Dessalines authored
* Moving to debian-based docker image. Fixes #3972 * Fix cargo.toml format. * Try nightly rust for cargo_fmt. * Trying to fix cargo build. * Trying to fix cargo build 2. * Trying to fix federation tests. * Trying to fix federation tests 2. * Trying to fix federation tests 3. * Try to fix aarch 1. * Try to fix aarch 2. * Try to fix aarch 3. * Removing aarch * Adding tests back in. * Adding ca-certs, and debian non-root user * Commenting arm image building. * Fix platform on runner. * Version 0.19.0-beta.6
Dessalines authored* Moving to debian-based docker image. Fixes #3972 * Fix cargo.toml format. * Try nightly rust for cargo_fmt. * Trying to fix cargo build. * Trying to fix cargo build 2. * Trying to fix federation tests. * Trying to fix federation tests 2. * Trying to fix federation tests 3. * Try to fix aarch 1. * Try to fix aarch 2. * Try to fix aarch 3. * Removing aarch * Adding tests back in. * Adding ca-certs, and debian non-root user * Commenting arm image building. * Fix platform on runner. * Version 0.19.0-beta.6