n/pt_PT.js
index 5cf4eb92fee..6843d0832a0 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pt_PT.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/pt_PT.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Cannot write into \"config\" directory!" : "Não é possível gravar na  directoria \"configurar\"!",
     "This can usually be fixed by giving the webserver write access to the config directory" : "Isto pode ser resolvido normalmente dando ao servidor web direitos de escrita ao directório de configuração",
     "See %s" : "Ver %s",
-    "This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the config directory%s." : "Isto pode ser resolvido normalmente %sdando ao servidor web direitos de escrita no directório de configuração%s.",
+    "This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the config directory%s." : "Isto pode ser resolvido normalmente %sdando priviégios de escrita no directório de configuração ao serviço web%s.",
     "Sample configuration detected" : "Exemplo de configuração detectada",
     "It has been detected that the sample configuration has been copied. This can break your installation and is unsupported. Please read the documentation before performing changes on config.php" : "Foi detectado que a configuração de amostra foi copiada. Isso pode danificar a sua instalação e não é suportado. Por favor, leia a documentação antes de realizar mudanças no config.php",
     "PHP %s or higher is required." : "Necessário PHP %s ou maior.",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/pt_PT.json b/lib/l10n/pt_PT.json
index d4996db5942..43449a30557 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/pt_PT.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/pt_PT.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
     "Cannot write into \"config\" directory!" : "Não é possível gravar na  directoria \"configurar\"!",
     "This can usually be fixed by giving the webserver write access to the config directory" : "Isto pode ser resolvido normalmente dando ao servidor web direitos de escrita ao directório de configuração",
     "See %s" : "Ver %s",
-    "This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the config directory%s." : "Isto pode ser resolvido normalmente %sdando ao servidor web direitos de escrita no directório de configuração%s.",
+    "This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the config directory%s." : "Isto pode ser resolvido normalmente %sdando priviégios de escrita no directório de configuração ao serviço web%s.",
     "Sample configuration detected" : "Exemplo de configuração detectada",
     "It has been detected that the sample configuration has been copied. This can break your installation and is unsupported. Please read the documentation before performing changes on config.php" : "Foi detectado que a configuração de amostra foi copiada. Isso pode danificar a sua instalação e não é suportado. Por favor, leia a documentação antes de realizar mudanças no config.php",
     "PHP %s or higher is required." : "Necessário PHP %s ou maior.",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.js b/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.js
index 3ddfd5422b0..1440bcfc89f 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.js
@@ -212,6 +212,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Admin documentation" : "Dokumentace pro administrátory",
     "Show description …" : "Zobrazit popis ...",
     "Hide description …" : "Skrýt popis ...",
+    "This app has no minimum ownCloud version assigned. This will be an error in ownCloud 11 and later." : "Tato aplikace nemá přiřazenou nejnižší verzi ownCloud. Toto povede k chybě v ownCloud 11 a vyšším.",
+    "This app has no maximum ownCloud version assigned. This will be an error in ownCloud 11 and later." : "Tato aplikace nemá přiřazenou nejvyšší verzi ownCloud. Toto povede k chybě v ownCloud 11 a vyšším.",
     "This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Tuto aplikaci nelze nainstalovat, protože nejsou splněny následující závislosti:",
     "Enable only for specific groups" : "Povolit pouze pro vybrané skupiny",
