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Synapse 1.47.0 (2021-11-17)

No significant changes since 1.47.0rc3.

Synapse 1.47.0rc3 (2021-11-16)


- Fix a bug introduced in 1.47.0rc1 which caused worker processes to not halt startup in the presence of outstanding database migrations. ([\#11346](
- Fix a bug introduced in 1.47.0rc1 which prevented the 'remove deleted devices from `device_inbox` column' background process from running when updating from a recent Synapse version. ([\#11303](, [\#11353](

Synapse 1.47.0rc2 (2021-11-10)

This fixes an issue with publishing the Debian packages for 1.47.0rc1.
It is otherwise identical to 1.47.0rc1.

Synapse 1.47.0rc1 (2021-11-09)

Deprecations and Removals

- The `user_may_create_room_with_invites` module callback is now deprecated. Please refer to the [upgrade notes]( for more information. ([\#11206](
- Remove deprecated admin API to delete rooms (`POST /_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/<room_id>/delete`). ([\#11213](


- Advertise support for Client-Server API r0.6.1. ([\#11097](
- Add search by room ID and room alias to the List Room admin API. ([\#11099](
- Add an `on_new_event` third-party rules callback to allow Synapse modules to act after an event has been sent into a room. ([\#11126](
- Add a module API method to update a user's membership in a room. ([\#11147](
- Add metrics for thread pool usage. ([\#11178](
- Support the stable room type field for [MSC3288]( ([\#11187](
- Add a module API method to retrieve the current state of a room. ([\#11204](
- Calculate a default value for `public_baseurl` based on `server_name`. ([\#11210](
- Add support for serving `/.well-known/matrix/server` files, to redirect federation traffic to port 443. ([\#11211](
- Add admin APIs to pause, start and check the status of background updates. ([\#11263](


- Fix a long-standing bug which allowed hidden devices to receive to-device messages, resulting in unnecessary database bloat. ([\#10097](
- Fix a long-standing bug where messages in the `device_inbox` table for deleted devices would persist indefinitely. Contributed by @dklimpel and @JohannesKleine. ([\#10969](, [\#11212](
- Do not accept events if a third-party rule `check_event_allowed` callback raises an exception. ([\#11033](
- Fix long-standing bug where verification requests could fail in certain cases if a federation whitelist was in place but did not include your own homeserver. ([\#11129](
- Allow an empty list of `state_events_at_start` to be sent when using the [MSC2716]( `/batch_send` endpoint and the author of the historical messages is already part of the current room state at the given `?prev_event_id`. ([\#11188](
- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.45.0 which prevented the `synapse_review_recent_signups` script from running. Contributed by @samuel-p. ([\#11191](
- Delete `to_device` messages for hidden devices that will never be read, reducing database size. ([\#11199](
- Fix a long-standing bug wherein a missing `Content-Type` header when downloading remote media would cause Synapse to throw an error. ([\#11200](
- Fix a long-standing bug which could result in serialization errors and potentially duplicate transaction data when sending ephemeral events to application services. Contributed by @Fizzadar at Beeper. ([\#11207](
- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.35.0 which made it impossible to join rooms that return a `send_join` response containing floats. ([\#11217](
- Fix long-standing bug where cross signing keys were not included in the response to `/r0/keys/query` the first time a remote user was queried. ([\#11234](
- Fix a long-standing bug where all requests that read events from the database could get stuck as a result of losing the database connection. ([\#11240](
- Fix a bug preventing Synapse from being rolled back to an earlier version when using workers. ([\#11255](, [\#11276](
- Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.37.1 which caused a remote event being processed by a worker to not get processed on restart if the worker was killed. ([\#11262](
- Only allow old Element/Riot Android clients to send read receipts without a request body. All other clients must include a request body as required by the specification. Contributed by @rogersheu. ([\#11157](

Updates to the Docker image

- Avoid changing user ID when started as a non-root user, and no explicit `UID` is set. ([\#11209](

Improved Documentation

- Improve example HAProxy config in the docs to properly handle HTTP `Host` headers with port information. This is required for federation over port 443 to work correctly. ([\#11128](
- Add documentation for using Authentik as an OpenID Connect Identity Provider. Contributed by @samip5. ([\#11151](
- Clarify lack of support for Windows. ([\#11198](
- Improve code formatting and fix a few typos in docs. Contributed by @sumnerevans at Beeper. ([\#11221](
- Add documentation for using LemonLDAP as an OpenID Connect Identity Provider. Contributed by @l00ptr. ([\#11257](

Internal Changes

- Add type annotations for the `log_function` decorator. ([\#10943](
- Add type hints to ``. ([\#11098](
- Remove and document unnecessary `RoomStreamToken` checks in application service ephemeral event code. ([\#11137](
- Add type hints so that `synapse.http` passes `mypy` checks. ([\#11164](
- Update scripts to pass Shellcheck lints. ([\#11166](
- Add knock information in admin export. Contributed by Rafael Gonçalves. ([\#11171](
- Add tests to check that `ClientIpStore.get_last_client_ip_by_device` and `get_user_ip_and_agents` combine database and in-memory data correctly. ([\#11179](
- Refactor `Filter` to check different fields depending on the data type. ([\#11194](
- Improve type hints for the relations datastore. ([\#11205](
- Replace outdated links in the pull request checklist with links to the rendered documentation. ([\#11225](
- Fix a bug in unit test `test_block_room_and_not_purge`. ([\#11226](
- In `ObservableDeferred`, run observers in the order they were registered. ([\#11229](
- Minor speed up to start up times and getting updates for groups by adding missing index to `local_group_updates.stream_id`. ([\#11231](
- Add `twine` and `towncrier` as dev dependencies, as they're used by the release script. ([\#11233](
- Allow `stream_writers.typing` config to be a list of one worker. ([\#11237](
- Remove debugging statement in tests. ([\#11239](
- Fix [MSC2716]( historical messages backfilling in random order on remote homeservers. ([\#11244](
- Add an additional test for the `cachedList` method decorator. ([\#11246](
- Make minor correction to the type of `auth_checkers` callbacks. ([\#11253](
- Clean up trivial aspects of the Debian package build tooling. ([\#11269](, [\#11273](
- Blacklist new SyTest that checks that key uploads are valid pending the validation being implemented in Synapse. ([\#11270](