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Unverified Commit f116595b authored by Nextcloud bot's avatar Nextcloud bot
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[tx-robot] updated from transifex

parent 46e04a30
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
with 262 additions and 4 deletions
"Cloud Federation API" : "API de Nuvem Federada",
"Enable clouds to communicate with each other and exchange data" : "Permite que diferentes nuvens se comuniquem entre si e troquem dados",
"The Cloud Federation API enables various Nextcloud instances to communicate with each other and to exchange data." : "A API de Nuvem Federada permite que várias instâncias do Nextcloud se comuniquem entre si e troquem dados."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
{ "translations": {
"Cloud Federation API" : "API de Nuvem Federada",
"Enable clouds to communicate with each other and exchange data" : "Permite que diferentes nuvens se comuniquem entre si e troquem dados",
"The Cloud Federation API enables various Nextcloud instances to communicate with each other and to exchange data." : "A API de Nuvem Federada permite que várias instâncias do Nextcloud se comuniquem entre si e troquem dados."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"Cloud Federation API" : "Vmesnik API zveznega oblaka",
"Enable clouds to communicate with each other and exchange data" : "Omogoči povezovanje različnih oblakov in varno izmenjavo podatkov"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);");
{ "translations": {
"Cloud Federation API" : "Vmesnik API zveznega oblaka",
"Enable clouds to communicate with each other and exchange data" : "Omogoči povezovanje različnih oblakov in varno izmenjavo podatkov"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);"
\ No newline at end of file
"Dashboard" : "Painel",
"Dashboard app" : "aplicativo Painel",
"Show something" : "Mostrar alguma coisa",
"Customize" : "Personalizar",
"Edit widgets" : "Editar widgets",
"Get more widgets from the app store" : "Obtenha mais widgets a partir da loja de aplicativos",
"Change background image" : "Mudar imagem de fundo",
"Weather service" : "Serviço de Clima",
"For your privacy, the weather data is requested by your Nextcloud server on your behalf so the weather service receives no personal information." : "Para sua privacidade, as informações de Tempo são solicitadas pelo servidor Nextcloud de forma que o serviço de Tempo não receba suas informações pessoais.",
"Weather data from" : "dados de Tempo do",
"geocoding with Nominatim" : "geocodificado com Nominatim",
"elevation data from OpenTopoData" : "dados topográficos de OpenTopoData",
"Weather" : "Clima",
"Status" : "Status",
"Good evening, {name}" : "Boa noite, {name}",
"Good evening" : "Boa noite",
"Good afternoon, {name}" : "Boa tarde, {name}",
"Good afternoon" : "Boa tarde",
"Good morning, {name}" : "Bom dia, {name}",
"Good morning" : "Bom dia",
"Good night, {name}" : "Boa noite, {name}",
"Good night" : "Boa noite",
"Pick from files" : "Escolher de Arquivos",
"Default images" : "Imagens padrão",
"Plain background" : "Fundo simples",
"Insert from {productName}" : "Inserir de {productName}"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
{ "translations": {
"Dashboard" : "Painel",
"Dashboard app" : "aplicativo Painel",
"Show something" : "Mostrar alguma coisa",
"Customize" : "Personalizar",
"Edit widgets" : "Editar widgets",
"Get more widgets from the app store" : "Obtenha mais widgets a partir da loja de aplicativos",
"Change background image" : "Mudar imagem de fundo",
"Weather service" : "Serviço de Clima",
"For your privacy, the weather data is requested by your Nextcloud server on your behalf so the weather service receives no personal information." : "Para sua privacidade, as informações de Tempo são solicitadas pelo servidor Nextcloud de forma que o serviço de Tempo não receba suas informações pessoais.",
"Weather data from" : "dados de Tempo do",
"geocoding with Nominatim" : "geocodificado com Nominatim",
"elevation data from OpenTopoData" : "dados topográficos de OpenTopoData",
"Weather" : "Clima",
"Status" : "Status",
"Good evening, {name}" : "Boa noite, {name}",
"Good evening" : "Boa noite",
"Good afternoon, {name}" : "Boa tarde, {name}",
"Good afternoon" : "Boa tarde",
"Good morning, {name}" : "Bom dia, {name}",
"Good morning" : "Bom dia",
"Good night, {name}" : "Boa noite, {name}",
"Good night" : "Boa noite",
"Pick from files" : "Escolher de Arquivos",
"Default images" : "Imagens padrão",