     "Uninstall App" : "Odinstalovat aplikaci",
@@ -224,14 +226,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Forum" : "Fórum",
     "Issue tracker" : "Seznam chyb",
     "Commercial support" : "Placená podpora",
+    "You are using <strong>%s</strong> of <strong>%s</strong>" : "Používáte <strong>%s</strong> z <strong>%s</strong>",
     "Profile picture" : "Profilový obrázek",
     "Upload new" : "Nahrát nový",
+    "Select from Files" : "Vybrat ze Souborů",
     "Remove image" : "Odebrat obrázek",
+    "png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png nebo jpg, max. 20 MB",
+    "Picture provided by original account" : "Obrázek je poskytován původním účtem",
     "Cancel" : "Zrušit",
+    "Choose as profile picture" : "Vybrat jako profilový obrázek",
     "Full name" : "Celé jméno",
     "No display name set" : "Jméno pro zobrazení nenastaveno",
     "Email" : "Email",
     "Your email address" : "Vaše emailová adresa",
+    "For password recovery and notifications" : "Pro obnovení hesla a upozornění",
     "No email address set" : "Emailová adresa není nastavena",
     "You are member of the following groups:" : "Patříte do následujících skupin:",
     "Password" : "Heslo",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.json b/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.json
index b96e51a06da..75396b0b105 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.json
@@ -210,6 +210,8 @@
     "Admin documentation" : "Dokumentace pro administrátory",
     "Show description …" : "Zobrazit popis ...",
     "Hide description …" : "Skrýt popis ...",
+    "This app has no minimum ownCloud version assigned. This will be an error in ownCloud 11 and later." : "Tato aplikace nemá přiřazenou nejnižší verzi ownCloud. Toto povede k chybě v ownCloud 11 a vyšším.",
+    "This app has no maximum ownCloud version assigned. This will be an error in ownCloud 11 and later." : "Tato aplikace nemá přiřazenou nejvyšší verzi ownCloud. Toto povede k chybě v ownCloud 11 a vyšším.",
     "This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Tuto aplikaci nelze nainstalovat, protože nejsou splněny následující závislosti:",
     "Enable only for specific groups" : "Povolit pouze pro vybrané skupiny",
     "Uninstall App" : "Odinstalovat aplikaci",
@@ -222,14 +224,20 @@
     "Forum" : "Fórum",
     "Issue tracker" : "Seznam chyb",
     "Commercial support" : "Placená podpora",
+    "You are using <strong>%s</strong> of <strong>%s</strong>" : "Používáte <strong>%s</strong> z <strong>%s</strong>",
     "Profile picture" : "Profilový obrázek",
     "Upload new" : "Nahrát nový",
+    "Select from Files" : "Vybrat ze Souborů",
     "Remove image" : "Odebrat obrázek",
+    "png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png nebo jpg, max. 20 MB",
+    "Picture provided by original account" : "Obrázek je poskytován původním účtem",
     "Cancel" : "Zrušit",
+    "Choose as profile picture" : "Vybrat jako profilový obrázek",
     "Full name" : "Celé jméno",
     "No display name set" : "Jméno pro zobrazení nenastaveno",
     "Email" : "Email",
     "Your email address" : "Vaše emailová adresa",
+    "For password recovery and notifications" : "Pro obnovení hesla a upozornění",
     "No email address set" : "Emailová adresa není nastavena",
     "You are member of the following groups:" : "Patříte do následujících skupin:",
     "Password" : "Heslo",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/fr.js b/settings/l10n/fr.js
index 720667b8697..195855670ca 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/fr.js
@@ -227,8 +227,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "You are using <strong>%s</strong> of <strong>%s</strong>" : "Vous utilisez <strong>%s</strong> des <strong>%s<strong> disponibles",
     "Profile picture" : "Photo de profil",
     "Upload new" : "Nouvelle depuis votre ordinateur",
+    "Select from Files" : "Sélectionner depuis les Fichiers",
     "Remove image" : "Supprimer l'image",
+    "png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ou jpg, max. 20Mo",
