package services
import (
extensions ""
meta ""
apifilters ""
openapinamer ""
v1 ""
aggregator ""
aggregatorscheme ""
apiregistrationclient ""
controllersa ""
generatedopenapi ""
kubeadmission ""
saplugin ""
const audience = "https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local"
const apiserverPort = 6443
// The kubernetes API server has a complex architecture, which we reproduce partially here.
// The API itself is layered:
// - the core API is served by the API server itself,
// - the core API wraps around the extensions server for serving CRDs,
// - the core API is wrapped by the aggregated API server for serving aggregated APIs.
// HTTP calls go through the aggregated layer, then the core layer, then the extensions layer,
// each time passing to the next layer the request and response objects if the current layer does
// not handle the request.
// Two controllers are started as part of the API server for now: CRD controller and registration
// controller, responsible for registering CRDs and aggregated APIs respectively.
// Regarding storage, the API server abstracts access to etcd through the storage package, which
// itself implements some complex interface. The main component we implement is the RestOptionsFactory,
// which is used to get the storage options for a given REST request. The options are then used to create
// the storage backend. The RestOptionsFactory is complex, mostly because the factory pattern is repeated
// multiple times in the codebase, using a StorageFactory for instantiating storage config, which itself
// uses factories for instantiating resource encoding config, etc.
// We have our own implementation of RestOptionsFactory in the `k8s` package, see the documenation there
// for more details.
Dependencies: []*Unit{etcd, pkiMaster, vpn, memberlist, kubeLogger},
config, clients, hooks, err := buildConfig(c)
// Allow privileged pods, this is required for some system deployments, and is done
// in a set of static variables inside the capabilities package
capabilities.Setup(true, 0)
// Servers are created in reverse orders for proper delegation
// 1. The extensions server wraps around a 404 handler
notFound := notfoundhandler.New(config.Serializer, apifilters.NoMuxAndDiscoveryIncompleteKey)
extensionsConfig, _ := buildExtensionsConfig(*config, clients) // Currently no error case
extensionServer, err := extensionsConfig.Complete().New(server.NewEmptyDelegateWithCustomHandler(notFound))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not seutp the extension server: %w", err)
// 2. The API server itself wraps around the extensions server
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not build apiserver config: %w", err)
for name, hook := range hooks {
err = apiConfig.GenericConfig.AddPostStartHook(name, hook)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not add a post-start-hook: %w", err)
apiServer, err := apiConfig.Complete().New(extensionServer.GenericAPIServer)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not initialize generic apiserver: %w", err)
// 3. The aggregator server wraps around the API server
aggregatorConfig, _ := buildAggregatorConfig(c, *config, clients)
aggregatorServer, err := aggregatorConfig.Complete().NewWithDelegate(apiServer.GenericAPIServer)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not initialize aggregator: %w", err)
// Start registration services, which auto register all resources and all
// crd to the aggregator server
// TODO at some point we should probably move these to the controllers component
apiRegistrationClient, err := apiregistrationclient.NewForConfig(clients.KubeConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not initialize aggregator client: %w", err)
registrationController := autoregister.NewAutoRegisterController(aggregatorServer.APIRegistrationInformers.Apiregistration().V1().APIServices(), apiRegistrationClient)
crdController := crdregistration.NewCRDRegistrationController(extensionServer.Informers.Apiextensions().V1().CustomResourceDefinitions(), registrationController)
// Start by discovering resource paths from apiserver and registering them manually
// TODO We completely ignore priorities, wchih might become an issue at some point
pathRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`^/apis/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$`)
for _, resourcePath := range apiServer.GenericAPIServer.ListedPaths() {
if match := pathRegex.FindStringSubmatch(resourcePath); match != nil {
ObjectMeta: meta.ObjectMeta{Name: match[2] + "." + match[1]},
Spec: v1.APIServiceSpec{
Group: match[1],
Version: match[2],
GroupPriorityMinimum: 1,
VersionPriority: 1,
// Wait for CRD to be ready then start both controllers in a post-start-hook
err = aggregatorServer.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHook("autoregistration", func(context server.PostStartHookContext) error {
go crdController.Run(1, ctx.Done())
go registrationController.Run(1, ctx.Done())
return nil
// Finally start the apiserver
server := aggregatorServer.GenericAPIServer.PrepareRun()
go clients.Start(ctx)
return server.Run(ctx.Done())
Ready: func(u *Unit, c *Cluster) bool {
u.Logger.Info("checking if apiserver is ready")
clients, err := k8s.NewTokenClients(c.masterUrl, c.pki.TLS, c.loopbackToken)
if err != nil {
return false
status := 0
result := clients.Client.Discovery().RESTClient().Get().AbsPath("/healthz").Do(context.TODO()).StatusCode(&status)
if result.Error() != nil || status != 200 {
// Build a generic apiserver config, that is used and tweaked for various instanciated servers (native, extensions, etc.)
