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  1. Jul 15, 2016
  2. Jul 12, 2016
  3. Jul 08, 2016
  4. May 26, 2016
  5. May 24, 2016
  6. May 12, 2016
    • Lukas Reschke's avatar
      Do not automatically try to enable index.php-less URLs (#24539) · 52add798
      Lukas Reschke authored
      The current logic for mod_rewrite relies on the fact that people have properly configured ownCloud, basically it reads from the `overwrite.cli.ur
      l` entry and then derives the `RewriteBase` from it.
      This usually works. However, since the ownCloud packages seem to install themselves at `/owncloud` (because subfolders are cool or so…) _a lot_ of people have just created a new Virtual Host for it or have simply symlinked the path etc.
      This means that `overwrite.cli.url` is wrong, which fails hard if it is used as RewriteBase since Apache does not know where it should serve files from. In the end the ownCloud instance will not be accessible anymore and users will be frustrated. Also some shared hosters like 1&1 (because using shared hosters is so awesome… ;-)) have somewhat dubious Apache configurations or use versions of mod_rewrite from the mediveal age. (because updating is money or so…)
      Anyhow. This makes this explicitly an opt-in configuration flag. If `htaccess.RewriteBase` is set then it will configure index.php-less URLs, if
      admins set that after installation and don't want to wait until the next ownCloud version they can run `occ maintenance:update:htaccess`.
      For ownCloud 9.0 we also have to add a repair step to make sure that instances that already have a RewriteBase configured continue to use it by copying it into the config file. That way all existing URLs stay valid. That one is not in this PR since this is unneccessary in master.
      Effectively this reduces another risk of breakage when updating from ownCloud 8 to ownCloud 9.
      Fixes, and probably some more.
  7. May 11, 2016
  8. May 02, 2016
  9. Apr 29, 2016
    • Roeland Jago Douma's avatar
      Move more from \OC to PSR-4 · f52c5b31
      Roeland Jago Douma authored
      * \OC\OCSClient
      * \OC\Preview
      * \OC\PreviewManager
      * \OC\Repair
      * \OC\RepairException
      * \OC\Search
      * \OC\ServerContainer
      * \OC\ServerNotAvailableException
      * \OC\ServiceUnavailableException
      * \OC\Setup
      * \OC\Streamer
      * \OC\SubAdmin
      * \OC\SystemConfig
      * \OC\TagManager
      * \OC\Tags
      * \OC\TempManager
      * \OC\TemplateLayout
      * \OC\URLGenerator
      * \OC\Updater
  10. Apr 26, 2016
  11. Apr 20, 2016
    • Lukas Reschke's avatar
      Write .htaccess also from CLI · cd299b85
      Lukas Reschke authored
      The new updater as shipped with ownCloud 9.0.x invokes `occ` via `shell_exec`. This means that the `\OC::$CLI` code is used when updating.
      This removes the manual `.htaccess` modifications, effectively leading to the fact that URLs without index.php in it stop working. This also affects share URLs which could be considered a rather serious regression.
      - User installs 9.0.0 via web
      - User shares /s/1234
      - User updates to 9.0.1 via ownCloud updater
      - Link to /s/1234 is broken, /index.php/s/1234 works
  12. Mar 17, 2016
    • Lukas Reschke's avatar
      Write .htaccess update only if not already written · e867a7d5
      Lukas Reschke authored
      The ownCloud update routine also runs the "updateHtaccess" code in case only an application gets updated. This leads to having entries multiple time in the .htaccess file leading to unpredictable behaviour.
      With 9.0 we added the "#### DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE ####" entry to the .htaccess file, this change uses it to ensure that only to the .htaccess gets written if the file has not been modified already. Since the .htaccess modifications are optional this is not a big deal.
      Without this change updates of applications can break the rewrite rules (ending in endless redirects) as well as breaking the code integrity checker.
  13. Mar 10, 2016
  14. Mar 09, 2016
  15. Jan 26, 2016
  16. Jan 22, 2016
    • Lukas Reschke's avatar
      Exclude .htaccess modifications from code checker · bc62aa1e
      Lukas Reschke authored
      After the initial installation ownCloud will write some content into the .htaccess file such as the 404 or 403 directives. This adds a magic marker into the .htaccess file and only the content above this marker will be compared in the integrity checker.
  17. Jan 12, 2016
  18. Jan 11, 2016
  19. Dec 18, 2015
  20. Dec 08, 2015
    • Lukas Reschke's avatar
      Don't write directives from CLI · 8903afec
      Lukas Reschke authored
    • Lukas Reschke's avatar
      Run .htaccess updates in any case · 0a89073c
      Lukas Reschke authored
      This is the same what we also do in updater.php and thus this aligns the code. Makes the code paths more consistent.
    • Lukas Reschke's avatar
      Remove version check out of .htaccess · 235094ab
      Lukas Reschke authored
      This can now be achieved using the new code signing.
    • Lukas Reschke's avatar
      Add DirectorySlash to dynamic .htaccess write · 3bce1b20
      Lukas Reschke authored
      When `DirectorySlash off` is set then Apache will not lookup folders anymore. This is required for example when we use the rewrite directives on an existing path such as  `/core/search`. By default Apache would load `/core/search/` instead `/core/search` so the redirect would fail here.
      This leads however to the problem that URLs such as `localhost/owncloud` would not load anymore while `localhost/owncloud/` would. This has caused problems such as
      With this change we add the `DirectorySlash off` directive only when the `.htaccess` is writable to the dynamic part of it. This would also make `localhost/owncloud` work again as it would trigger the 404 directive which triggers the redirect in base.php.
  21. Dec 02, 2015
  22. Dec 01, 2015
  23. Jul 30, 2015
  24. Jul 29, 2015
  25. Jun 25, 2015
  26. Jun 23, 2015
  27. Mar 28, 2015
  28. Mar 26, 2015
  29. Mar 16, 2015
  30. Mar 12, 2015
  31. Mar 11, 2015