From bc120bc5d7b8026240bda1a518af6533d97c2eb2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nextcloud bot <>
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2019 01:13:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [tx-robot] updated from transifex

 apps/dav/l10n/bg.js              |  4 ++--
 apps/dav/l10n/bg.json            |  4 ++--
 apps/encryption/l10n/eo.js       | 13 ++++++++++---
 apps/encryption/l10n/eo.json     | 13 ++++++++++---
 apps/workflowengine/l10n/sr.js   |  1 +
 apps/workflowengine/l10n/sr.json |  1 +
 core/l10n/it.js                  |  2 +-
 core/l10n/it.json                |  2 +-
 core/l10n/sr.js                  |  1 +
 core/l10n/sr.json                |  1 +
 10 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/apps/dav/l10n/bg.js b/apps/dav/l10n/bg.js
index a18942a2fbd..194feb4cfcb 100644
--- a/apps/dav/l10n/bg.js
+++ b/apps/dav/l10n/bg.js
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "You deleted todo {todo} from list {calendar}" : "Изтрихте задача {todo} от списък {calendar}",
     "{actor} updated todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} актуализира задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
     "You updated todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Променихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
-    "{actor} solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} реши задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
-    "You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Решихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
+    "{actor} solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} разреши задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
+    "You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Разрешихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
     "{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} възобнови задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
     "You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Възобновихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
     "A <strong>calendar</strong> was modified" : "Промяна на <strong>календар</strong>",
diff --git a/apps/dav/l10n/bg.json b/apps/dav/l10n/bg.json
index 646009b70c2..ca90843adbe 100644
--- a/apps/dav/l10n/bg.json
+++ b/apps/dav/l10n/bg.json
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
     "You deleted todo {todo} from list {calendar}" : "Изтрихте задача {todo} от списък {calendar}",
     "{actor} updated todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} актуализира задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
     "You updated todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Променихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
-    "{actor} solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} реши задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
-    "You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Решихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
+    "{actor} solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} разреши задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
+    "You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Разрешихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
     "{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} възобнови задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
     "You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Възобновихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
     "A <strong>calendar</strong> was modified" : "Промяна на <strong>календар</strong>",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/eo.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/eo.js
index c3c158f9013..f37927be521 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/eo.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/eo.js
@@ -33,16 +33,23 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Default encryption module" : "Defaŭlta ĉifra modulo",
     "Default encryption module for server-side encryption" : "Defaŭlta ĉifra modulo por ĉeservila ĉifrado",
     "In order to use this encryption module you need to enable server-side\n\t\tencryption in the admin settings. Once enabled this module will encrypt\n\t\tall your files transparently. The encryption is based on AES 256 keys.\n\t\tThe module won't touch existing files, only new files will be encrypted\n\t\tafter server-side encryption was enabled. It is also not possible to\n\t\tdisable the encryption again and switch back to a unencrypted system.\n\t\tPlease read the documentation to know all implications before you decide\n\t\tto enable server-side encryption." : "Por uzi tiun ĉifran modulon, vi bezonas ŝalti ĉeservilan ĉifradon en la administraj agordoj. Tiu modulo ĉifros ĉiujn viajn dosierojn netrudiĝeme. La ĉifrado baziĝas sur AES-ŝlosiloj de 256 bitoj.\nLa modulo ne ĉifros ekzistantajn dosierojn, nur la venontajn, post kiam la ĉeservila ĉifrado estis ŝaltita. Ankaŭ ne eblas malŝalti la ĉifradon kaj reiri al neĉifrita sistemo.\nBv. legi la dokumentaron por scii ĉiujn konsekvencojn, antaŭ ol decidi, ĉu vi uzos ĉeservilan ĉifradon.",