"Plain background" : "Fundo simples",
"Insert from {productName}" : "Inserir de {productName}"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"Dashboard" : "Nadzorna plošča",
"Dashboard app" : "Program Nadzorna plošča",
"Customize" : "Prilagodi",
"Edit widgets" : "Uredi gradnike",
"Change background image" : "Spremeni sliko ozadja",
"Weather service" : "Vremenske storitve",
"For your privacy, the weather data is requested by your Nextcloud server on your behalf so the weather service receives no personal information." : "Za večjo zasebnost so podatki vremena pridobljeni prek strežnika Nextcloud, zato tretje osebe ne pridobijo nobenega vašega osebnega podatka.",
"Weather data from" : "Podatki vremena prek",
"Weather" : "Vreme",
"Status" : "Stanje",
"Good evening, {name}" : "Dober večer, {name}",
"Good evening" : "Dober večer",
"Good afternoon" : "Dober dan",
"Good morning, {name}" : "Dobro jutro, {name}",
"Good morning" : "Dobro jutro",
"Good night, {name}" : "Lahko noč, {name}",
"Good night" : "Lahko noč",
"Pick from files" : "Izbor iz datotek",
"Default images" : "Privzete slike",
"Plain background" : "Enostavno ozadje",
"Insert from {productName}" : "Vstavi iz {productName}"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);");
{ "translations": {
"Dashboard" : "Nadzorna plošča",
"Dashboard app" : "Program Nadzorna plošča",
"Customize" : "Prilagodi",
"Edit widgets" : "Uredi gradnike",
"Change background image" : "Spremeni sliko ozadja",
"Weather service" : "Vremenske storitve",
"For your privacy, the weather data is requested by your Nextcloud server on your behalf so the weather service receives no personal information." : "Za večjo zasebnost so podatki vremena pridobljeni prek strežnika Nextcloud, zato tretje osebe ne pridobijo nobenega vašega osebnega podatka.",
"Weather data from" : "Podatki vremena prek",
"Weather" : "Vreme",
"Status" : "Stanje",
"Good evening, {name}" : "Dober večer, {name}",
"Good evening" : "Dober večer",
"Good afternoon" : "Dober dan",
"Good morning, {name}" : "Dobro jutro, {name}",
"Good morning" : "Dobro jutro",
"Good night, {name}" : "Lahko noč, {name}",
"Good night" : "Lahko noč",
"Pick from files" : "Izbor iz datotek",
"Default images" : "Privzete slike",
"Plain background" : "Enostavno ozadje",
"Insert from {productName}" : "Vstavi iz {productName}"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -102,12 +102,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing %1$s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %2$s" : "Souporaba %1$s je spodletela, ker ozadnji program ne omogoča souporabe prek vrste %2$s.",
"You cannot share to a Circle if the app is not enabled" : "Ni mogoče odobriti souporabe s Krogom, če program ni omogočen",
"Please specify a valid circle" : "Določite veljaven krog",
"Sharing %s failed because the back end does not support room shares" : "Souporaba %s je spodletela, ker sistem ne dovoli souporabe znotraj sob",
"Unknown share type" : "Neznana vrsta mesta souporabe",
"Not a directory" : "Predmet ni mapa",
"Could not lock node" : "Vozlišča ni mogoče zakleniti",
"Could not lock path" : "Poti ni mogoče zakleniti",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Parameter posodobitve ni podan, ali pa je navedena napačna vrednost",
"Can't change permissions for public share links" : "Za javne povezave souporabe, spreminjanje dovoljenj ni mogoče.",
"Sharing sending the password by Nextcloud Talk failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled" : "Souporaba s pošiljanjem gesla prek programa Nextcloud Talk je spodletela, ker program Talk ni omogočen.",
"shared by %s" : "souporaba: %s",
"Download all files" : "Prejmi vse datoteke",
"Direct link" : "Neposredna povezava",
......@@ -116,6 +118,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File sharing" : "Souporaba datotek",
"Share will expire tomorrow" : "Souporaba bo jutri potekla",
"One or more of your shares will expire tomorrow" : "Eno ali več mest souporabe bo jutri poteklo",
"Your share of {node} will expire tomorrow" : "Suporaba vozlišča {node} bo jutri potekla.",
"Accept" : "Sprejmi",
"Reject" : "Zavrni",