     "Cancel" : "Annuler",
+    "Choose as profile picture" : "Choisir une image de profil",
     "Full name" : "Nom complet",
     "No display name set" : "Aucun nom d'affichage configuré",
     "Email" : "Adresse e-mail",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/fr.json b/settings/l10n/fr.json
index 3127ce4b061..1acb7f00f8a 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/fr.json
@@ -225,8 +225,11 @@
     "You are using <strong>%s</strong> of <strong>%s</strong>" : "Vous utilisez <strong>%s</strong> des <strong>%s<strong> disponibles",
     "Profile picture" : "Photo de profil",
     "Upload new" : "Nouvelle depuis votre ordinateur",
+    "Select from Files" : "Sélectionner depuis les Fichiers",
     "Remove image" : "Supprimer l'image",
+    "png or jpg, max. 20 MB" : "png ou jpg, max. 20Mo",
     "Cancel" : "Annuler",
+    "Choose as profile picture" : "Choisir une image de profil",
     "Full name" : "Nom complet",
     "No display name set" : "Aucun nom d'affichage configuré",
     "Email" : "Adresse e-mail",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/he.js b/settings/l10n/he.js
index 33e7099a4ad..5822acc153b 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/he.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/he.js
@@ -121,6 +121,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "NT LAN Manager" : "מנהל רשת NT",
     "SSL" : "SSL",
     "TLS" : "TLS",
+    "php does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response." : "php does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response.",
+    "Please check the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">installation documentation ↗</a> for php configuration notes and the php configuration of your server, especially when using php-fpm." : "יש לבדוק את <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">מסמכי ההתקנה ↗</a> בהערות הגדרת php ובהגדרות php של התקנת השרת שלך, בעיקר כאשר משתמשים ב- php-fpm.",
+    "All checks passed." : "כל הבדיקות עברו",
     "Open documentation" : "תיעוד פתוח",
     "Allow apps to use the Share API" : "לאפשר ליישום להשתמש ב־API השיתוף",
     "Allow users to share via link" : "אפשר למשתמשים לשתף באמצעות קישור",
@@ -141,21 +144,65 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Last cron job execution: %s. Something seems wrong." : "פעילות cron job אחרונה: %s. משהו נראה שגוי.",
     "Cron was not executed yet!" : "Cron עדיין לא בוצע!",
     "Execute one task with each page loaded" : "יש להפעיל משימה אחת עם כל עמוד שנטען",
+    "Enable server-side encryption" : "הפעלת הצפנה בצד שרת",
+    "Please read carefully before activating server-side encryption: " : "יש לקרוא בתשומת לב רבה לפני שמפעילים הצפנת צד שרת:",
+    "Be aware that encryption always increases the file size." : "תשומת לב לכך שהצפנה בהכרח מגדילה את גודל הקובץ.",
     "Enable encryption" : "אפשר הצפנה",
+    "Select default encryption module:" : "יש לבחור מודול הצפנת ברירת מחדל:",
+    "Start migration" : "התחלת המרה",
+    "This is used for sending out notifications." : "משתמשים בזה כדי לשלוח הודעות.",
     "Encryption" : "הצפנה",
+    "From address" : "מכתובת",
+    "mail" : "mail",
+    "Authentication method" : "שיטת אימות",
+    "Authentication required" : "נדרש אימות",
     "Server address" : "כתובת שרת",
     "Port" : "שער",
     "Credentials" : "פרטי גישה",
+    "SMTP Username" : "שם משתמש SMTP ",
+    "SMTP Password" : "סיסמת SMTP",
+    "Store credentials" : "שמירת אישורים",
+    "Test email settings" : "בדיקת הגדרות דואר אלקטרוני",
+    "Send email" : "שליחת דואר אלקטרוני",
+    "Download logfile" : "הורדת קובץ לוג",
     "More" : "יותר",
     "Less" : "פחות",
+    "The logfile is bigger than 100 MB. Downloading it may take some time!" : "קובץ הלוג גדול מ- 100 מגה-בייט. הורדה עלולה לקחת זמן רב!",
+    "What to log" : "מה לנטר בלוג",
+    "How to do backups" : "איך לבצע גיבויים",
+    "Advanced monitoring" : "ניטור מתקדם",
+    "Performance tuning" : "כוונון ביצועים",
+    "Improving the config.php" : "שיפור קובץ config.php",
+    "Theming" : "ערכת נושא",
     "Version" : "גרסה",