+    "Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Saluton,\n\nLa administranto ebligis ĉeservilan ĉifradon. Viaj dosieroj ĉifriĝis per la pasvorto „%s“.\n\nBonvolu ensaluti al la TTT-fasado, iri en viaj personaj agordoj al la parto „Bazĉifrada modulo“ por ĝisdatigi vian ĉifran pasvorton: en la kampo „Malnova ensaluta pasvorto“, skribu la ĉi-supran pasvorton kaj en la alia kampo vian nunan pasvorton.\n\n",
     "The share will expire on %s." : "La kunhavo senvalidiĝos je %s.",
-    "Enable recovery key" : "Kapabligi restaŭroŝlosilon",
-    "Disable recovery key" : "Malkapabligi restaŭroŝlosilon",
+    "Cheers!" : "Äœis!",
+    "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Saluton,<br><br>La administranto ebligis ĉeservilan ĉifradon. Viaj dosieroj ĉifriĝis per la pasvorto <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Bonvolu ensaluti al la TTT-fasado, iri en viaj personaj agordoj al la parto „Bazĉifrada modulo“ por ĝisdatigi vian ĉifran pasvorton: en la kampo „Malnova ensaluta pasvorto“, skribu la ĉi-supran pasvorton kaj en la alia kampo vian nunan pasvorton.<br><br>",
+    "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Ĉifra aplikaĵo estas ŝaltita, sed viaj ŝlosiloj ne uziĝas. Bv. elsaluti kaj re-ensaluti.",
+    "Encrypt the home storage" : "Ĉifri la ĉefkonservejon",
+    "Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Ebligi tiun opcion ĉifras ĉiujn dosierojn de la ĉefkonservejo, alie nur dosieroj en ekstera konservejo ĉifriĝos.",
+    "Enable recovery key" : "Ŝalti restaŭroŝlosilon",
+    "Disable recovery key" : "Malŝalti restaŭroŝlosilon",
+    "The recovery key is an extra encryption key that is used to encrypt files. It allows recovery of a user's files if the user forgets his or her password." : "La restaŭroŝlosilo estas kroma ĉifroŝlosilo, kiu uziĝas por ĉifri dosierojn. Ĝi ebligas restaŭron el dosieroj de uzanto, se la uzanto forgesas sian pasvorton.",
     "Recovery key password" : "Pasvorto de restaŭroŝlosilo",
     "Repeat recovery key password" : "Ripetu la pasvorton de restaŭroŝlosilo",
     "Change recovery key password:" : "Ŝanĝi la pasvorton de la restaŭroŝlosilo:",
     "Old recovery key password" : "Malnova pasvorto de restaŭroŝlosilo",
     "New recovery key password" : "Nova pasvorto de restaŭroŝlosilo",
     "Repeat new recovery key password" : "Ripetu la novan pasvorton de restaŭroŝlosilo",
-    "Change Password" : "Ŝarĝi pasvorton",
+    "Change Password" : "Ŝanĝi pasvorton",
     "Old log-in password" : "Malnova ensaluta pasvorto",
     "Current log-in password" : "Nuna ensaluta pasvorto",
     "Update Private Key Password" : "Ĝisdatigi la pasvorton de la malpublika ŝlosilo",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/eo.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/eo.json
index e12f730cb41..32c9601016c 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/eo.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/eo.json
@@ -31,16 +31,23 @@
     "Default encryption module" : "Defaŭlta ĉifra modulo",
     "Default encryption module for server-side encryption" : "Defaŭlta ĉifra modulo por ĉeservila ĉifrado",
     "In order to use this encryption module you need to enable server-side\n\t\tencryption in the admin settings. Once enabled this module will encrypt\n\t\tall your files transparently. The encryption is based on AES 256 keys.\n\t\tThe module won't touch existing files, only new files will be encrypted\n\t\tafter server-side encryption was enabled. It is also not possible to\n\t\tdisable the encryption again and switch back to a unencrypted system.\n\t\tPlease read the documentation to know all implications before you decide\n\t\tto enable server-side encryption." : "Por uzi tiun ĉifran modulon, vi bezonas ŝalti ĉeservilan ĉifradon en la administraj agordoj. Tiu modulo ĉifros ĉiujn viajn dosierojn netrudiĝeme. La ĉifrado baziĝas sur AES-ŝlosiloj de 256 bitoj.\nLa modulo ne ĉifros ekzistantajn dosierojn, nur la venontajn, post kiam la ĉeservila ĉifrado estis ŝaltita. Ankaŭ ne eblas malŝalti la ĉifradon kaj reiri al neĉifrita sistemo.\nBv. legi la dokumentaron por scii ĉiujn konsekvencojn, antaŭ ol decidi, ĉu vi uzos ĉeservilan ĉifradon.",
+    "Hey there,\n\nthe admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password '%s'.\n\nPlease login to the web interface, go to the section 'basic encryption module' of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the 'old log-in password' field and your current login-password.\n\n" : "Saluton,\n\nLa administranto ebligis ĉeservilan ĉifradon. Viaj dosieroj ĉifriĝis per la pasvorto „%s“.\n\nBonvolu ensaluti al la TTT-fasado, iri en viaj personaj agordoj al la parto „Bazĉifrada modulo“ por ĝisdatigi vian ĉifran pasvorton: en la kampo „Malnova ensaluta pasvorto“, skribu la ĉi-supran pasvorton kaj en la alia kampo vian nunan pasvorton.\n\n",
     "The share will expire on %s." : "La kunhavo senvalidiĝos je %s.",
-    "Enable recovery key" : "Kapabligi restaŭroŝlosilon",
-    "Disable recovery key" : "Malkapabligi restaŭroŝlosilon",
+    "Cheers!" : "Äœis!",
+    "Hey there,<br><br>the admin enabled server-side-encryption. Your files were encrypted using the password <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Please login to the web interface, go to the section \"basic encryption module\" of your personal settings and update your encryption password by entering this password into the \"old log-in password\" field and your current login-password.<br><br>" : "Saluton,<br><br>La administranto ebligis ĉeservilan ĉifradon. Viaj dosieroj ĉifriĝis per la pasvorto <strong>%s</strong>.<br><br>Bonvolu ensaluti al la TTT-fasado, iri en viaj personaj agordoj al la parto „Bazĉifrada modulo“ por ĝisdatigi vian ĉifran pasvorton: en la kampo „Malnova ensaluta pasvorto“, skribu la ĉi-supran pasvorton kaj en la alia kampo vian nunan pasvorton.<br><br>",