"This application enables users to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable users can then share files and folders with other users and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other users outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Program omogoča uporabnikom souporabo in izmenjavo datotek v oblaku Nextcloud. Izbrana možnost omogoča skrbnikom izbor skupin, ki imajo dovoljenja za omogočanje souporabe znotraj oblaka. Če je omogočena tudi možnost souporabe prek povezave, je na voljo tudi zunanja povezava za zunanje uporabnike. Skrbniki lahko omogočijo tudi gesla, pretek povezave in objavljanje prek mobilnih naprav.\nOnemogočanje storitve odstrani vse datoteke in mape v souporabi, prav tako programe za usklajevanje in mobilne naprave. Več podrobnosti je na voljo v dokumentaciji Nextcloud.",
......@@ -142,11 +145,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiraj v odložišče",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Možnost deluje le za uporabnike, ki imajo dostop do te mape",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Deluje le za uporabnike z dostopom do te datoteke",
"Please enter the following required information before creating the share" : "Vpisati je treba nekatere podrobnosti, preden je mogoče ustvariti mesto souporabe",
"Password protection (enforced)" : "Zaščita z geslom (vsiljena)",
"Password protection" : "Zaščita z geslom",
"Enter a password" : "Vpis gesla",
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Datum preteka (vsiljeno)",
"Cancel" : "Prekliči",
"Share label" : "Naziv mesta souporabe",
"Read only" : "Le za branje",
"Allow upload and editing" : "Dovoli pošiljanje in urejanje",
"File drop (upload only)" : "Povleci datoteke (samo nalaganje)",
......@@ -156,6 +161,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "Vpišite opombo za prejemnika",
"Add another link" : "Dodaj novo povezavo",
"Create a new share link" : "Ustvari novo povezavo za souporabo",
"Share link ({label})" : "Souporaba povezave ({label})",
"Share link" : "Povezava za souporabo",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Napaka. Vpisati je treba pravo geslo ali datum preteka",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Ni priporočil; začnite vpisovati",
......@@ -100,12 +100,14 @@
"Sharing %1$s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %2$s" : "Souporaba %1$s je spodletela, ker ozadnji program ne omogoča souporabe prek vrste %2$s.",
"You cannot share to a Circle if the app is not enabled" : "Ni mogoče odobriti souporabe s Krogom, če program ni omogočen",
"Please specify a valid circle" : "Določite veljaven krog",
"Sharing %s failed because the back end does not support room shares" : "Souporaba %s je spodletela, ker sistem ne dovoli souporabe znotraj sob",
"Unknown share type" : "Neznana vrsta mesta souporabe",
"Not a directory" : "Predmet ni mapa",
"Could not lock node" : "Vozlišča ni mogoče zakleniti",
"Could not lock path" : "Poti ni mogoče zakleniti",
"Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Parameter posodobitve ni podan, ali pa je navedena napačna vrednost",
"Can't change permissions for public share links" : "Za javne povezave souporabe, spreminjanje dovoljenj ni mogoče.",
"Sharing sending the password by Nextcloud Talk failed because Nextcloud Talk is not enabled" : "Souporaba s pošiljanjem gesla prek programa Nextcloud Talk je spodletela, ker program Talk ni omogočen.",
"shared by %s" : "souporaba: %s",
"Download all files" : "Prejmi vse datoteke",
"Direct link" : "Neposredna povezava",
......@@ -114,6 +116,7 @@
"File sharing" : "Souporaba datotek",
"Share will expire tomorrow" : "Souporaba bo jutri potekla",
"One or more of your shares will expire tomorrow" : "Eno ali več mest souporabe bo jutri poteklo",
"Your share of {node} will expire tomorrow" : "Suporaba vozlišča {node} bo jutri potekla.",
"Accept" : "Sprejmi",
"Reject" : "Zavrni",
"This application enables users to share files within Nextcloud. If enabled, the admin can choose which groups can share files. The applicable users can then share files and folders with other users and groups within Nextcloud. In addition, if the admin enables the share link feature, an external link can be used to share files with other users outside of Nextcloud. Admins can also enforce passwords, expirations dates, and enable server to server sharing via share links, as well as sharing from mobile devices.\nTurning the feature off removes shared files and folders on the server for all share recipients, and also on the sync clients and mobile apps. More information is available in the Nextcloud Documentation." : "Program omogoča uporabnikom souporabo in izmenjavo datotek v oblaku Nextcloud. Izbrana možnost omogoča skrbnikom izbor skupin, ki imajo dovoljenja za omogočanje souporabe znotraj oblaka. Če je omogočena tudi možnost souporabe prek povezave, je na voljo tudi zunanja povezava za zunanje uporabnike. Skrbniki lahko omogočijo tudi gesla, pretek povezave in objavljanje prek mobilnih naprav.\nOnemogočanje storitve odstrani vse datoteke in mape v souporabi, prav tako programe za usklajevanje in mobilne naprave. Več podrobnosti je na voljo v dokumentaciji Nextcloud.",