// Be careful, config is returned as a pointer, so it must be explicitely shallow copied before tweaking
func buildConfig(c *Cluster) (config *server.Config, clients *k8s.Clients, hooks map[string]server.PostStartHookFunc, err error) {
// Initialize return values
config = server.NewConfig(legacyscheme.Codecs)
hooks = map[string]server.PostStartHookFunc{}
// Initialize a basic configuration object
ver := version.Get()
config.Version = &ver
config.Serializer = legacyscheme.Codecs
config.LongRunningFunc = filters.BasicLongRunningRequestCheck(
sets.NewString("watch", "proxy"),
sets.NewString("attach", "exec", "proxy", "log", "portforward"),
// Setup the network listener and certificates for server and client authentication,
// this is only used by the actual API server
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp6", fmt.Sprintf("[%s]:%d", c.networking.NodeAddress.Addr().String(), apiserverPort))
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not initialize listener: %w", err)
cert, err := dynamiccertificates.NewDynamicServingContentFromFiles("serving-cert", c.masterCerts.TLS.CertPath(), c.masterCerts.TLS.KeyPath())
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not get certificate: %w", err)
clientCA, err := dynamiccertificates.NewDynamicCAContentFromFile("client-ca", c.pki.API.CertPath())
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not get api CA file: %w", err)
proxyCA, err := dynamiccertificates.NewDynamicCAContentFromFile("proxy-ca", c.pki.Proxy.CertPath())
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not get proxy CA file: %w", err)
config.SecureServing = &server.SecureServingInfo{
Listener: listener,
Cert: cert,
// This is performed in vanilla when applying authentication configuration,
// especially in AuthenticationInfo.ApplyClientCet
ClientCA: dynamiccertificates.NewUnionCAContentProvider(clientCA, proxyCA),
config.PublicAddress = c.networking.NodeAddress.Addr().AsSlice()
// Setup loopback clients (no authorization at this point, handled later)
clients, err = k8s.NewTokenClients(c.masterUrl, c.pki.TLS, c.loopbackToken)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not setup loopback clients: %w", err)
config.LoopbackClientConfig = clients.KubeConfig
// Setup authentication
authConfig := authenticator.Config{
ServiceAccountKeyFiles: []string{c.masterCerts.APITokens.KeyPath()},
ServiceAccountIssuers: []string{audience},
APIAudiences: []string{audience},
ClientCAContentProvider: clientCA,
ServiceAccountTokenGetter: controllersa.NewGetterFromClient(
SecretsWriter: clients.Client.CoreV1(),
// OpenID configuration, which might just be empty to disable OIDC
OIDCIssuerURL: c.settings.OIDCIssuer,
OIDCClientID: c.settings.OIDCClientID,
OIDCUsernameClaim: "sub",
OIDCUsernamePrefix: "oidc:",
// This is currently not strictly required, since we do not use proxified
// requests to apiservers themselves, though we might at some point. Private
// key is only delivered to apiserver itself, so little harm is done
RequestHeaderConfig: &authenticatorfactory.RequestHeaderConfig{
UsernameHeaders: headerrequest.StaticStringSlice([]string{"X-Remote-User"}),
GroupHeaders: headerrequest.StaticStringSlice([]string{"X-Remote-Group"}),
ExtraHeaderPrefixes: headerrequest.StaticStringSlice([]string{"X-Remote-Extra"}),
CAContentProvider: proxyCA,
auth, _, err := authConfig.New()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not setup apiserver authentication: %w", err)
config.Authentication = server.AuthenticationInfo{
APIAudiences: []string{audience},
Authenticator: auth,
RequestHeaderConfig: authConfig.RequestHeaderConfig,
// Setup authorizations
authzConfig := authorizer.Config{
AuthorizationModes: []string{modes.ModeNode, modes.ModeRBAC},
VersionedInformerFactory: clients.Informer,
authz, ruleResolver, err := authzConfig.New()
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not seutp apiserver authorizations: %w", err)
config.RuleResolver = ruleResolver