+    "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Ĉifra aplikaĵo estas ŝaltita, sed viaj ŝlosiloj ne uziĝas. Bv. elsaluti kaj re-ensaluti.",
+    "Encrypt the home storage" : "Ĉifri la ĉefkonservejon",
+    "Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" : "Ebligi tiun opcion ĉifras ĉiujn dosierojn de la ĉefkonservejo, alie nur dosieroj en ekstera konservejo ĉifriĝos.",
+    "Enable recovery key" : "Ŝalti restaŭroŝlosilon",
+    "Disable recovery key" : "Malŝalti restaŭroŝlosilon",
+    "The recovery key is an extra encryption key that is used to encrypt files. It allows recovery of a user's files if the user forgets his or her password." : "La restaŭroŝlosilo estas kroma ĉifroŝlosilo, kiu uziĝas por ĉifri dosierojn. Ĝi ebligas restaŭron el dosieroj de uzanto, se la uzanto forgesas sian pasvorton.",
     "Recovery key password" : "Pasvorto de restaŭroŝlosilo",
     "Repeat recovery key password" : "Ripetu la pasvorton de restaŭroŝlosilo",
     "Change recovery key password:" : "Ŝanĝi la pasvorton de la restaŭroŝlosilo:",
     "Old recovery key password" : "Malnova pasvorto de restaŭroŝlosilo",
     "New recovery key password" : "Nova pasvorto de restaŭroŝlosilo",
     "Repeat new recovery key password" : "Ripetu la novan pasvorton de restaŭroŝlosilo",
-    "Change Password" : "Ŝarĝi pasvorton",
+    "Change Password" : "Ŝanĝi pasvorton",
     "Old log-in password" : "Malnova ensaluta pasvorto",
     "Current log-in password" : "Nuna ensaluta pasvorto",
     "Update Private Key Password" : "Ĝisdatigi la pasvorton de la malpublika ŝlosilo",
diff --git a/apps/workflowengine/l10n/sr.js b/apps/workflowengine/l10n/sr.js
index 663c01f4821..d12086449a5 100644
--- a/apps/workflowengine/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/apps/workflowengine/l10n/sr.js
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Check %s does not exist" : "Проверите да ли %s постоји",
     "Check %s is invalid" : "Проверите да ли је %s исправно",
     "Check #%s does not exist" : "Проверите да ли #%s постоји",
+    "Tag management" : "Управљање ознакама",
     "Files workflow engine" : "Датотеке за мотор процеса рада",
     "Open documentation" : "Отвори документацију",
     "Loading…" : "Учитавање…",
diff --git a/apps/workflowengine/l10n/sr.json b/apps/workflowengine/l10n/sr.json
index fccff654591..ac9b640d231 100644
--- a/apps/workflowengine/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/apps/workflowengine/l10n/sr.json
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
     "Check %s does not exist" : "Проверите да ли %s постоји",
     "Check %s is invalid" : "Проверите да ли је %s исправно",
     "Check #%s does not exist" : "Проверите да ли #%s постоји",
+    "Tag management" : "Управљање ознакама",
     "Files workflow engine" : "Датотеке за мотор процеса рада",
     "Open documentation" : "Отвори документацију",
     "Loading…" : "Учитавање…",
diff --git a/core/l10n/it.js b/core/l10n/it.js
index 3350d6c7254..e499912370e 100644
--- a/core/l10n/it.js
+++ b/core/l10n/it.js
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Strong password" : "Password forte",
     "Your web server is not yet properly set up to allow file synchronization, because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Il tuo server web non è configurato correttamente per consentire la sincronizzazione dei file, poiché l'interfaccia WebDAV sembra essere danneggiata.",
     "Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Il tuo server web non è configurato correttamente per risolvere \"{url}\". Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili nella <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentazione</a>.",
-    "Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". This is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx at it's <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation page</a>. On Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "Il tuo server non è configurato correttamente per risolvere \"{url}\". Ciò è probabilmente legato ad una configurazione del server che non è stata aggiornata per fornire direttamente questa cartella. Confronta la tua configurazione con le regole di rewrite fornite in \".htaccess\" per Apache o quella fornita nella documentazione di Nginx alla sua <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">pagina</a>. Su Nginx di solito sono le righe che iniziano con \"location ~\" quelle da aggiornare.",
+    "Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". This is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx at it's <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation page</a>. On Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "Il tuo server non è configurato correttamente per risolvere \"{url}\". Ciò è probabilmente legato a una configurazione del server che non è stata aggiornata per fornire direttamente questa cartella. Confronta la tua configurazione con le regole di rewrite fornite in \".htaccess\" per Apache o quella fornita nella documentazione di Nginx alla sua <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">pagina</a>. Su Nginx di solito sono le righe che iniziano con \"location ~\" quelle da aggiornare.",