......@@ -140,11 +143,13 @@
"Copy to clipboard" : "Kopiraj v odložišče",
"Only works for users with access to this folder" : "Možnost deluje le za uporabnike, ki imajo dostop do te mape",
"Only works for users with access to this file" : "Deluje le za uporabnike z dostopom do te datoteke",
"Please enter the following required information before creating the share" : "Vpisati je treba nekatere podrobnosti, preden je mogoče ustvariti mesto souporabe",
"Password protection (enforced)" : "Zaščita z geslom (vsiljena)",
"Password protection" : "Zaščita z geslom",
"Enter a password" : "Vpis gesla",
"Expiration date (enforced)" : "Datum preteka (vsiljeno)",
"Cancel" : "Prekliči",
"Share label" : "Naziv mesta souporabe",
"Read only" : "Le za branje",
"Allow upload and editing" : "Dovoli pošiljanje in urejanje",
"File drop (upload only)" : "Povleci datoteke (samo nalaganje)",
......@@ -154,6 +159,7 @@
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "Vpišite opombo za prejemnika",
"Add another link" : "Dodaj novo povezavo",
"Create a new share link" : "Ustvari novo povezavo za souporabo",
"Share link ({label})" : "Souporaba povezave ({label})",
"Share link" : "Povezava za souporabo",
"Error, please enter proper password and/or expiration date" : "Napaka. Vpisati je treba pravo geslo ali datum preteka",
"No recommendations. Start typing." : "Ni priporočil; začnite vpisovati",
......@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"New password" : "Neues Passwort",
"Change password" : "Passwort ändern",
"Use a second factor besides your password to increase security for your account." : "Verwende neben Deinem Passwort einen zweiten Faktor, um die Sicherheit für Dein Konto zu erhöhen.",
"If you use third party applications to connect to Nextcloud, please make sure to create and configure an app password for each before enabling second factor authentication." : "Wenn Du Anwendungen von Drittanbietern verwendest, um sich mit Nextcloud zu verbinden, stelle bitte sicher, dass Du für jede Anwendung ein Anwendungspasswort erstellest und einrichtest, bevor Du die zweite Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivierest.",
"If you use third party applications to connect to Nextcloud, please make sure to create and configure an app password for each before enabling second factor authentication." : "Wenn Du Anwendungen von Drittanbietern verwendest, um sich mit Nextcloud zu verbinden, stelle bitte sicher, dass Du für jede Anwendung ein Anwendungspasswort erstellest und einrichtest, bevor Du die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivierst.",
"An error occurred. Please upload an ASCII-encoded PEM certificate." : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte lade ein ASCII-kodiertes PEM-Zertifikat hoch.",
"Valid until {date}" : "Gültig bis {date}",
"Local" : "Lokal",
......@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
"New password" : "Neues Passwort",
"Change password" : "Passwort ändern",
"Use a second factor besides your password to increase security for your account." : "Verwende neben Deinem Passwort einen zweiten Faktor, um die Sicherheit für Dein Konto zu erhöhen.",
"If you use third party applications to connect to Nextcloud, please make sure to create and configure an app password for each before enabling second factor authentication." : "Wenn Du Anwendungen von Drittanbietern verwendest, um sich mit Nextcloud zu verbinden, stelle bitte sicher, dass Du für jede Anwendung ein Anwendungspasswort erstellest und einrichtest, bevor Du die zweite Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivierest.",
"If you use third party applications to connect to Nextcloud, please make sure to create and configure an app password for each before enabling second factor authentication." : "Wenn Du Anwendungen von Drittanbietern verwendest, um sich mit Nextcloud zu verbinden, stelle bitte sicher, dass Du für jede Anwendung ein Anwendungspasswort erstellest und einrichtest, bevor Du die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivierst.",
"An error occurred. Please upload an ASCII-encoded PEM certificate." : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte lade ein ASCII-kodiertes PEM-Zertifikat hoch.",