+    "Developer documentation" : "תיעוד מפתח",
+    "Experimental applications ahead" : "ישומים ניסיוניים לפנים",
     "by" : "על ידי",
+    "Documentation:" : "תיעוד",
+    "User documentation" : "תיעוד משתמש",
+    "Admin documentation" : "תיעוד מנהל",
+    "Show description …" : "הצגת תיאור ...",
+    "Hide description …" : "הסתרת תיאור ...",
+    "Enable only for specific groups" : "אפשר רק לקבוצות מסויימות",
+    "Uninstall App" : "הסרת יישום",
+    "Enable experimental apps" : "אפשר יישומים ניסיוניים",
     "Cheers!" : "לחיים!",
+    "Administrator documentation" : "תיעוד מנהל",
+    "Online documentation" : "תיעוד מקוון",
     "Forum" : "פורום",
+    "Commercial support" : "תמיכה מסחרית",
     "Profile picture" : "תמונת פרופיל",
+    "Select from Files" : "בחירה מתוך קבצים",
+    "Remove image" : "הסרת תמונה",
+    "Picture provided by original account" : "תמונה סופקה על ידי חשבון מקור",
     "Cancel" : "ביטול",
+    "Choose as profile picture" : "יש לבחור כתמונת פרופיל",
+    "Full name" : "שם מלא",
+    "No display name set" : "לא נקבע שם תצוגה",
     "Email" : "דואר אלקטרוני",
     "Your email address" : "כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך",
+    "No email address set" : "לא נקבעה כתובת דואר אלקטרוני",
+    "You are member of the following groups:" : "הקבוצות הבאות כוללות אותך:",
     "Password" : "סיסמא",
     "Unable to change your password" : "לא ניתן לשנות את הסיסמא שלך",
     "Current password" : "סיסמא נוכחית",
@@ -168,6 +215,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Android app" : "יישום אנדרואיד",
     "iOS app" : "יישום אייפון",
     "Show First Run Wizard again" : "הצגת אשף ההפעלה הראשונית שוב",
+    "Valid until" : "בתוקף עד",
+    "Issued By" : "הוצא על ידי",
+    "Valid until %s" : "בתוקף עד %s",
+    "Show storage location" : "הצגת מיקום אחסון",
+    "Show last log in" : "הצגת כניסה אחרונה",
+    "Show user backend" : "הצגת צד אחורי למשתמש",
     "Send email to new user" : "שליחת דואר אלקטרוני למשתמש חדש",
     "Show email address" : "הצגת כתובת דואר אלקטרוני",
     "Username" : "שם משתמש",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/he.json b/settings/l10n/he.json
index 5a0e87f44be..77f0063d478 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/he.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/he.json
@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@
     "NT LAN Manager" : "מנהל רשת NT",
     "SSL" : "SSL",
     "TLS" : "TLS",
+    "php does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response." : "php does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response.",
+    "Please check the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">installation documentation ↗</a> for php configuration notes and the php configuration of your server, especially when using php-fpm." : "יש לבדוק את <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"%s\">מסמכי ההתקנה ↗</a> בהערות הגדרת php ובהגדרות php של התקנת השרת שלך, בעיקר כאשר משתמשים ב- php-fpm.",
+    "All checks passed." : "כל הבדיקות עברו",
     "Open documentation" : "תיעוד פתוח",
     "Allow apps to use the Share API" : "לאפשר ליישום להשתמש ב־API השיתוף",
     "Allow users to share via link" : "אפשר למשתמשים לשתף באמצעות קישור",
@@ -139,21 +142,65 @@
     "Last cron job execution: %s. Something seems wrong." : "פעילות cron job אחרונה: %s. משהו נראה שגוי.",
     "Cron was not executed yet!" : "Cron עדיין לא בוצע!",
     "Execute one task with each page loaded" : "יש להפעיל משימה אחת עם כל עמוד שנטען",
+    "Enable server-side encryption" : "הפעלת הצפנה בצד שרת",
+    "Please read carefully before activating server-side encryption: " : "יש לקרוא בתשומת לב רבה לפני שמפעילים הצפנת צד שרת:",
+    "Be aware that encryption always increases the file size." : "תשומת לב לכך שהצפנה בהכרח מגדילה את גודל הקובץ.",
     "Enable encryption" : "אפשר הצפנה",
+    "Select default encryption module:" : "יש לבחור מודול הצפנת ברירת מחדל:",
+    "Start migration" : "התחלת המרה",
+    "This is used for sending out notifications." : "משתמשים בזה כדי לשלוח הודעות.",
     "Encryption" : "הצפנה",
+    "From address" : "מכתובת",