config.Authorization = server.AuthorizationInfo{
Authorizer: authz,
// Prepare all OpenAPI endpoints
// TODO at some point we should remove OpenAPI v2 support
openapiFactory := openapi.GetOpenAPIDefinitionsWithoutDisabledFeatures(generatedopenapi.GetOpenAPIDefinitions)
config.OpenAPIConfig = server.DefaultOpenAPIConfig(openapiFactory, openapinamer.NewDefinitionNamer(legacyscheme.Scheme, extensions.Scheme))
config.OpenAPIV3Config = server.DefaultOpenAPIV3Config(openapiFactory, openapinamer.NewDefinitionNamer(legacyscheme.Scheme, extensions.Scheme))
// Setup admission controllers
// Vanilla code for this is pretty complex, since it uses dynamic plugins, which might load configurations from files instead
// of structs, so we just copy the relevant parts here
// Start, by registering admission plugins
// Full list of plugins is avaiable at:
plugins := admission.NewPlugins()
// Prepare the plugins configuration
// The plugins config is an instance that just returns nil for every plugin,
// we ignore errors since it never fails to load config, since it does not parse.. any config at all
pluginsConfig, _ := admission.ReadAdmissionConfiguration([]string{}, "", nil)
// Since we do not load configuration from files, the only plugin config we pass is from the plugin initialized chain
// It is a chain of functions that alter the plugin object to initialize it. We build the initialize chain from two sources,
// the admission initializer packager, which sets clients settings mostly, and helpers from kubeapiserver, which setup the
// loopback configuration and informers
genericInitializer := initializer.New(clients.Client, clients.DynClient, clients.Informer, authz, feature.DefaultFeatureGate, config.DrainedNotify())
initializersChain := admission.PluginInitializers{genericInitializer}
admissionConfig := kubeadmission.Config{
ExternalInformers: clients.Informer,
LoopbackClientConfig: config.LoopbackClientConfig,
schemaResolver := resolver.NewDefinitionsSchemaResolver(scheme.Scheme, config.OpenAPIConfig.GetDefinitions)
heperInitializers, admissionHook, err := admissionConfig.New(nil, nil, clients.ServiceResolver(), nil, schemaResolver)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("could not prepare the admission config: %w", err)
hooks["initialize-admission"] = admissionHook
initializersChain = append(initializersChain, heperInitializers...)
// Actually build the admission chain
// The plugins config is an instance that just returns nil for every plugin, the decorators instance does nothing
// since it iterates over an empty list of decorators
admissionChain, err := plugins.NewFromPlugins(plugins.Registered(), pluginsConfig, initializersChain, admission.Decorators{})
config.AdmissionControl = admissionChain
// Setup the resource discovery manager, which is especially useful for the aggregation layer
config.AggregatedDiscoveryGroupManager = aggregated.NewResourceManager("apis")
// Finally authorize loopback clients, so that loopback requests are authorized as system requests
server.AuthorizeClientBearerToken(clients.KubeConfig, &config.Authentication, &config.Authorization)
// Customize the generic config then build an extensions server config
func buildExtensionsConfig(config server.Config, clients *k8s.Clients) (*extensions.Config, error) {
generic := config // Copy the config before we modify it
// Serve the extension resources as API endpoints
generic.MergedResourceConfig = extensions.DefaultAPIResourceConfigSource()
// This is the storage configuration for accessing CRD objects themselves
generic.RESTOptionsGetter = k8s.PrepareStorage(extensions.Codecs, extensions.Scheme, generic.MergedResourceConfig)
// Build the extensions server (create then customize the configuration)
return &extensions.Config{
GenericConfig: &server.RecommendedConfig{
Config: generic,
SharedInformerFactory: clients.Informer,
ExtraConfig: extensions.ExtraConfig{
// This is the storage configuration for accessing custom resources, so we do not specify codecs, schemes or