     "Your web server is not properly set up to deliver .woff2 files. This is typically an issue with the Nginx configuration. For Nextcloud 15 it needs an adjustement to also deliver .woff2 files. Compare your Nginx configuration to the recommended configuration in our <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Il tuo server web non è configurato correttamente per fornire file .woff2. Questo è solitamente un problema con la configurazione di Nginx. Per Nextcloud 15, richiede una modifica per fornire anche i file .woff2. Confronta la tua configurazione di Nginx con la configurazione consigliata nella nostra <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentazione</a>.",
     "PHP does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response." : "PHP non sembra essere configurato correttamente per interrogare le variabili d'ambiente di sistema. Il test con getenv(\"PATH\") restituisce solo una risposta vuota.",
     "Please check the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">installation documentation ↗</a> for PHP configuration notes and the PHP configuration of your server, especially when using php-fpm." : "Controlla la <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentazione di installazione ↗</a> per le note di configurazione di PHP e la configurazione PHP del tuo server, in particolare quando utilizzi php-fpm.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/it.json b/core/l10n/it.json
index fd4febd2357..8680ad16cc4 100644
--- a/core/l10n/it.json
+++ b/core/l10n/it.json
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
     "Strong password" : "Password forte",
     "Your web server is not yet properly set up to allow file synchronization, because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Il tuo server web non è configurato correttamente per consentire la sincronizzazione dei file, poiché l'interfaccia WebDAV sembra essere danneggiata.",
     "Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Il tuo server web non è configurato correttamente per risolvere \"{url}\". Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili nella <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentazione</a>.",
-    "Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". This is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx at it's <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation page</a>. On Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "Il tuo server non è configurato correttamente per risolvere \"{url}\". Ciò è probabilmente legato ad una configurazione del server che non è stata aggiornata per fornire direttamente questa cartella. Confronta la tua configurazione con le regole di rewrite fornite in \".htaccess\" per Apache o quella fornita nella documentazione di Nginx alla sua <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">pagina</a>. Su Nginx di solito sono le righe che iniziano con \"location ~\" quelle da aggiornare.",
+    "Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". This is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx at it's <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation page</a>. On Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "Il tuo server non è configurato correttamente per risolvere \"{url}\". Ciò è probabilmente legato a una configurazione del server che non è stata aggiornata per fornire direttamente questa cartella. Confronta la tua configurazione con le regole di rewrite fornite in \".htaccess\" per Apache o quella fornita nella documentazione di Nginx alla sua <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">pagina</a>. Su Nginx di solito sono le righe che iniziano con \"location ~\" quelle da aggiornare.",
     "Your web server is not properly set up to deliver .woff2 files. This is typically an issue with the Nginx configuration. For Nextcloud 15 it needs an adjustement to also deliver .woff2 files. Compare your Nginx configuration to the recommended configuration in our <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Il tuo server web non è configurato correttamente per fornire file .woff2. Questo è solitamente un problema con la configurazione di Nginx. Per Nextcloud 15, richiede una modifica per fornire anche i file .woff2. Confronta la tua configurazione di Nginx con la configurazione consigliata nella nostra <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentazione</a>.",
     "PHP does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response." : "PHP non sembra essere configurato correttamente per interrogare le variabili d'ambiente di sistema. Il test con getenv(\"PATH\") restituisce solo una risposta vuota.",
     "Please check the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">installation documentation ↗</a> for PHP configuration notes and the PHP configuration of your server, especially when using php-fpm." : "Controlla la <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentazione di installazione ↗</a> per le note di configurazione di PHP e la configurazione PHP del tuo server, in particolare quando utilizzi php-fpm.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sr.js b/core/l10n/sr.js