+    "mail" : "mail",
+    "Authentication method" : "שיטת אימות",
+    "Authentication required" : "נדרש אימות",
     "Server address" : "כתובת שרת",
     "Port" : "שער",
     "Credentials" : "פרטי גישה",
+    "SMTP Username" : "שם משתמש SMTP ",
+    "SMTP Password" : "סיסמת SMTP",
+    "Store credentials" : "שמירת אישורים",
+    "Test email settings" : "בדיקת הגדרות דואר אלקטרוני",
+    "Send email" : "שליחת דואר אלקטרוני",
+    "Download logfile" : "הורדת קובץ לוג",
     "More" : "יותר",
     "Less" : "פחות",
+    "The logfile is bigger than 100 MB. Downloading it may take some time!" : "קובץ הלוג גדול מ- 100 מגה-בייט. הורדה עלולה לקחת זמן רב!",
+    "What to log" : "מה לנטר בלוג",
+    "How to do backups" : "איך לבצע גיבויים",
+    "Advanced monitoring" : "ניטור מתקדם",
+    "Performance tuning" : "כוונון ביצועים",
+    "Improving the config.php" : "שיפור קובץ config.php",
+    "Theming" : "ערכת נושא",
     "Version" : "גרסה",
+    "Developer documentation" : "תיעוד מפתח",
+    "Experimental applications ahead" : "ישומים ניסיוניים לפנים",
     "by" : "על ידי",
+    "Documentation:" : "תיעוד",
+    "User documentation" : "תיעוד משתמש",
+    "Admin documentation" : "תיעוד מנהל",
+    "Show description …" : "הצגת תיאור ...",
+    "Hide description …" : "הסתרת תיאור ...",
+    "Enable only for specific groups" : "אפשר רק לקבוצות מסויימות",
+    "Uninstall App" : "הסרת יישום",
+    "Enable experimental apps" : "אפשר יישומים ניסיוניים",
     "Cheers!" : "לחיים!",
+    "Administrator documentation" : "תיעוד מנהל",
+    "Online documentation" : "תיעוד מקוון",
     "Forum" : "פורום",
+    "Commercial support" : "תמיכה מסחרית",
     "Profile picture" : "תמונת פרופיל",
+    "Select from Files" : "בחירה מתוך קבצים",
+    "Remove image" : "הסרת תמונה",
+    "Picture provided by original account" : "תמונה סופקה על ידי חשבון מקור",
     "Cancel" : "ביטול",
+    "Choose as profile picture" : "יש לבחור כתמונת פרופיל",
+    "Full name" : "שם מלא",
+    "No display name set" : "לא נקבע שם תצוגה",
     "Email" : "דואר אלקטרוני",
     "Your email address" : "כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך",
+    "No email address set" : "לא נקבעה כתובת דואר אלקטרוני",
+    "You are member of the following groups:" : "הקבוצות הבאות כוללות אותך:",
     "Password" : "סיסמא",
     "Unable to change your password" : "לא ניתן לשנות את הסיסמא שלך",
     "Current password" : "סיסמא נוכחית",
@@ -166,6 +213,12 @@
     "Android app" : "יישום אנדרואיד",
     "iOS app" : "יישום אייפון",
     "Show First Run Wizard again" : "הצגת אשף ההפעלה הראשונית שוב",
+    "Valid until" : "בתוקף עד",
+    "Issued By" : "הוצא על ידי",
+    "Valid until %s" : "בתוקף עד %s",
+    "Show storage location" : "הצגת מיקום אחסון",
+    "Show last log in" : "הצגת כניסה אחרונה",
+    "Show user backend" : "הצגת צד אחורי למשתמש",
     "Send email to new user" : "שליחת דואר אלקטרוני למשתמש חדש",
     "Show email address" : "הצגת כתובת דואר אלקטרוני",
     "Username" : "שם משתמש",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
index f3a8101e0b2..25352a5a187 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -212,6 +212,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Admin documentation" : "Documentação para Administração",
     "Show description …" : "Mostrar descrição ...",
     "Hide description …" : "Esconder descrição ...",
+    "This app has no minimum ownCloud version assigned. This will be an error in ownCloud 11 and later." : "Este aplicativo não tem atribuída nenhuma  versão ownCloud mínima. Isto será um erro no ownCloud 11 e posterior.",
+    "This app has no maximum ownCloud version assigned. This will be an error in ownCloud 11 and later." : "Este aplicativo não tem atribuída nenhuma  versão ownCloud máxima. Isto será um erro no ownCloud 11 e posterior.",
     "This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Este aplicativo não pode ser instalado porque as seguintes dependências não forão cumpridas:",
     "Enable only for specific groups" : "Ativar apenas para grupos específicos",