"Valid until {date}" : "Gültig bis {date}",
"Local" : "Lokal",
......@@ -365,6 +365,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Restrict username autocompletion to users within the same groups" : "Omeji samodejno dokončanje uporabniškega imena na uporabnike znotraj iste skupine",
"This text will be shown on the public link upload page when the file list is hidden." : "Besedilo izjave o omejitvi odgovornosti, ki bo izpisano v oknu za pošiljanje, ko je možnost prikaza seznama datotek onemogočena.",
"Default share permissions" : "Privzeta dovoljenja souporabe",
"Reasons to use Nextcloud in your organization" : "Razlogi za uporabo oblaka Nextcloud v vaši organizaciji",
"Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Okolje razvija {communityopen}skupnost Nextcloud{linkclose}, {githubopen}izvorna koda{linkclose} pa je objavljena pod pogoji dovoljenja {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Like our Facebook page" : "Spremljajte naš Facebook",
"Follow us on Twitter" : "Sledite nam na Twitter!",
......@@ -363,6 +363,7 @@
"Restrict username autocompletion to users within the same groups" : "Omeji samodejno dokončanje uporabniškega imena na uporabnike znotraj iste skupine",
"This text will be shown on the public link upload page when the file list is hidden." : "Besedilo izjave o omejitvi odgovornosti, ki bo izpisano v oknu za pošiljanje, ko je možnost prikaza seznama datotek onemogočena.",
"Default share permissions" : "Privzeta dovoljenja souporabe",
"Reasons to use Nextcloud in your organization" : "Razlogi za uporabo oblaka Nextcloud v vaši organizaciji",
"Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Okolje razvija {communityopen}skupnost Nextcloud{linkclose}, {githubopen}izvorna koda{linkclose} pa je objavljena pod pogoji dovoljenja {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Like our Facebook page" : "Spremljajte naš Facebook",
"Follow us on Twitter" : "Sledite nam na Twitter!",
......@@ -8,9 +8,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Vacationing" : "En vacances",
"Working remotely" : "Travail à distance",
"User status" : "Statut utilisateur",
"Clear status message after" : "Effacer le message d'états après",
"What's your status?" : "Quel est votre statut ?",
"Set status" : "Définir le statut",
"Status message" : "Message d'état",
"Clear status message" : "Effacer le message d'état",
"Set status message" : "Message d'état",
"There was an error saving the status" : "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement de l'état",
"There was an error clearing the status" : "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'effacement de l'état",
"No recent status changes" : "Aucun changement de statut récent",
......@@ -6,9 +6,12 @@
"Vacationing" : "En vacances",
"Working remotely" : "Travail à distance",
"User status" : "Statut utilisateur",
"Clear status message after" : "Effacer le message d'états après",
"What's your status?" : "Quel est votre statut ?",
"Set status" : "Définir le statut",
"Status message" : "Message d'état",
"Clear status message" : "Effacer le message d'état",
"Set status message" : "Message d'état",
"There was an error saving the status" : "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'enregistrement de l'état",
"There was an error clearing the status" : "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'effacement de l'état",
"No recent status changes" : "Aucun changement de statut récent",
"Unknown address" : "Endereço desconhecido",
"No result." : "Nenhum resultado.",
"Malformed JSON data." : "Dados JSON mal formatados.",
"Error" : "Erro",
"Weather status" : "Status do Tempo",
"Weather status in your dashboard" : "Status do Tempo no seu Painel",
"Weather status integrated in the Dashboard app.\n User's position can be automatically determined or manually defined. A 6 hours forecast is then displayed.\n This status can also be integrated in other places like the Calendar app." : "Status do Tempo integrado no aplicativo Painel.\n Localização do usuário pode ser obtida automaticamente ou definida manualmente. Uma previsão de 6 horas é então exibida.\n Esse status também pode ser integrado em outros locais, como no aplicativo Calendário.",
"Detect location" : "Detectar localização",
"Set custom address" : "Definir endereço personalizado",
"Favorites" : "Favoritos",