index 43576db7dc3..cc88c439c30 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/core/l10n/sr.js
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
     "Strong password" : "Јака лозинка",
     "Your web server is not yet properly set up to allow file synchronization, because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Ваш сервер није правилно подешен да омогући синхронизацију фајлова. Изгледа да је ВебДАВ сучеље покварено.",
     "Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Ваш сервер није правилно подешен да разлучи „{url}“. Можете наћи више информација у <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">документацији</a>.",
+    "Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". This is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx at it's <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation page</a>. On Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "Ваш сервер није подешен да може да разлучи адресу „{url}“. Ово је најчешће везано за неажурирану конфигурацију веб сервера која не може да испоручи ову фасциклу директно. Упоредите Вашу конфигурацију са испорученим rewrite правилима у „.htaccess“-у за Apache или онима датим за Nginx у његовој <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">документацији</a>. На Nginx-у су обично линије које почињу са „location ~“ оне којима треба ажурирање.",
     "Your web server is not properly set up to deliver .woff2 files. This is typically an issue with the Nginx configuration. For Nextcloud 15 it needs an adjustement to also deliver .woff2 files. Compare your Nginx configuration to the recommended configuration in our <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Ваш веб сервер није правилно подешен да испоручује .woff2 фајлове. Ово је обично проблем са Nginx конфигурацијом. У Некстклауду 15, потребна су додатна прилагођавања да се и .woff2 фајлови испоручују. Упоредите Вашу Nginx конфигурацију са препорученом конфигурацијом из наше <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">документације</a>.",
     "PHP does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response." : "PHP изгледа није исправно подешен да дохвата променљиве окружења. Тест са getenv(\"PATH\") враћа празну листу као одговор.",
     "Please check the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">installation documentation ↗</a> for PHP configuration notes and the PHP configuration of your server, especially when using php-fpm." : "Погледајте <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">инсталациону документацију ↗</a> за белешке око PHP конфигурације и PHP конфигурацију Вашег сервера, поготову ако користите php-fpm.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sr.json b/core/l10n/sr.json
index 7233ed9fa38..6911a6c65c2 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/core/l10n/sr.json
@@ -200,6 +200,7 @@
     "Strong password" : "Јака лозинка",
     "Your web server is not yet properly set up to allow file synchronization, because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Ваш сервер није правилно подешен да омогући синхронизацију фајлова. Изгледа да је ВебДАВ сучеље покварено.",
     "Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Ваш сервер није правилно подешен да разлучи „{url}“. Можете наћи више информација у <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">документацији</a>.",
+    "Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". This is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx at it's <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation page</a>. On Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "Ваш сервер није подешен да може да разлучи адресу „{url}“. Ово је најчешће везано за неажурирану конфигурацију веб сервера која не може да испоручи ову фасциклу директно. Упоредите Вашу конфигурацију са испорученим rewrite правилима у „.htaccess“-у за Apache или онима датим за Nginx у његовој <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">документацији</a>. На Nginx-у су обично линије које почињу са „location ~“ оне којима треба ажурирање.",
     "Your web server is not properly set up to deliver .woff2 files. This is typically an issue with the Nginx configuration. For Nextcloud 15 it needs an adjustement to also deliver .woff2 files. Compare your Nginx configuration to the recommended configuration in our <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Ваш веб сервер није правилно подешен да испоручује .woff2 фајлове. Ово је обично проблем са Nginx конфигурацијом. У Некстклауду 15, потребна су додатна прилагођавања да се и .woff2 фајлови испоручују. Упоредите Вашу Nginx конфигурацију са препорученом конфигурацијом из наше <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">документације</a>.",
     "PHP does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response." : "PHP изгледа није исправно подешен да дохвата променљиве окружења. Тест са getenv(\"PATH\") враћа празну листу као одговор.",
     "Please check the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">installation documentation ↗</a> for PHP configuration notes and the PHP configuration of your server, especially when using php-fpm." : "Погледајте <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\" href=\"{docLink}\">инсталациону документацију ↗</a> за белешке око PHP конфигурације и PHP конфигурацију Вашег сервера, поготову ако користите php-fpm.",