     "Uninstall App" : "Desinstalar Aplicativo",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 5da9e2f79b5..a201969c3cf 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -210,6 +210,8 @@
     "Admin documentation" : "Documentação para Administração",
     "Show description …" : "Mostrar descrição ...",
     "Hide description …" : "Esconder descrição ...",
+    "This app has no minimum ownCloud version assigned. This will be an error in ownCloud 11 and later." : "Este aplicativo não tem atribuída nenhuma  versão ownCloud mínima. Isto será um erro no ownCloud 11 e posterior.",
+    "This app has no maximum ownCloud version assigned. This will be an error in ownCloud 11 and later." : "Este aplicativo não tem atribuída nenhuma  versão ownCloud máxima. Isto será um erro no ownCloud 11 e posterior.",
     "This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Este aplicativo não pode ser instalado porque as seguintes dependências não forão cumpridas:",
     "Enable only for specific groups" : "Ativar apenas para grupos específicos",
     "Uninstall App" : "Desinstalar Aplicativo",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js b/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 68d9f45dd09..fd4a6c7449f 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Cron" : "工作排程",
     "Email server" : "郵件伺服器",
     "Log" : "紀錄檔",
-    "Tips & tricks" : "技巧 & 提示",
+    "Tips & tricks" : "技巧和提示",
     "Updates" : "æ›´æ–°",
     "Couldn't remove app." : "無法移除應用程式",
     "Language changed" : "語言已變更",
     "Invalid request" : "無效請求",
     "Authentication error" : "認證錯誤",
     "Admins can't remove themself from the admin group" : "管理者帳號無法從管理者群組中移除",
-    "Unable to add user to group %s" : "使用者加入群組 %s 錯誤",
-    "Unable to remove user from group %s" : "使用者移出群組 %s 錯誤",
+    "Unable to add user to group %s" : "無法將使用者加入群組 %s",
+    "Unable to remove user from group %s" : "無法將使用者移出群組 %s",
     "Couldn't update app." : "無法更新應用程式",
     "Wrong password" : "密碼錯誤",
     "No user supplied" : "未提供使用者",
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Backend doesn't support password change, but the user's encryption key was successfully updated." : "後端不支援變更密碼,但成功更新使用者的加密金鑰",
     "Unable to change password" : "無法修改密碼",
     "Enabled" : "已啓用",
-    "Not enabled" : "ç„¡å•Ÿå‹•",
+    "Not enabled" : "未啟用",
     "installing and updating apps via the app store or Federated Cloud Sharing" : "透過應用程式中心或是聯盟式雲端分享來安裝、更新應用程式",
     "Federated Cloud Sharing" : "聯盟式雲端分享",
-    "cURL is using an outdated %s version (%s). Please update your operating system or features such as %s will not work reliably." : "cURL 使用的版本 %s (%s)已經過期,請您更新您的作業系統,否則功能如 %s 可能無法正常運作。",
-    "A problem occurred, please check your log files (Error: %s)" : "出現了一個問題,請您檢查您的記錄檔 (錯誤: %s)",
+    "cURL is using an outdated %s version (%s). Please update your operating system or features such as %s will not work reliably." : "cURL 使用的 %s 版本已經過期 (%s),請您更新您的作業系統,否則功能如 %s 可能無法正常運作",
+    "A problem occurred, please check your log files (Error: %s)" : "出現問題,請您檢查您的記錄檔(錯誤:%s)",
     "Migration Completed" : "遷移已完成",
     "Group already exists." : "群組已存在",
     "Unable to add group." : "無法新增群組",
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "log-level out of allowed range" : "log-level 超過允許範圍",
     "Saved" : "已儲存",
     "test email settings" : "測試郵件設定",
-    "A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "寄出郵件時發生問題,請檢查您的設定。(錯誤訊息:%s)",
+    "A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "寄出郵件時發生問題,請檢查您的設定(錯誤訊息:%s)",
     "Email sent" : "Email 已寄出",
-    "You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails." : "在準備要寄出測試郵件時您需要設定您的使用者郵件。",
+    "You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails." : "在寄出測試郵件前您需要設定信箱位址",
     "Invalid mail address" : "無效的 email 地址",
     "A user with that name already exists." : "同名的使用者已經存在",
     "Unable to create user." : "無法建立使用者",
@@ -51,19 +51,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Invalid user" : "無效的使用者",
     "Unable to change mail address" : "無法更改 email 地址",
     "Email saved" : "Email 已儲存",
-    "Your full name has been changed." : "您的全名已變更。",