"{temperature} {unit} Clear sky at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Céu limpo às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Cloudy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Nublado às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Fair day at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Dia ameno às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Fair night at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Noite amena às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Partly cloudy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Parcialmente nublado às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Foggy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Neblina às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Light rain at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Garoa às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Rain at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Chuva às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Heavy rain at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Chuva forte às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Rain showers at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Pancadas de chuva às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Light rain showers at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Pancadas leves de chuva às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Heavy rain showers at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Pancadas fortes de chuva às {time}",
"More weather for {adr}" : "Ver mais Tempo para {adr}",
"Loading weather" : "Carregando Tempo",
"Set location for weather" : "Definir localização para o Tempo",
"Remove from favorites" : "Remover dos favoritos",
"Add as favorite" : "Adicionar aos favoritos",
"You are not logged in." : "Você não está conectado.",
"There was an error getting the weather status information." : "Houve um erro na obtenção das informações de Tempo.",
"No weather information found" : "Não encontradas informações de Tempo",
"Location not found" : "Localização não encontrada",
"There was an error setting the location address." : "Houve um erro ao definir o endereço.",
"There was an error setting the location." : "Houve um erro ao definir a localização.",
"There was an error saving the mode." : "Houve um erro ao salvar o modo.",
"There was an error using personal address." : "Houve um erro ao usar o endereço pessoal.",
"Weather status integrated in the dashboard app.\n User's position can be automatically determined or manually defined. A 6 hours forecast is then displayed.\n This status can also be integrated in other places like the Calendar app." : "Status do Tempo integrado no aplicativo Painel.\n Localização do usuário pode ser obtida automaticamente ou definida manualmente. Uma previsão de 6 horas é então exibida.\n Esse status também pode ser integrado em outros locais, como no aplicativo Calendário."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
{ "translations": {
"Unknown address" : "Endereço desconhecido",
"No result." : "Nenhum resultado.",
"Malformed JSON data." : "Dados JSON mal formatados.",
"Error" : "Erro",
"Weather status" : "Status do Tempo",
"Weather status in your dashboard" : "Status do Tempo no seu Painel",
"Weather status integrated in the Dashboard app.\n User's position can be automatically determined or manually defined. A 6 hours forecast is then displayed.\n This status can also be integrated in other places like the Calendar app." : "Status do Tempo integrado no aplicativo Painel.\n Localização do usuário pode ser obtida automaticamente ou definida manualmente. Uma previsão de 6 horas é então exibida.\n Esse status também pode ser integrado em outros locais, como no aplicativo Calendário.",
"Detect location" : "Detectar localização",
"Set custom address" : "Definir endereço personalizado",
"Favorites" : "Favoritos",
"{temperature} {unit} Clear sky at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Céu limpo às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Cloudy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Nublado às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Fair day at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Dia ameno às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Fair night at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Noite amena às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Partly cloudy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Parcialmente nublado às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Foggy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Neblina