// merged resources, since the storage layer is transparent, and schema validation is done by the extensions server
// instead
}, nil
// Customize the generic config then build an apiserver config
func buildApiConfig(c *Cluster, config server.Config, clients *k8s.Clients) (*controlplane.Config, error) {
generic := config // Copy the config before we modify it
// Serve the default API server resources as API endpoints
generic.MergedResourceConfig = controlplane.DefaultAPIResourceConfigSource()
// Currently unused framework for enabling additional resources, we could've removed this, but reverse engineering
// the logic was hard enough so we just keep it until we need it
generic.MergedResourceConfig.EnableMatchingVersions(func(gv schema.GroupVersion) bool {
return false
// The storage configuration for accessing the default API server resources
restOptionsGetter := k8s.PrepareStorage(legacyscheme.Codecs, legacyscheme.Scheme, generic.MergedResourceConfig)
generic.RESTOptionsGetter = restOptionsGetter
// Setup the token signer
signer, err := serviceaccount.JWTTokenGenerator(audience, c.masterCerts.APITokens.Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not initilize service account signer: %w", err)
ExtraConfig: controlplane.ExtraConfig{
EventTTL: time.Hour,
KubeletClientConfig: client.KubeletClientConfig{
Port: ports.KubeletPort,
ReadOnlyPort: ports.KubeletReadOnlyPort,
PreferredAddressTypes: []string{string(core.NodeInternalIP), string(core.NodeExternalIP)},
TLSClientConfig: client.KubeletTLSConfig{
CertFile: c.masterCerts.Kubelet.CertPath(),
KeyFile: c.masterCerts.Kubelet.KeyPath(),
CAFile: c.pki.TLS.CertPath(),
ServiceIPRange: net.IPNet{
IP: c.networking.ServiceNet.Addr().AsSlice(),
Mask: net.CIDRMask(c.networking.ServiceNet.Bits(), c.networking.ServiceNet.Addr().BitLen()),
APIServerServiceIP: c.networking.APIAddress.AsSlice(),
APIServerServicePort: 443,
ServiceNodePortRange: utilnet.PortRange{Base: 30000, Size: 2768},
EndpointReconcilerType: reconcilers.LeaseEndpointReconcilerType,
MasterCount: 1,
ServiceAccountIssuer: signer,
ServiceAccountIssuerURL: audience,
ServiceAccountPublicKeys: []interface{}{&c.masterCerts.APITokens.Key.PublicKey},
VersionedInformers: clients.Informer,
APIResourceConfigSource: generic.MergedResourceConfig,
StorageFactory: restOptionsGetter.StorageFactory,
ClusterAuthenticationInfo: clusterauthenticationtrust.ClusterAuthenticationInfo{
// This is duplicated information from the authentication layer, so that
// the start-cluster-authentication-info-controller controller properly
// populates the extension-apiserver-authentication ConfigMap with
// authentication info
ClientCA: config.SecureServing.ClientCA,
RequestHeaderCA: config.Authentication.RequestHeaderConfig.CAContentProvider,
RequestHeaderUsernameHeaders: config.Authentication.RequestHeaderConfig.UsernameHeaders,
RequestHeaderGroupHeaders: config.Authentication.RequestHeaderConfig.GroupHeaders,
RequestHeaderExtraHeaderPrefixes: config.Authentication.RequestHeaderConfig.ExtraHeaderPrefixes,
// Customize the generic config then build an aggregator config
func buildAggregatorConfig(c *Cluster, config server.Config, clients *k8s.Clients) (*aggregator.Config, error) {
generic := config // Copy the config before we modify it
generic.MergedResourceConfig = aggregator.DefaultAPIResourceConfigSource()
generic.RESTOptionsGetter = k8s.PrepareStorage(aggregatorscheme.Codecs, aggregatorscheme.Scheme, generic.MergedResourceConfig)
return &aggregator.Config{
SharedInformerFactory: clients.Informer,
ExtraConfig: aggregator.ExtraConfig{
// This service resolver is used for exposing aggregated APIs served by
// workloads inside the cluster
// This is for the aggregation layer to authenticate proxified
// requests to webhooks and other aggregated services using a dedicated
// certificate and certificate authority
ProxyClientCertFile: c.masterCerts.Proxy.CertPath(),
ProxyClientKeyFile: c.masterCerts.Proxy.KeyPath(),