+    "Your full name has been changed." : "您的全名已變更",
     "Unable to change full name" : "無法變更全名",
-    "Are you really sure you want add \"{domain}\" as trusted domain?" : "您確定要新增 \"{domain}' 為信任的網域?",
+    "Are you really sure you want add \"{domain}\" as trusted domain?" : "您確定要新增 \"{domain}' 為信任的網域?",
     "Add trusted domain" : "新增信任的網域",
     "Migration in progress. Please wait until the migration is finished" : "資料搬移中,請耐心等候直到資料搬移結束",
-    "Migration started …" : "遷移開始中 ...",
-    "Sending..." : "寄送中...",
+    "Migration started …" : "開始遷移…",
+    "Sending..." : "傳送中…",
     "Official" : "官方",
-    "Approved" : "已批准",
+    "Approved" : "審查通過",
     "Experimental" : "實驗性質",
     "All" : "所有",
-    "No apps found for your version" : "在您的版本中未找到任何應用程式",
-    "Official apps are developed by and within the ownCloud community. They offer functionality central to ownCloud and are ready for production use." : "官方應用程式是由ownCloud社群開發,他們提供ownCloud的主要功能並確定功能已經準備好可以被使用。",
+    "No apps found for your version" : "沒有找到適合您的版本的應用程式",
+    "Official apps are developed by and within the ownCloud community. They offer functionality central to ownCloud and are ready for production use." : "官方應用程式由 ownCloud 社群開發,他們提供 ownCloud 的主要功能,並確保穩定性足供正式使用。",
     "Approved apps are developed by trusted developers and have passed a cursory security check. They are actively maintained in an open code repository and their maintainers deem them to be stable for casual to normal use." : "認可的應用程式經由可信任的開發人員所設計,並且經過一連串的安全測試,他們在開放的程式庫中維護這些應用程式,而且確保這些應用程式能穩定的正常使用。",
     "This app is not checked for security issues and is new or known to be unstable. Install at your own risk." : "這個應用程式並沒有經過安全檢測,可能會是不穩定的,如果您要安裝的話,風險自行負責。",
     "Update to %s" : "更新到 %s",
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Disable" : "停用",
     "Enable" : "啟用",
     "Error while enabling app" : "啓用應用程式錯誤",
-    "Updating...." : "更新中...",
+    "Updating...." : "更新中…",
     "Error while updating app" : "更新應用程式錯誤",
     "Updated" : "已更新",
     "Uninstalling ...." : "正在解除安裝…",
     "Error while uninstalling app" : "移除應用程式錯誤",
     "Uninstall" : "解除安裝",
-    "The app has been enabled but needs to be updated. You will be redirected to the update page in 5 seconds." : "這個應用程式已經可以使用,但是需要更新,您將會在5秒後被引導至更新頁面。",
+    "The app has been enabled but needs to be updated. You will be redirected to the update page in 5 seconds." : "這個應用程式已啟用但是需要更新,您將會在 5 秒後被引導至更新頁面",
     "App update" : "應用程式更新",
     "No apps found for \"{query}\"" : "此\"{query}\"未找到任何應用程式",
     "An error occurred: {message}" : "發生錯誤:{message}",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json b/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 02d8f6787d5..d5b33f42b0e 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
     "Cron" : "工作排程",
     "Email server" : "郵件伺服器",
     "Log" : "紀錄檔",
-    "Tips & tricks" : "技巧 & 提示",
+    "Tips & tricks" : "技巧和提示",
     "Updates" : "æ›´æ–°",
     "Couldn't remove app." : "無法移除應用程式",
     "Language changed" : "語言已變更",
     "Invalid request" : "無效請求",
     "Authentication error" : "認證錯誤",
     "Admins can't remove themself from the admin group" : "管理者帳號無法從管理者群組中移除",
-    "Unable to add user to group %s" : "使用者加入群組 %s 錯誤",
-    "Unable to remove user from group %s" : "使用者移出群組 %s 錯誤",
+    "Unable to add user to group %s" : "無法將使用者加入群組 %s",
+    "Unable to remove user from group %s" : "無法將使用者移出群組 %s",
     "Couldn't update app." : "無法更新應用程式",
     "Wrong password" : "密碼錯誤",
     "No user supplied" : "未提供使用者",
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
     "Backend doesn't support password change, but the user's encryption key was successfully updated." : "後端不支援變更密碼,但成功更新使用者的加密金鑰",
     "Unable to change password" : "無法修改密碼",
     "Enabled" : "已啓用",
-    "Not enabled" : "ç„¡å•Ÿå‹•",
+    "Not enabled" : "未啟用",
     "installing and updating apps via the app store or Federated Cloud Sharing" : "透過應用程式中心或是聯盟式雲端分享來安裝、更新應用程式",
     "Federated Cloud Sharing" : "聯盟式雲端分享",
-    "cURL is using an outdated %s version (%s). Please update your operating system or features such as %s will not work reliably." : "cURL 使用的版本 %s (%s)已經過期,請您更新您的作業系統,否則功能如 %s 可能無法正常運作。",