às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Light rain at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Garoa às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Rain at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Chuva às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Heavy rain at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Chuva forte às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Rain showers at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Pancadas de chuva às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Light rain showers at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Pancadas leves de chuva às {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Heavy rain showers at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} Pancadas fortes de chuva às {time}",
"More weather for {adr}" : "Ver mais Tempo para {adr}",
"Loading weather" : "Carregando Tempo",
"Set location for weather" : "Definir localização para o Tempo",
"Remove from favorites" : "Remover dos favoritos",
"Add as favorite" : "Adicionar aos favoritos",
"You are not logged in." : "Você não está conectado.",
"There was an error getting the weather status information." : "Houve um erro na obtenção das informações de Tempo.",
"No weather information found" : "Não encontradas informações de Tempo",
"Location not found" : "Localização não encontrada",
"There was an error setting the location address." : "Houve um erro ao definir o endereço.",
"There was an error setting the location." : "Houve um erro ao definir a localização.",
"There was an error saving the mode." : "Houve um erro ao salvar o modo.",
"There was an error using personal address." : "Houve um erro ao usar o endereço pessoal.",
"Weather status integrated in the dashboard app.\n User's position can be automatically determined or manually defined. A 6 hours forecast is then displayed.\n This status can also be integrated in other places like the Calendar app." : "Status do Tempo integrado no aplicativo Painel.\n Localização do usuário pode ser obtida automaticamente ou definida manualmente. Uma previsão de 6 horas é então exibida.\n Esse status também pode ser integrado em outros locais, como no aplicativo Calendário."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -7,11 +7,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error" : "Napaka",
"Weather status" : "Stanje vremena",
"Weather status in your dashboard" : "Stanje vremena na nadzorni plošči",
"Weather status integrated in the Dashboard app.\n User's position can be automatically determined or manually defined. A 6 hours forecast is then displayed.\n This status can also be integrated in other places like the Calendar app." : "Podatki o vremenu, ki so izpisani v nadzorni plošči.\n Položaj uporabnika je lahko določen samodejno, ali pa vpisan ročno. Prikazana je 6 urna napoved vremena.\n Ti podatki so lahko vključeni tudi na druga mesta, na primer v program Koledar.",
"Detect location" : "Zaznaj trenutno mesto",
"Set custom address" : "Nastavi naslov po meri",
"Favorites" : "Priljubljene",
"{temperature} {unit} Clear sky at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : jasno nebo ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Cloudy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : oblačno ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Fair day at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : prijeten dan ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Fair night at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : mirna noč ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Partly cloudy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : delno oblačno ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Foggy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : megleno ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Light rain at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : rahel dež ob {time}",
......@@ -24,7 +27,15 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Loading weather" : "Poteka nalaganje podatkov o vremenu",
"Set location for weather" : "Nastavitev mesta za prikaz vremena",
"Remove from favorites" : "Odstrani iz priljubljenih",
"Add as favorite" : "Dodaj kot priljubljeno",
"You are not logged in." : "Niste prijavljeni v oblak.",
"There was an error getting the weather status information." : "Prišlo je do napake med pridobivanjem podrobnosti o vremenu."
"There was an error getting the weather status information." : "Prišlo je do napake med pridobivanjem podrobnosti o vremenu.",
"No weather information found" : "Ni dosegljivih podatkov o vremenu",
"Location not found" : "Trenutnega mesta ni mogoče določiti",
"There was an error setting the location address." : "Prišlo je do napake med določanjem naslova trenutnega mesta.",
"There was an error setting the location." : "Prišlo je do napake med določanjem trenutnega mesta.",
"There was an error saving the mode." : "Prišlo je do napake med shranjevanjem načina.",
"There was an error using personal address." : "Prišlo je do napake med uporabo osebnega naslova.",
"Weather status integrated in the dashboard app.\n User's position can be automatically determined or manually defined. A 6 hours forecast is then displayed.\n This status can also be integrated in other places like the Calendar app." : "Podatki o vremenu, ki so izpisani v nadzorni plošči.\n Položaj uporabnika je lahko določen samodejno, ali pa vpisan ročno. Prikazana je 6 urna napoved vremena.\n Ti podatki so lahko vključeni tudi na druga mesta, na primer v program Koledar."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);");
......@@ -5,11 +5,14 @@
"Error" : "Napaka",
"Weather status" : "Stanje vremena",
"Weather status in your dashboard" : "Stanje vremena na nadzorni plošči",
"Weather status integrated in the Dashboard app.\n User's position can be automatically determined or manually defined. A 6 hours forecast is then displayed.\n This status can also be integrated in other places like the Calendar app." : "Podatki o vremenu, ki so izpisani v nadzorni plošči.\n Položaj uporabnika je lahko določen samodejno, ali pa vpisan ročno. Prikazana je 6 urna napoved vremena.\n Ti podatki so lahko vključeni tudi na druga mesta, na primer v program Koledar.",
"Detect location" : "Zaznaj trenutno mesto",
"Set custom address" : "Nastavi naslov po meri",
"Favorites" : "Priljubljene",
"{temperature} {unit} Clear sky at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : jasno nebo ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Cloudy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : oblačno ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Fair day at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : prijeten dan ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Fair night at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : mirna noč ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Partly cloudy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : delno oblačno ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Foggy at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : megleno ob {time}",
"{temperature} {unit} Light rain at {time}" : "{temperature} {unit} : rahel dež ob {time}",
......@@ -22,7 +25,15 @@
"Loading weather" : "Poteka nalaganje podatkov o vremenu",
"Set location for weather" : "Nastavitev mesta za prikaz vremena",
"Remove from favorites" : "Odstrani iz priljubljenih",
"Add as favorite" : "Dodaj kot priljubljeno",
"You are not logged in." : "Niste prijavljeni v oblak.",
"There was an error getting the weather status information." : "Prišlo je do napake med pridobivanjem podrobnosti o vremenu."
"There was an error getting the weather status information." : "Prišlo je do napake med pridobivanjem podrobnosti o vremenu.",
"No weather information found" : "Ni dosegljivih podatkov o vremenu",
"Location not found" : "Trenutnega mesta ni mogoče določiti",
"There was an error setting the location address." : "Prišlo je do napake med določanjem naslova trenutnega mesta.",
"There was an error setting the location." : "Prišlo je do napake med določanjem trenutnega mesta.",
"There was an error saving the mode." : "Prišlo je do napake med shranjevanjem načina.",
"There was an error using personal address." : "Prišlo je do napake med uporabo osebnega naslova.",
"Weather status integrated in the dashboard app.\n User's position can be automatically determined or manually defined. A 6 hours forecast is then displayed.\n This status can also be integrated in other places like the Calendar app." : "Podatki o vremenu, ki so izpisani v nadzorni plošči.\n Položaj uporabnika je lahko določen samodejno, ali pa vpisan ročno. Prikazana je 6 urna napoved vremena.\n Ti podatki so lahko vključeni tudi na druga mesta, na primer v program Koledar."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);"
\ No newline at end of file
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