-    "A problem occurred, please check your log files (Error: %s)" : "出現了一個問題,請您檢查您的記錄檔 (錯誤: %s)",
+    "cURL is using an outdated %s version (%s). Please update your operating system or features such as %s will not work reliably." : "cURL 使用的 %s 版本已經過期 (%s),請您更新您的作業系統,否則功能如 %s 可能無法正常運作",
+    "A problem occurred, please check your log files (Error: %s)" : "出現問題,請您檢查您的記錄檔(錯誤:%s)",
     "Migration Completed" : "遷移已完成",
     "Group already exists." : "群組已存在",
     "Unable to add group." : "無法新增群組",
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
     "log-level out of allowed range" : "log-level 超過允許範圍",
     "Saved" : "已儲存",
     "test email settings" : "測試郵件設定",
-    "A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "寄出郵件時發生問題,請檢查您的設定。(錯誤訊息:%s)",
+    "A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "寄出郵件時發生問題,請檢查您的設定(錯誤訊息:%s)",
     "Email sent" : "Email 已寄出",
-    "You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails." : "在準備要寄出測試郵件時您需要設定您的使用者郵件。",
+    "You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails." : "在寄出測試郵件前您需要設定信箱位址",
     "Invalid mail address" : "無效的 email 地址",
     "A user with that name already exists." : "同名的使用者已經存在",
     "Unable to create user." : "無法建立使用者",
@@ -49,19 +49,19 @@
     "Invalid user" : "無效的使用者",
     "Unable to change mail address" : "無法更改 email 地址",
     "Email saved" : "Email 已儲存",
-    "Your full name has been changed." : "您的全名已變更。",
+    "Your full name has been changed." : "您的全名已變更",
     "Unable to change full name" : "無法變更全名",
-    "Are you really sure you want add \"{domain}\" as trusted domain?" : "您確定要新增 \"{domain}' 為信任的網域?",
+    "Are you really sure you want add \"{domain}\" as trusted domain?" : "您確定要新增 \"{domain}' 為信任的網域?",
     "Add trusted domain" : "新增信任的網域",
     "Migration in progress. Please wait until the migration is finished" : "資料搬移中,請耐心等候直到資料搬移結束",
-    "Migration started …" : "遷移開始中 ...",
-    "Sending..." : "寄送中...",
+    "Migration started …" : "開始遷移…",
+    "Sending..." : "傳送中…",
     "Official" : "官方",
-    "Approved" : "已批准",
+    "Approved" : "審查通過",
     "Experimental" : "實驗性質",
     "All" : "所有",
-    "No apps found for your version" : "在您的版本中未找到任何應用程式",
-    "Official apps are developed by and within the ownCloud community. They offer functionality central to ownCloud and are ready for production use." : "官方應用程式是由ownCloud社群開發,他們提供ownCloud的主要功能並確定功能已經準備好可以被使用。",
+    "No apps found for your version" : "沒有找到適合您的版本的應用程式",
+    "Official apps are developed by and within the ownCloud community. They offer functionality central to ownCloud and are ready for production use." : "官方應用程式由 ownCloud 社群開發,他們提供 ownCloud 的主要功能,並確保穩定性足供正式使用。",
     "Approved apps are developed by trusted developers and have passed a cursory security check. They are actively maintained in an open code repository and their maintainers deem them to be stable for casual to normal use." : "認可的應用程式經由可信任的開發人員所設計,並且經過一連串的安全測試,他們在開放的程式庫中維護這些應用程式,而且確保這些應用程式能穩定的正常使用。",
     "This app is not checked for security issues and is new or known to be unstable. Install at your own risk." : "這個應用程式並沒有經過安全檢測,可能會是不穩定的,如果您要安裝的話,風險自行負責。",
     "Update to %s" : "更新到 %s",
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@
     "Disable" : "停用",
     "Enable" : "啟用",
     "Error while enabling app" : "啓用應用程式錯誤",
-    "Updating...." : "更新中...",
+    "Updating...." : "更新中…",
     "Error while updating app" : "更新應用程式錯誤",
     "Updated" : "已更新",
     "Uninstalling ...." : "正在解除安裝…",
     "Error while uninstalling app" : "移除應用程式錯誤",
     "Uninstall" : "解除安裝",
-    "The app has been enabled but needs to be updated. You will be redirected to the update page in 5 seconds." : "這個應用程式已經可以使用,但是需要更新,您將會在5秒後被引導至更新頁面。",
+    "The app has been enabled but needs to be updated. You will be redirected to the update page in 5 seconds." : "這個應用程式已啟用但是需要更新,您將會在 5 秒後被引導至更新頁面",
     "App update" : "應用程式更新",
     "No apps found for \"{query}\"" : "此\"{query}\"未找到任何應用程式",
     "An error occurred: {message}" : "發生錯誤:{message}",